04:29:26 braindead 11:35:00 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/SyORPUIqtZAxNQcShtYdLgdz 11:46:34 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Add them to sponsors page? 11:57:30 needs animation 12:00:59 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/rcheQBnLXwyxVUtItDwATKjH 12:07:04 https://monero.town/post/4289749?sort=Top 12:07:06 comments split into keep the old site and hammermann's design 12:36:52 Tor link pls 12:37:43 How are ppl even commenting if it blocks tor? From other instances? 12:38:18 Sounds like an echo chamber if its only unprotected/vpn users 12:42:28 https://lemmy.cafe/post/7897661 12:42:42 ~~https://monero.town/post/4289749?sort=Top~~ 12:42:44 https://lemmy.cafe/post/7897661?sort=Top 12:42:46 comments split into keep the old site and hammermann's design 12:43:13 https://lemmy.cafe/post/7897661?sort=Top 13:23:29 i know you and rotten are salty about that 13:23:44 i cant do a whole lot to change it, sorry 13:25:47 Im not salty 13:26:14 i don't use clearnet or vpn honeypots, so i cannot access monero.town 13:26:35 When ppl post links that cannot be accessed, i ask for a link that works 13:32:14 You could like, unban tor 🔥. 13:32:14 bandwidth is only an issue if youre paying for it (servers.guru is offering unlimited). The lemmy UI crashing should be fixable as well. 13:32:16 there is also rate limiting etc. 13:32:18 to say theres nothing that can be done is to imply that every other service under ddos is running on fluffyunicorn magic 13:33:09 But cest la vie. Ive accepted that .town is a walled garden and simply request that ppl send links that actually work when accessed in a private manner 13:37:17 Well Lemmy UI is just terrible software 13:41:03 is there a Github issue about it? 13:46:26 u torifying your whole device or using Tor browser? 13:46:37 because your ISP knows you are using Tor 24/7 13:47:15 tor 24/7 is recommended 13:47:30 Good 13:47:44 turn on tor once in a blue moon, friday night, for a 20 minute window 13:47:47 I torrify certain apps 13:48:24 Just to send a monero tx, then turn it ofd again /s. (this is why "built in tor" is fkn retarded for wallets) 13:49:28 i definitely dont torrify all apps. That would lead to leaking private info over exit nodes 13:50:21 I have clearnet web browsers for local searches etc, and proxied web browsers for monero etc stuff 14:53:29 to be on the list 14:55:32 Tor on the fly is the easiest way to get hit with timing attacks 14:55:41 Especially if using exit nodes 14:55:58 VPN -> Tor is a lot better a stealthier 14:56:00 24/7 or youre kinda stupid 14:56:08 VPN -> Tor is stealthier 14:56:36 Your own hosted vpn? Or using another honeypot service provider? lolz 14:57:01 Telling my isp that im using mullvad >> mullvad controls me entry to tor = retarded 14:57:28 Using a vps as a vpn? Same cloud backdoored nonsense 14:58:13 ill just connect directly to tor _myself_, thank. I dont need to trust a second backdoored network or device to manage my connections for me 14:58:44 Using my cousins computer as my vpn? Lol, rip cuzzie 14:59:47 selfhosted VPN bad for privacy 14:59:56 why? 15:00:29 Would you trust me enough to vpn into my home network through my desktop computer, before accessing tor? 15:00:30 no? Yea, i wouldnt trust you to use my network either. I'm not going to jail 4 you, which is why i dont host an exit node either 15:00:32 but you'd trust proton/mullvad 15:00:57 All vpn = bad for privacy. Cloud worse than self hosted 15:01:00 would you trust a company thaat is transparent, open source and providers a private way to pay (Monero)? or your shady ISP that is known to sell your data to third parties and in bed with gov? 15:01:36 you? No. A VPN company like Mullvad, yes 15:01:38 do you really think mullvad isnt in bed with your isp and the feds? Lok 15:01:52 How do you connect to mullvad without them knowing who connected? Rofl 15:02:17 elaborate 15:02:25 Id rather connect to tor than to mullvad. At least my isp cant be in bed with tor 15:02:40 you can't be sure they are either 15:02:53 You connect over clearnet to mullvad. They know exactly why paid that monero bill 15:03:02 ISP is known it be full of sh*t, leaks, privacy policy etc 15:03:14 And your isp knows exactly who you connected to 15:04:00 Using mullvad is like using changenow over clearnet. 15:04:02 using tor is like using atomic swaps 15:04:18 that's how internet works, you also trust your entry node. Lets say 80% of Tor nodes are compromised, you are literally f*ked 15:04:20 deanon easily 15:04:40 100% of mullvad nodes are compromised 15:04:42 but if you connected it a VPN it might protect if they are truely keep no log 15:04:52 And 100% of mullvad exits are as well 15:05:00 Lmao 15:05:27 but if you connected to a VPN it might protect you if they are truely keep no log 15:05:35 source? 15:05:52 is mullvad 1 company? 15:06:09 Does mullvad follow the law? 15:06:10 does protonmail follow the law? 15:06:12 yes 15:06:32 Both will snitch on you faster than you can say "rat!" 15:06:39 does the law fk with Tor? 15:06:40 yes 15:07:06 And how does that make mullvad better than tor? Hm? 15:07:08 is Tor made by U.S navy? 15:07:10 yes 15:07:12 same mindset 15:07:25 Its adding a hole to an already leaky boat 15:07:30 funded by U.S gov 15:07:32 yes 15:07:54 Not even. Tor isnt a registered company with custodial (by design) servers 15:08:39 also, again, i dont use tor exit/entry nodes for personal anything 15:09:44 easy way to get MITM if you (or a service) slips up and doesnt use https 15:10:17 Like monero rpc is easy to MITM over tor. which is why i use (lan) node or onion/i2p 21:42:19 Hi 21:43:17 to use Monero on element client what is the server address 21:48:38 monero.social 21:48:50 Thanks 21:49:30 Is this is the main channel or I can find other 21:57:36 #monero:monero.social main 22:06:14 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/nJLjjUKUSHRNaEYRNhBkpDqG 22:06:40 I get this message 22:09:31 There is a waiting room 22:10:03 The room is temporarily "invite only" due to spam 22:15:59 invited u 22:43:14 "How does Monero have value? Monero has value because people are willing to buy it. If no one is willing to buy Monero, then it will not have any value. Monero’s price increases if demand exceeds supply, and it decreases if supply exceeds demand." Maybe this part of FAQ should mention what people may want buy monero for using it as a MoE? 22:51:42 that wording is terrible anyway 22:52:26 Monero has value because people exchange goods, services, and other currencies for it at whatever rate they feel is adequate. 22:53:53 it doesnt have value because it is bought. It inherits value from value of other goods (including fiat) and services that it is exchanged for 23:10:34 so the dollar inherits value from the value of the toilet paper I buy with it? 23:25:35 The opposite 23:25:44 lol 23:27:17 Every traded good (dollars and toilet paper) are weighed against one another 23:28:04 Dollars have lost value vs toilet paper, as you constantly get less toilet paper per dollar 23:30:13 a similar example would be btc:xmr 23:30:14 if you use btc to exchange into xmr, xmr absorbs the value of the btc (at the rate it was exchanged) 23:35:10 if 20 packs of tp = 170 usd, but i can buy 30 packs of the same tp for 1xmr, that 1 xmr isnt worth 170usd, but 255usd.