14:59:39 Meeting in this room in exactly 4 weeks 15:07:03 diego plowsof mbll wasnt s*ucerr recently banned in other rooms? Or am i mistaking with someone else 15:09:09 somsone called sauce - method was banned recently 15:10:57 sauce-rr could be new 👀 16:13:20 Meeting here in 3h 17:05:21 Hey there! I wanted to let you know that I have a channel where I share some amazing Verified sauce and soft cashout methods. I also provide a Full WalkThrough to make things easier for you. 17:05:21 Here are some of the things you can find on my channel: 17:05:23 - Apple Pay 17:05:25 - Apple Product method 17:05:27 - Airb&b 17:05:29 - Bank logs/ bank drops 17:05:31 - Bank open UPS 17:05:33 - Carding 17:05:35 - Chime transfer 17:05:37 - Cashapp 17:05:39 - Crypto 17:05:54 PLOWSOF 17:05:57 ATTACK BAN!!!!! 17:06:33 ^^^^ Diego Salazar: monerobull xmrscott ^^^^ 17:07:10 now now 17:07:12 hear him out 17:52:43 lol 18:08:32 Meeting here in 50 minutes 18:44:09 I might miss it 18:44:58 my vote if on new design, light + dark mode, no circles, reduces/eliminated hero, orange (not red)/ rounded rectangle buttons 18:49:43 concave 18:58:08 second derivatives < 0 18:58:49 i'll be late too 18:59:24 if i get killed my vote is obviously new design dark + light, diego's design without circles (the rest is perfect) 18:59:46 which new design lol 19:00:05 if I am killed my vote is Diego's design which would have to be completed by someone else 19:00:07 alright guys, welcome to the #4th Monero website meeting: https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1096 19:00:14 today we have one goal and one goal only 19:00:20 A: https://www.figma.com/design/8g1qLe9iah7wWB72A2Glj1/Monero-Website-Community-Version?node-id=0-1&node-type=canvas 19:00:26 B: https://www.figma.com/design/yT4JTUfvBkAsBDPNPJL1gx/Monero-Redesign-Concept?node-id=0-1&node-type=canvas 19:01:02 C: Keep current design but add darkmode / fresh new graphics 19:02:35 Please have a look at the designs before voting. 19:02:38 Reminder, my work is quite incomplete. There was a soft pause placed on it as we circled back to discussing whether a new design was wanted or desired in the first place. After the workgroup here wanted me to continue and make a light version, I did so. My version is not final, but it speaks to a direction we would be going toward. 19:04:45 Option A is simply current design uploaded on Figma though... 19:05:10 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/HRDrLgElLvecnlDLFPUiZrsQ 19:05:14 lol hold on 19:05:28 .................................................................................................................. 19:05:31 https://www.figma.com/design/OuY892nD4zD1CEQDvC2Kty/Monero-Website-Redesign-2024-(Copy)?node-id=0-1&t=KoAMdY5uGn7fCNWJ-1 19:05:32 this one 19:05:43 A: https://www.figma.com/design/OuY892nD4zD1CEQDvC2Kty/Monero-Website-Redesign-2024-(Copy)?node-id=0-1&t=KoAMdY5uGn7fCNWJ-1 19:05:49 You tested we are awake? :) 19:06:39 i like the lightmode version so much more than the darkmode 19:07:17 @room 19:07:45 Do a @room on that poll message. 19:08:07 @room 19:08:21 take a look at this poll plz 19:08:35 Do we have screenshots? 19:08:37 :p 19:08:43 BRUV. 19:08:48 Scroll up and click on the figma links. 19:08:50 Jfc. 19:09:00 I just got pulled in with @ room lol 19:09:26 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/cypherstack.com/PeGRFnnCZUPRMjwizjykkCbz 19:09:27 here you go 19:10:03 ooo looks great 19:10:08 dark theme? 19:10:33 yes there's a dark theme version too 19:10:58 "i like the lightmode version so much more than the darkmode" I agree with monerobull here ... 19:11:02 let me change the buttons :P 19:11:39 I would do the lightmode, but add switch for darkmode. 19:12:35 should be set automatically depending on OS theme preference 19:12:55 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-color-scheme 19:13:21 seeing Deigo on figma live lol 19:13:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Why you finger printing me sir! 19:15:45 Almost done. 19:16:10 Hi 19:16:25 im a federal agent, I'll take over syntheticbird during his questioning. 19:16:29 alright that''s good enough for now 19:16:49 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/cypherstack.com/IGyFrApJKaAHgOOpAMOSspEk 19:16:49 crz: ^ 19:17:54 I do like the layout, still the header GFX could use some work. 19:18:12 Not nit-picking here :p 19:18:27 The header was the thing that was the least done, yeah 19:19:19 It's the most important thing people first see. 19:19:42 Is it still to be decided what exactly will fill the empty square below "Start using Monero" on the homepage? 19:19:43 I understand, yes. A lot more work is going to go into the hero portion 19:20:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Lets hope there is a decision this meeting or we have to wait till next ccs 19:20:32 we should use monochrome icons in the footer 19:20:48 Yes. As I mentioned, I paused all work on my design because of accusations of padding my CCS time for something that wasn't decided yet. 19:21:04 I see, thanks. 19:21:05 This meeting is more or less to see if people like my design enough to carry forward with it as a good use of my CCS hours. 19:21:42 Yeah i'm designer also here :p so just looking @ it for first time 19:22:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So your the design of the janka old ccs proposal? 19:22:05 i like the overall feel but it definitely needs some graphics 19:22:07 I'd love your feedback. Feel free to poke around the Figma proper. 19:23:00 In crypto world for 15y+ now, as designer/coder. And I always liked the XMR website. 19:23:02 I agree. hammerman designed had some well placed icons and graphics in background. 19:23:07 No. That was hammerman's design. 19:23:24 Thank you! That's my design that's live now. :) 19:23:25 Hero image looks better on light mode 19:23:30 but I prefer overall Diego's basis 19:23:59 also need to find a better slogan than "Monero means money" but not that related to current design discussion 19:24:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip doug 19:24:31 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Monero means digital cash ©️ 19:24:32 I also agree strongly on this. The Monero community has latched onto that phrase because of Daniel Kim's excellent presentation. 19:24:33 But I'm not sure I like it for an informal project slogan 19:24:37 Monero from the esperanto word *monero* means in esperanto money, the object used to carry out a transaction between... 19:25:02 I mean I think even 5 words is too much 19:25:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Monero 19:25:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Like 19:25:18 Monero means coin, not money. 19:25:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Cher 19:25:28 the project was originally bitmonero (bitCOIN) 19:25:31 was shortened to Monero 19:25:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Bitcorn 19:25:50 Bytemonero? 19:25:54 . 19:26:01 Monero is Bitcoin but private 19:26:18 nah. I don't the like the idea that we identify ourselves as nemesis of some other 19:26:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I would link it to buttcoin 19:26:23 /s 19:26:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Wouldnt* 19:27:34 I would not say anything about bitcoin 19:27:51 monero already got nice meme/community strong thing 19:27:52 "Monero means coin, not money." Yes, right. Spoils that slogan a bit. 19:29:11 so, so far it looks like the sentiment is I should continue with my design. 19:29:36 Also, I don't know if you guys saw, but some time ago the current site was ported over to Astro. 19:29:40 Always has been 19:29:48 https://github.com/SyntheticBird45/monero-site-astro 19:29:52 thanks to syntheticbird 19:30:05 How far did the Hugo rewrite go? 19:30:06 live demo 19:30:07 http://xi2nhkuzm2hzgyedprs3n65wmudrq4rekbzire67oomiwk5x5h6w7nqd.onion/ 19:30:21 Not far. recanman decided to not move forward with it 19:30:35 Oh. 19:30:44 Indeed. 19:31:44 Whatever that means. Probably not much. 19:31:45 I don't know if janaka is still around or cares, but it seems we're back to Astro, and I'll make sure we firmly stay there if you're still interested in working with us. 19:32:35 at the very least, JPEG-XL is the superior format and AVIF will never be a real codec, myself, and some others (including rbrunner7 are pro Astro and will help with the site. So we'll be moving to Astro. 19:32:49 I can't wait to announce on reddit we're going to rewrite getmonero in javascript 19:32:53 and see the reaction 19:32:56 right? 19:33:48 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Seem worked 19:33:49 In short, unless there are EXTREMELY compelling reasons given now or after the fact (and they should be very very very compelling, not just "I wasn't there", we are now, definitively, moving forward with a plan of Astro, and a design that I will make (that can be tweaked by the community later, of course) 19:33:55 top one D*ead post for a whole year 19:33:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> But repo is rm -rf 19:34:08 It was going well but I unfortunately was very busy at the time 19:34:23 I might still have a local copy 19:34:42 Not pinging you to blame, but just if you wanted to say something. :) 19:35:30 If you agree with this statement, give it an emoji thumbs up, or an IRC "ye ye" or whatever. 19:35:40 It may or may not be admissible in "we had consensus, trust me bro" court 19:36:37 yes the meeting was pre-announced on multiple channels and we have reached clear consensus 19:37:03 yes, the meeting was pre-announced on multiple channels and we have reached clear consensus 19:37:05 oh god, but what if we haven't?!?!? 19:37:10 I jest. I'll cool it with the nonsense. 19:37:19 I wonder who is the nonsense 19:37:20 Alright guys, I'll get to work then. 19:37:47 Word. 19:37:54 Dword. 19:38:13 Ok anything else? 19:38:20 Not from me. 19:38:29 can we talk about CCS website? 19:38:34 i mean 19:38:38 it could get a refresh 19:38:41 with tags 19:38:53 Do you imagine? Clear ways to identify proposal with upfront payments 19:38:56 The front end or the whole shebang? 19:39:14 Diego Salazar I think both but I'm not brave enough to fight ofrnxmr on the back end side 19:41:12 I can update the front end as part of the style change, sure. 19:41:39 I designed the current CCS system (backend and frontend) given strict parameters by core. It had to be git based was the primary one. 19:44:33 I think the navigation could get an overhaul for end users. The current frontend is completely detached from the original spirit of CCS (since a lot of precedent has been set). I have some idea in mind I could draft 19:44:48 Please do. 19:47:23 Alright, this concludes today's meeting, diego, i guess we do the next meeting when you have some progress to report? 19:47:52 Sure thing. 19:48:33 Ok, thanks for coming and voting everyone, I'll see you in the next meeting which will be announced here and on reddit/town again 19:51:33 Np 19:51:36 thanks mbll 19:51:43 (syn, plz post meme) 19:52:07 logs and meeting results are in the github issue https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1096 19:53:09 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/cmaSyBmlrulbOxteLxIcsiqN 19:53:25 See? easy stuff no need to argue about nonesense "dark theme evil", "javascript in framework sus!!" Not everyone is informed how things usually work. 19:53:25 conclusion: democracy often bad 19:53:44 See? easy stuff no need to argue about nonesense "dark theme evil", "javascript in framework sus!!" Not everyone is informed about how things usually work. 19:53:45 conclusion: democracy often bad 19:54:14 it was all easy stuff four months ago when we started too 19:54:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> There was a ccs to redo ccs 19:54:59 and had ccs accept the ccs redo ccs ? 19:55:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Nope 19:55:30 "I can't wait to announce on reddit we're going to rewrite getmonero in javascript" <- *arg* :D 19:55:32 I blame ofrnxmr 19:55:39 /s 19:55:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Become war and peace 19:56:08 thx vthor cc Diego Salazar can i make a reddit post about the ongoing change 19:56:43 Sure. Permission isn't really needed. 19:57:08 ethically I prefer not binding someone to some expectations on social media without their permission 19:57:45 ye. Thanks. I don't mind. 19:58:27 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Isnt that mbll’s job? 19:58:36 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Finger of the pulse stuff 19:58:39 sshhhhhhhhhhhh i need karma 19:58:49 "thx vthor cc Diego Salazar can i make a reddit post about the ongoing change" <- what did I do? :/ 19:59:05 vthor you make me remind I should have asked at the end of the meeting 19:59:42 :D you welcome then 20:57:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Just ask mbll to approve 20:58:20 dont need. It's over i'm a r/monero mod now 20:59:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Your in the system