00:16:42 how much Monero can I mine per day with a 3080Ti? 00:21:27 GPU is useless for mining Monero 00:22:36 well mostly useless as it is very inefficient, CPUs are where it's at but there HR varies widely depending on which one 00:23:05 s/there/their 00:25:15 should be benchmarks on xmrig.com but not sure if that includes much for GPUs 08:22:56 morning 14:55:22 fluffypony: I'm going to try making a different Matrix room and bridging that, then migrating the old/existing Matrix room to the new one if all goes well. Are you able to approve a bridge request? 14:56:06 The problem should be that the Matrix channel has >100 people, so in theory a new Matrix room should address this. But we won't know for sure until we try 15:00:25 or ArticMine, or binaryFate, or luigi1112. All you'll need to do is reply "ok" to an incoming Matrix DM 15:01:00 ok 15:01:06 w0w 15:09:20 binaryFate: did you get a DM? 15:09:31 yes I answered yes 15:09:46 Awesome, I think it worked! Checking a few more things... 15:10:09 👋 from Matrix 15:10:20 seen 15:15:17 nice 15:16:21 yay 15:21:51 👋 15:22:06 meow 15:22:27 blep 15:25:07 Heyyy, I am so confused why each room upgrade? Wipes the history 15:25:53 Stnby: we couldn't get Matrix to approve the bridge for the other room after a year of trying sadly 15:25:58 Hello, Monero chat! 15:26:37 I think you can technially send a custom event that connects the room to the old room so if you scroll up you can jump back to the tombstoned room 15:27:13 sgp[m]: Oh the matrix.org homeserver issues? 15:28:24 Not quite 15:29:21 The official bridge service will not let you bridge if the Matrix room has 100+ people without a special exception from the people behind Matrix.org. We have been asking for a year+ for that special exception and they had yet to act on it 15:29:54 So this was a workaround to get the Matrix room bridged: create a new room w/ < 100 people at time of bridging 15:30:02 Yeah but I assume we could always self host the bridge as well 15:30:26 Isn't there a risk that they'd notice this and disable the bridge? 15:31:05 TimeWalker[m]: other rooms have more than 100 people, doesnt seem to be an issue 15:31:44 spacekitty420[m]: And you're sure the other rooms didn't get an exception? 15:31:57 spacekitty420[m]: But we are the 🔥currency 15:32:12 🚀🌘 15:33:34 Hello hello 15:34:12 TimeWalker[m]: If they were subject to the exception you wouldn't see IRC aliases 15:34:45 i hope there's no spammers in the matrix room 15:35:19 (or basically admins there that can correct spammers) 15:35:41 *invites rayatina 15:35:59 If there are spammers you can ping sgp or myself for a quick response (the admins are listed Matrix side). There should hopefully be more shortly after all of the boring setup is finished 15:42:34 Huge thanks to xmrscott for recommending this workaround 15:48:25 your welcome 15:49:08 *you're welcome 15:51:18 nioc has ran one of the best marketing campaigns i've ever seen to get this room bridged, thank you! 15:51:46 is it bridged? #monero has less users than #monero-community 15:52:02 or is it bridged with a new room? 15:52:17 selsta: yes matrix people have just started migrating 15:52:22 new room 15:53:05 as i suggested 15:53:34 Yes, you are seen selsta: 15:53:52 nioc: w0w 15:55:10 xmrscott[m]: thank you very much :) 15:55:47 all I can come up with are clueless ideas 15:59:26 Hello 16:01:14 I <3 Majestic Ex 16:35:47 Hi 16:36:06 HELLO HELLO 16:36:34 Xompur[m]: HELLO HELLO 17:37:04 👇 MONERO TIME!!! ⏰ 17:42:24 ok 18:30:01 p 18:32:54 Well hello there 18:50:11 Why is blockchain sync so slow on docker intel builds? It’s doing 20 block chunks. 6gb ram given to docker instance too. 18:50:43 Granted it was 50k blocks since last sync but still 18:51:36 Are blocks really that full now days or is it due to tail emissions? 19:08:24 20 blocks is the default 19:08:36 sync time bottleneck is almost always speed of your storage, random r/w speed 19:08:48 an older CPU w/o AES also is slow, I have one of those 19:08:59 CPU multithreading optimization will be added at some point and can help where that is the limiting factor 19:09:00 heh? 19:09:03 tail emission has no effect on syncing 19:09:05 No AES? 19:09:14 "👇 MONERO TIME!!! ⏰" <- noooo, monero is timeless 19:09:14 or something idk 19:09:25 CSS for nioc to upgrade his computer. 19:09:41 It’s a Synology 1520+ 19:09:42 It’s defo monero 19:09:51 Mochi101: I just moved to a modern machine for Montero 19:09:54 but thx 19:10:05 Pentium II ? 19:10:12 an old i3 19:10:22 now 3900X 19:10:32 Lol 19:10:33 Ohs shit mochi what up man 19:10:38 1520+ is aes intel celron iirc 19:11:06 hey bigslim[m] 19:11:26 once you get past the checkpoints it has to work work work 19:11:37 For comparison I had 58k blocks to sync on aeon and it took like 2hrs to sync but monero like 21hrs for 51000 blocks 19:12:12 I really think it’s due to block size on monero vs others. 19:12:18 Ringct yada yada 19:12:27 one chain is used and the other I would guess is not 19:12:36 Bulletproof, bulletproof plus 19:13:03 Yea kinda what I was thinking, empty blocks taking a fraction of the time to validate 19:13:39 I didn’t check lmdb size before sync though to get an “average” size from 51k blocks 19:13:50 Oh shit USA on World Cup, need to turn that on 19:15:32 Wales will win 19:15:36 Gareth bale 19:15:51 And ponytail 19:21:08 alexi looks so damn old its nuts 19:25:46 "For comparison I had 58k..." <- Aeon has a ringsize of 3, no CT, and much, much less transactions 19:25:46 yes I know this 19:25:53 current daemon syncing 20 blocks every 10 seconds 19:29:31 Do you have SSD? 19:29:59 With my hard-disk, syncing Monero said estimate of 1 week, but with SSD it only took a few hours 19:29:59 synology with WD white 8tb drive 19:30:20 * bigslim[m] uploaded an image: (98KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/FCcVPPqvfqFehyzcAPxPEdnK/Monero%20sync.png > 19:30:47 9.4 hours to sync 68k blocks 19:30:47 You might want to sync into an SSD if you have one, and then manually copy to the slower drive 19:31:23 apparently daemon stopped last night prob due to slow sync heh 19:31:37 xfedex[m]: ^ 19:31:55 as I said, random read/write is almost always the bottleneck 19:33:43 ya no room for SSD in this nas. 138.15gb current blockchain size before these 68k bocks 19:33:56 Pruned is 55gb 19:33:57 nioc: Couldn't the database like store most recently written blocks to RAM, so that R/W operations are extremely fast, and then every once and while flush the blocks from RAM to disk? 19:34:15 xfedex[m]: that is what it does curently 19:35:20 Good day 19:36:08 pruning only reduces the current size of the chain if you sync from scratch 19:36:20 there is another way but it is even slower lol 19:36:45 if you just leave the daemon running then no issues using a HDD 19:36:58 full sync only. 19:37:11 GOAL USA!!! 19:37:12 xfedex[m]: beyond my paygrade :) 19:37:16 bigslim[m]: usa vs galles match? 19:37:22 y 19:38:00 still cant believe qatar goalie got yellow yesterday 19:38:00 just have enough RAM so entire chain is in RAM 19:38:03 so fast 19:38:39 Much sync! Many RAM! 19:38:48 Like in the good old times of Monero. When I first used Aeon, it still worked like that, of course with a still pretty small blockchain. 19:39:10 Monero itself was already LMDB when I joined in 2017. 19:39:24 I mean you can have 160gb ram if you want 19:39:53 great for a public node 19:40:03 yea the OG aeon sync was bad pre lmdb, same for monero 19:40:12 Of course. I just mentioned that Monero did once load all the blockchain into RAM, maybe many people don't know 19:40:15 just brutal like 56k dialup 19:40:42 nioc: one of the first results on amazon is 8gb of DDR3 for €22.80. 19:40:42 If the blockchain pruned is 90gb then with just 256€ you can have the blockchain in memory :) 19:41:34 as long as you manage to plug in 12 RAM sticks in the computer, obviously 19:41:35 rbrunner: that's why my montero was created, cause people had a difficult time storing the chain in RAM 19:42:11 nioc: mymonero? i thought it was created to allow europol to trace transactions 19:42:22 *interpol 19:42:28 not originally 19:42:29 lol 19:43:06 it's kinda useless by the way, as you can use monero-wallet-cli with a remote daemon 19:43:13 xfedex[m]: wallet ux on a mobile or web device which has to download the blockchain is sometimes actually not reasonable 19:43:26 so no, it's not useless 19:44:22 I run node on my nas then sync mobile wallet to home node 19:44:32 nice 19:45:23 I have public node too but leave those alone mostly, just keep them running for others 19:45:36 ❤️ 19:46:35 is the node on i2p too? I have tried to make my node use i2p for p2p, but it never worked (it wasn't able to connect to the i2p seed nodes, and never had any connection over i2p) 19:46:58 naw just the usual interwebs 19:47:17 I tried to set up onion on nas, gave up on that after a few days 20:02:42 "xfedex: wallet ux on a mobile or..." <- Core implementation uses a lot of data 20:04:18 Long term, not reasonable for mobile plans or limited speeds 20:22:33 sometimes downright impossible too 20:22:36 ofrnxmr[m]: 20:23:33 i mean there's clearly privacy drawbacks. no one wants to have to store the viewkeys. that's unwanted liability 20:24:01 but one of our thoughts was someone is going to do it so it might as well be a party who can be trusted and who can execute on it well 20:24:27 it naturally made sense to standardize a lighter weight scanner api 20:24:43 hopefully we continue to innovate on improvements to it 20:25:17 there are all kinds of incremental improvements 20:25:25 just watch 😇 21:20:38 Hello  21:28:36 I'm a completely monero beginner, how do I start getting and using monero?  21:29:28 I already made a wallet.  21:30:33 First: what wallet software did you use? 21:31:23 Desktop, mobile, web? 21:31:23 A lot of people get scammed by using scam wallets 21:31:32 Monero GUI wallet.  21:31:56 dani-g5[m]1: The version distributed as a flatpak  21:31:59 Perfect... what do you need to know? 21:32:07 dani-g5[m]1: Hm. 21:32:18 Is the flatpak version 18.1+? 21:32:40 Why not from getmonero site? 21:32:47 Minimum V18 needed 21:32:47 18.1 needed for hardware wallets 21:32:47 Latest is 18.1.2 21:33:03 How to actually start getting and using monero, I'm a beginner on the crypto currencies matter  21:34:04 https://www.getmonero.org/ 21:34:09 Have a read 21:34:21 👍 21:35:06 If you are US based, you can use cake wallet to spend monero in store and online at a lot of retailers by using the gift card service (cakepay) 21:35:29 ofrnxmr[m]: 21:36:27 ofrnxmr[m]: Well I'm not but thanks 👍 21:37:28 Should eventually be available outside of US 21:37:28 But there are other places that accept monero natively, not many but were working on that 🥹 21:38:30 We meaning "monero outreach" 🦗 🦖 21:38:33 Yeah I hope it becomes available, I truly value my privacy  21:39:30 Its up to us to do that 21:40:03 Monero is pretty much production ready. There's no reason why shops cant use it 21:40:28 cake wallet also had a build in exchange to other Cryptos, if a store only accepts something else this is a good option with decent privacy 21:40:28 When I sell goods online, i ONLY haggle if they pay monero 21:41:19 Oh also, should I use something very secure like keepassxc to store my wallet password?  21:41:41 Keepass is perfect 21:42:55 I dont know about "xc" though... one of them is good 21:42:55 I use DX on mobile 21:43:30 Yeah its xc 21:43:35 dani-g5[m]1: If you never backup your seed, at least keep a copy of your wallet files (which are encrypted) 21:43:51 Or do both, preferrably 21:44:17 ofrnxmr[m]: Did that already, so I'm fine for that :)  23:05:28 took ages to join back, finally 23:06:42 "If you never backup your seed..." <- My Cake Wallet app crashed a while ago, boy am I glad I had the seeds written down 23:14:03 speaking of which, I had been putting off restoring my bitcoin and litecoin wallets until now, which I just did... yay, it's all there 23:17:55 Seriously, if you're reading this and you don't have your seed written down: 23:17:55 Go to the store right now. Buy one of those little pocket sized composition notebooks and a pen or pencil if you don't have one. Go home and write down all your seeds in that little notebook. Then keep it on your desk, or in a bolted safe, depending on your threat model. 23:18:06 s/your/any/, s/seed/seeds/ 23:20:05 Write it down and keep somewhere safe 23:20:51 Then write it down again and put it in a different safe location 23:21:02 Then do it again 23:21:39 yeah i thought about suggesting writing it all down again and putting it in your wallet, but i figured i should wait until i get around to following my advice 23:22:19 * yeah i thought about suggesting writing it all down again and putting it in your wallet, but i figured i should wait until i get around to following my own advice 23:22:19 but on second thought, why not give that advice now? I'll get around to it one of these days 23:22:38 Is your wallet a safe location? lol 23:23:10 I create a backup and save that (cake backup feature is MIA) 23:23:26 After all that find a way such that your monero lives on when you die 23:24:25 nioc: should I call you Mr. Tib or Mr Elit 23:25:00 Yes I have all of my seeds saved, but those are a last resort. Much more efficient to restore a backup than it is to resync 23:25:21 I am think of burying my seed somewhere and making a treasure map 23:25:34 > <@nioc:libera.chat> After all that find a way such that your monero lives on when you die 23:25:34 * i guess one would have to find the time to give their grandkids or other family all their passwords and seeds when they're older 23:26:39 Yes, everyone's situation is different, whatever works 23:27:23 nioc: careful, i think it was nikola tesla who once predicted the silver markets would be bullish, went all in on silver and buried it somewhere, was correct, and when he went to dig his stash up to sell it, discovered that some landscaping had been done since he had buried it 23:27:46 and he never found it 23:28:02 Didn't hear that one lol 23:28:05 Oh my 23:28:54 and much like the silver in the story, Ctrl-F silver on tesla's wikipedia article brings up nothing 23:28:58 hmm 23:29:01 lemme keep searching 23:33:29 I wonder if it was someone else? Or some other detail is incorrect? 23:33:38 imma see if r/tipofmytongue can help me