01:26:27 amoouu[xmpp]: https://t.me/FreeCoin_MoneyBOT?start=06343902764 02:36:34 okay, so I think maybe I'm in sync? How do I check? 02:36:48 /dev/mapper/vg00-bitmonero 295G 125G 155G 45% /home/cjac/.bitmonero 02:37:59 but maybe not... 02:37:59 The wallet's refresh-from-block-height setting is higher than the daemon's height: this may mean your wallet will skip over transactions 04:03:50 ./monerod status 04:27:13 Wrong window ofrnxmr[m] 04:43:51 :wq 04:55:32 uparrowuparrowuparrowuparrowuparrow 04:55:55 lol 05:29:44 plowsof11: I hope it makes you happy that I added a DNAT rule for port 18080 05:30:51 i can finally sleep cjac, i've been worried sick, thank you <3 05:31:04 you're welcome. I thought that might have been the case. 05:31:16 now.. lets mine those blocks ⛏️ 05:33:44 thanks cjac for real :D 05:34:40 sure thing. Should I run monerod in my DC instead of my basement? Latency and availability is better out there, but there's more compute in here. 05:37:34 no SSDs out there, but there is an array of 8x10KRPM SAS drives, which are pretty performant 05:39:56 i dont have much of an idea,, only that monerod and ssd sounds good 07:57:31 "Wrong window ofrnxmr..." <- oh god i'm having flashbacks 07:57:37 don't ever use terminator terminal emulator 07:57:53 there's a simple shortcut that sends commands to all tabs 07:58:07 i had it on for a while before i realized 07:58:12 one of those tabs was weechat 09:19:20 is there a way to add monero ledger wallet as view only in monero GUI? 09:19:34 would like to avoid opening the hardware wallet every time I want to check funds 09:28:25 Maybe there is some way to extract the viewkey but not sure if there is one in the gui 09:50:25 "don't ever use terminator..." <- i'm currently using something called Warp on my Mac, its absolutely fucking beautiful 09:50:40 https://www.warp.dev/ 09:50:57 also i know people will say "ugh a mac" but i got it from work for free so i ain't gonna say no lol 10:03:11 monerobull[m]: I can only use the public view key as the private one is not extractable 10:06:48 although when I try to restore a wallet w/ keys in monero gui, it wants the private view key 10:06:57 what is the public view key for then? 10:07:36 can I use it on an explorer? what's it's purpose if it cannot be used to create a view only wallet in monero 10:08:39 Ofrnxmr, can u come dm with me? 10:09:03 Plowsof, can u come dm with me? 10:19:36 Replied in dm 11:07:35 Sounds exciting 11:22:47 The ledger 25th custom word? 11:22:47 Sir if the new advanced user feature is converted from 24 words to 25 words, after I reset the ledger hardware wallet, can I access the same monero assets with just 24 words without +25 words in ledger hardware wallet? I don't mean passphrease in ledger hw. I mean the seed phrease (advanced users) for just the monero in ledger hardware wallet. 11:22:47 https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360006352934-Monero-XMR-?docs=true 11:22:47 Please read the seed recovery (advanced users) in my sent link. If you read it, you understand me. Sir, please read my article from top to bottom to understand it better. 11:22:47 ...(truncated) 11:22:47 Word 25 is basically an offset 11:27:17 Sir if the new advanced user feature is converted from 24 words to 25 words, after I reset the ledger hardware wallet, can I access the same monero assets with just 24 words without +25 words in ledger hardware wallet? I don't mean passphrease in ledger hw. I mean the seed phrease (advanced users) for just the... (full message at ) 11:27:17 24 words = Address 1 11:27:17 24 + 1 = Address 2 (basically a different wallet) 11:27:18 A or B? 11:27:18 > <@monerobull:matrix.org> 24 words = Address 1 11:27:18 > 24 + 1 = Address 2 (basically a different wallet) 11:27:18 No. I do not passphrase. Read my written. 11:27:18 Sir if the new advanced user feature is converted from 24 words to 25 words, after I reset the ledger hardware wallet, can I access the same monero assets with just 24 words without +25 words in ledger hardware wallet? I don't mean passphrease in ledger hw. I mean the seed phrease (advanced users) for just the monero in ledger hardware wallet. 11:27:18 Holy shit translate it with deeple or something 11:27:18 https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360006352934-Monero-XMR-?docs=true 11:27:19 Please read the seed recovery (advanced users) in my sent link. If you read it, you understand me. Sir, please read my article from top to bottom to understand it better. 11:27:19 We have no idea what you are trying to say 11:27:19 plowsof: 11:27:19 ...(truncated) 11:27:20 * do not mean passphrase. Read 11:27:20 monerobull[m]: Read my written by understanding. 11:27:21 Ofrnxmr sir. Answer me. 11:27:21 Sir if the new advanced user feature is converted from 24 words to 25 words, after I reset the ledger hardware wallet, can I access the same monero assets with just 24 words without +25 words in ledger hardware wallet? I don't mean passphrease in ledger hw. I mean the seed phrease (advanced users) for just the... (full message at ) 11:27:22 Plowsof sir and ofrnxmr sir. 11:38:57 monerobull[m]: This is about the 5th or 6th time somebody nags here with this 24 words versus 25 words story, with various user names, but always in the same style 11:41:51 Very hard to believe in the meantime it's in good faith, IMHO 11:41:51 I know, i tagged plowsof to mute them again 12:09:36 Known bot. Been kicked out of dev already. 12:14:02 from mastering Monero: 12:14:02 "The maximum block size is (2 * median size of the last 100 blocks), at which point the entire coinbase-reward is withheld." 12:14:03 Does this mean that the blocksize is actually caped to that or can miners theoretically add infinite transaction after there is no block reward for that block anyway then? 12:51:17 it's capped 12:51:30 other nodes will not accept blocks larger than 2*median_size 12:56:54 For example, the absolute maximum size of the next block right now is 600kB (twice the 300kB minimum median value). 12:59:37 rbrunner: the 15th or 16th* 13:03:48 exact place where it's checked: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/src/cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_basic_impl.cpp#L107 13:05:46 thanks 13:26:45 10:19:19 is there a way to add monero ledger wallet as view only in monero GUI? 13:26:45 10:28:24 Maybe there is some way to extract the viewkey but not sure if there is one in the gui 13:26:48 yes you can 13:27:04 but you need to alter monero so it prints that view key on extraction 13:27:11 across the rest of the code it's null'd 13:27:37 so you need to create a manual view-only wallet that way 13:28:16 https://paste.debian.net/1263432/ 13:29:48 then you have monero address + private view key to create the view-only wallet 13:30:43 this will output into monero logs, not console 13:31:07 and ofc, set secret spend key to empty or all 0's depending on the wallet 13:50:26 does anyone know what the equivalent word in monero for satoshi....eg, what units are the decimal parts of monero? What is .001 xmr? 13:52:43 millinero 13:52:50 metric unit prefixes, nero suffix 13:53:02 thank you 13:59:47 "does anyone know what the..." <- piconero is the smallest unit 14:00:27 thank you Save_G 14:00:36 so people say piconero instead of satoshi 14:01:10 0.000000000001XMR vs 14:01:11 0.00000001BTC 14:02:31 https://bitflyer.com/en-us/s/glossary/satoshi 14:02:31 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/moneropedia/atomic-units.html 14:02:43 awesome....easy, found a chart of the metric prefixes 14:03:45 yeah I think sticking to the standard metric prefixes is much smarter then giving the smallest unit it's own name 14:04:36 also it would be like 10 nano btc 14:04:43 more efficient it would seem 14:04:43 doesn´t make any sense 14:05:53 bitcoin was never more than half-baked 14:05:59 seems that pico would align with this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_prefix 14:07:16 voidbitz: that's what you get taught first high school semester in europe 14:08:57 :)...half baked, kinda like the BTC maxi's. Still a great combination of technologies of the times. Anyways, everything has its purpose and utility 14:09:38 it was a prototype. lots of good ideas, not really workable in practice. needed more design thought. 14:09:51 cryptonote filled in a lot of the blanks 14:14:53 agreed 14:22:51 aog how to extract only view-key from ledger https://shawnhogan.com/2021/07/how-to-get-monero-private-view-key-from-ledger.html 14:22:52 But just enough to be dangeeous. 15:41:49 gah, whats that math trick that lets you avoid the conditional like "if x = 30 return 1" 15:42:08 oh yeah modulo 15:47:41 nah thats not it 15:48:09 im trying to think 15:48:41 case/switch? 15:48:47 oh 'math' - don't ask me xD 15:53:44 it's a programming trick, and there are many of them 15:53:46 https://web.archive.org/web/20110627135509/http://altdevblogaday.org/2011/06/24/old-tricks-new-dogs-removing-branches/ 15:55:40 oh thanks 16:54:53 I'm trying to mine on p2pool mini from the gui. The gui tells me I'm mining but I'm definitely not. 16:54:53 I'm trying to troubleshoot by running the command "./p2pool" from /opt/monero 16:57:52 I get an error message: Log failed to open p2pool.log and some usage information 16:57:52 If I run ./p2pool --host --wallet MYADDRESS I still get the error message it does appear to start syncing 16:57:53 does the command have to include all of this: 16:57:53 ./p2pool --host --rpc-port 18081 --zmq-port 18083 --wallet YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS --stratum --p2p 16:58:59 I do not have anything related to zmq set in my monerod config file, nor do I know what a stratum server is or why I should specify --p2P 17:00:24 regarding the p2pool.log file, I can see it has different permissions that the p2pool file: 17:00:24 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2862648 Jul 8 16:50 p2pool 17:00:24 -rw------- 1 root root 6262 Dec 8 22:23 p2pool.log 17:34:02 it can't open p2pool.log because only root has permissions for it 17:34:51 what's the full path to p2pool binary? what are file permissions on that folder and what user do you run it under? 17:50:36 /opt/monero/p2pool 17:50:36 the file permissions for /opt/monero are 17:50:36 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 8 22:23 monero 17:50:36 I tried to run p2pool under my regular user 17:51:32 ok I made myself owner or p2pool.log and now I don't have the error anymore 18:00:17 Ok, I think I know what's going on. I'm running p2pool as a regular user, which means it cannot write to /opt/monero because it's owned by root. 18:10:41 move it out of /opt/ and put it in ~/ 18:11:13 thats the first step in my opinion 18:12:23 https://cryptoanarchy.wiki/#notable-projects 18:13:09 Save_G[m]: why isnt monero in there 18:13:14 why is centralised etherium and bitcoin on there but not Monero has anyone talked to the people running the cryptoanarchy movement? 18:15:39 make a pull request: https://github.com/cryptoanarchywiki/cryptoanarchywiki.github.io 18:17:56 homie got ukraine flags on his twitter tho....good luck 18:22:26 it doesn't look like some organization or collective, just some dude 18:22:47 yoshi7777m: ill make a pull request about adding monero 18:22:56 "move it out of /opt/ and put..." <- yes, did that and now i can mine to p2pool from gui :-) 18:23:25 erembax[m]: nice! 18:23:52 erembax[m]: was that your initial purpose? 18:29:54 yoshi7777m: just some dude <--- hahahaha 18:45:40 everything is in ~ now, daemon launches at start, p2pool mining works all is good 18:45:41 "erembax: was that your initial..." <- just mini to p2pool mini with the gui 18:49:00 speaking of cryptoanarchy, I had missed this little comedy 18:49:11 https://www.wired.com/story/signal-mobilecoin-payments-messaging-cryptocurrency/ 18:49:27 "For now it's listed for sale on just one cryptocurrency exchange, FTX," 18:49:44 "its 250 million coins, at around $69 each, are currently worth almost $17 billion dollars in total." 18:49:55 wormrobot: are there any recommended p2pool startup flags that are recommended when mining with the gui? 18:53:53 rmonteiro[xmpp]: Hi I'm new here 18:53:54 is there a known regression with sync speed on MacOS (M1/arm64)? it took more time to sync the last ~2 months of chain state on Mac than syncing the _entire_ chain state on a linux machine. both on the same network, both with SSDs, and with the MacOS machine having better CPU and SSD performance. 18:54:16 rmonteiro[xmpp]: What does my username shoe up as when I type all I see is is a capital r 18:56:29 How much RAM on that Mac? 18:58:43 32 GB on both machines. it never used more than 2GB from what I could see 19:00:03 zone117x: which version? 19:00:37 and when did you sync up on macOS and when Linux 19:01:07 latest versions as of today. did both today 19:01:15 latest from github releases 19:01:17 Did not know Apple was making 32GB Mac with M1, nice to know. 19:01:18 My monero daemon use 10.1GB in a 16GB VM 19:01:18 164GB virtual so the whole blockchain is "allocated" in "ram" 19:01:26 if you're only use 2GB then my guess is that it constantly use the storage to validate each TX instead of using some local cache in RAM, slowing down the whole process by a few order of magnitude 19:01:42 there's no 32gb m1 as far as i'm aware of 19:01:45 m1 pro only 19:02:40 you folks are living in 2020 :) there are 64GB models available 19:03:30 do you have the time it took to sync for both? 19:05:06 > if you're only use 2GB then my guess is that it constantly use the storage to validate each TX instead of using some local cache in RAM, slowing down the whole process by a few order of magnitude 19:05:06 this is pretty strange to me. disk usage never appeared to be anywhere close to peak. even if this was the problem, it would be strange to me if the buffering/threading implementation was so poor that a potential bottleneck in disk slowed down everything else (as opposed to buffering more data in memory) 19:07:56 don't need to peek. 19:07:56 data access take more time when the TX are read from disk. 19:08:00 * from disk/ssd. 19:08:50 if you add 1ms for each TX to read plus 1ms for each TX decoy from that TX to read then it really addup at the end 19:09:58 i've synced up both m1 mac and linux system and didn't notice major differences 19:10:13 so i would be interested in the approx sync time on both 19:14:51 @RavFX you misunderstand -- if disk was a bottleneck, I'd expect the network thread to saturate the memory buffer. surely the implementation is not so naive to make the network stack completely block IO on CPU or disk operations for each received block/tx 19:16:44 @seltsa 19:16:44 > so i would be interested in the approx sync time on both 19:16:44 syncing the last ~2 months of history took about 6 hours, syncing the entire history from scratch took about 5 hours 19:17:21 first one on an M1 macbook, second on a linux machine. the M1 hardware is better in pretty much every way 19:18:55 5 hours for a full sync sounds too quick 19:19:25 can you post the exact specs for the linux machine, or at least the exact ssd, 19:19:26 ? 19:19:31 You are not the only one who did notice big slowdown at the end of the sync. 19:19:31 What I was making high performance HDD sync test, the last ~1-2% took a LOT more time 19:19:37 s/What/When/ 19:20:26 With a LOT of cache miss 19:28:30 > can you post the exact specs for the linux machine, or at least the exact ssd, 19:28:30 ssd: Samsung 980 PRO M.2 NVMe 19:28:30 cpu: i7-11700K 19:35:18 > /opt/monero/p2pool... (full message at ) 19:39:20 the linux machine is using around 2.5x the amount of CPU, memory, and network 19:39:55 neither saturated disk usage 19:41:13 Testing 19:44:02 zone117x: all I can say is that 5h sync time sound unusually fast, usually it's 12h 19:44:16 never heard anyone report such a short sync time so that's why i'm confused 19:45:27 random disk IO speed is the most important variable for sync time 20:47:02 hey, guys: any reason I wouldn't be able to start the GUI through proxychains? Just learning proxychains, but I've been able to successfully start all apps with it except the Monero GUI. 20:55:14 Maybe because 20:55:14 > this program works only on dynamically linked programs 20:55:14 https://github.com/haad/proxychains 20:56:46 Monerod is usually statically linked, is the gui? 21:06:01 If you download the binaries, yes. 21:06:01 That way it just work on all configurations. 21:06:44 else you gonna need a download version available for all version of ubuntu, all version of fedora, all version of whatever.... 21:11:52 So dumbing things down a bit for me: the conclusion is I should give up attempting to run the GUI through proxychains? 21:12:48 eudaimon36[m]: Exact. 21:12:48 Or compile monero yourself 21:13:05 lol 21:13:13 I'll go with the first option! 21:13:24 that way it's not gonna be static 21:13:25 Thanks 21:13:26 ok! 21:16:21 eudaimon36[m]: monero-gui supports proxys when you go to settings -> interface 21:16:28 no need for an external program 21:20:51 selsta: Ok, this makes sense, I'll study that a bit. 21:21:24 Is it possible I damaged something with the GUI attempting to run it through proxychains? 21:22:07 now the wallet doesn't connect to the daemon 21:28:46 eudaimon36[m]: did you enable proxy? 21:28:58 no it's not possible to damage something 21:29:45 hmm, ok. I'll play around and see what I F-ed up 21:37:49 eudaimon36[m]: if you enable proxy in Settings -> Interface and don't set IP / port right it will not connect to a node 22:52:13 "eudaimon36: if you enable..." <- I've been reading everything I can find online about this Socks5 Proxy option within the Interface. Having done so, however, it's still a bit unclear. In particular, I'm wondering how this affects my currently used full node. And also, I assume I must first start my Tor service before running the wallet with this set. (I'm very new to all this, so I apologize if I haven't even formulated the 22:52:13 questions properly) 22:53:48 if you want to proxy traffic through Tor you have to be running Tor first 22:54:15 so if you are running a local node on the same machine then you want to proxy the node traffic and not the wallet traffic 22:54:32 because node <-> is local anyway 22:54:42 node <-> wallet 22:58:07 OK, this is very helpful, and largely how I understood things. 22:58:28 The one thing I didn't realize, but now make sense, is that the only thing that COULD be proxied is the full node--the wallet does not speak to anything but the node. 23:01:57 So if I weren't running a full node, I would have to point the wallet to a remote node that it would connect to via Socks5 proxy. (I.e., I'm still a bit unclear about the Socks5 proxy "remote node connection" reference) 23:24:41 selsta: ^ 23:25:16 eudaimon36[m]: correct 23:25:36 selsta: Thank you! 23:25:50 monerod has a --proxy option 23:28:18 selsta: But I needn't worry about adding any flags to monerod myself, right? The proxy option in the interface makes any necessary adjustments 23:28:50 no, monerod is a separate program 23:29:10 do you manage monerod manually or do you let monero-gui start and stop it? 23:29:37 I have done it both ways at different times 23:32:57 So besides having the interface set to proxy, I have to start the daemon with: ./monerod --tx-proxy "tx-proxy=tor,,16" 23:33:28 your creating a connection from monero gui to your seperate monerod instances over tor? 23:35:26 DanIsnotthemanBr: I think the idea is that the wallet communicates directly with my local full node, and then Tor obfuscates my node 23:35:31 Daemons is --proxy= 23:36:32 ofrnxmr[m]: So I have to start my daemon with this, AND then have the interface set to proxy? 23:36:56 I would think the interface would just start the daemon with that 23:37:07 seems redundant 23:37:20 oh so you want monerod to connect via tor 23:37:24 # TOR P2P anonymous-inbound=$ONION:18084,,32 proxy= # Proxy through TOR tx-proxy=tor,,16,disable_noise # relay tx over tor pad-transactions=1 23:37:32 hidden service? 23:37:40 * ``` 23:37:40 # TOR P2P 23:37:40 anonymous-inbound=$ONION:18084,,32 proxy= # Proxy through TOR tx-proxy=tor,,16,disable_noise # relay tx over tor pad-transactions=1 23:37:40 ``` 23:38:14 Tx-proxy and anon inbound are for relaying tx over onion 23:38:54 Blockchains sync, outgoing connections only, is --proxy 23:39:34 what if I want everything over onion? 23:40:07 not sure why anyone would even want to limit it to only some data 23:40:16 Cant sync blocks over onion 23:40:28 Because tor onion is unreliable 23:41:14 I see. This also explains why I couldn't connect through proxychains last night 23:41:35 Old instructions use torsocks 23:42:09 Not sure why youd try proxychains. Seems it doesnt work at all unless you build from sour3 23:42:11 ofrnxmr[m]: Just reread this: what does this mean, if you can't sync blockchain over Tor anyhow 23:45:56 You can sync the blockchain over tor 23:46:02 You cannot sync over onion 23:46:46 You cannot get incoming blockchain sync connections when using --proxy 23:47:11 You can make outgoing blockchain sync over --proxy 23:47:21 --proxy sends blockchain sync over exit nodes 23:47:28 hmmm, I thought Tor = The ONION Router 23:47:38 No 23:47:55 TOR = The Onion Router 23:48:06 lol 23:48:33 Not "the .onion hidden service-only network" 23:49:51 Visiting... (full message at ) 23:51:10 OK, back to my studies... 23:51:14 every tor user visiting an onion is "localhost" :-o 23:59:48 what if you live outside your localhost