06:48:43 Hey there! I wanted to let you know that I have a channel where I share some amazing Verified sauce and soft cashout methods. I also provide a Full WalkThrough to make things easier for you. 06:48:43 Here are some of the things you can find on my channel: 06:48:45 - Apple Pay 06:48:47 - Apple Product method 06:48:49 - Airb&b 06:48:51 - Bank logs/ bank drops 06:48:53 - Bank open UPS 06:48:55 - Carding 06:48:57 - Chime transfer 06:48:59 - Cashapp 06:49:01 - Crypto 07:14:31 <3​21bob321:monero.social> fingering of the pulse people ^ 10:16:24 https://redlib.ducks.party/r/Monero/comments/1gdk7ay/comment/lu3zlmv/ 10:16:43 > Exciting news for the Monero community! The shift to Astro is a smart move. As someone who's worked on similar transitions, I can say it'll likely improve performance and maintainability. The static site approach is perfect for privacy-focused projects like Monero. 10:16:43 > 10:16:45 > Have you considered integrating automated testing into the new build process? It could help catch issues early, especially during the transition. At Fission AI Lab, we've found this crucial for smooth launches. 10:16:47 > 10:16:49 > The redesign looks sleek too. Curious to see how it enhances user experience and accessibility. Keep up the great work! 10:20:45 nevermind my message IRC user, this guy was a bot 11:00:19 webp > jpeg 11:00:34 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Brave user spotted 11:00:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Thanks mbll 11:01:04 no, i grew to like webp during the mordinals phase 11:01:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ahh morbs 11:01:18 where a 100kb webp would look phenomenal compared to a jpg 11:01:35 it really showed me just how much better webp is 11:01:44 thats why monero.town converts everything to webp as well 11:10:53 please. JPEG-XL is so much superior to jpeg 11:11:05 your poor and pitiful webP format is archaic and uncompressed 11:11:17 my JXL images sometimes don't cross the 2kB limit 11:11:23 hm 11:11:29 but nobody supports it 11:11:35 even less than webp 11:11:40 * m-relay seethe 11:12:03 you know what they say: humanity is always slow on progress 11:12:45 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/uKVLWHjBJvqUMqhglayMNMnC 11:12:48 I mean look at that 11:12:56 218 bytes only 11:18:41 Who the fuck has ever seen a `.jxl` in their lives? No one, just you and your two imaginary friends. 😂 11:19:10 https://caniuse.com/jpegxl 11:19:20 also what image viewer support it? 11:19:28 I don't blame you ignorant. Jxl should grow upon everyone's land 11:19:47 loupe, qview, windows, mac 11:20:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Works on opera browser 11:20:24 really? thats cool 11:21:16 JPEG-XL would have already conquer the web if Google wasn't on a zealotry battle for muh AVIF format and mug AV1 video codec. 11:21:39 name change was based on https://cloudinary.com/blog/how_jpeg_xl_compares_to_other_image_codecs ? 11:22:53 cap 11:23:18 . 12:06:04 Use WebP/WebM, realistically the most optimal and best choice currently 12:07:12 Give me one thing WebP/WebM have more than AVIF/AV1 12:07:46 Size 12:08:00 for 4chan 12:08:21 webX is more heavy indeed. 12:12:04 Sure I'll do the googling instead of you. The answer is support. 12:12:05 https://caniuse.com/webp 12:12:07 https://caniuse.com/avif 12:12:35 I get aids when someone sends avif or heic and shit won't open on Linux or Android. To hell with those. 12:13:25 oh no we don't support muh KaiOS browser and Opera mini. It's so over. 12:13:43 I don't know what you use but I've never had any issues with avif on windows or linux 12:13:53 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVIF#Image_viewers 12:14:45 Not even element or most matrix clients support it 12:15:50 we use AVIF atm 12:16:04 blame Element, they are the one that that enforced authenticated media and it has been bug over bug over bug. Avif thumbnailing is there issue for real 12:16:54 AV1 works fine for example 12:17:16 Yeah I don't think you should be too weird with the formats to save few bytes really 12:17:41 All of these additions are fairly recent. 12:17:45 i agree. I only see it making sense for future content 12:18:26 I assume Debian users won't even have those versions lol 12:18:35 valid point. 12:18:43 unfortunately I hate debian 12:18:44 jpegXL has progressive decoding, this may be useful 12:18:56 > <@siren:kernal.eu> All of these additions are fairly recent. 12:18:57 I assume Debian users don't even have those versions lol 12:18:59 yes this is really the first thing that shocked me 12:19:07 I didn't know AVIF didn't had progressive decoding 12:19:21 In every aspect JPEG-XL is better than AVIF 12:19:46 a little like Cuprate over monerod 12:19:54 woops 12:20:40 /s 12:21:26 future will be worse, see call of duty size 12:21:46 real 12:21:55 no one does optimization becomes hardware becomes faster and more storage 12:22:00 I heard they wanted compression and decompression acceleration on GPUs for games 12:22:05 no one does optimization because hardware becomes faster and more storage 12:24:53 thats offtopic sry 15:01:31 Great, we didn't have enough with the rust shills, now we'll also have jpeg XL shills! 15:01:40 At least the go shills are quiet... 15:04:13 So, monero means coin, c o i n n i o c 15:36:16 the easter egg just leaked 15:44:48 re caniuse.com: 15:44:49 jpeg-xl: 13.23% 15:44:51 avif: 92.94% 15:44:53 webp: 95.69% 15:44:55 pick webp or avif for now, consider jpeg-xl once all modern support (only Safari does atm) 15:58:15 our internet explorer users are unable to view avifs. i understand the severity, but this is a sacrifice i am willing to make 16:02:44 doubt monero software will run for internet explorer users 16:03:07 progressive loading is much less relevant when you can compress a file to kilobytes. 16:03:11 32 bit racism really grew stronger recently 16:05:54 SyntheticBird 16:05:55 >(demo): http xi2nhkuzm2hzgyedprs3n65wmudrq4rekbzire67oomiwk5x5h6w7nqd dot cryingvegetable 16:05:57 wtf? 16:06:01 reddit post 16:06:03 ? 16:07:15 https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1gdk7ay/a_new_getmoneroorg_website_is_in_the_works/ 16:07:56 great overall feedback from comments tho! 16:08:31 fwiw I'm not against jpeg-xl, it's just that it's a non-starter since it's not supported. So given that, what to use. avif gets really, really tiny, especially with more cpu thrown at the compression, and works with everything now. An HD image is only ~400 KB 16:09:30 Everyone will also like the new re-design, although some will miss old design for nostalgia reasons. 16:09:31 We've started using avif already 16:10:30 I'm agains't using jpeg-xl for websites, because it not supported at all by all browsers except safari 16:10:51 right, which is why it's currently a non-starter 16:12:27 There's no problem about have technicial discussion about image compression fromats, but in reality, no one should be shipping it to their websites at least for the time being 16:15:47 btw, you should have shared the actual full design page instead of the intro page. 16:15:47 https://www.figma.com/design/OuY892nD4zD1CEQDvC2Kty/Monero-Website-Redesign-2024-(Copy)?node-id=0-1&node-type=canvas 16:15:49 Not everyone is familiar with Figma 16:19:03 Diego Salazar Sorry for the ping, but the text at redesign in figma is just a placeholder and will be subject to changes, right? 16:19:17 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/fTKEvkvYyszZbBOoOUCvClhR 16:19:30 doesn't sound right at all 16:24:31 I was just shilling jpeg xl. It was never close being discussed for support. I blame google for doing some lobby with AOMedia 16:27:08 "Monero ensures privacy by providing full anonymity and 16:27:09 untraceable transactions for users." Is a lot better. 16:27:47 "respects privacy" phrase implies a service, which monero isn't 16:30:31 yes of course 16:47:16 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/IbfKUEJDzQrWSPFNCvVRaoMG 16:47:19 nope, spooky 16:48:58 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ppuaGsjPnwqjxXHayALSpczn 16:49:17 Unable to show image due to error 16:49:23 https://www.svgrepo.com/svg/499359/rss 16:49:25 I blame Zcash 16:49:42 https://www.svgrepo.com/svg/342304/tor 16:50:06 ig i have a new svg icon website in my bookmarks thx 16:50:38 is this the one Diego Salazar used ? 16:51:29 yes, the pics I sent 16:51:41 But it doesnt provide full anonymity 🫡 16:53:04 we can switch image with opposite color based on theme chosen (as these will be invisible in dark theme) 16:53:05 Reminder: we can't use svg 😢 so interchange between pngs based on themese 16:53:10 For wallet users, anonymity is up to them - for the tx graph, ip protections from nodes 16:53:34 redesign before FCMP++? 16:53:41 And for node runners, its clearnet bt default and provides 0 anonymity if you want duplex connections 16:54:02 Before RCMP mainnet? Likely 16:54:09 FCMP* 16:54:15 I swear to god you all are understimating the amount of influence we could gain from both launching fcmp++ on mainnet and the website at the same time 16:54:32 Just shows the coordination and community power 16:54:42 that's what im cheering for 16:55:03 people will call it Monero 2.0 16:55:38 FCMP++ should hit testnet ~this yr 16:55:47 yup. 16:55:53 6 months maximum to make the new website 16:56:09 but audits and mainnet launch might be a ways out 16:56:21 hmmm we will see 17:34:08 rando is that you on reddit that asked about fcmp ? 17:34:25 oh wait no bad syntheticbird its offtoic