01:08:43 "Do you need diapers now?" <- Allahu mawlana we're boutta hit 170 01:08:53 Most definitely 01:10:09 173+ 01:10:28 ofrnxmr[m]: Pray to your lord we hit that 01:11:09 My 10 cents in xmr is abt to hit 15 01:11:18 Futures hit 173.8 01:11:18 Apologies everyone for price talk 01:11:46 I've never financially recovered from that scam 01:12:01 Shoulda bought and sold monero 01:12:27 I have no money to buy xmr with 01:13:01 And in my state i can't flip burgers till 15 01:13:35 Onlyfans 01:13:58 Someone needs to make an "onlyfans" using monero 01:14:13 Outta pocket 01:15:31 "Im underage" 01:15:31 Diego Sanchez had an onlyfsns 01:16:27 The mma guy? 01:16:48 Didnt they even ban explicit content for a while? As if it wasnt intended for clout chasing garden tools who have no moneros 01:17:17 ofrnxmr[m]: Yes they did, they reverted it eventually because most of there money come from there lol 01:17:41 Lol, what a funny platform 01:17:59 What did they expect, a bunch of Diego Sanchez? 01:20:07 Alpha wen monerobnb 01:54:16 "Alpha wen monerobnb" <- I'm reserving the idea to drop a monerobnb 01:54:41 Bro! A hosting service named monerobnb 01:55:51 "https://xmr.homes/donate" <- Consider being a donationchad 01:57:39 Benefits 01:57:39 - ur cool 01:57:39 - ur helping out a small website 01:57:39 - ur not a greedycel 01:59:42 * Benefits... (full message at ) 02:11:09 Maybe something more original no? 02:12:08 "Alpha wen monerobnb" <- . 02:15:28 More original? Airbnb is a centralized and expensive solution to a need for a circular housing market 02:17:32 PayPal, credit cards, payment and refund delays after settlement, expensive fees on top of taxes, shitty apps, website, etc. 02:17:32 Im usually"lets get them to accept xmr" but I think it would be better to create a better competitor 02:50:20 * alpharabius[m] uploaded an image: (13KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/pFfzrivDTxCTruFnyKHbjNlR/1673483721459522.png > 07:59:44 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> PayPal, credit cards, payment and refund delays after settlement, expensive fees on top of taxes, shitty apps, website, etc. 07:59:44 > 07:59:44 > Im usually"lets get them to accept xmr" but I think it would be better to create a better competitor 07:59:44 The harder is to get people trust it. 09:29:46 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> PayPal, credit cards, payment and refund delays after settlement, expensive fees on top of taxes, shitty apps, website, etc. 09:29:46 > 09:29:46 > Im usually"lets get them to accept xmr" but I think it would be better to create a better competitor 09:29:46 Airbnb is also extremely locked down. Their API is locked down to their partners. 09:29:58 s/locked/only/, s/down/available/ 09:30:10 Cannot write integrations for it etc 09:31:27 I don't think you'll avoid the fees and refund delays though 09:32:44 The delays are due to credit cards and etc. Weekends, business days and all that nonsense 09:35:09 And the fees are crazy because they use them to purchase insurance and pay employees. 09:35:09 But those fees are well, well in excess of being realistic 09:38:14 Monerobnb would still need fees to cover insurance and staffing, but fees dont have to be as outlandish 09:39:31 ofrnxmr: Are you working on monerobnb? 👍️ 09:41:29 Nope, just brainstorming the easiest unstoppable inroads 09:42:36 we could make hidden cameras on networked connected devices that mine monero to help with adoption in the airbnb market 09:44:54 😆😆😆😆 09:44:54 Mechanics and barbers were relstively easy, but airbnb and uber are big fish and low hanging fruit 09:45:16 airbnb is generally hated by 'first time buyers' and the community in the proximity :( 09:45:47 sorry prague 09:45:55 💀 better than homeless encampments 10:08:08 They can physically mine xmr 10:56:16 A KYC-free Monero AirBnB would be great. Could use multisig escrow and reviews/reputation for trust (although in my experience, landlords who rent apartments for cash without ID are just happy to receive the rent every month, no "verification" required). 11:46:06 for a rideshare thing we are probably way too niche 11:46:50 "oh wow, this week theres one guy in germany driving from there to there and one guy in brazil" 11:55:43 we need a monero shopping + monero university hybrid ccs - where we build / own a gasoline station and/or garage for car repairs that offers discounts for payment in monero - taxi drivers would be interested 11:56:35 A rideshare platform would still be useful, especially if public transit isn't available and local taxis are too expensive (or it is a long distance trip). I heard that Uber and some other apps ask passengers for ID, if they pay with cash or gift cards... but maybe a KYC-free CakePay/PayWithMoon card could bypass this. Fortunately there is good public transit where I live, and you can still buy anonymous tickets with cash (vs. a public 11:56:35 transit card that requires government ID). 11:56:38 crypto adoption in st kitts targetted taxi drivers - i think they can buy gasoline with crypto there 11:58:19 Instead of owning a gas station, a bounty for (extroverted, i.e. not me) people to go out to local businesses and onboard them to Monero may be more successful. 12:01:07 Maybe prepare a "why and how to accept Monero" brochure + web page and translate it into multiple languages. I wonder if Cake would participate or help to organize this (if the brochure and onboarding demo uses Cake Wallet). 12:02:16 Then people could fundraise bounties for specific cities/countries (or in general) and if someone onboards a merchant in this location, they can claim the bounty. 12:49:24 "A rideshare platform would still..." <- Bolt exists in Europe and it's no-KYC, would be nice to approach them and ask to accept crypto 12:49:40 Bolt also has scooters and food delivery 12:49:59 It would be a massive win if they started accepting crypto 12:54:36 I dont like telling companies to accept crypto 12:55:09 Because then they start listening to other fools advice and accepting apecoin and shiba, then blame me for their losses 12:56:18 Realistically you won't make alternatives to everything just to accept Monero 12:56:39 The stuff isnt money anyway. If they want to accept nft's, so be it 12:56:41 There are too many platforms to replace 12:58:24 ofrnxmr[m]: That doesn't happen at all. They always choose a third party payment gateway that supports many cryptocurrencies. 12:58:53 I don't care about them accepting scam coins as long as Monero is also an option 12:59:18 Im talking about real people in real brick and mortar shops 12:59:31 Not some wash your nfts for fiat service 12:59:48 I was talking about ride-sharing 13:00:34 Yeah, im talking abiut.. 13:00:34 Either they have to not even interact with the crypto and are just using a service to dump it for fiat 13:00:47 Or they have to manage multiple wallets 13:01:08 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> Yeah, im talking abiut.. 13:01:08 > 13:01:08 > Either they have to not even interact with the crypto and are just using a service to dump it for fiat 13:01:08 See I don't care about that as long as they take my monero :D 13:02:34 IMO no need to enable solana, Shiba, tel, tara or whatever shitcoins might be on instaswapnservicd 13:03:03 I dont accept tsla or googl stock for my services either. Pay me money.. i dont want your nfts nor do I want to pay to transfer and sell them 13:03:42 Im not talking to you 😆, sorry, I type that that sometimes 13:04:14 Speaking as if I was approached by someone or a company that wanted me to take on crypto exposure 13:05:00 They do pay quite a % on every visa/mastercard transaction 13:05:13 if accepting XMR is cheaper overall, they'll jump on it 13:05:32 Thats how I get them.. xmr is cheaper and just works 13:41:26 Is it realistic for a router to have higher power consumption with larger data transfer rates? 13:52:34 > They always choose a third party payment gateway that supports many cryptocurrencies. 13:52:34 It's important that this third party gateway is KYC-free for customers... Bitpay requires government ID to pay even a 20€ invoice, which means it's as financially exclusionary and surveilled as credit cards... 14:35:47 Bumpp 18:49:37 > <@anarkiocrypto:halogen.city> > They always choose a third party payment gateway that supports many cryptocurrencies. 18:49:37 > 18:49:37 > It's important that this third party gateway is KYC-free for customers... Bitpay requires government ID to pay even a 20€ invoice, which means it's as financially exclusionary and surveilled as credit cards... 18:49:37 Never seen anyone use bitpay, it's mostly coinpayments or coingate. The only kyc those have is name and phone number but you can fill in bs values. 18:53:05 Happy to hear about CoinPayments/CoinGate. But worried if the EU would force merchants to use KYC'ed payment gateways (Bitpay, Binance Pay, Strike, etc.) in the future... 20:33:07 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrBItbrKMCU 20:33:20 Non-Custodial is da wey 20:35:34 "A KYC-free Monero AirBnB would..." <- 100% true. However, one's face and given name will probably be given when you meet the property manager or owner themself. 20:38:13 "Instead of owning a gas station,..." <- Best way to onboard people is to become a local monero "liquidity provider" in your local town 20:38:53 You may run into people who want crypto for cash or want to cash out their crypto for physical fiat without all the kyc and bank BS 20:41:02 "Thats how I get them.. xmr is..." <- Yes, this is a key selling point. Most people I met who hold crypto do so custodially and have no idea how much they would be paying in fees if they were constantly using Bitcoin layer 1 20:48:34 > However, one's face and given name will probably be given when you meet the property manager or owner themself. 20:48:34 The issue with KYC is that it relies on state permission, i.e. the state must agree to print a passport or national ID card for you (and if the state refuses, there are no appeals or alternatives). For me, it isn't about a name/appearance/phone number/etc., but that there is no way for me to get government ID. 21:16:56 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/10aa3pc/elitewallet_free_and_opensource_multicurrency/ 21:22:32 KYC on airbnb is sort of an option. Some hosts only allow verified users, other hosts only require a picture (which is only transfered after payment)