02:44:39 atomic on chain swaps are a thing 15:07:49 http://0x0.st/o4PD.mp4 "you should have known" 😎 16:10:24 https://0x0.st/o4ZE.png who tf are these people? 16:15:10 Anyone using bisq? 16:16:03 AlienTrooper do you have a specific question? 16:16:23 Yes. It is good/safe, it is working well? 16:17:35 bisq is super safe 16:17:47 depending on your payment method 16:17:58 i don't understand people who send cash through the mail 16:19:42 for monero it's flawless because you always have your view key, or whatever its called to prove your payment, and the ₿ is already in escrow so you know it's available 17:34:55 NorrinRadd, thanks. No, i wanted to exchange between cryptos. Not to buy with cash. 18:32:01 matrix security flaw https://twitter.com/matrixdotorg/status/1575154563300073472 18:32:44 flaws, plural https://twitter.com/martinralbrecht/status/1575158042257231872\ 19:21:19 didn't they just have a security release a couple days ago? 19:26:48 judging from their blog site, yes. maybe a week or so ago 19:27:10 https://twitter.com/veorq/status/826683929478447104 19:27:30 15 predictions from 5 years ago. seem to still be on track 22:04:36 i hate matrix 22:30:43 Why?