01:33:55 ofrnxmr: would it be smart to constantly send partial funds to different sub accounts, technically that wouldnt use the same outputs then correct ? 03:30:03 Polixgen[xmpp]: > *orion_midast[m]:* ofrnxmr: would it be smart to constantly send partial funds to different sub accounts, technically that wouldnt use the same outputs then correct ? 03:30:03 you can freeze outputs instead using subaccounts. 05:37:57 "chaser, Alex | LocalMonero..." <- great, thank you! 10:38:38 > <@danbs:matrix.org> Polixgen[xmpp]: > *orion_midast[m]:* ofrnxmr: would it be smart to constantly send partial funds to different sub accounts, technically that wouldnt use the same outputs then correct ? 10:38:38 > you can freeze outputs instead using subaccounts. 10:38:38 Freeze output ? 10:39:01 "Breaking monero is a good..." <- Do you have link? 10:49:07 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsSYUeVwrHBnAUre2G_LYDsdo-tD0ov-y 11:06:30 hello 11:09:51 I registered an account on repo.getmonero.org but I am not receiving an account confirmation email. I wanted to comment on some CCS proposal stuff. How can I get my monero gitlab account confirmed? 11:10:06 are you using tor 11:10:14 indeed 11:10:21 next question? 11:10:43 yes I am using tor. Is this something shunned? 11:10:44 yeah 11:10:52 may I ask why? 11:11:25 the ccs sits behind cloudfare and tor appears to be blocked. why? i can only guess 11:11:46 assuming ddos / bandwidth limiting issues 11:12:13 OK. That explains the technical reason for it. So, I assume Monero Gitlab community doesn't "shun" using Tor for registering an account. Am I right? 11:13:43 Long story short, how can I get my repo.getmonero.org account verified, considering the fact that I would like to obfuscate my IP. 11:13:46 but you where able to get to the register an account screen, so maybe tor isn't blocked there? please contact moneromooo and tell them the email you used to sign up, maybe everything is fine and it can be manually approved 11:14:15 k4r4b3y[m]: We don't care/shun useres as long as you are a human user and not the nth sock puppet of somebody else 11:14:22 plowsof11: OK. I have already emailed luigi on devโŠ™go and he told me to jump into #monero on libera. So, I am here. 11:14:31 ceetee[m]: Understandable. 11:14:36 If all you want to do is comment, you can use your GitHub account 11:15:13 You need s GitLab account if you want to make a proposal 11:15:20 ofrnxmr[m]: Yeah, I want to comment for the time being. However, I would appreciate being a "fully-fledged" monero gitlab member. But if that's not possible due to cloudflare, I will do comment with my github acc. 11:15:52 I use my GitHub. Seems to be no real differences aside from not being able to create a proposal 11:15:59 Alright. 11:16:15 I am around. Ping me if someone else have some other suggestions. 11:16:22 Can thumbs up/down/comment/notifications etc all seem to work fine 11:16:29 Cool 11:17:41 The #1 suggestion 11:17:41 Attempt your registration, if you have issues with email etc, ping moneromooo 11:17:41 #2 use GitHub account 11:18:17 Im quite sure any other suggestions may lead to trolling 11:18:19 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> The #1 suggestion... (full message at ) 11:18:35 3 o's on mooo 11:18:39 How do I ping his username from matrix btw? 11:19:12 he has been summoned, maybe just type part of your email here if you feel like it 11:19:47 my email has the exact same username as my matrix handle 11:19:59 k4r4b3y 11:20:05 Perfect. Will see if we can get that sorted for you 11:20:12 Thanks. 11:20:57 Btw, ofrnxmr I just listened to you chiming in on the latest MoneroTopia. Quite good arguments you have for removing the tx_extra stuff. I also appreciate your work on the termux monero node. 11:24:57 k4r4b3y: ive just registered with tor and received a conf email @ protonmail using tor 11:25:13 interesting 11:25:13 tor works now as of yesterday it seems 11:25:27 should I try to get my confirmation email again now? 11:25:38 try again with "k4r4b3y+sock2@ protonmail.com 11:25:49 hmmm 11:25:59 change protonmail to your provider ofcourse 11:28:31 so try again and it should be fixed otherwise mooo will be summoned , who has not yet been summoned pending re-register 11:29:07 I tried the "+ trick". No dice. Not getting it. 11:29:31 Anyways. No hurry. I am around. 11:29:42 Thx for rapid response guys. 11:30:12 When do you want to hurry? 11:30:28 (Does no hurry mean "im a Lil busy" 11:30:29 ) 11:30:57 I meant, "I am not in a hurry." 11:30:59 ^^ I asked that backwards 11:30:59 If youre available now we can do it now 11:31:01 trying to be polite lol 11:31:10 yeah I am available 13:25:36 On monerod how can i delete the blockchain and then resync it later 13:30:06 can i just rm -rf data.mdb? 13:32:26 Yep 13:40:10 ok thanks 13:40:28 can monerod run with just 1 GB of RAM? 13:45:45 yes 13:46:03 You'll need to create a swap file, but it run on RPi 3b+ with 1 GB of RAM 13:46:08 *it runs 13:47:36 Well I'm running on VPS with 4 GB, wanna slim it down tho. Figured i'd just delete the chain. Resize the storage, download blockchain then cut the RAM down to 1 GB. I'll make sure to put about 2 GB to swap. 13:50:00 But I'll be cutting it close, I'm running pruned with currently 80GB storage, currently it uses 59GB with 16GB free. Only got 512 MB swap right now. If i cut down to 70GB storage I'll only have about 6 GB free storage and if i put more than 2 GB swap I'm pretty low, hmm. gonna have to rethink lol 13:57:11 If you use this node for syncing your wallet, it's fine. But it's too weak config for mining p2pool or solo 13:57:44 Mining nodes should be fast to update when new block is received from the network 14:43:16 Its not mining 14:43:22 i tried that on this machine and it just maxed out the hardware and earned nothing lol 14:43:30 Ok, but say i have 50 gb on the internal storage and 30 gb on external storage, is there a way to make the blockchain start by first filling the external storage and only using the internal once that is full? 14:46:00 anyone have $4 in XMR I can venmo them for or something? I'm f'kin $3 short on being able to place my order and super annoyed. 14:50:17 If I include the option --data-dir when i run it and select my attached storage. Once that storage fills up where does it put the rest of the blockchain? 14:51:24 In your heart โ™ฅ๏ธ 14:51:34 The Curandero: You cannot do that. The blockchain database is one file. 14:51:38 Ruck you actually can 14:51:38 But... higher level stuff 14:51:41 ofrnxmr[m]: How? 14:51:42 http://waw7epjul5xeacm4niblpgihdtg3atxyqekrlgz5spynqosdzftnbfad.onion/index.php?article=hdd_sync 14:51:44 You're on your own ๐Ÿ‘ 14:51:44 I have heard that you can configure stuff at the filesystem level, but it is fragile 14:51:45 Dont FUBAR 14:51:50 hdd_sync still puts it all on one disk in the end, right? 14:51:57 Splits it among different drives 14:51:57 SSD+HDD 14:52:08 Can store like x amount on the faster storage and y amount on the slower 14:52:08 Example 20gb fast storage, 40gb slow 14:52:13 s/like// 14:52:26 ofrnxmr[m]: Well if i do i'll just delete the VPS and go back to the old set up 14:52:31 dfoolz find a localmonero trader who accepts venmo 14:52:32 TheCurandero[m]: VPS? 14:52:42 Ok. 14:52:43 The Curandero: You have a VPS with internal and external storage? Or is it two different setups? 14:52:59 Rucknium[m]: Well idk if its actually external storage. Basically you can add more storage. Basically you add say 30 GB and mount the new device. 14:53:02 but it is separate from the main sda 14:53:08 Why would you even bother with splittibg 14:53:21 > Setting up a node can be as easy or as difficult as you want to make it 14:53:21 Quote from ofrnxmr ^ 14:53:21 (Looks like matrix libera are lagging again) 14:53:41 plowsof11, thanks ill give it a shot. hopefully no kyc and doesn't take too long considering I just need ~$2.15 14:54:11 shit yeah i dont think anyone on here does <$10 and I only have $6.50 in my venmo right now 14:54:19 sorry of this is the wrong place for this tbw 14:54:21 btw * 14:54:48 dfoolz: No kyc 14:55:06 dfoolz: Locslmonero is on topic 14:55:15 ofrnxmr[m]: Well, I am trying to cut down on my server cost. By cutting the storage down and just adding a second storage attachment, i half the cost of the server 14:55:51 Is there a reason you want to host on a vps 14:56:52 Vps = centralization in exchange for a little but of speed, at a cost 14:56:54 thanks ofrnxmr[m]. just searched for sellers with venmo and the only two that pop up are minimum $100. gonna have to wait until I can get a few bucks into cashapp I suppose 14:57:06 Dfoolz message one 14:57:30 I set my limits high, but I dont mind doing favors 14:58:00 good idea, thanks a lot :) 14:58:36 FWIW I host on a VPS because... (full message at ) 14:58:56 * FWIW I host on a VPS because... (full message at ) 15:00:58 I do also run a VPN (on one of my dedicated server) 15:00:58 I don't want to add extra lag to the users because of a massive VPN that increase ping to bypass my shitty CGNAT 15:01:21 just get a seperate hetzner box 15:01:44 hetzner's robot auction is hard to beat in terms of price to performance, imo 15:02:06 FWIW I host on a VPS because... (full message at ) 15:02:46 dfoolz: Have you checked Hetzner's terms of service? I know the answer is "no". 15:02:59 Tldr. The #1 reason I dont like vps nodes for first timers is its simple centralization ala thorchain 15:03:21 Nothing is decentralized is 80% of the traffic is coming from 3 vps providers 15:03:25 Hetzner says "no" but you can run Monero nodes there, as long as you don't make them public nodes for everyone to use 15:03:27 "Vps = centralization in exchange..." <- Only using it until i acquire the hardware i need to run the node at home 15:03:35 then they'll see a lot of traffic and get triggered 15:03:39 > <@xmrfn:monero.social> FWIW I host on a VPS because... (full message at ) 15:04:15 If you have android devices, rapberry, old computers etc, all you need is storage 15:04:31 ofrnxmr[m]: I agree, but i simply don't have the hardware required atm 15:04:51 Rucknium[m], I've been using hetzner for well over a decade at this point and I've nver had any issues. I also used to run a private torrent tracker back in the early 2000's with around 100k members and over 500,000 torrents, so I am pretty familiar with how various providers operate. What exactly is it in their TOS that you're alluding to that's problematic? 15:05:40 Their ToS explicitly ban cryptocurrency stuff 15:06:06 In practice their don't care, as long as you don't run something really heavy on traffic or SSD 15:06:13 or start mining 15:06:15 It helps to read the to$ 15:06:21 RTFM**** 15:06:34 RTFM: https://twitter.com/sethforprivacy/status/1572196300673765377 15:06:43 (In before ruck) 15:06:43 Hahay 15:07:47 sech1, I run a monero node on my dedi right now and have no problem at all. I also run a plex/emby/jellyfin + radarr + sonarr + etc.. setup and the seedbox aspect of that is constantly maxing out my 1Gbit up/down link. I'm pretty sure I am consistently using like 30-50TB of traffic a month and I've never had an issue. 15:08:22 I know, I'm running nodes on Hetzner too 15:08:42 There are quite a few on hetzner 15:08:49 M5M400 used Hetzner too, they "asked" him to leave 15:08:56 Some necessarily, some lazy 15:08:56 so YMMV 15:08:59 sech1, I think you're referring to shared hardware? I assure you hetzner doesn't give a shit how much I max out my harddrives, since this machine is 100% my own. 15:09:00 Yeah, There is a reason I use dedicated server. 15:09:00 Provider usually overprovision there VPS, so if you are going to actually use a lot of ressource, it can degrade performance for other users. 15:09:00 I also mine on my dedicated servers 15:09:20 dfoolz M5M400's nodes were on dedi servers 15:09:47 RavFX[m], exactly ^ 100% 15:09:54 LMAO smh 15:09:56 sech1, what did M5M400 do? 15:10:02 Stop preaching to the choir 15:10:11 He was running node.supportxmr.com (and other supportxmr nodes) 15:10:19 so lots of traffic 15:10:23 on a dedi or? 15:10:30 and probably lots of abuse reports from the mining pool 15:10:34 of course on a dedi 15:10:58 Questionaire: do you think sech1 is a noon? 15:11:02 Noob? 15:11:58 He knows what hes talking about more than anybody 15:12:00 btw if you keep mining on your dedis, better stop it. Hetzner started to actively monitor power usage of their clients, because of energy costs 15:12:22 they also increased their prices in the end of 2022 due to "high energy costs" 15:12:30 interesting. well let me put it to you like this way, I'm no stranger to abuse reports and I have received more than my fair share over the years. hetzner imo has never actually done anything to me becuase of them. ovh used to be pretty decent too, as long as you were okay with severely degraded traffic outside of EU. I used to be a huge fan of leaseweb way back in the day too, but not sure what's going on over there these days. 15:12:56 Ok, so if I'm currently syncing the chain, is it normal to not be able to access my node via tor? 15:13:03 Yes 15:13:06 Yes 15:13:11 ok good 15:13:12 sech1, I don't mine so maybe that's where we are confused. I run nodes, and I run seedboxes, irc servers, matrix servers, etc... 15:13:21 There is an options to use a fallback node while yours is syncing, let me find it... 15:13:35 No nodes allowed. Its in the TOS so they dont have to explain anything when they cut you off 15:13:50 dfoolz the fact is, Hetzner can ban you (and me) any moment. It's not just about mining 15:14:04 in practice, they don't, as long as you don't go full throttle with your dedis 15:14:30 OVH and Selectel seam to not care (so far). Just using reseller that accept cryptos. 15:14:30 Hosting my node at home would probably increase the latency by like 50 to 100ms. Or.... I could just let go of the incoming connections maybe. 15:14:48 Hetzner likes money too, so they keep this "unofficial" truce with crypto stuff 15:15:28 sech1, that is unfortunately true with any provider though. ime, I have nothing but good things to say about hetzner, but I'm not dumb enough to not realize that if I cause too many waves that there will be repercussions. 15:15:50 The Curandero: Try running monerod with `--bootstrap-daemon-address http://node.sethforprivacy.com:18089` 15:15:51 I never had issues with Hetzner myself, but the fact is they told supportxmr to leave 15:16:16 my public node ran on a ryzen dedi with avg cpu load of 2% 15:16:28 xfedex[m]: So this would let me send txs while syncing? 15:16:34 it was probably because of traffic M5M400 15:16:43 TheCurandero[m]: Yes 15:16:43 M5M400: Did you ever look at the traffic? 15:16:45 they are scanning for known p2p ports 15:16:46 Mine have many many TB / months 15:16:48 cool ty 15:17:08 trust me I am all too familiar with abuse reports and takedowns and whatnot. I used to be very heavy in the warez scene and at one point had a topsite & torrent auto-uploader system with over 30 dedicated servers from the likes of leaseweb, ovh, nfoservers, etc... 15:17:24 Smh 15:17:30 I mean 15:17:30 Facepalm 15:17:31 funny, I also ran a local torrent tracker back in 2006-2010 15:17:41 with ~6000 users 15:18:05 was a single server though 15:18:07 good times 15:18:46 how many quake servers though 15:19:08 I only ran games servers back in the old day (like world of warcraft, topping at about 2000 connected users). Was a 4 dedicated servers setup 15:19:57 M5M400 are they scanning for open ports on the server, or just any incoming/outgoing crypto traffic? 15:21:03 In conclusion, recommending Hetzner to noobs is not a good idea since they could be banned. For experienced users, they can try at their own risk. 15:21:43 sech1, nice, do you remember bitnation.com? :o 15:22:28 Hetzner is in Germany right? 15:22:28 Don't they have data retention law in germany? 15:22:28 With mean they know all about you're activities 15:22:38 it's worth mentioning that they never shut anything down. just locked me from new orders. support still working 15:23:07 I had around 90k members at peak, over 500k torrents w/ 500-1k new per day, and over half a million active peers at any one monent. used to race the old ones like SceneTorrents and whatnot in #tracers and we'd often come out #1 with the best pre-times. definitely fun times, the internet was.... different back then. 15:23:09 dfoolz No, during that time it was all about getting stuff from external trackers and seeding it internally (it was something like big city-wide LAN). It was torrents.ru (now rutracker), we didn't know nothing else :D 15:23:28 RavFX[m], they have datacentres in germany and several other countries, but yeah they are registered in germany. 15:24:04 and yes if you are doing something that is going to attract fed attention then hetzner may not be the best option unless you can get it anonymously and run everything behind tor or i2p or something 15:24:33 sech1: A couple suggestions, if you're in. 15:24:54 hetzner even has wiki pages explaining how to luks with dropbear... 15:25:48 ah i see sech1, I was more involved in the private torrent scene, and knew lots of people involved directly in the warez scene. my site was invite only, and we'd get our torrents directly from the warez topsites themselves which meant a release would be torrented and available on the site usually in <1 minute after the release group finished uploading it to the topsites. 15:27:16 later on in the 2010s I also ran a "seedbox as a service" site which was basically like dropbox but combined with torrents, you could drag & drop torrents onto the web page and then it would download and seed it and make it available to you in a dropbox like folder that you could stream from your browser, share with other people, etc... 15:27:25 rooter0_: Github.com/xmrig/xmrig 15:27:57 I ran a cluster of a couple dozen dedis with that venture as well, mostly with OVH, and I didn't have a ton of issues with them either despite the abuse warnings 15:29:00 anyway sorry I'm going off topic and ranting here a bit >.< 15:32:24 #monero-offtopic:monero.social is nice for that ๐Ÿ‘ 15:33:03 assuming that's a matrix channel with your [m]? will check it out, thx 15:35:45 #monero-offtopic 15:36:14 #monero-offtopic:libera.chat 15:42:53 Well I'll wait for a while. 15:48:11 what suggestions? 15:49:49 hi 15:51:06 sech1: I'll open a backchannel 15:52:36 Hm, seems I can't in konversation. Can you open one to me? 15:54:02 open what? 15:54:15 why can't you write here? 15:55:09 I'd like you to review first. 15:55:34 There isn't DM or private channel in libera? 15:55:37 I have to go in 5 minutes 15:55:40 there is DM 15:55:52 Np, I've pasted. 15:55:57 Huge pages can become unavailable later on due to allocation and fragmentation, so must allocate early in boot. 15:56:03 you usually right click on a nickname and select "DM" or something like this, or just double click a nickname 16:10:36 Check what hugepages are avail with: # ls -al /sys/devices/system/node/node0/hugepages 18:31:21 I've got a question. 18:31:21 Does the RPC call `get_balance` take in account "dust outputs" (output whose amount is too small to be spent without being in loss because of fee)? 18:45:32 Can anyone here advise me on how to use monero CLI on a macbook bash terminal 18:46:20 That's quite a general question... Run it, type help, go from there ? 18:46:46 IIRC this gives you the most used commands and their basic usage. 18:47:27 How do I "run it" 18:48:02 I went to the site & downloaded the tar file 18:48:05 I assume something like ./monero-wallet-cli. Or click or double click on some icon if you're in a file viwer program. 18:48:26 Ah. Untar it and do the above after that. 18:48:43 And cd to where you put it first ofc. 18:48:57 Like any other program I think ? 18:49:06 Yup 18:49:41 It'll ask you for wallet name (include a path if you want to put it somewhere in particular) and will set it up for you. 18:50:06 Do i need to run the homebrew monero service? 18:51:00 Are you going to use your own node? 18:51:30 Or are you just trying to use the cli wallet 18:52:10 No, not yet. I plan on using a remote node to sync with the blockchain 18:52:34 ./monero-wallet-cli --daemon-address NODEADDRESS:PORT 18:54:09 Thanks. 18:55:27 As moo said, it will ask you to create a wallet name, password, and will show you your seed. 18:55:28 After which it will refresh. 18:55:28 After it finished refreshing, you can type `help` into the terminal and the various commands and their usages will be shown 18:56:05 Or, what many people may not not, "apropos" followed by some term / word that interests you 18:56:32 *not know 18:59:28 How can i get the qr for my wallet address? 18:59:52 show_qr_code 19:00:40 (with optional address index after that if not the first one) 19:11:42 quick question 19:11:45 Excuse 19:11:45 Is it possible to test a view key to determine if it is the public or private key? 19:13:54 Well, if it is able to decode a particular output, it's the private key. If not, it's not. 19:14:07 https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/980/what-are-the-public-viewkeys-and-spendkeys 19:14:47 The keys have no inherent property or info inside themselves, they are all just bits 19:16:14 Monero news of the day: The mordinals viewer app seems to come with free censoring now: https://mordinals.org/item/1165 https://mordinals.org/item/1138 19:16:50 thanks 19:16:51 so if you're extrapolating subaddresses with main address and receive the public key 19:16:51 you generate subaddresses that dont belong to the wallet? 19:18:13 Well, yes, if I understand you correctly. Nothing at all except the correct view private key will let you derive subaddresses that belong to the wallet 19:18:36 Anything else will result .. in something else :) 19:23:42 "Monero news of the day: The..." <- Uploaded in ridiculous low quality 19:23:54 thank you 19:23:54 and because from the outside they are just bits 19:23:54 there's no way to ensure a user doesn't accidentally enter the public key 19:23:54 correct? 19:25:23 sorry if I'm not being clear 19:28:18 Clear as mud 19:39:53 "show_qr_code" <- Just getting a ```command not found``` 19:44:23 You're using wallet cli? 19:45:42 yes 19:48:57 Type it into the wallet 19:49:38 "Clear as mud" <- If one is running a service that sends outputs to subaddresses, 19:49:38 and wants to generate those subaddresses from the user-inputed main wallet address and private view key, 19:49:38 is there a way to check the entered viewkey is the correct one (not the public key)? 19:50:55 avoiding the user mistakenly entering the public address, generating legit-seeming subaddresses, 19:50:55 but actually sending the TXOs into the void. 19:56:51 sorry 19:56:51 *public view key 19:57:43 I had to reread the link because I got confused for a sec haha 20:07:25 Hey guys, is there anyone here who has implemented Monero payments without a third party? I am trying to build a web app where I can receive and send payments to users. Or if some of you perhaps know any resources or any implementation of accepting/sending Monero directly. 20:07:53 hanshan[m]: I think I see now how to check. You hold the claimed view private key. You also hold the view public key, as part of the address. 20:08:29 You can now take the view private key and derive the view public key and then compare the result with the view public key from the address 20:09:25 That derivation is a simple ECC multiplication and thus does not know any further knowledge that you may lack, if I understand it correctly 20:09:36 *does not need 20:10:37 If you have a match, the view private key was the right one. 20:13:11 " Hey guys, is there..." <- Have a look at the stuff in https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/meta 20:13:20 Also https://github.com/CryptoGrampy/HotShop 20:13:58 And there are probably a bunch of other resources to generate payment requests in a webapp 20:15:11 #moneropay:kernal.eu 20:15:28 rbrunner: thank you! That is very helpful. 20:15:28 Any pointers on deriving the public view key from the main wallet address? 20:15:43 https://xmr.llcoins.net/addresstests.html 20:16:27 Rucknium[m] 's idea over in the other channel may be good, it's probable that the call to create a view-only wallet does that check for you 20:16:45 So you just try, if error, it's not the right key, if no error everything is ok 20:18:18 Or use the tool at the link I sent 20:18:37 https://github.com/luigi1111/xmr.llcoins.net/blob/master/README.md 20:19:11 (The link was in the first link I sent wink) 20:20:32 awesome! 20:20:32 Thanks for the help 21:03:07 sech1: My system for setting hugepages in a VM works too. This is how you check: https://paste.ec/paste/8rv+VrC2#aj8VVhulMcuH9vWpB2kZCCV0-pOEL/17hofEA3bsohg 21:05:43 If this doesn't mean anything I'll just not bother ppl with my advances. 21:09:19 While L1 and L2 caches are per core (see Figure 4), all cores within a CCX 21:09:20 share a common 16 MiB L3 cache. 21:14:49 Ok I've got to get some litigation work done. 23:21:58 I just received a dollar with the monero logo on it 23:22:02 and so it has brought me to this discussion 23:22:07 what is it 23:22:41 where have I recieved it 23:22:46 you * 23:22:51 through an atm 23:23:00 it's inked in black 23:24:18 monero is a cryptocurrency focused on privacy and security, enabling anonymous payments on the blockchain 23:24:47 JacobGonzales[m]: lmao ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿซฅ 23:24:58 it has many interesting approaches, i suggest taking a look at https://getmonero.org 23:24:59 yea aha 23:25:07 i've been there 23:25:11 it's printed on the dollar 23:25:18 let me pull it out of my wallet really quick 23:25:23 can u send photo of it, interesting 23:26:14 also, if you are a tech savvy person, you should definately read https://localmonero.co/?language=en 23:26:37 https://localmonero.co/knowledge 23:26:51 s/https://localmonero.co/?language=en/:/ 23:27:05 * JacobGonzales[m] uploaded an image: (431KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/nitro.chat/CummtQRIKszmZKALvBLaxfLQ/signal-2023-03-20-192608_002.jpeg > 23:27:43 Hmm 23:27:43 you can tell it's inked 23:27:56 Btw: I am currently giving monero stickers for free (you only pay for shipping). pm me if interested 23:28:05 #newcbdcleaked 23:28:21 ofrnxmr[m]: ??? 23:28:31 JacobGonzales[m]: ^^ 23:28:43 what's the # mean 23:28:48 * Btw: I am currently giving away monero stickers (you only pay for shipping). pm me if interested 23:29:03 Hashtag, like, a caption on twitter 23:29:27 JacobGonzales[m]: never see something like this before ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ 23:29:42 Let me try again 23:29:48 JacobGonzales[m]: NEW CBDC #leaked #cbdc #fed $XMR 23:30:19 May I tweet this, sir? 23:30:33 sure i guess 23:31:17 Do you have twitter? Want a mention? 23:31:20 germankr[m]: ahah me either 23:31:24 ofrnxmr[m]: i have a website 23:31:26 gonzoknows.com 23:31:31 no twitter though 23:31:36 like PR move by developers or monero enthusiasts ๐Ÿ˜‚ 23:32:35 I have no idea 23:32:51 I like the crypto though it's cool 23:32:57 private transactions 23:33:06 is good to know 23:33:34 JacobGonzales[m]: monero is the only one like it ) 23:33:53 i like BTT 23:33:54 to 23:34:02 bittorrent is crazy big 23:36:17 "Let me try again" <- do you mind sharing the tweet when posted? 23:38:13 https://nitter.net/nahuhhXMR/status/1637961621443338240 23:41:13 that's interesting 23:41:20 thanks for the credit it's a funny find though 23:41:40 i'm surprised it was an federal atm too ๐Ÿคฃ 23:42:14 Someone was selling those monero ink stamps a few years ago 23:42:14 https://atm.monero.is/ product placement is key 23:44:29 was not aware of that nioc, thanks, i just searched and i assume its this account https://nitter.it/stampmonero?lang=en 23:44:50 red ink though , false alarm! 23:45:15 What does the future hold for Monero? with governments attacking cryptos and bringing in CBDCs 23:46:39 plowsof11: yes they advertised red but you can use whatever color ink pad you like 23:47:01 Where can I buy one ? 23:47:02 The link in their account not working 23:47:08 And I assume they take monero hopefully 23:47:20 there will be a community meeting on the 25th , and other meetings before that, this will be in the future for monero https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/810 23:47:31 No idea if they are still selling, was a while ago 23:47:46 2017 nioc , that was 15 years ago, wow 23:47:53 You can always get one made 23:48:03 im surprised there was internet back then 23:48:44 nioc: Thatโ€™s a pain hahaha 23:49:15 I no longer know how much time has passed since something happened, I am just happy that I remember things :D 23:50:05 great quote, thank you 23:51:51 I was investigating having stamps made 23:52:08 And then i though "how often do i use cash" 23:52:13 Which isn't often 23:52:21 I use cash all the time 23:52:32 I just don't spend a whole lot of money 23:52:40 I use all the time but not many people do 23:52:57 i use cash for my email too 23:53:15 Most of the online stuff i can buy with xmr 23:53:30 * email too https://pr.tn/ref/AWDACPD704Z0 23:53:36 * email too https://pr.tn/ref/AWDACPD704Z0 23:53:49 Sent a package with a shipping company and when I handed the guy cash he looked surprised 23:53:51 Is skiff trash? 23:53:59 I got that online lifestyle creep 23:54:01 monerobull[m]: it's cool crypto is actually accepted places 23:54:28 ofrnxmr[m]: #monero-offtopic:monero.social 23:54:28 Now paying for 3 domains, 2 VPSs, anonaddy and mullvad 23:54:28 nioc: it's cause everyone uses apple pay and those terrible services 23:54:36 Yep 23:54:37 especially venmo 23:54:53 monerobull[m]: mullvad is the goat they gave me a year for free once 23:54:59 just to try out their service 23:55:00 Woah 23:55:03 ikk 23:55:05 same with ivpn 23:55:20 actually it was a promo with ivpn 23:55:27 i was awhile back 23:55:29 I should ask ivpn if they give me a year I'd i considering switching 23:55:37 only switched to proton recently cause im on a student discount plan 23:55:42 s/I'd/if/ 23:55:44 Tell em you run monero supplies 23:55:57 monerobull[ 23:56:02 monerobull[m]: ivpn is decent not alot of servers sadly 23:56:06 Whoops 23:56:32 i have code for one month free of proton vpn if your interested 23:56:57 I mainly use it to have extra safeguards should my anime streaming site of choice get compromised and occasionally torrenting 23:57:28 what do you think about BTT 23:57:32 The token? 23:57:46 yes for the bittorrent 23:57:48 clients 23:57:54 basically pays if you seed files 23:58:07 i feel the community has mixed feelings 23:59:07 I just leech, sorry, not getting sued to get a nice ratio ๐Ÿ˜… 23:59:29 ahaha 23:59:39 does BTT a reasonably private crypto currency that enable per to peer transactions? 23:59:49 Id try to get to 1/1 but it always really slows down uploading once my download is done, not sure what's up with that 23:59:54 ehh.. typos