02:44:04 I'll help anyone interested in how to earn $30k within 3 days and hours but you will reimburse me 10% of your dividend when you collect it. Note: only interested people should involve. Contact user https://t.me/isheilabillyinvest immediately. 02:44:50 matttony12[m] I'm selling some great bridges 02:55:23 hey 02:55:29 is there a market for monero VPS? 02:55:43 (Encrypted, All traffic must be through tor) 02:55:54 I don't want the feds raiding my house 02:58:47 > *I don't want the feds raiding my house* 02:58:47 Can I raid your house 03:15:18 Oo 03:15:42 That means you need to trust the vps host 06:55:25 gm 07:47:17 narodnik: can you stop doing that everyday 08:08:36 hello 08:10:13 there was a link on getmonero for hosting company that accept monero 08:10:21 not now 08:11:14 do anyone knows link with cheap hosting that accept monero 08:17:30 ofrnxmr[m]: It actually looks like narodnik didn't do it yesterday. 08:18:09 He did in mtl 08:18:11 Mrl 08:18:18 I suspect narodnik is just looking for someone who's actually paying attention to the channel at that time of day. 08:18:23 Mrl? 08:18:30 What's a Mrl? 08:35:44 is interesting that NeroCultist aboe want the same thing 08:35:49 a lot of demand for monero vps 08:35:55 please some serius link 08:35:57 thank you. 08:43:20 I haven't used it, but this looks like a thing: https://monovm.com/vps-server/monero/ 08:51:57 njalla accepts monero 08:59:54 How long does it take for my wallet to sync? 09:00:43 njalla is expensive 09:00:59 something not more than 5$ 09:01:14 If I make a wallet and transfer money to it before I sync, do I loose all the money? 09:20:58 no. money should show up when you finish syncing 09:25:56 Blockchain magic 10:32:19 exit 11:53:53 Both Njalla and MonoVM are listed at monerica.com, by the way. 11:54:59 I see some other options there, too. 13:26:14 looking to do a minecraft style experiment 13:26:16 it's weird 13:36:45 what should one do when he has a lot of XMR but don't remember where he got it? yet he wants to use these funds for normal investments. can anyone point to any forums where these kind of situations are discussed? 13:37:25 "normal investments' = anything that requires KYC and SoF 14:47:47 "what should one do when he has a..." <- What do you mean? 14:48:22 Just type transfer
in the cli wallet and press enter 14:48:54 "something not more than 5$" <- $5 isn't expensive how broke are you 16:11:19 "What do you mean?..." <- He's worried that he will not be able to explain where the xmr came from if glowies ask 16:11:49 He's probably planning to cash it out 16:12:32 "$5 isn't expensive how broke are..." <- Njalla has shitty deals and poor uptime, not worth even 5$ 17:04:35 Nice new Monero freelancing platform by Spirobel: https://exchange.successonly.work/ 17:21:57 "Njalla has shitty deals and poor..." <- They have a reputation though, and they uphold it well 17:23:39 Yeah no 17:23:47 "He's worried that he will not be..." <- Couldn't you just make up literally any reason like "I did professional programming for a client" 17:24:19 15 dollar of those retards. Hell no. Take a look at their communication with their customers on their twitter 17:24:20 cockliuser[m]: Then you would need to be registered as self-employed and pay taxes regardless 17:24:59 s/those retards/njalla/ 17:25:09 s/of/for/, s/those retards/njalla/ 17:26:14 Best excuse/proof he can provide is past withdrawal statements so he can claim that he bought monero himself 17:26:56 unless he's ready to register as a freelancer 17:31:09 Withdraw it to physical cash (cash by mail, cash in person, Bitcoin ATMs). 17:33:34 For VPS, 1984.is has a $5/month option. Github Pages is free if you want a static page. If you need a backend: https://www.makeuseof.com/heroku-alternatives-free-full-stack-hosting/ There are probably some free Wordpress hosts. 17:33:34 Yeah it's best to not involve a bank transfer at all 19:10:54 ^ Agree 21:59:05 "15 dollar of those retards. Hell..." <- Their Twitter communication seems normal enough though 21:59:25 They provide a great service and imo that price isn't that unjustified 22:01:54 * Stnby[m] uploaded an image: (336KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/kernal.eu/MTnWZpGABieRyqWzZRmDSCEG/image.png > 22:02:28 Great service is when idiots don't realise that almost all of their servers are down. Including theirs (where you are supposed to submit tickets) 22:03:37 Shit service, shit price, shit support 22:09:07 I've been using them for some time and hadn't had any problems though 22:09:11 Even though support is a bit slow 22:09:20 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe they hate you 22:21:24 About once every 3 months, Njalla VPSes have unscheduled downtime for hours. I have used their VPSes for over a year. You can ask Feather Wallet, too. 22:27:38 1984.hosting is a good alternative. They take Monero, but they've forgotten to update their English-language front page to say so. 22:28:41 "Hægt að greiða með Monero eða Bitcoin" on their 1984.is page 22:32:40 Sorry I don't speak Elf language 22:56:04 That's not Elfic. Like like something north europe 23:03:32 Nords aren't real 23:04:04 They're a government lie made up to make you believe that "Europeans" are actually real 23:04:18 In reality, most of Europe is populated by elves 23:09:32 Til 23:28:38 Are there instructions for how to self host a monero node / wallet on Android? Is it a very complicated process? 23:29:48 Easy as pie 23:30:58 There are binaries released for android arch directly from monero 23:31:37 You can either just downloaad, extract and run them however you please.. 23:31:37 But I recommend 23:31:37 https://github.com/nahuhh/android-termux-monero-node/releases/tag/master-beta 23:33:06 The script at the link will prompt to configure the node, pruned, tor, SD card(or externalssd) etc. Auto Start on boot, and a config file for easy management 23:37:47 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> You can either just downloaad, extract and run them however you please..... (full message at ) 23:38:20 Do you know what affect there will be on heat / battery life? 23:39:14 Running of daily driver? Or a spare device? 23:40:08 My script should keep heat to a minimum, but initial sync can get pretty warm, particularly if it is to SD card. 23:40:42 After sync completion, runs very smooth and ive had me device off the charger for 24+ hrs running a tor node 23:41:59 But I dont use it on my daily driver, as using mobile networks and switching between towers is 1. Expensive for data and 2. Harder on the battery than if using stable wifi 23:51:46 "Running of daily driver? Or a..." <- Daily driver. My phone doesn't have an SD slot 23:54:34 However the phone does not have a sim card and I'm debating whether to give it one. I typically only use xmr when I'm on wifi. 23:55:11 The issue is, you dont want to stop and start the node 23:55:47 Best to just leave it running. Each catch-up sync, id prefer to use a remote node