08:39:48 hello 08:58:48 Ah, early Friday again! How are the view tags going? 09:03:33 no success until now 09:09:42 Aren't they... done ? 09:10:20 no 09:14:05 http://paste.debian.net/1245827/  here are the logs but smth is not working 09:17:27 when i has derivation like this  keccak_256("766965775f746167"+"6dc87b9d2438452118e4e5578131ed7a42e6d10144cb0a5d275389d4d16b2c2c"+"1") 09:17:42 i have wrong output d908105a16f7aa8d9c61c6d3ccdcc39416f69e646774d576352bd5775dbdf09d 09:35:07 any suggestion on why hashing of derivation is wrong 09:40:12 Did you already check your keccak_256 implementation alone? Without anything Monero specific, just checking whether your hashes quite in general come out right? 09:43:40 yes keccak_256 is keccak_256 monero code 09:43:45 nothing different 09:43:50 monero implementation 09:44:23 i think that the issue come from wrong inputs 09:46:23 "766965775f746167"  is view_tag in hex 09:59:39 I checked your input with https://keccak-256.cloxy.net/, and it indeed gives d908105a16f7aa8d9c61c6d3ccdcc39416f69e646774d576352bd5775dbdf09d 09:59:57 So yeah, looks like the hashing is correct, but you into it with something that you shouldn't 10:00:15 *go into it 10:02:36 Maybe stupid question, but I think I myself made that mistake at least once: If you reverse the order of the bytes, does it still not work? 10:11:16 And maybe even more stupid question: Are you sure you have to hex your bytes, and not go into the hashing function with the bytes itself? 10:36:49 the order of which bytes 10:36:58 of all derivation 10:37:03 which input 10:42:25 Take for example this here, 766965775f746167: That's 8 bytes, right? With 76 first and 67 last. 10:42:45 Are you sure that's the right way round? Maybe byte 76 has to come last, and byte 67 first? 10:43:26 And are you sure that you have to convert those 8 bytes into textual hex in the first place? And not go into keccak_256 directly with the 8 bytes itself? 10:44:42 (I am just guessing, by the way. I don't know the details myself, and also I don't know how you arrived at those strings.) 11:54:19 You don't just keccak_256("766965775f746167"+"6dc87b9d2438452118e4e5578131ed7a42e6d10144cb0a5d275389d4d16b2c2c"+"1") - this is a hex string, you must calculate the hash of binary data 13:50:43 back again 13:50:59 sech1 which "binary data" u mean 13:51:03 which input 13:52:02 you pass hex string to keccak_256 13:52:14 are you sure it's converted to binary before the hash is actually calculated? 13:52:30 no im not 13:56:35 any suggestion? 13:58:34 keccak_256(766965775f7461676dc87b9d2438452118e4e5578131ed7a42e6d10144cb0a5d275389d4d16b2c2c01) is c5d8d49b9c81e6aef355862eea65eeed77a0b828441c4a17119807ef09435db2 13:59:05 With input in binary, right? 13:59:05 was the view tag "c5"? 13:59:26 rbrunner yes, switch to hex here: https://onlinecodeformatters.com/keccak-256-hash and enter the data 13:59:52 sech1 no c5 was not view_tag 13:59:56 i test it 14:00:41 sech1: Exactly. With hex instead of bytes it's no wonder it does not yet run :) 14:01:03 im confused 14:03:24 No problem. Can happen. 14:03:41  i took from here var d http://paste.debian.net/1245850/  and hashed but c5 was not the view_tag 14:04:00 wait, but c5d8d49b9c81e6aef355862eea65eeed77a0b828441c4a17119807ef09435db2 can be found in your own paste https://paste.debian.net/1245827/ 14:04:19 so c5 is the correct view tag 14:04:46 that log is from monerod working without my intervention! 14:04:56 which means it's correct 14:05:09 http://paste.debian.net/1245850/   this one is that im trying manually to create a view_tag 14:05:22 yes sech1 14:05:36 and failing manually! 14:07:04 derivation D = 7b0a76d852af2beffda86cc575622a0c4f89382cc878d8f19b71b730aaded019 in your paste, so, for output index 0: keccak_256(766965775f7461677b0a76d852af2beffda86cc575622a0c4f89382cc878d8f19b71b730aaded01900) = 3107be1cb24d830c6e57dc440d7fbe13847a93726a1a91dd4781339a7c294b4a 14:07:10 view tag "31" 14:07:28 and aed584fb42499c69c00002a5dfaae784811a9b145f0b68e0258b2eb93d1eef8b for output index 1, view tag "ae" 14:08:00 i insert both "ae" and "31" and didnt work! 14:08:12 i test this view_tag 14:09:24 maybe you need to take "f". keccak_256(766965775f746167266020a292487e9cd62d0f8de7e08aa3f81c2426c16f1f25ff55b56506c03b0200) = 0ea272b731c9902d40aca9b60eff082b04133a37ba45e4032be92e41b8118332, did you try "0e"? 14:09:39 this one no wait to give atry 14:09:57 is output index 0 in your test? 14:10:13 yes 14:13:01 actually no, var D = generate_key_derivation(A, r); "7b0a76d852af2beffda86cc575622a0c4f89382cc878d8f19b71b730aaded019" is what you must use when calculating view tags 14:13:55 so keccak_256(766965775f7461677b0a76d852af2beffda86cc575622a0c4f89382cc878d8f19b71b730aaded01900) = 31... must be correct, view tag "31" 14:14:20 well i insert "31" and was not recognized 14:14:35 well search for bug in another place 14:14:39 was ok for monerod but not for wallet2 14:15:37 u can c view_tag "31" on daemon but is not recognized from wallet-cli 14:16:05 anyway in monerod what ever u insert as view tag is recognized 14:16:49 where you insert it, monerod doesn't care about view tags. It doesn't have private view key to begin with, it can't check view tags 14:24:28 again 0e was not recognized 14:25:35 how to be sure that 31 is the right view_tag 14:25:41 and smth else is happening 14:32:50 man. my poor laptop has all these old versions of monero-gui on it and the one i just launched was like v0.13 and apparently it likes to keep monerod running even after u quit. 14:32:55 i need a fresh OS install. 14:35:20 what do you mean "not recognized from wallet-cli"? Where do you enter all data, did you modify the code? Or do you just scan the blockchain? 14:50:03 is new chain and block 0 is not recognized 14:50:27 if i insert old version 14 without view_tag everything work 14:56:45 then add logging to wallet-cli to see what derivation and view tag it calculates 17:10:43 I don't understand why I am not seeing my transactions an balance right, even though I have 130GB of the blockchain installed into ~/.bitmonero 17:11:52 I have `refresh-from-block-height = 1140000`, which is lower than some transactions I would expect, and I am using `monero-wallet-cli` 17:12:22 I see now that `bc_height` is slowly increasing, everytime I run it again it is a bit bigger 17:12:53 but I don't understand, if this is right I am supposed to wait a long time to see my balance every time I restart `monerod` or `monero-wallet-cli` 17:21:33 nope, once wallet is synced it's synced to that point 17:25:56 yep, just found out the issue: I was using the wrong, mistakenly created wallet :facepalm: