00:45:52 Does anyone know places where I can sell stuff for monero? 00:46:07 I tried alphabay but it has a pretty high vendor fee 00:46:13 1.5 XMR 00:46:37 There's moneromarket on the clearnet, but I was looking for more alternatives 00:48:22 For clearnet, you could try t.me/moneromarket, reddit.com/r/moneromarket or Bitejo.com. 00:49:20 The telegram channel is new to me, will look into it 00:49:26 Bitejo however seems to be dead 00:49:34 Atleast for Monero products 00:49:58 I had listed something there and even though some people "order" it, they never actually send the funds 00:50:22 It's my project and I am a programmer, not a marketer, sadly. Working on a better open source version that someone with better marketing/business/social skills can take over. 00:50:50 NeroShop is under development: https://matrix.to/#/#neroshop:matrix.org 00:51:13 Also Particl.io but it uses PART coins (exchange PART and XMR with WizardSwap.io) 00:52:10 I like Bitejo a lot because it doesn't have intrusive fees like moneromarket.io, hopefully it grows much bigger 00:54:20 You can also list products/services in Monero.observer community messages. And there is a crypto marketplace Matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/#cryptomarketplace:matrix.org 00:54:48 Thanks so much 00:58:48 GenericNick: U can put an ad on Monero Observer too. 00:59:30 For example: https://monero.observer/tommyallark-io/ 01:39:38 Binary Boy[xmpp]: Is this MUC ported into any other platform like IRC matrix etc? Or is this just a XMPP chat? 01:40:31 Well I'm talking to you on Matrix so 01:42:16 Binary Boy[xmpp]: Ok so it has been ported into other unsafer platforms 01:42:33 Binary Boy[xmpp]: thanks for letting me know 01:43:13 Binary Boy[xmpp]: I think it's a matrix primary chat that has been ported into XMPP 01:43:41 Binary Boy[xmpp]: does it show anything next to my username? 01:44:05 [xmpp] 01:44:30 Binary Boy[xmpp]: yea ok so it's working a port into xmpp 01:44:48 Binary Boy[xmpp]: It shows [m] for you 01:45:12 Binary Boy[xmpp]: honestly you're all better off using xmpp 01:45:50 meow 01:46:32 Binary Boy[xmpp]: bark bark 01:46:41 Binary Boy[xmpp]: testing confirmed 12:05:57 gm sers 13:57:40 gm 16:35:04 i'm in need of a remote node 16:38:19 try this one node.majesticbank.is:18089 19:54:08 meeep[xmpp]: yaaa xmpp is the best 19:57:49 didn't realize how long blockchain pruning takes, I probably should have just resynced from scratch lol 21:07:34 digital_mystik: yes pruning from scratch is a little faster than pruning an existing chain 21:07:47 AIUI pruning an existing chain will show no reduction in size, it will just not grow until it reaches the original size it was pruned from 21:19:42 yeah, I'm pruning to a new database with the monero-blockchain-prune script for the size reduction.. but would probably have been better off just syncing a fresh pruned database 21:19:43 nioc: ^ 21:21:07 but I've gone too far to stop it now haha 21:38:22 * Morpheus[m] uploaded an image: (347KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/fzLJQVUpsiLpSaczLNhXiHUT/image.png > 21:38:32 Moneroj will start storing Binance withdrawal status for Monero and plot it in a chart 21:44:39 would be very interesting to see 21:48:24 We'll also add this feature to Trocador.app so we can remove temporarily exchanges that get their liquidity from Binance or at least warn users when they are trading in Trocador. 22:06:28 does monero-blockchain-prune quit after completion? 22:33:03 https://twitter.com/CameronRuggles/status/1607138149893038080 22:33:26 hey anarkiocrypto[m] nice to see u here too 23:29:01 For next 14 days all trading on MajesticBank will be without any fees. 0% fee without any hidden tax. Happy holidays.