00:00:15 what do you guys think of lbry network 00:00:16 for files 00:00:32 aka the odysee frontend 00:00:38 or lbry desktop for direct access 00:00:47 Jacob Gonzales: what do you think about staying on topic 00:01:01 lol 00:01:27 just general discussion didn't realize you like being close minded 00:01:27 Plow 00:01:27 ahaha 00:01:27 Chill 00:01:27 is there an offtopic channel? 00:01:31 There's nobody here 00:01:43 or matrix space for this community 00:01:43 of course #monero-offtopic:monero.social 00:01:47 And banishing people to the offtopic room ALWAYS kills the discussion 00:02:00 You're breaking the natural flow 🙏 00:02:08 it's alright 00:02:21 does this channel got a space with all the channels? 00:02:36 and the Monero space for matrix users https://app.element.io/#/room/#monerospace:monero.social 00:03:01 plowsof11: thanks for being resourceful 00:04:22 the natural flow of the monero channel is not going to be lunardao , btt, lbry 00:04:43 i am a dictator now sirs 00:04:43 Does anyone care 00:05:04 You're like a discord mod 💢 00:05:24 >>> #monero-monero 00:08:03 monerobull[m]: ayo chill 00:08:09 he's a community helper 00:08:21 🤣🤣🤣 00:08:35 Kek that sounds very stupid 00:09:03 * JacobGonzales[m] uploaded an image: (556KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/nitro.chat/PCBlmFBXNksXeFkJBTohnkYC/image.png > 00:09:13 " i am a dictator now sirs " 00:09:15 if i see people having fun, it must be stopped, at all costs 00:09:21 JacobGonzales[m]: Hey that's me 00:09:37 Only i have a bunch of deprecated roles sgp set up 5 years ago 00:10:46 I am still amazed i figured out the discord bridge while barley knowing how to ssh into a server 00:11:09 i remember back in the early days of matrix 00:11:14 bridging was terrible 00:11:24 barely worked now it's a big better 00:12:45 I like to use matrix for notifications 00:13:19 i've used matrix since it was called riot.im 00:13:32 * monerobull[m] uploaded an image: (107KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/QalLItOgHggcWvbpttdSGGQg/Screenshot_20230321-011316.png > 00:14:15 i've used it since it looked like this https://web.archive.org/web/20161115110354/https://riot.im/ 00:14:17 lol 00:14:24 I get matrix message from an off-site Server should my node go down 00:14:58 Or monerosupplies or monero.house 00:15:12 oo 00:15:17 Way easier to set up than email 00:17:07 I should spin up my docker node again 00:17:37 I stopped it and started one with momerod to mint morbs 00:18:12 I just know once i shut down the morb wallet once, I'll never touch it again 00:18:45 Does anyone want to buy the monerochan collection? 10 premium morbs, very nice 00:20:24 i'm indexing monero.house on mwmbl search 00:20:27 * JacobGonzales[m] uploaded an image: (102KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/nitro.chat/cCkNDXyLcbdotmpxKxImAZcq/image.png > 00:20:59 done https://mwmbl.org/?q=monero+house 00:26:27 Huh, cool? 00:27:22 I'll look that project up tomorrow 00:27:23 they accept donations via "the giving block" who does not list monero =( 00:27:51 Monero.house takes donations right in the sidebar ;:DD 00:30:00 link seems to not work 00:30:04 Good thing i didn't go with njala hosting for that one, way cheaper so donations aren't really necessary 00:30:21 plowsof11: That would be your DNS/vpn/av then 00:31:02 Some Russian crypto scam in 2018 used the domain. I'm still trying to get removed from all the filter lists 00:31:11 But it's quite a hassle 00:31:33 Anyways, food night 00:31:47 s/food/good/ 01:09:18 This is what happens when my phone dies 02:29:22 heyyy guys 02:29:32 so like i haven't bought crypto in aaaaages 02:29:45 seems binance requires KYC just to deposit crypto now lmao 02:30:14 normally what i used to do is buy some shitcoin on an exchange with KYC then xfer the shitcoin to binance for monero 02:30:39 and move the monero then to another exchange like tradeogre (accessed via Tor) 02:31:12 looks like ill have to find another exchange for the middle one, im not interested in doing KYC with more than one the first exchange 02:32:33 anything on https://kycnot.me/ interest you? 02:33:07 ah i didn't know about that site 02:33:29 looks interesting 02:33:36 pluja is the author 02:33:41 crypto was always something i wanted to learn more about hahaha 02:33:53 irony of it is i know quite a bit just not about that kind of crypto lol 02:35:58 the reason i fucking hate KYC is because ive had issues in the past 02:36:06 like i had some identity theft issues is the TLDR 02:36:17 due to a breach and basically whenever i do KYC ironially with binance 02:36:22 they refuse me 02:36:26 and wont give me a reason 02:36:41 something something darknet is all i could get out of them when i nagged the shit out of their support for like 6 months lmao 02:37:05 the irony is i have perfect credit rating, never done any crimes either that i know of but yeah 02:37:13 "we don't discuss" lol 02:37:18 actually had that issues with big banking institutions too 02:37:27 though smaller ones seem just fine with me being a customer 02:37:41 and they all hide behind "we don't discuss business practices" 02:37:57 sometimes they'd let me be a customer for like years, in last case my bank i was with them for 12 years lol 02:38:12 i hope you are able to be an enjoyer of monero soon sir 02:38:14 then i get a letter going "we want to terminate our relationship with you blah blah blah (no information)" 02:38:29 (Fractional Reserve) Banks r a dying fad anyways 02:38:42 they clearly do zero auditing because if they did they'd realize my money comes from legitimate sources 02:38:49 namely my employer... which is the government lmao 02:38:52 she sent me that exact same message 02:39:20 (and no, i'm not a welfare person, i work for a government institution) 02:39:38 but yeah they're super fucking lazy and binance is one of the worst 02:39:57 Federal institutions init 02:40:01 they have basically "become" a shitty bank 02:40:24 i'm not so sure banks are dying as such, there's still a lot of usability issues with crypto 02:40:35 frankly people are too fucking dumb and forget passwords, get locked out 02:40:48 i think if there is crypto as a state currency it will probably be centralized 02:41:00 where government has control over it, i think that'll always remain the case 02:41:28 the only countries ive seen adopting "btc" or whatever as legal tender either are sanctioned to the hilt or just have such a shitty currency exchange because nobody wants it 02:41:38 and are basically failed states 02:43:26 wow this kycnot.me is a goood site 02:43:44 monerica.com is nice too 02:43:49 helps people get up to speed every year i feel like i have to "catch up" 02:44:08 but yeah my biggest fear is an exchange will demand KYC and then fuck me 02:44:27 Fractional reserve is a toxic, hazardous, and evil system 02:44:27 the problem is i don't actually think they check proper AML lists 02:44:39 Thank god these banks are collapsing 02:44:51 instead what they do is they check private ones like https://complyadvantage.com which are often out of date 02:44:55 Then more ppl will use gold/crypto 02:45:23 of course banks will never admit what they use to do "compliance checking" 02:45:33 but binance did say that the "darknet" thing was a "third party compliance tool" 02:45:36 which one, who knows. 02:45:58 unfortunately where i live the government has done bullshit laws that basically "protect" banks 02:46:14 from actually revealing where/how/what their information is because they don't want to tip off those bad criminals hey 02:46:28 so what the banks do is hide behind that and basically say "we don't have to tell you anything other than fuck off" 02:46:36 and we don't have to discuss it either 02:47:09 though the weird thing is there are some exchanges that work just fine with KYC and are like all good 02:47:26 i had good experience with coinspot for example 02:48:26 What bank does CoinSpot use? 02:48:26 We are officially switching banks from Westpac to ANZ. 02:48:27 lmao 02:48:37 i wonder if coinspot will tell me to get fucked now 02:48:45 because ANZ was the bank that told me to fuck off last time 02:59:54 it all depends on what regulations they are following and how little effort they can get away with to do so 03:07:55 well it will probably be okay because i already KYCed with them 03:08:07 i just don't want to do it with a tonne of exchanges because of the chance of them having a breach 03:09:27 a lot of exchanges in australia won't even deal with monero 03:09:31 they hate privacy coins 03:10:06 Are privacy coins illegal in Australia? 03:10:06 In Australia, local cryptocurrency exchanges do not offer privacy coins like monero, though they are not outright banned like they are in China, India and Japan. Professor Tan said that's likely to remain the case. “A ban of some form is certainly possible.30 Sept 2022 03:10:24 https://www.smh.com.au/technology/monero-the-currency-of-choice-of-the-would-be-optus-extorter-20220929-p5blw6.html 03:10:28 cry a river 03:16:16 We must help them get access to monero in any way or form 😭They need monero 03:18:53 yeah i get it anyway typically i do the KYC exchange (buy shitcoin) > no kyc, using VPN (swap shitcoin for XMR) > no kyc, using Tor (receive XMR move to non-custodial wallet) 05:21:42 > <@noobcake2465:monero.social> Are privacy coins illegal in Australia? 05:21:42 > In Australia, local cryptocurrency exchanges do not offer privacy coins like monero, though they are not outright banned like they are in China, India and Japan. Professor Tan said that's likely to remain the case. “A ban of some form is certainly possible.30 Sept 2022 05:21:42 Drugs are illegal, but that doesn't stop people from purchasing them 06:57:00 yeah i have no interest in drugs or porn lol 08:14:29 "yeah i have no interest in drugs..." <- He's using drugs as an example 08:14:50 Banning Monero won't stop people from buying it 08:14:55 lol true. 08:14:58 i buy it anyway 08:15:09 good for paying for my usenet and vpn accessss 08:15:30 Even if they go extreme mode and kill all exchanges + ban localmonero domain 08:15:42 Peer-to-peer trading via an anonymity network will still be possible 08:15:50 (like TOR or I2P) 08:16:00 i looked at bisq, very few sellers where i am 08:16:07 so ill prolly alt-coin shift 08:16:57 noobcake2465[m]: https://localmonero.co/buy-monero-with-aud-in-australia?language=en 08:18:20 And premium is not that bad either, spot is 229 AUD while localmonero while cash-on-delivery is 239, price of freedom lol 08:18:38 s/239/238/ 08:19:04 yeah might do that. 08:19:21 last time i got it from cuntspot and then xfered to gaynance 08:19:33 but i don't think i will do that again as cuntspot rags on you to the tax office 08:19:50 and binance doesn't let you have any crypto without KYC lol so not doing that again haha 08:21:23 .faucet 08:21:23 dodgyboi: This command is disabled in this channel. 08:23:31 "https://localmonero.co/buy-..." <- you're right more sellers on localmonero.co 08:23:38 i thought that site shut down, or was it localbitcoin 08:26:20 The latter 09:19:04 Neva 09:19:13 Localbitcoin did 09:25:56 * heinrich[m] uploaded an image: (121KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/monero.social/RDxHUEVCEBCWSRPxjnsyLtBx/IMG_20230321_102108.jpg > 09:26:03 i should see if my clients will pay monero 09:26:07 GIVING AWAY FREE XMR STICKERS 09:26:19 You only pay for shipping (shipping from Germany) 09:26:52 pm if interested 09:26:52 are there any sexworkers here who use monero? I do sex work and i'm thinking about that. 09:27:51 noobcake2465[m]: i have heard of "onlycoins" 09:27:53 not sure if that platform supports xmr tho 09:29:23 yeah probably not 09:33:30 would def love to pay my prostitutes with xmr ^^ 09:33:30 but i think this will only happen in case of mass adoption 09:33:37 be the change you want to see 09:34:10 a friend of mine used to do stuff for XMR lol 09:35:09 heinrich i think it was because they were worried about being banned lol 09:35:43 XMR doesn't ask how old you are 🤣 that's why she used it 09:36:00 but unfortunately most perverts don't know what it even is 09:36:02 lol 09:37:35 i know she got a head start on her college fund lol 09:38:10 https://news.bitcoin.com/while-onlyfans-plans-to-ban-adult-material-crypto-fueled-onlycoins-project-swoops-in-to-support-sex-workers/ 09:39:14 noobcake2465[m]: Wait what 09:39:22 "Onlyfans bans adult content" 09:39:31 I thought Onlyfans was adult content 09:39:38 i am confused same 09:39:58 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-10-12/debanking-sex-industry-gun-shops/100523118 09:39:58 its pretty fucked though 09:41:01 If they ban adult content they'll essentially become a patreon competitor lol 09:42:59 it is time crypto pimps! 09:43:58 3.26 for a quickie 10 xmr if you wanna stay the night! 09:44:12 doesn't make us sound too cheap 09:46:09 .duckcall 09:46:10 dodgyboi: Your default coin is now set to XMR. Change with coins command. 09:46:10 dodgyboi: Duck! (Look up.. Try .bang or .befr) 09:46:15 .bang 09:46:15 dodgyboi: YOU GOT IT! Time: ≈322 days 2 hrs 50 min 16.89 sec Lucky Duck! You get 0.00000003 XMR! [eddca924] Ratio: 1 of 1 Bullets: 1 of 2 09:46:55 .faucuet 09:46:59 .faucet 09:47:00 dodgyboi: This command is disabled in this channel. 09:48:45 noobcake2465[m]: thats quite pricey 09:52:03 well normally do 450-500 USD a hour 09:52:10 depends tho on if i like the person lol 09:53:32 not bad 09:53:55 i'm not some meth whore lmao 10:09:22 We can all agree that Australia is/was/probably will be a prison colony 10:09:22 "because ANZ was the bank that..." <- Shit fucking Australian shit. It doesn't matter which one you choose. Australians tend to stay domestic because they always think their stuff is the greatest in the world. 10:13:29 "Shit fucking Australian shit. It..." <- well i think it's a case of bipartisan effort 10:13:41 when both sides of politics agree on a thing, you rarely get change 10:13:57 and tbh its just greedy banks trying to minimize risk by pretending to give a shit about things 10:14:16 i've only ever done cash for sex stuff, but have thought about using monero 10:14:25 and never been busted so yeah 10:15:18 i would never use a banking institution for that kind of thing 10:15:32 noobcake2465[m]: Hmm when both sides agree on a thing the people usually gets screwed. 10:32:12 "and never been busted so yeah" <- is it illegal in australia? 10:42:13 Yes 10:43:25 that sucks 10:43:42 * heinrich[m] uploaded an image: (75KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/monero.social/BcYXexvFparAdeJjKDMJjJin/IMG_20210507_132514_567_043240.jpg > 15:28:34 "the problem is i don't actually..." <- they probably run your email thru search engines and have i been powned to see what dodgy sites you sign up to (if the site have been breached). i signed up to a new bank recently with new phone number (linux phone yay) and new gmail account. will have to change the details for my other banks i have with those details too. localmonero is the easiest to buy from with no kyc. using mail is 15:28:35 surprisingly robust btw. i still have worries that my early bisq transactions will be questioned. i mean there was one person i was buying from that had the same name but different accounts. seemed a bit dodge. 15:33:33 also bisq are very stubborn. they publish the exact price of a buy or sell. so its not hard for a switched in bank to check bisq and see if any $350.45 AUD were recently made on their system and check those tx more cloely. even decoy 'reason/descriptions' for the fait transfers were not entertained by bisq. they want to stick with those random invoice numbers that look suss to the bank. 15:35:25 still think bitcoin and fiat transfer is the stupidest thing you can do. traceable on both sides. not worth getting a bank account closed over due to unknown counterparties fiat and bitcoin. 17:19:16 Why did Kovri dies as a project? Can someone give me a tl;dr 17:37:12 xmrack[m]: I think it was social drama of some kind, but that's based on fading memory of some stuff I read about it before COVID. 17:37:24 I wasn't exactly knowledgeable about it. 17:41:50 kovri initially forked from i2pd due to inactivity, at some point their dev came back and continued work on i2pd 17:42:05 meanwhile kovri only had a single contributor who vanished at some point 17:42:26 basically lack of developer resources and it wouldn't make sense to maintain it in addition to i2pd 17:43:02 (there were some other contributors from time to time but basically a single main contributor) 17:46:34 got it, thanks 18:03:09 "what do you guys think of lbry..." <- love it. Odysee works great, even in direct comparison with youtube 18:29:21 I have serious concerns about LBRY and Odyssee 18:30:04 I wish I could support it, I hate YouTube/GAFAM. But LBRY is not the solution. 18:30:21 Agreed 18:30:25 But it’s the most used alternative 18:30:32 Some of them are technical -- it's just a company making money off torrents, that's all they are doing for file storage under the covers. 18:30:32 Peertube isn’t a solution either 18:30:59 Discovery is to complex in peertube 18:31:04 For the average user 18:32:13 How much privacy does Lbry desktop offer to users though ? 18:32:23 Invidious and PeerTube are the best we have RN, IMO. 18:32:38 None 18:32:48 And Obyssee is an intentional data rape 18:32:50 s/Obyssee/Odyssee/ 18:32:58 Explain 18:33:57 monerobull: natural flow 18:34:06 Natural flow 18:34:14 I was waiting for the state trooper to come into the chat 💀 18:34:46 Odyssee sells tracking / ad information and explicitly aligns itself to provide better telemetry to its real customers 18:35:20 It is extremely two-faced and morally disgusting, marketing as a free speech privacy platform. Odyssey was created because LBRY was going nowhere and funding was a problem 18:39:55 Odysee out of the situation 18:40:04 Is Lbry desktop have any privacy 18:40:22 And sorry, since I'm in Rigteous Indignation mode, I have to comment on BTT. 18:40:22 *sigh* yet another "utility token", not terribly different in concept from LBRY or FIL. 18:40:22 All three of which are very poor solutions to a problem that we don't actually have 18:40:25 Lbry desktop is completely separate from Odysee 18:40:42 > <@xmrfn:monero.social> And sorry, since I'm in Rigteous Indignation mode, I have to comment on BTT. 18:40:42 > *sigh* yet another "utility token", not terribly different in concept from LBRY or FIL. 18:40:42 > All three of which are very poor solutions to a problem that we don't actually have 18:40:42 Agreed 18:41:24 Odysee requires a proof of payment to submit videos while Lbry desktop doesn’t only a wallet address and you can post as long as you have funds 18:41:46 Though the official app has telemetry like crash analytics 18:42:28 LBRY is not private. It just doen't love tracking you was much as Odyssee. Think Thunderbird connecting to a GMail POP, versus using GMail in-browser with Javascript and all 18:42:31 And both are created by the same company, the same group of less than a dozen people 18:42:33 * Both LBRY and Odyssey are created by the same company, the same group of less than a dozen people 18:48:19 make something better, convince content creators and I'll switch. No tech is perfect, but its better then youtube 18:48:48 They wont switch cause no 💰 18:49:28 a platform without people is worthless 18:49:30 Personally I think PeerTube is the right way to go. The pickup in Mastodon helps, it's all ActivityPub 18:50:24 PeerTube is selfhosted & Febderated so it has the same benefits and drawbacks of that model. 18:50:31 s/Febderated/Federated/ 18:50:33 sry plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: for sparking this ot discussion 18:50:58 Oh shi- whe should have been doing all this on the OT channel :/ 18:51:21 im not allowed to ruin peoples fun please continue 18:51:34 yeah didn't notice either ._. 18:51:59 s/whe/we/ 18:52:09 Bad mod 18:52:32 Just monero randomly and its ok 18:52:38 * Just say monero randomly 18:53:30 Dan (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Advocate): Most YT creators already pitch their Patreon or similar. 18:56:58 In addition to (or better, instead of) pitching their Discord, creators could just as well pitch access to their PeerTube instance, which is probably a better match for a YouTuber than Discord anyway. 19:06:01 ah :( 19:12:46 Mordinal-educated people, is there an easy way to get the tx ids of all Mordinals? monerobull ? 19:13:00 uh 19:13:19 just search the last 2 weeks for stuff thats larger than 5kb? 19:13:36 i know you can querry all the moneropunks 19:13:58 i guess you could scrape mordinals.org 19:13:59 but they censor stuff 19:14:09 in which case there isnt a tx i 19:14:10 d 19:14:40 Is there a specific tag in tx_extra for mordinals? 19:15:00 hm 19:15:19 hello good day 19:15:26 57ee14193fd8a8754f166c2444baaf3e2ff63e4b7ddb84a97ecf36f27dcd2647 19:15:30 c2312048d37bebc23104d2ca5901b114ff1a8bdd5c5304f9b31deb2d0e40a404 19:15:35 aa1583be77d0402281984aa74265908c5c8764016e0f659a054823623e3d82bc 19:15:38 483063f7c915b5c83f0e2e4d3fe3e9f3ecdb826117b1b124e28da495c57eb19b 19:15:41 8af106940138921e28a43ea97c0fa0fc1aa2a7cd20a24da6f2c326316d418182 19:15:46 bae59bf440875111807fbfa908278757ac46146cc79af506b2450b9407ba38c7 19:15:51 1a31ef59f8277fc7d0c353c4449566cb90a9cf6c5d3b64b3fff645567d97d4f4 19:15:54 how does the block propagation happen in monero 19:15:55 4e9fed54c9a41e6076de4bf64a89c7bc4251d1bde483f9fce427990868a7f536 19:16:01 6f4e749fe80f76a2b1d2e3abd8cdd2fcd6a68c794b8e90ff59f52474fc5a9f44 19:16:05 17d2a20a805b449e761681e7c3a005422e56db161e441e872b88e53b26538915 19:16:14 here are most of my monerochans 19:16:19 😭 19:16:43 cockliuser[m]: https://mordinals.org/item/267 😭 19:17:21 monerobull: What I mean by tags: https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/1381/how-are-the-various-tx-extra-types-formats-used 19:17:21 rucknium 19:17:22 i put anime morbs on the morbchain 19:17:24 slave_blocker: AFAIK, the same as with other proof of work cryptocurrencies 19:17:33 you dont seriously expect me to know the deeper workings of this 19:18:01 😅 19:18:13 I hoped that there was an API or something 19:18:18 Rucknium[m]: There's some documentatioj 19:18:23 * There's some documentation 19:18:25 https://mordinals.gitbook.io/handbook/how-does-it-work 19:18:59 hello good dayhum 19:20:21 how does the block propagation happen in monerorucknium 19:20:42 so the entire block is propagated through the network? 19:23:40 You mean does it use a shortcut like xthinner? A good question for sech1 19:25:17 so the entire block is propagated through the network?ive been studying bulletproofs for a year now only on weekends and ive still could not write it verbatim 19:25:31 i also only have weekends 19:25:34 and 19:25:39 ...well 19:26:21 it seems to me that there is something logarithmic in this case aswell 19:26:41 because if every node has a sorted mempool of tx's 19:26:47 ... 19:26:50 Monero uses fluffy blocks for fast propagation 19:26:58 basically just a header + list of transaction hashes 19:26:59 what is xthinner? 19:27:45 monerobull: It looks like mordinals have tag "10" after the standard tx_extra pub key. 19:27:50 oh thats great 19:28:05 Hopefully Ordinals pick up enough to where 15 of the decoy signatures in a tx are all NFTs so we can easily identify and de-anonymize transactions 19:28:08 Parsing tx_extra is my favorite thing to do. (This is false.) 19:28:10 thats pretty slick already 19:28:12 :) 19:28:14 well, have fun doing your statistics on them 19:28:27 always wondered what fluffy blocks where 19:28:33 now i know 19:29:57 hum 19:30:13 i watched monero talk and heard about these mordinals 19:30:24 i emptied my monero bags 19:30:31 was not much 19:30:42 :( 19:32:05 as far as i understand tx extra has a functionality for sub addresses aswell as for the tx public key 19:32:26 cant tx extra be truncated for only that functionality 19:32:27 ? 19:32:35 Yes 19:32:43 so all nodes upgrade to that? 19:32:56 or would that be a hard fork? 19:33:31 "Hopefully Ordinals pick up..." <- Eh most probably that won't happen 19:34:22 wormfeed: Bitcoin ordinals were 10k in a week I think 19:34:35 While monero ordinals have hardly reached 1k 19:34:37 There is a plan to limit tx_extra length in transaction relay rules. IMHO, it won't be very effective because even 10% of miners with un-upgraded nodes could confirm mordinals. An effective method would be a hard fork. 19:34:45 @slave_blocker: the latest version of Monero from source has a quick fix: it already limits tx_extra to 1060 bytes. Blocks containing transactions with extra > 1060 bytes won't be rejected, but the nodes refuse to broadcast the txs (they don't add them in mempool) 19:34:48 cockliuser[m]: The software didnt work 19:35:03 And rpc wasnt released 19:35:09 Release rpc 19:35:48 mordinals repo is a pain to compile 19:35:52 And ordinals coming out if morbinals are under the 255byte proposal 19:35:54 cockliuser[m]: Nope 19:35:57 Fixed 19:36:16 But rpc is set to not build 19:36:43 cockliuser[m]: Sir, this is C++ 19:36:46 ofrnxmr[m]: Making for 1.7kb 1in 2out transactions 19:36:46 https://github.com/slave-blocker/oeis-and-a-nft-standard 19:36:54 i like nft's 19:36:56 ofrnxmr[m]: When the norm is 1.5kb 19:37:13 but they should always be on the heviest chain 19:37:15 Why is C++ dependencies handling so... uncomfortable? And why is cross-compiling C++ to different OS/architectures such a pain? 19:37:22 no need to have them in xmr 19:37:29 im sad about this 19:38:13 back to the block propagation topic 19:38:17 Ye, probably the best chain for NFTs is Solana 19:38:25 Nah 19:38:28 header + list of tx hashes is very slick 19:38:29 BTC 19:38:35 can we do better 19:38:36 best chain for NFTs ^ 19:38:37 ? 19:38:40 sir, BTC has a lot of fees and is slow 19:39:06 xfedex[m]: But Solana has downtime 😵‍💫 19:39:10 Blockchain with downtime 19:39:21 cockliuser[m]: It's not actually *that* much 19:39:26 Rucknium[m]: You wouldn't necessarily need a hard fork for this. Since the new rules would be a strict subset of the old rules, you could do a soft fork so nodes maintain backwards compatibility 19:39:33 when you make NFTs you usually don't care about decentralization 19:39:51 xfedex[m]: Agrred 19:39:51 Tx extra will be killed soon enough 19:39:57 That’s why I haven’t emptied my bags 19:40:15 jeffro256: That's technically true. But a supermajority of miners have to agree to the soft fork like in BTC 19:40:15 xfedex @xfedex:matrix.org: a tx to be included in Solana you also have to literally ddos the nodes until your tx gets included 19:40:30 * xfedex @xfedex:matrix.org: for a tx 19:40:35 cockliuser[m]: i think i once sent a tx on solana and it went fine on first attempt 19:41:28 Yeah but the model is keep sending transaction over UDP until it's accepted lol 19:41:51 i dont know what solana is , and i doubt it has the metric of 2.3 million fastest btc miners defining time in a dicrete digital fashion. 19:41:52 Rucknium[m]: Yeah, but it would be better than just relay rules probabky 19:42:13 So basically Solana model is first transaction to get included in a block has DDOSed nodes most efficiently 19:42:20 kinda funny 19:42:47 slave_blocker: It's like if they turned Skype into a crypticurrency 19:43:06 slave_blocker: slave_blocker solana is a nearly feeless and fast NFT blockchain. It's also super centralized and 100% premined, but you usually don't care about that when you create an NFT or a shittoken 19:44:03 i would feel more comfortable storing enough money to mint a couple NFTs on Solana (like $0.10?) than doing NFTs on Monero 19:44:07 No hype surrounding Solana NFTs though that's for sure 19:44:29 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj4poJOInDo 19:45:13 monerobull: Confirmed. The Mordinals tx_extra tag is "10" https://github.com/mooonero/mordinals/commit/f4e96693f15609eba4c5328d17100e351a785d35#diff-4e85586c940537a87dee875a90f2ccac0c0f27cdda62c0b1c1419390a87c9a8eR43 19:45:13 Side-trips: what do you want? Please let me know how I can help you before sending private message requests 19:45:57 It's statistics time. Statistics all over the morb statistics 19:46:45 0x10 19:46:55 so 16 19:47:01 0x10 != 10 19:47:39 16 not a bad number :P 19:47:45 monerobull: I am doing empirical effective ring size effect of P2Pool outputs. So I may compared Mordinals effect 19:48:37 Rucknium, why not all coinbase instead of p2pool outputs? 19:48:40 xfedex[m]: I just liked the profile pic and was curious to know if you could tell me what inspired the colors that aren't monero? 19:48:45 Rucknium[m]: Looking forward to seeing the results on monero.house 😜 19:48:47 Null hex doesn't show up in block explorers. Anyway, I will go parse. At some point 19:48:54 Side-trips[m]: They are wownero colors 19:49:30 wownero is a monero memecoin fork, and both the first private memecoin and the first solo-mining coin ever 19:50:00 cockliuser: It will be all coinbase. But most coinbases have one output. Before the recent upgrade P2Pool had about 70 outputs per coinbase tx on average. P2Pool dominates the coinbase effect. 19:50:49 I calculated the "theoretical" effect here: https://github.com/monero-project/research-lab/issues/109 19:51:22 under simplifying assumptions. I have code to pull the empirical data from the blockchain now. 19:51:43 xfedex, i dont get why the strict capping of txextra... what if a tx uses hundreds of dubaddresses and stuff in that field? 19:52:05 There is a limit of 16 outputs per transaction 19:52:27 and assuming that it could be capped on the needed functionality only, could the network just upgarde to that without a hard fork 19:52:29 ? 19:52:59 the strict limit of 1060 has been picked because no classic transaction can have more than 1060 bytes tx_extra 19:54:10 so is there still place for "dust" space for a new nft? 19:54:17 if you know what i mean 19:54:24 or is this shit solved 19:54:57 brb 19:56:28 slave_blocker: A hard fork is needed to cap tx_extra 19:56:57 Or to remove it 19:57:03 slave_blocker: technically there always will be dust space for NFTs, it's impossible to prevent 19:57:33 In hindsight, the August 2022 hard fork was a missed opportunity to limit tx_extra IMHO. 19:58:48 thanks so much 19:58:56 good luck 19:59:18 XMR Priest: sure, but current consensus is to limit it, removing it opens up a whole new can of worms 19:59:33 Cockli, bs 19:59:38 Eliminating the user-defined tx lock time was also discussed before last hard fork. No consensus was reached. 19:59:45 Leaving it leaves a can of worms 19:59:58 Doors that are already open dont magically become open 20:00:07 Rucknium: monerobull "10" isn't guaranteed to be a mordinal, that's any TX_EXTRA_NONCE_ENCRYPTED_PAYMENT_ID. I think you should also consider the decoy list. All decoys will be the same, outputs a zero key, specifically theirs https://localmonero.co/blocks/search/35ccad6e5f36a4320d1296ecb02ee34ce1591096658f236915943d2e55e43007 20:00:30 ofrnxmr[m]: A cheap**** can of worms 20:01:28 lol they'll just steg through outputs though 20:01:52 Targeted attacks become expensive 20:02:02 which is much more harmful to onchain privacy 20:03:03 xmrfn: Isn't that when a Mordinal is transferred, not when it is created? 20:03:18 user-defined tx lock time should be eliminated 20:03:21 consensus is now reached 20:03:42 No it isnt 20:03:43 At all 20:04:12 Limiting to 255 etc means I can use 255+steg. Thx for the freebie 20:04:35 I just checked a Mordinal minting tx. Appears that it doesn't use nonstandard decoy selection. It's the transfer that uses nonstandard decoy selection I think 20:05:41 yeah transfers are supposed to set all the outputs as obvious burns 20:05:42 so the protocol can keep track of who now owns it 20:05:44 I thought you couldn't burn coins in monero though 20:05:55 why not? 20:06:02 sent em to 000000000000000? 20:06:20 Rucknium: FML you're right looking a few more seconds I see 10 is literally tx_extra_ordinal_register 20:06:21 s/sent/send/ 20:06:29 that's not a burn though, someone could own a pubkey for that 20:06:36 uhu 20:06:37 sure 20:06:41 Burning bug anyone 20:07:01 This is what kaya means about having too many people commenting in the subject 20:07:13 Nobody RTFM 20:07:13 Monero gas 20:07:15 Everybody voting with their hearts 20:07:28 Hearts and minds 20:07:45 > <@xmrfn:monero.social> Rucknium: monerobull "10" isn't guaranteed to be a mordinal, that's any TX_EXTRA_NONCE_ENCRYPTED_PAYMENT_ID. I think you should also consider the decoy list. All decoys will be the same, outputs a zero key, specifically theirs https://localmonero.co/blocks/search/35ccad6e5f36a4320d1296ecb02ee34ce1591096658f236915943d2e55e43007 20:07:45 > 20:07:45 That tag comes after a TX_EXTRA_NONCE, inside the nonce field I think 20:08:03 ofrnxmr: if we limit to 1060, mordinals people will make the size limit for mordinals 1060 bytes or make multiple transactions for it 20:08:20 Because currently they claim to "not try to hurt monero's privacy" lol 20:08:22 The TX_EXTRA_TAG_ORDINALS will be its own field 20:08:33 cockliuser[m]: They already are 20:08:43 At 200 bytes 20:08:44 Way ahead of ya 20:08:45 * Rucknium: monerobull Edit: "10" is a mordinal 20:09:16 1.7kb tx all over your decoys 20:09:25 Wonderful little exclusions 20:10:44 At least the extremely lo-fi limits the attractiveness, and the limited size minimizes bloat 20:11:28 It doesnt 20:11:29 Morbs is pumping out poisoned outputs every few seconds 20:11:35 Let them 10x their operation 20:12:07 Or release rpc and 100x it 20:12:18 ofrnxmr: wot @ 200 bytes 20:12:26 Last one was 1.1kb 20:12:32 on mordinals.org 20:12:33 By them? 20:12:58 Site down for me 20:12:59 "XMR Priest: sure, but current..." <- We are putting a bandaid on a stab wound, let’s open that can of worms now.. we can’t just keep putting it off 20:13:07 ofrnxmr[m]: Them who 😭 anyone can mint a morbinal 20:13:31 The team who is uploading 99% of them 😭😭😭😭😭 20:14:02 The other ones were minted by US 20:14:04 Lmao 20:14:05 Morbinals never minted a 100kb nft 20:14:08 Or put gifs of chain m 20:14:43 Morbinals website and little server is just a rpi that sends a few transactions every few mins non stop 20:18:11 ofrnxmr[m]: Oh moneropunks.com 20:18:21 For some weird fucking reason 1k became 1019 20:18:26 On that website 20:18:47 Yea 20:21:26 inflation 20:22:18 "Morbinals website and little..." <- Man, it's like they are *forcing* us to hardfork. Do they not understand how they hurt the fungibility of the chain? 20:22:48 We have to hard fork anyway 20:24:16 Might as well do what we can in what is hopefully the last HF before seraphis 20:29:18 "Man, it's like they are *forcing..." <- Nah 20:29:54 They don’t care, it’s like a virus moving from chain to chain 20:30:12 NFT pandemic on monero lol 20:30:16 20k average tx in day vs 239 average mordinals tx in day 20:30:29 They aren't impact anonset much 20:30:33 *impacting 20:30:48 Right now… 20:31:03 Why assume monero will stay a small project 20:31:20 Bitcoin went to 10k transactions within a week in ordinals 20:31:58 If monero finally becomes a popular coin could be such a worse outcome, you kill it before it gets to that point 20:32:25 I'm sourcing my tx data from https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/monero-transactions.html#3y lol 20:33:07 And apologies, average mordinals tx per day is 120 something 20:33:54 So 120 in 20000, not impacting anonset that much lol 20:34:11 I worried about the future, glad it’s staying a small 20:34:21 I don’t want 120 per day to grow 20:34:27 It won't blow up because no one cares honestly 20:34:57 It's transfer function is sending coins to probably "burn" outputs 20:35:26 And burning coins isn't even possible in monero 20:35:36 s/It's/Its/ 20:35:42 s/It's/Its/, s/probably/provably/ 20:35:48 Fuxk autocorrect 20:36:13 Print more monero 20:36:13 An attacker wouldn’t care, it’s still a weakness that’s exploitable 20:36:30 When someone would want to continuously send them and it wouldn’t cost much 20:36:43 "They aren't impact anonset much" <- I shall not be tempted, your temptress 20:36:59 Im starting tl think some of you WANT the chain attacked 🥹 20:37:05 XMRPriest[m]: An attacker would just spam 16 outputs tx'es 20:37:15 🥳 20:37:16 * An attacker would just spam 16 outputs TXs 20:37:29 And whats stooping then from doing that now 20:37:32 Lmao 20:37:50 Exactly why its not simple remove Txextra 20:37:57 But also tonstandsrdize number if outputs 20:38:27 How much does each byte of TX_extra in every scenario (no limit, 1060bytes limit, 256bytes limit, no txextra)? Did somebody run the numbers? 20:38:30 And a shitload more that was involved over the years that this complicated subject has somehow been boiled down to "tx extra" 20:38:39 * every scenario cost (no limit, 20:38:50 I like how the philosophy seems don’t fix a problem that not really a problem now till it’s a problem in the future then we need to fix it 20:39:51 Its even, we know its a problem but because were unpopular its nit a problem. 20:39:51 FJCK THE FED 20:39:51 "Ill pay 625k to anyone who can deaninymize the chain" - fed 20:39:53 * problem that’s not 20:40:47 Re the costs. Yeuuh 20:41:11 Over the 2 years the door has been open, dumb attackers are missing our in free lunch 20:41:17 Out on* 20:41:37 XMR Priest: There is a balance. We should fix things when we understand clearly the problem and the effects of solutions. 20:41:45 We do 20:41:54 xmrfn @xmrfn:monero.social: 20:42:13 ofrnxmr[m]: tx fees are supposed to prevent Sybil attacks 20:42:52 and spamming 20:42:53 Speculation/theory/themainstream narrstive kinda sucks 20:42:58 and deanons that can come from spamming 20:42:59 Reality is a bit different 20:43:06 xmrfn[m]: It’s been almost 3 year debate 20:43:42 Monordinals is a new twist requiring new evaluation of the threat landscape 20:43:56 Itd really not though 20:44:05 Its been long thought out 20:44:12 Morbunals is just nfts for exposure 20:44:18 Active shooter versus lots of polite armed folks 20:44:20 We had mrl logs on chain months ago 20:44:37 MRL logs on chain wasnt a polite armed folk 20:45:06 Maybe I should open a ccs like was suggested 20:45:23 And see if IRS tries to outbid 🥹 20:45:47 Hi everyone, I am not a developer. 20:45:47 I plan to leave Android and switch to Manjaro Plasma Mobile (PinePhone Pro) in the next months. 20:45:47 Have you idea about I can manage a Monero wallet in that phone? 20:46:21 Thats a good question ^ 20:46:27 > <@serrq:matrix.org> Hi everyone, I am not a developer.... (full message at ) 20:46:42 Because most GUIs aren't made for small displays 20:47:21 I was able to use the GUI on Mobian on Pine 20:47:58 Monerujo can run on Plasma Mobile? 20:48:06 serrq[m]: monero-wallet-gui 20:48:22 https://www.getmonero.org/downloads/#gui 20:48:54 This run in Manjaro Plasma Mobile? 20:49:18 I haven't tried on Manjaro so can't vouch, but I think it should 20:49:18 https://downloads.getmonero.org/gui/linux64 20:49:29 serrq[m]: https://software.manjaro.org/package/monero-gui ? 20:51:28 You are a hero. 23:10:28 @UkoeHB is the gamma picker off by 2? 23:11:36 No wait off by 1, my bad 23:12:23 Because it doesn't take the -(DEFAULT_AGE +1)th rct_offsets into account 23:13:12 jeffro256: It is you who is off by one...room :P 23:13:20 lol 23:13:35 Thanks... I would not have noticed