00:00:12 THANK GOD THEY FINALLY STARTED PRODUCTION 00:00:22 IT WAS ABOUT TIME 00:00:24 8 FUCKING YEARS IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS SHIT 00:00:41 anyway, 👍️ 00:01:12 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/IQWqOcXZYPCNSjLXxPlnKUxs 00:01:44 based, and readable pilled 00:06:41 Siren: an opinion on RTL on the middle? 00:07:06 I really prefer RTL to LTR after all 00:07:19 even tho RTL is the norm 00:07:23 even tho LTR is the norm 00:07:41 bruh, creating a new lang 00:07:58 strawman argument 00:08:00 harassement 00:08:03 banned for racism 00:08:05 thread locked 00:08:14 🔒️ 00:10:02 I don't like it 00:10:48 so you prefer LTR 00:10:59 so you prefer text-align: left ? 00:20:39 Justified or left prob 00:21:18 Or centered 00:22:29 centered is ugly af 00:24:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We only like left here 🤭 09:13:13 Yeah 16:35:51 Can I get the link to this site or I should say the draft of the site I’m having trouble going back through the messages 16:38:00 what u mean? 16:38:30 this is the monero site https://www.getmonero.org/ 17:08:47 Copying for IRC: Poll: Chrome Dinosaur vs Flappy Bird vs Pacman, tell what you prefer 17:10:20 This quiz is too difficult for me 17:10:48 Dino 23:37:36 thx for the poll results