17:58:35 Basically an invizible picture 17:58:45 well, can't be sure without PoC, but having cloudflare JS on your website is not very wise 17:58:54 same attack vector with any website because Tor doesn't protect against it iirc 18:01:35 https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Speculative_Tor_Attacks#Website_Oracles 18:01:45 Just run a packet capture 18:01:48 that's not how it works, data should be done on higher scale. Basically a research paper. 18:01:52 Lol? 18:01:58 Thats exactly how it works 18:02:04 >Just run a packet capture 18:02:06 and? 18:02:09 . 18:02:12 compare runs from different browsers/sessions/networks 19:46:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Email hardware.getmonero.org