20:50:44 I propose we add in the design a cemetery page with a tomb for trevador 20:57:37 >tomb for trevador 20:57:38 what happened to him? 20:58:02 It's been a while we have no news from him 20:58:05 It's been a while we have no news from them 20:58:16 hopefully nothing bad 20:58:34 villian arc or idk... 20:58:52 lol 20:58:54 villain* 21:13:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Probably making money 21:30:39 Tevador is just quietly making modifications to quantum related things. He only returns when something catches his attention 21:31:17 I think he's disappointed that we didnt fix randomx bug 21:32:05 Tevador does what tevador wants. He approves prs sometimes and is active on GH. Probably just doesnt like a bunch of stuff 21:32:23 Example: he doesnt like that we default to fast-sync=1 21:33:10 bro just look at this github profile 21:33:15 he is not active 21:33:19 he literally disappeared 21:34:31 He was active the last time i looked 👀 21:35:04 last time you looked was june 10th and you overlooked lmao 21:36:32 barely 6 months ago 21:36:40 Thats more active then BF or luigi 21:38:07 Did u know that his randomx repo has a tor-pow branch that is >5yrs old