02:05:21 anyone experinece with terminal based matrix client 02:09:15 Wrong room 02:09:21 #monero-offtopic:monero.social 02:10:15 thank your bro 02:10:55 sorry for the spam, was testing a script 02:11:18 1000 invites and just 25 accepted 02:11:30 i have deleted the server 02:13:53 can you guys add openmonero.co to your offical getmoner.org website 02:14:04 replace it with localmonero.co 02:16:04 who is the admin of getmonero.org 02:18:30 that design change could have a big impact for the p2p community 02:19:26 dont worry about colors, good links are important 02:19:53 No 02:20:55 why 02:20:58 lacking 1 yr of service and community testimonials 02:22:01 are you talking to me? 02:22:42 No, i'm talking to closedmonero_dot_org 02:22:59 lol 02:23:06 you are so funny 02:23:27 You asked why, i gave you the reason 02:27:12 so you are affiliated with getmonero.org? 02:27:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We dont do trust me bruh 02:27:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Mbll is website ceo 02:28:08 how can reach Mbll, she has a phone number 02:28:25 its urgent 02:28:38 it has top priority 02:28:50 we need some quality backlinks 02:29:38 and getmonero.org has the highest quality in the monero community 02:51:36 did you know that the most popular traders have ported their localmonero usernames to openmonero.co. If you need a list let me know 02:52:57 the show must go on 04:28:51 Liar 04:29:19 I saw a lot of new reviews for traders that i know did NOT transfer accounts 05:14:43 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2376 05:25:45 > lacking 1 yr of service and community testimonials 05:26:14 Sounds about right to earn a getmonero.org listing for something like this new openmonero.co 05:28:56 Of course I am very well aware how difficult it is to earn trust for something that works in anonymous ways, but nevertheless, personally right now I would rate openmonero.co with a 90% chance of being a scam, or a rugpull in preparation. 05:30:00 Strongest argument: Somebody legit with honest plans to kind of revive LocalMonero would have sought contact to the wider Monero community a long time ago already. 05:31:24 First contact with "Could you add this to getmonero.org?" of all things confirms my rating for me. 05:34:16 that nickname... 05:34:23 and 05:34:25 > who is the admin of getmonero.org 05:34:54 Yeah, "Earthling, please bring me to your leader" :) 05:36:48 > sorry for the spam, was testing a script 05:36:49 🤔 05:41:14 From one of their pages: "Email: support⊙lm" That would be strange, no? Why would they need, in addition to openmonero . co, also localmonero . me? 05:44:34 Oh, the website is also available under that domain, but the homepage has a redirect to some openmonero . co page. Looks trustworthy. 10:41:48 Yeah, they rebranded 11:12:33 And i guess they didnt know that openmonero name is already in use https://github.com/moneroexamples/openmonero 11:33:44 We want to fork this project. It could give you access to their funds, even if openmonero is down 11:34:16 We want to fork this project. It can give users access to their funds, even if openmonero is down 11:35:10 you can extract privatekey because it uses dedicated wallet. Something like this would bring a lot of trust. 11:35:45 but it may be slow when syncing the blockchain. I need to check 11:39:01 We just wanted to hijack SEO search results, because we dont have the resources to run a huge marketing campaign and most monero cummuniies are dictaorships when it comes to new projects liek this. On the one hand they bag for a localmonero fork but as soon as one pops up they call it honeypot, phising and exit scam 11:39:41 Sounds reputable 11:39:45 sorry for typos, my connection is slow due to tunnels 11:40:41 I was going to say "at least theyre honest", but blaming typos on a connection issue is pretty hilarious 11:44:27 my statements are always backed by proof. I am not a fucking troll: http://fgssv2btn4f4gopdtka245bihx4eow2iquemikpqumxxemnjev6sjbyd.onion/guides/import#cachedUserList 11:48:25 Where did you get the source for localmonero? 11:49:13 "Can I import my banned localmonero.co account? 11:49:15 Absolutely! You are indeed able to import your previously banned account onto localmonero.me, and you can resume trading activities using that account.  11:49:17 " 11:49:19 Lmao 11:52:13 I thought about this too. We hired sarah for marketing 2 weeks ago and she has done a great job for our telegram group. Lots of accounts have been verified thanks to 700 members in our our group. 11:53:43 why are you cutting the rest of text. What about context? 11:54:23 We believe in transparency and accountability within our community, which is why this notification serves as a reminder of your account's history. It aims to foster a secure trading environment for all users by ensuring everyone is aware of any restrictions that might have been in place regarding your account. Although you can re-engage with our platform and continue your trad 11:54:25 endeavors, we encourage you to adhere to our guidelines and community standards moving forward, so that your experience--and the experience of those around you--remains positive and productive. 11:54:31 giving scammers a platform is a joke. Context? Lmao 11:55:07 However, it is important to note that when you do so, a notification will be prominently displayed on your profile. This notification will inform other users that your account had been banned at some point in the past while using the localmonero.co platform. 11:55:09 We believe in transparency and accountability within our community, which is why this notification serves as a reminder of your account's history. It aims to foster a secure trading environment for all users by ensuring everyone is aware of any restrictions that might have been in place regarding your account. Although you can re-engage with our platform and continue your trad 11:55:11 endeavors, we encourage you to adhere to our guidelines and community standards moving forward, so that your experience--and the experience of those around you--remains positive and productive. 11:55:26 No need to read the wall of bullshit. Those users were banned for various valid reasons 11:55:57 Unbanning scammers makes you king scammer 11:56:47 I'm permanantly NACK your request just based on that metric alone 11:57:39 We dont allow scammer, but if you have violoated tos of a third-party payment provider, then we dont care and we check and verify manually if he was banned 11:58:10 you allow scammers 11:58:28 look, its a new team, everybody gets a new chance 11:58:37 Third party payments are always scams, dumbass 11:59:03 You have 0 morals, you just want the fees from allowing stolen grandma's bank account trades 11:59:42 fine 12:00:11 we have only 1% fee 12:01:00 Thats same as LM, and more than haveno. What is your point? 12:01:21 Youre still facilitating theft from elderly people 12:01:52 Intentionally unbanning thieves 12:01:53 And profiting from it. 12:02:07 my point is this. I thought third-party payments is if you use paypal with a different name for privacy reasons. Correct me if am wrong 12:02:39 just an example 12:05:33 No 12:06:03 Third party payments is using other peoples bank accounts 12:06:53 do you know how many scammers are hiding in telegram groups. It is a lot. 12:06:57 We can prevent this with our plattform. 12:07:01 youre not hiding 12:07:09 Youre enabling it. 12:07:36 And giving them a platform. Anyway, come back in 1yr 12:07:37 Thx 12:08:59 (Youre guilty of copyright infringement as well) 12:09:29 are you even reading my comments. We verify each banned unsers manually and we check if the is a scammer or was just reported by a random guy 12:11:03 you mean trademark infringment? maybe, but why do you care, we have rebranded 12:12:27 and we have achived our goal by hijacking SEO 12:12:48 we are second on duckduckgo 12:13:25 we dont need google, duck is enough 12:13:27 Rebranded to another in-use name 12:13:50 domain was free. we own com.net.co 12:14:40 openmonero is not a registered trademark, just a name for a project 12:15:41 but if you insist, I might consider another domain name 12:16:31 flutter version? 12:16:46 Should call it "localscammers.exchange" 12:16:51 The website backend code 12:17:19 Its a 1:1 copy of localmonero's proprietary system 12:17:33 I need a break, give me 10 min 12:17:59 or "grandmascammers.money" 12:19:03 Take 525,600 mins. 12:20:43 What was detherminals start page like? https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/176c993/introducing_openmonero_startpage/ 12:22:30 So theres already 2 openmonero's. Lol 12:26:09 interesting. We own that domain now 12:27:09 I hope the domain has good reputation, Might be good for SEO as well 12:27:59 no, its written from sratch 12:29:16 we have better privacy options then the old team. PGP encrypted mail notifications and selfdestroying chat history after completion of trade 12:30:18 and a decentralized arbitration system, so third-party arbitrator can take over if admin is ill 12:31:10 the backend is fully working and pen tested by hackers 12:31:24 You copied the entire frontend 12:31:35 Trustmebro fr 12:32:15 > <@openmonero_dot_co_new_localmonero_group:matrix.org> I need a break, give me 10 min 12:32:17 Take 525,600 mins. 12:32:21 Come back in 1yr 12:32:43 Move this discussion to Monero 12:32:59 because the community desired a similar project and dont forget that localmonero has copied localbitcoins design, as well 12:33:01 Site wont be listing your service for at least 1 yr 12:33:49 I understand 12:34:21 we are patient 12:38:10 who are these hackers? 12:39:06 I dont know. If I new their ident, they would not be hackers. 12:39:22 I dont know. If I knew their ident, they would not be hackers. 12:39:55 they have discovered a lot of big vulnerabilities and we have fixed all of them 12:40:50 that's very old school. You know that most services are transparent about any pentest/audits they booked 12:41:18 who is willing to invite me to monero:monero.social 12:41:54 and shared results 12:42:00 and share results 12:43:57 it was alpha at this stage and now its between beta and stable 12:46:23 they could have stolen max 400$ if they wanted, but it was not worth it 12:47:02 actually it was just one hacker 12:47:49 he as able to manipulate the escrow system and ads 12:48:41 it was like 2 weeks after we launched alpha 12:48:58 he was able to manipulate the escrow system and ads 12:49:48 he receive security bounties too feed his children 12:50:01 he received security bounties too feed his children 13:11:28 Sarah did a horrible job spamming shooting videos and racist slurs on Matrix 13:17:21 interesting, do you have a telegram username, so can compare if its the same sarah 13:17:45 Siren: You tell me that this "Sarah" is not a new person, but a known quantity? 13:21:22 He wants an invite to spam 13:27:04 Just tell me if I am spamming and I will stop 13:28:53 I just asked sarah if its true and I told here I am not a judge and she said: i don't understand exactly what you want bro 13:30:49 He didn't. This is a crusty remake of localmonero. God knows if it's fully functional. Compare the login pages, for example. Not even the same CSS/JS framework is used. 13:30:51 https://localmonero.co/login 13:30:53 https://openmonero.co/login 13:33:52 it took a lot of energy to build everything from scratch and 99% is backend work. Frontend can be copied with ctrl+S 13:34:56 yeah your backend api is not the same, just noticed 13:36:38 how can you copy a closed source backend API? We deserve credit for this, but we dont need, Respect is enough 13:38:21 congrats on your sophisticated phishing page :P 13:38:49 Update on Astro migration: Refactored the headers properties, layouts and translation files, added the whole `get-started` section. There is a lot of things from strings from jenkyll which I will change in due time at some point. 13:39:53 I have just checked the backend API and it is almost 9.000 lines of code. 13:42:21 Pishing means you try to steal user credentials. Why should we dot that. Most traders have already withdrawn their funds anyways. We just want to be the succesor of localmonero 13:44:14 And we are even warning users to not use the same password on openmoenro: http://fgssv2btn4f4gopdtka245bihx4eow2iquemikpqumxxemnjev6sjbyd.onion/guides/import 13:44:59 Pishing means you try to steal user credentials. Why should we do that shit. We are not a bunch of script kiddies. We have principles. Most traders have already withdrawn their funds anyways. We just want to be the succesor of localmonero 13:47:47 If you want to operate a genuine service, it's a horrible idea to piggyback on localmonero's brand and frontend. You will always look malicious this way. Anyways this is off-topic. 13:54:49 you should we change the colors? 13:55:06 should we change the colors? 13:55:30 You literally spoke about piggybacking on SEO 13:55:45 And then you invited 1000 ppl 13:55:57 You even launched as localmonero.me 13:56:28 You should do some soul searching and come back to this room in 1yr for reevaluation 14:02:07 I know project managment is terrible. We are a small team with limited resources. Sometimes you need to be creative but we are flexible and can make changes really fast. 14:04:09 We just try to be effective with limited resources but once the site is is big. you can can expect a lot donations to devs 14:04:49 I mean donations to the haveno and web3.0 monero projects 14:05:43 Thank deity we don't have *any* web3.0 Monero projects 14:05:59 At least not how I understand them 14:06:01 We only have web4.0 14:06:42 I guess 4.0 includes extra privacy 14:07:10 Anyway, please stop spamming this room. This is for getmonero.org and youre 1yr away from consideration. These other subjects are off-topic 14:07:37 sorry, I am out 14:11:25 How does openmonero have access to my localmonero history? 14:15:01 By scraping it from localmonero's public pages 14:48:41 First you say it is because original LocalMonero hasn't shut down yet and so you'll deploy a brand-new name and design once that time comes (some time in November), now you say it's to 'hijack SEO', which one it is, scammer? 14:49:09 700 members in our group. Give me a break... 15:31:03 what does alex of localmonero have to say about https://openmonero.co/ 15:32:08 localmonero had to shut down, i thought we have haveno network (forks) to fill the gap? 15:34:16 Localmonero.me * 15:34:47 me you them their co not com 15:35:15 we 15:35:42 Just a little bit of SEO hijacking is all. 15:51:13 Tread with caution: An unknown entity has launched a LocalMonero's clone under the localmonero.me domain. When we reached out to Alex from original LocalMonero's website, he said: "Trademark infringement. Fake. Probably a scam. Nothing to do with us." Read More: https://www.revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-206/ 15:53:06 thanks for being forthcoming with that, understandable 15:53:07 Possibly a scam, does not mean its a scam! 15:54:37 Probably* 16:02:05 Probably sounds better. I had talks with the official adviser of alex. We had some really interesting talks about 3 letter agnecies and some guy who has been killed in dubai for operating a cryto exchange. I dont remember the name of the exchange, but its still operating. Our telegram group has been banned the next day. Some stupid alogrithm I guess. But his adviser told me th 16:02:07 ts okay to copy everything and he said: "Who should come after you, just copy everything you want" 16:18:27 Should I share the frontend+backend source code? How is my thread model? Is it high? 16:19:10 Should I share the frontend+backend source code? How is my threat model? Is it high? 16:19:36 Should I share the frontend+backend source code? How is my threat model? Is it high or normal? 16:20:31 >Who should come after you, just copy everything you want 16:20:33 dawg I chatgpt'd the license 16:21:59 You are better off convincing people on Dread than here 16:22:02 Should I share the frontend+backend source code on codeberg? How is my threat model? Is it high or normal? 16:24:59 Alex's advisor told you to copy everything? Lol 16:26:44 > In response to any negativity: Yes, openmonero.co is the true successor to localmonero.co. We're carrying on where LocalMonero left off, preserving the original frontend and maintaining the user base from the classic site, with only the team behind it changing. 16:26:45 Maybe start by not claiming that you're the "true" successor to a project who team has no idea who you are 16:41:27 I am just nobody 16:42:13 Just tell me who to do? I have no clue 16:43:44 I am just flexible, thats all 16:44:44 It was just a bunch of news and price source gathered together to show on the website. I can send the source code privately if you want. 16:45:13 Tbh I feel bad for losing that domain. Totally my bad. 16:45:56 did you losse openmonero.com. N.p I cant transfer it to you 16:46:30 its just a domain, nothing more 16:46:31 Yeah, I lost openmonero.com. 16:46:50 I can buy it from you for 1 XMR if you want. 16:47:19 you can have it for free 16:47:44 OK, thanks. Can we talk about this in DMs. 16:47:50 OK, thanks. Can we talk about this in DM. 16:47:58 sure, dm me 18:10:50 Hi, will post additional progresss today