09:27:13 hi 10:13:25 carlae88[m]: hi! 10:50:03 After resetting and restoring the ledger device, because I converted from 24 to 25 on ledger device, will the ledger device ask me for 25 words in the monero app inside the ledger device or never ask 25 words? 10:50:22 Plz anselwer me sir 10:51:39 lol, did he get banned by regex filter or something? 10:53:25 Nope. Manually 18:48:49 Hello monerods 18:49:08 I have a question I am doing a paranoid setup kinda sorta. 18:49:25 I am having trouble getting around allot of public wifi fire walls. 18:50:22 because I am synching monero. 18:50:52 Now I am wondering if a vpn will solve this. I am just a hobbiest but from what i know I think it will. 19:50:46 "Now I am wondering if a vpn will..." <- Yes 19:50:47 Yes, it will 19:51:10 However you can just use i2p with an outproxy, it's 100% free and better for privacy :) 19:51:31 Hmm didn't think of that thank you 19:52:13 I just downloaded windscribe cli with yay but I will consider I2P. 19:53:41 Do i need to configure I2P some place that dose not have Peer to Peer limitations to begin with or will it slip threw there firewall from the start? 19:53:56 their* 19:55:32 I don't know how their firewall works 20:00:44 I am talking about big corporate places like starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, & Mc Donalds. 20:04:21 Sir_Teal_Esq: Sorry, I have never been in these places, so I don't know how their firewall works 20:05:06 gotcha. 20:05:28 YOu must be some place outside the west. 20:06:49 Sir_Teal_Esq: No, I live in Europe 20:08:35 certainly you guys have mc Donalds. Perhaps I am reading to much into what you were saying. you just dont go to those places eh. 20:09:57 hey! i just added the Onion Service to my node... im able to get a response from szho235svyufzn5uipzse63xq2trb26rwm4v5vmgf46jk6mfsd2p7sad.onion:18089/get_info but unable to sync a wallet .. any idea why? 20:11:09 Sir_Teal_Esq: In reality I've gone to a McDonald once, but I didn't like it 20:11:15 never went back again 20:11:35 there are much better restaurants 20:11:56 Is your wallet device on tor too? 20:11:56 Indeed 20:13:50 DanIsnotthemanBr: i tried to connect to that adress... not sure what you mean ? 20:15:02 Is the wallet on a seperate device then your node? 20:15:11 yes 20:16:18 node is on pc, wallet on phone same wi-fi... 20:16:31 Is the phone connected to tor too? 20:16:35 no 20:16:53 thats what missing ? i should connect with Orbot ? 20:17:01 vpn 20:20:08 ah! it worked! 20:20:26 thanks! 20:21:19 love vacation... free time for node :) 20:24:25 Yep 20:24:33 Both ends need tor 20:30:31 95% synched 20:31:35 being that this is a paranoid install I feel like I deserve a gold medal. 20:48:33 That's odd it slowed to a crawl wonder why. 20:55:03 bizzar A few minutes ago I was 1.9 hours away. now I am 2.3 days 20:55:12 Well I am going to punch out. 20:55:25 Hit the gym. THanks for all the help as always. 21:17:16 "being that this is a paranoid..." <- it will sync... 22:00:16 Revuo Monero. Issue 153: December 29, 2022 - January 5, 2023. http://revuo-xmr.com/issue-153.html