01:27:43 how do you know? 02:01:20 based on few years of my research 02:09:32 nobody has time for that 08:48:26 MajesticBank: what do they (trmlabs) claim they can do wrt monero? 09:03:46 I checked their website, and googled them, I could not even verify that XMR is among the 23 coins that they claim to support with public info. So I am curious as well. 13:28:51 when martix irc bridge for this room? 16:30:52 2 weeks TM 16:43:39 geonic: thx!! 17:34:02 np 17:34:13 :) 18:10:08 Any miners present? Did the increase of the ring size increased the difficulty of the blocks? How well does the energy costs repaid in related to rewards + fees. Sadly it seems to me thats fees are too cheap. Security and decentralization come with a price and with increasing power prices i doubt that we pay out miners enough. Thoughts about this? 18:13:00 I write this because i seem to notice slower transactions being confirmed. Are there any good statistic to look out for confirmation time average day, week, month? 18:16:50 Also when i pay 200x fees than it does not confirm faster (not that i can see, like max first 5-10 confirmation) that a counter party can safely verify that they received the money. Dynamic block size was firstly triggered idk the date but it was after the hardfork. Could someone explain the involved changes and what we as network could do in order 18:16:50 to getting the confirmation time quicker. (I know about the 20min cap for privacy) But for stores it would be beneficial for costumers when you pay with xmr and it confirms faster. 18:22:13 getting more miners would be my guess but the payout seems only profitable in a few limited areas in the world. since i would not like to touch the tailormission i suggest on increasing the fees. 18:25:23 Im not here to spit in the soup but my energy bill allows me only to mine on low spec tech at night for heating. so i dont propose that for me but there are many areas where energy is cheap but not that cheap. so an increase of fees could help to spread decentralization of mining. 18:45:37 increased ring size has no effect on mining 18:46:28 no need for increasing the fee as a tx will almost always be included in the next block 18:47:53 10 confirmations is for spending change in your wallet from a tx 18:48:41 it's up to a merchant to determine how many confirmations they require, some require 1