00:00:02 I know and you're right 00:00:30 But the creators and developers of monero can steer it a certain way 00:00:40 By marketing it a certain way 00:00:44 Onlyfans at one point banned sexual stuff. Certain countries or states dont allow Pornography. While it might not be a perfect market, its why people would choose to use something else. 00:01:35 drugs / breaking laws are an extreme. But think about the opposite end of the spectrum - covid lockdowns 00:01:50 And by that something decentralized? 00:02:06 Instead of going out of business, wouldnt you rather switch to monero? And just pretend like you stopped doing business? 00:02:24 "my barbershop was closer sir. I did 0$ in volume" 00:02:40 That's sad to hear 00:02:45 "sir. I never drove my taxi with any customers. " 00:02:46 I'm sorry 00:02:54 Ofc 00:02:55 Not if i knew about monero 00:03:15 Then id have stayed in business and never had to think twice about being ruined 00:03:47 Yeah its really unfortunate 00:03:56 How are you doing now ? 00:04:17 i had monero then :) 00:04:31 Oh haha 00:05:32 bitcoiners got their banks frozen becauae bitcoin was traceable it obvioua that it was being used for commerce during lockdowns 00:06:49 So while today in 2025, there arent many required or preferred use cases for monero, covid proved that monero Could have been much bigger. 00:06:50 Yeah hopefully these people switched to monero 00:07:01 Monero is a mean to an end, not an end 00:07:24 The tech doesnt matter, the ability does 00:07:44 Can i continue to feed my family? Yes? I'm in 00:08:02 Exactly and I think we should market that ability 00:08:04 People thought btc was the answer and got burned 00:08:22 True 00:09:24 But that's what I was trying to say. That instead of advocating privacy and the underlying technology 00:09:57 It might be better if monero markets these abilities or outcomes as you stated 00:10:32 Which is great don't get me wrong 00:10:59 But I feel like not everybody gets hooked by that 00:12:15 most ppl dont care about a "privacy" spectrum. Businesses care about profit and confidentiality 00:13:17 Most people use facebook with their government names. 00:13:58 Hahaha 00:14:09 Were way off topic for a long time now :P. 00:14:10 going back to website contributions & marketing, the tldr from me is that regular people need to not look at monero and be overwhelmed 00:14:24 At first they didn't but I feel like after covid its changing a little bit 00:14:58 I agree 00:15:20 But to look at monero and see simplicity in a tool that works. Its why bitcoiners use custodial wallets yet dont know what custodial means. 00:17:29 True 08:00:10 yes, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_bitcoin 08:00:10 you can see its growth here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_bitcoin#Growth 08:04:09 Monero is the only coin that provides freedom, you can send it to anyone anywhere without being spied on. 08:27:15 Hey, 08:27:16 I posted this in the workgroup room but I figured it is kind of relevant to post it in this group too: 08:27:18 08:27:20 "In line with the new website design currently in progress, we’ve created an updated version of the "What is Monero?" video. We've kept the original script but made some factual updates. If approved, the plan is to create a light mode version too. 08:27:22 Looking forward to feedback/input: https://youtu.be/KkgqcLrNRvw " 09:08:20 it seems like it focuses more on businesses, can you emphasis it offering "more freedom" to individuals wanting to send transactions to anyone anywhere around the globe? 12:14:42 Thanks for sharing 12:32:29 I think its great! Very concise and informative with good visuals. 12:32:30 As for improvements depends on the purpose of the video. Is it to educate or to persuade people to use monero ? 12:32:32 If to persuade, I would start talking about how centralized institutions limit our freedom and the way to freedom is decentralization and privacy that is monero. That's how I would approach it, but people might disagree. 12:32:34 That's said overall its a great and informative video. 12:33:40 Cause people might not understand why privacy is important 12:58:18 Thanks for the feedback! We've followed the same script as the existing video ( https://getmonero.org ). I think it's important to emphasize both. After all, we can not have a currency if we can not exchange it for goods and services 12:59:48 Thanks! It's envisioned as the opening door, the first snippet you see when you land on getmonero.org, as the very first introduction to xmr 13:08:26 I somehow can't see your reply 😅 13:21:48 Can you see this? "Thanks! It's envisioned as the opening door, the first snippet you see when you land on getmonero.org, as the very first introduction to xmr" 13:23:46 Only partly before I enter the chat in the preview 13:24:00 I guess its my phone doing weird or something 13:24:49 Can u see this 13:27:37 Yes haha 13:28:01 Do you see his messages ? 13:28:10 Yea 13:28:55 Are you using element? 13:29:20 I do 13:30:17 Otherwise you tell me his response 13:30:18 element is broken sometimes 13:30:38 It seems like 13:30:47 I can see the reply but not the new msg 13:31:02 Try schildichat 13:31:09 Same 13:31:18 "Can you see this? "Thanks! It's envisioned as the opening door, the first snippet you see when you land on getmonero.org, as the very first introduction to xmr"" 13:31:47 :Thanks for the feedback! We've followed the same script as the existing video ( https://getmonero.org ). I think it's important to emphasize both. After all, we can not have a currency if we can not exchange it for goods and services" 13:31:48 Yes 13:32:17 Thanks 13:34:12 Yeah I think the video is good maybe approach it a little different at the start, the way I suggested it, but that's how I would do it personally other people might disagree 13:34:44 If its the same script its definitely a great improve 13:35:51 I'm so excited to see the new design of the website 13:35:54 Can't wait haha 13:39:11 u saw https://www.figma.com/design/y53fDBe55sM1GvhxXXjQEp/Monero-Website-Redesign-2024-(Copy)?node-id=140-1398&t=76RjukpJHnezsBh0-1 ? 13:42:40 Let me see 13:48:30 Looks good 👍 it looks like its being well thought out and straightforward 13:49:32 Is the site going to continue operate on Jekyll ? 13:50:32 no, will be Astro 13:52:11 Awesome that's great