05:47:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> soon ™️ 07:54:16 by due i mean 'ready' as of now* 09:17:51 i had to try tho. clear browsers, valid proxy, nothing worked out 16:51:14 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/vSrTtBMjayEGaCwYWIoVSUbk 16:56:20 share tweet instead 16:56:52 nah, wrong think guy 16:57:21 understandable 16:59:17 https://x.com/MoneroMavrick/status/1850637461447135672 18:01:52 oh but that's the nazi guy 18:06:18 Isnt he also in #monero 18:06:54 there's a lot of them here, they just don't talk about it in workgroups 18:07:50 And I'm more than happy they stay silent about it 18:12:22 was about to post a long response, but its offtopic 18:15:56 i was offtopic too, will avoid sharing my opinion in the channel next time 18:18:13 Did the fatty yell OFFTOPIC again!? lol. 18:18:57 Hysterical. Guy who goes to personal wars, badmouths everyone and pulls stretched truths and lies privately to brag about the 'I do/know it all' everywhere, likes to act like a pseudo mod when he's feeling up to the task. Smh. 18:19:10 My long response was going to point out that we tolerate rotten's racist, sexist, homophobic etc remarks regularly 18:19:32 Granted, ever since he started playing clown cop, he brought the insults and libel down a couple notches, otherwise wouldn't make much sense to play the role he so much hates! 18:19:37 SyntheticBird: hi. 18:19:55 hello 18:20:39 Who am I and where is my dragon? 18:21:06 you are rouepourrite and your dragon is actually helded hostage as Siren's kingdom. 18:21:17 rotten has a bad dragon 18:22:32 nsfw, dont google that 18:23:51 i googled it. worst mistake of my life 18:48:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Banned word 18:58:18 What is the word? 18:58:25 What did the lil chirp google that he repents so much? 18:58:57 literally googled "rotten has a bad dragon" 19:09:34 <3​21bob321:monero.social> The G word 19:12:28 Gragon 19:17:34 Imagine living inside of an echo chamber and still asking others to relay my msgs💀 19:52:19 imagine inside of my chamber still asking others living an echo to msgs my relay 19:53:20 imagine inside of my chamber still asking others living an echo to msgs and my relay 19:54:45 imagine inside of my chamber still asking others living an echo to msgs and relay 19:54:50 sorry IRC people 20:02:20 Cringe ass mf 20:07:25 https://matrix.to/#/!eBgZCVRnRRkKchiYzS:monero.social/$KyijyQ_F3htnH3pdP4scRz78xRF3KDcNHSMmPVDpKuk?via=xmr.mx&via=matrix.org&via=monero.social 20:10:13 im ready to bet some1onearth is a troll account 20:11:44 I'm ready to bet you'll end up under my sheets purring to my words. 20:11:51 😊😊😊 20:11:55 lol. 20:12:11 Wait wait... let's do it! OFFTOPIC! 20:12:36 lmfao 20:13:19 Bet u can guess who the heart reaction is 🫡 20:13:41 oh 20:13:47 thx for notating this ofrn 20:14:42 ig we can be disappointed at any moment 20:15:44 "always has been" meme. But i'll shutup now. 20:16:05 On topic: Diego Salazar i think those buttons are still too round 20:16:17 send figma 20:21:10 SyntheticBird 20:21:29 . 20:24:13 https://www.figma.com/design/OuY892nD4zD1CEQDvC2Kty/Monero-Website-Redesign-2024-(Copy)?node-id=1-15&t=Sp5eqjR8ZYcFu6XV-1 20:25:37 I think the buttons are good 20:25:50 The pill design looks a lot like Material 3 and I like it 20:30:48 buttons look great, better than circle 20:32:14 are there a version for light theme graphics/icons? 20:32:28 no we don't like white 20:32:35 They dont match the buttons shape you proposed for docs 20:32:49 doesn't have to 20:32:52 (Which i like) 20:34:35 monerica got onion link: https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2398#issuecomment-2452546727 20:36:55 hopefully they setup PoW on this one 20:41:15 imagesss.png 20:44:30 updated top slogan, check it out! 20:49:55 I guess iPhone users can access figma from safari, but doesnt look like it works on android 20:49:58 Can u send screenshot 20:50:22 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/cypherstack.com/EkADCDscUWunGiskygIGBaFC 20:50:27 No cloudflare necessary 20:52:04 I think good button would be "downloads + learn more" downloads 20:52:05 get started and learn more sound like the same thing 20:52:26 I was joking. I changed it to Monero means Monero 20:52:51 I didn't have a comment on that. Cant say i dont like it 20:53:16 But i'd just change it to "monero" 20:53:57 and leave the description etc for the text below it 21:01:48 Decentralized blockchain. Confidential transactions. Distributed supply. Monero ~~m~~~~eans~~ is Money. 21:09:03 Diego Salazar don't listen to them its ugly af pills are much much much better. google knows it, twitter knows it, facebook knows it, reddit knows it. Everyone knows it. And yes this is completely an attempt at censoring discussion I LOVE PILLS 21:12:19 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/VbehZMRPZwsFzGLPQyapapmg 21:12:37 nymtech website on something else 21:13:10 Pills are drugs 21:13:49 and hamburger is a food yet we call the generic settings icon hamburger menu 21:14:14 same way you like your settings, let me appreciate my drug 21:14:30 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/gFROfGidTOPjawxdUwUCpnlL 21:15:01 #misrepresentation 21:16:11 Disclaimer ^ 21:16:31 not buttons 21:17:41 https://m3.material.io/components/buttons/overview 21:17:59 pills won 21:19:35 Those literally are buttons 21:20:01 Just multiline ones 🤣 21:29:16 nope https://developer.android.com/develop/ui/views/quicksettings-tiles 21:29:32 tiles 21:30:25 Tiles are a type of button lol 21:30:54 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/kmtXkaHHwFLrbDEsgTSuGhUr 21:32:53 completely different design 21:32:58 . 21:34:57 Those are the same buttons ... 21:35:39 Are you n iphone user or smthn? 21:35:48 yes 21:36:23 makes sense 21:36:23 Both of those screenshots are from my phone 21:36:25 And are literally the same buttons 21:36:40 they are not SyntheticBird m3 expert 21:37:03 are these 2 pics the same design? 21:37:15 . 21:37:15 . 21:37:35 Bruh, dragging the screen down a second time expands the quick settings toggles to show more info. They are the same damn buttons 22:36:47 if by design you mean material 3? yes. Is the button style changing? also yes. 22:37:06 doesn't change the fact pill is winning and ofrnxmr is a rectangle supremacist and must be extinguished. 22:37:40 💀