16:43:46 how unsecure is money gui client? 17:04:19 user85, monero GUI client? 17:06:24 user85: what kind of answer to you expect? 17:06:44 some answer that outlines potential holes 17:06:49 stuff to be aware of 17:07:08 in general the CLI wallet is more secure because it also does mem 17:07:21 in memory encryption* 17:07:50 but that's only relevant if you have malware on your system and even then it doesn't 100% protect you from it 17:08:17 otherwise i can't think of anything else 17:10:36 I almost exclusively use the CLI 17:11:07 Both Monerujo and Cake choke on my wallets. 17:11:53 Too many txs I think. 17:12:54 Kind of sad really. 17:13:43 choke in what way? 17:18:41 ok yes cli can be better 17:19:20 also linking transactions - if i send funds from address a to address b both are mine they can not be linked or they can 17:23:27 that's a more general monero related question and not gui specifically 17:24:56 yes 17:25:17 selsta, they both become totally unresponsive. 17:25:36 which phone? 17:25:40 selsta, the wallets have >20k txs though 17:26:06 https://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_a51-9963.php 17:26:37 Normal person phone. 17:26:38 the gui should work fine with 20k tx not sure about mobile wallets 17:26:59 Yes, GUI woks fine. Mobile clients choke. 17:27:03 dsc_ made sure to add pages to the wallet history 17:27:08 because of it 17:27:18 GUI used to choke but dsc_ fixed that adter me complaining. 17:28:20 So now I'm going to complain about the mobile wallets.... maybe they'll get fixed too. 17:28:25 Complain more please:) 17:28:44 right on cue lol 17:29:50 yes hello this is the transaction history performance helpdesk 17:29:58 hi 17:30:07 o/ 17:30:38 :D 17:31:14 so the reason why Cake/Monerujo are slow here is (probably) related to the way those apps render results to the screen. For example Cake uses Flutter and when you have 20k transactions, that's a lot of drawing for poor Flutter to do. 17:31:15 Do you guys even transact? 17:31:22 hi 17:31:40 for the monero GUI this was also a bit much, so I introduced pagination there 17:31:56 dsc_, the mobile wallets need to cache older txs to disk or something... only keep the last 50 or so in memory 17:32:01 dsc_: did you use qt data model thing in wowlet? 17:32:01 for Feather pagination was not neccesary, because QtWidgets can easily render 100k items without breaking a sweat 17:32:25 selsta: the wut? :P 17:32:33 don't know how it's called 17:32:42 Yeah same model is being used as in the GUI 17:32:51 you currently write the tx history in javascript array 17:32:52 Maybe "virtualized data store"? 17:33:34 I don't know. It's not a problem that affects many users at the moment. But it needs to be addressed by the mobile wallets soon. 17:33:53 For me it's a terrible user experience. 17:34:06 How did you get so many? With your dice games? 17:34:18 Nice try FBI. 17:34:47 rbrunner, yeah 17:34:50 I would suggest pagination for Cake/Monerujo 17:34:52 Trust me, the FBI knows already, if there is something to know :) 17:35:23 I dod a lot of testing on mainnet too. 17:35:39 So I have a few wallets with a lot of txs. 17:35:48 Questions like these may become important soon, when deciding on the architecture of future Seraphis and Jamtis wallets 17:36:12 There may be wallets around with so many outputs that you can't read them in all at once. 17:36:20 and need a true DB to manage 17:36:34 at least not with decent performance 17:36:48 < Mochi101> dsc_, the mobile wallets need to cache older txs to disk or something... only keep the last 50 or so in memory <== the retrieval of transactions is fast, the rendering is what makes it slow 17:36:53 yes... I imagine that in the future... hopefully there will be wallets with 100's of thousands of txs in them. 17:37:08 ah I see dsc_ 17:37:28 Then they need to stop trying to render all of them. 17:37:34 exactly :P 17:37:55 dsc_, will you work for cake? 17:38:01 its like the Twitter mobile app trying to render your feed from when you created your account 17:38:08 "the retrieval of transactions is fast" Well, up to a certain point. Early Monero daemons also loaded the whole blockchain into RAM when they started! 17:39:06 chocolate, vanilla, something special like tres leches... which do you prefer dsc_ ? 17:39:07 rbrunner: there is a libwallet function to retreive an array of Tx's, i think that one is quite fast 17:39:29 Mochi101: I worked on Cake quite a bit to make https://github.com/cake-tech/cake_wallet/pull/362 17:39:33 but I dont think they can afford me 17:39:39 * dsc_ hides 17:40:08 ahhh....wownero 17:40:17 dsc_: Yes of course, it's an array kept in RAM by wallet2 anyway 17:40:30 rbrunner: ah ok 17:41:04 The problem is e.g. wallet opening and saving if you get into really large numbers of outputs 17:41:53 rbrunner: in database land, you'd get a cursor to loop results 17:41:53 E.g. after Mochi101 took over Macao 17:42:02 rbrunner: :p 17:42:13 Exactly 17:42:42 Trouble is, using a DB is way overkill for 99% or even 99.9% of all wallets in existence ... 17:43:13 right, if someone has such a large wallet i assume they also have a couple gb ram for their wallet 17:44:36 It's a bit like the transaction pool in the daemon that *does* use a db for less than a couple hundred waiting txs 99.9% of the time :) 17:46:19 rbrunner, macao? 17:46:56 Ah, come on, biggest gambling paradise on Earth, I think bigger than Vegas 17:47:08 selsta, a normal user with 5-10 years of tx history will likely run into problems. 17:47:40 monero.win is tiny 17:47:50 FBI! FBI! 17:47:51 it's just a game 17:47:54 :D 17:48:13 Mochi101: but you don't run into any problems ram wise, right? 17:48:31 mobile wallets drawing the full tx history at once is a different topic 17:49:40 selsta, tbh I've never really investigated into what's really going on. 17:50:43 cake is using 350mb 17:50:46 So... no 17:51:41 and now it's unresponsive 17:51:52 you are using monero too hard 17:51:53 That is called "demo effect" 17:52:06 Well known among devs 17:52:12 won't even get past the pin screen after sending it to the background to check ram usage and returning 17:52:38 a51? 17:52:44 The FBI downloads your wallet right now :) 17:52:46 Yes dsc_ Samsung A51 17:53:28 i think the only thing you can do is create an issue on their github 17:53:53 yeah 17:54:13 I will do it for both projects. 17:56:21 You think I should use monero more lightly dsc_ ? 17:57:41 you're out of control dude... 17:57:50 :D 17:58:06 Using Monero over it's maximum allowed velocity! 17:58:19 I may be addicted... 17:58:32 Is there a Monero help line? 18:00:51 but selsta has a point, these are extraordinary requirements. it should get fixed eventually, but also note you are a heavy user 18:01:20 and since we are dealing with free software, yeah.. things may take a while 18:02:06 As you see, I'm not making a massive deal about it. Not like I did with the locked_tx thing... hehehehe 18:02:20 That was fun.