12:51:05 loredana: echo "number of monero you want to convert" | xargs -I {} echo "{} * $(curl --no-progress-meter "https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=monero&vs_currencies=usd" | jq '.monero.usd')" | bc 17:51:40 lbia thanks! 18:08:29 https://decrypt.co/111302/after-2-years-debate-europe-finalizes-landmark-crypto-rules 18:19:45 i'm cracking up laughing already 18:20:01 "you cannot release code and others adopt it without a white paper" 18:20:20 these people are insane. 18:20:36 they think they can stop the release of new software 18:30:34 good thing that wownero has a white paper 18:30:41 https://wownero.org/whitepaper.pdf 18:40:11 yeah it sounds a bit silly but it may simply be codifying existing practice 18:40:26 every crypto website has a whitepaper. some are just trash, but whatever 18:41:37 its just the fact they think they can prevent projects from coming out is hilarious to me. 18:42:29 good luck enforcing that "rule" 18:42:39 or any other rule for that matter 18:55:44 peer reviewed and govt approved white paper, probably 18:59:44 the rule would be more interesting if it dictated a template/format for the whitepapers, checklists of features/characteristics to list, etc.