09:25:48 Today, huh? :P 09:26:51 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/tree/51dd5ce3784271b000fc7d318b991a3eafbcd8c5/_i18n/tr/resources/moneropedia 15:09:13 Oh goodness. I totally spaced. 17:20:35 https://www.figma.com/design/y53fDBe55sM1GvhxXXjQEp/Monero-Website-Redesign-2024-(Copy)?node-id=140-1398&t=76RjukpJHnezsBh0-1 17:21:02 rottenwheel: ^ 17:21:16 messy, but that's expected. 17:21:42 Youre 3 daya early 17:27:28 So do we want to do a meeting to discuss this or not yet? 17:27:46 megabased 17:29:03 RSS icon is not consistent tho 17:29:42 No. 17:29:50 We'll be able to work further on it after the holidays. 17:30:02 I mean if people want to sure. But lots more to do. 17:30:11 Can be changed. 17:30:39 Like I said, work has been sluggish as a result of a lot of things. 17:30:59 blog posts preview card will include images, right? 17:32:12 Looks 🔥 tho 17:36:23 I feel like it is easy to get lost in the Moneropedia page. 17:36:23 Add a dot beside list? 17:36:25 Add a background color for lists? 17:36:27 Underline lists? 17:37:21 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/qAHMkGgFWvRswsiHcvMKeRhw 17:38:06 "Moneropedia" is take too much unnecessary space 17:38:30 "Moneropedia" is taking too much unnecessary space 17:45:19 Breh, he posted the figma as a public good, not to discuss it 18:57:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yeah its show and tell only 22:40:53 Lel 22:41:03 I mean you guys can comment. 22:41:20 I may or may not take a suggestion, obviously. 22:41:41 For example, on second look, I agree on Moneropedia taking too much space. 22:41:55 I think the direction is very solid though. 22:47:16 I think u should fix it today 22:47:32 work thru christmas pls 22:47:46 Need this rdy by boxing day