02:58:37 only 200k left!!! 2022-04-07 02:58:06.968 I Synced 2397792/2596389 (92%, 198597 left) 03:19:20 gingeropolous: what are you testing? :D 03:26:33 his patience? 03:44:32 its the Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T8100 @ 2.10GHz vs. AMD C-50 sync off, both with 5400 rpm and 2gb ram 03:48:12 gingeropolous: You are syncing blockchain to 5400 RPM HDD? I tried doing that and people in this channel told me to use an SSD and not to bother 03:48:31 anyway monderod totally failed and corrupted the blockchain 03:49:08 for some reason i enjoy getting computers from the scrap heap and seeing if they can sync monero 03:49:53 and yeah littlebobeep , one shouldn't bother with a 5400 rpm drive anymore. this has been going on for close to 2 weeks now 03:59:20 You sure that's not the ETH chain gingeropolous? Sure sounds like it... 04:14:55 I still have a comp that take a 5.25" floppy 04:48:16 5.25" floppy, that's pretty impressive actually 04:56:25 gingeropolous: Ehhh are you really sure the sync is not network constrained? I am pretty sure my network throughput is a lot lower than the SATA bus transfers data to my HDD 05:54:58 littlebobeep: no, it's not network constrained 05:55:15 sync requires random io, bot sequential reads / writes 05:55:42 which is significantly faster on SSDs compared to HDDs 05:55:55 s/bot/not/ 06:03:33 selsta: Hmmm okay do you know how I can benchmark random io on my HDD on GNU+Linux? 06:03:44 I would like to compare it to my network throughput 06:08:27 littlebobeep: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8144#issuecomment-1021636322 06:08:48 i never used this myself and it also won't directly apply to monero, but you can test that 06:09:54 syncing takes ~24h with SSD and multiple weeks with HDD, it's definitely not network constrained 14:32:26 nioc, it'd be fun to try and get monero working on that one 14:33:31 how many 5.25 floppies to store the monero blockchain, and why? 14:34:02 lulz, imagine a tape drive trying to run the blockchain 14:37:02 gingeropolous: yesterday I thru out some tapes for a 1980s style computer system from work that I saved for some unknown reason 14:40:24 I have been reading in the forum recently about "how to distribute the blockchain if Internet goes down", with mesh radio or something... I have been thinking... 14:41:07 Has anybody thought about creating a new (side?)-chain of monero, with 1:1 swap with the main chain, but having like 1 block/hour? 14:41:51 In other words, an extremely slow side-chain, to be used only for very valuable transactions, but with the advantage of being much easier to transmit/synch, for the sake of resiliency. 14:43:12 oh goody. my work win10 laptop is enjoying a reboot loop 14:44:55 garet, how would it be easier to transmit / sync? 14:59:23 if only used for very valuable txns, it's a much more attractive target 15:03:42 yeah, this sidechain would be independently mined (unless a better system kind of merging the mining efforts of mainnchain and sidechain is devleoped). 15:03:59 Clearly, with 1block/hour, getting in the block would be much more expensive. 15:05:10 Also, security also depends on #blocks-to-confirm. It could be 24, making it very hard to attack (a tx would be confirmed only after 24h). 15:05:58 Of course I am just throwing random numbers, but my point would be to have a sort of "core chain" that is more resilient in terms of possibility of transmitting the blockchain under severe internet cuts/censorpship 15:07:10 gingeropolous: easier simply because with 1block/hour, the chain would grow very slowly (assuming of course a cap on the size of blocks comparable to the current ones) 15:08:05 1block/hour would be easy to transmit via radio, mesh networks, bluetooth, etc 15:13:04 oh things are not looking good for this 2016 lenovo 15:38:53 hello world 16:07:29 ^ goodbye cruel world 21:22:08 Has anyone heard about this monerotopia thing? 21:24:37 oh nvm. hosting luke smith was a bad call.