00:00:22 Revuo Monero. Issue 155: January 12 - 19, 2023. http://revuo-xmr.com/issue-155.html 15:08:17 "Revuo Monero. Issue 155: January..." <- what is this? 15:08:37 "Revuo Monero is a weekly newsletter where you can find find the most recent Monero news" 15:23:50 looks like some kind of weekly newsletter 15:45:31 Hell yeah I think I have 1 XMR now 15:45:39 all earned from selling stuff online 15:46:01 Monero circular economy definitely works :) 16:49:02 trustno1[xmpp]: > dANBs: 16:49:02 > *cockliuser[m]:* all earned from selling stuff online 16:49:02 how did you do it? Where did you buy XMR from which you did selling? 17:19:49 I sold some invite codes to Cock.li and Riseup.net, which are invite only privacy email services 17:22:14 Started out on 4chan and moved to moneromarket.io when it opened 17:22:34 I'm still the top vendor on the website :) 17:22:51 https://moneromarket.io/u/cockliuser 18:28:37 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/10gyi70/new_btcpay_server_plugin_that_accepts_monero_and/ 20:16:59 Big moves happening^ 20:42:56 wut 20:45:24 "https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero..." <- "monero and other altcoins" 20:45:24 sir, monero ain't an altcoin 20:47:20 thats right. we've now achieved "used in a TV show" status 20:50:43 > <@xfedex:matrix.org> "monero and other altcoins" 20:50:43 > sir, monero ain't an altcoin 20:50:43 Morpheus: ^^ :) 20:52:50 ban 20:53:18 its a better word than the BTCpayServer devs refer to Monero as, https://bitcartcc.com/ 20:57:05 Monero and many other altcoins > monero as well as some shitcoins, if thats your style 20:57:06 Btc Or even altcoins like Monero or Litecoin > Monero or altcoins such as Litecoin or dogecoin 20:58:06 I coulllddd have written it more bland, but the "even" altcoins like Monero felt like I got cheated on 21:00:10 Monero is money 21:00:11 The rest arent even money. Just a bunch of nfts on chain. They shouldn't even be called altcoins, but non fungible coins. Including btx 21:00:20 Real coins are fungible 21:00:55 Real coins = XMR and WOW 21:01:09 "> <@xfedex:matrix.org> "monero..." <- Yes sir 🫡 21:02:17 world of warcraft? 21:02:17 > <@xfedex:matrix.org> "monero and other altcoins" 21:02:17 > sir, monero ain't an altcoin 21:02:17 Hahah true, sorry about that 21:02:46 Wasn't thinking properly when posted that one 🤣 21:03:32 Monero and altcoins 21:06:10 * Monero and many other altcoins > 21:06:10 monero as well as many altcoins 21:06:10 Btc Or even altcoins like Monero or Litecoin > 21:06:10 Bitcoin, Monero or altcoins such as Litecoin (etcetc) 21:06:33 I meant to resend, but edit by accident 21:06:35 https://matrix.to/#/!eBgZCVRnRRkKchiYzS:monero.social/$onAt8dNf90AtRPr5mVUedk6qoWW3r4ZsWWC5vSblo3o?via=monero.social&via=libera.chat&via=matrix.org 21:06:43 Will fix that as soon as I get home haha 21:43:41 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> Monero and many other altcoins >... (full message at ) 22:41:44 Much appreciated 23:45:57 https://vitalik.eth.limo/general/2023/01/20/stealth.html 23:45:58 Vitalik is talking about stealth addresses and view tags for ethereum. Can these technologies really provide privacy on a chain that doesn't support ringct, ring sigs, and other anonymizing tech? 23:48:16 ignore, spam filter messed up 😁 23:48:52 No worries lol 23:53:58 I'm all for other chains adopting more privacy respecting tech, but i can't help but thinking there's no way to transfer from a stealth addr to marion addr without it showing on chain and deanoning 23:54:34 s/marion/main/ 23:55:06 With UTXO coins, you get some limited privacy with stealth addresses. BCH has them in beta with Reusable Payment Addresess. 23:55:24 With account-model coins like ETH? I don't know. 23:56:13 Didn't Monero devs innovate the term "View Tags" at least? Should see a citation