04:14:00 I just noticed that a lot of txns on xmrchain.net have their sizes listed in kilobytes... with 4 decimal places?? precision down to 0.1 bytes. Is this some KiB vs KB conversion thing? 04:21:18 1 bit is 0.125 bytes 04:25:03 today i learned: 1 KiB = 2^10 bytes = 1024 bytes 1 KiB , 1 KB = 10^3 bytes = 1000 bytes 05:01:43 8bits is 1byte 05:55:11 8x10^27 bits is one [brontobyte](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_prefix) 05:56:16 * 80x10^27 bits (10^27 bytes) is one [brontobyte](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_prefix) 06:14:25 I don't think Monero transactions are serialized into individual bits though. Every system that I'm aware of uses bytes, "padding" when necessary (ie 1 bit boolean -> 1 byte) 06:28:29 "today i learned: 1 KiB = 2^10..." <- The return of the kibibyte 09:11:09 Hey guys, as far as assets go... Monero isn't corpo commie money so if the stockmarket crashes or the currencies, we don't really give a fuck right? Xmr to 25k 09:12:35 Yup just got it on a pixel 6 pro 09:12:35 Nice and clean, I'm happy with all the options, it's slim, u know you got the fuckin coolest phone in the mall ;) 09:14:50 Distrowatch has monero donation address at the bottom of their pages 🐧 09:22:40 > <@foxski369ski:matrix.org> Yup just got it on a pixel 6 pro 09:22:41 > Nice and clean, I'm happy with all the options, it's slim, u know you got the fuckin coolest phone in the mall ;) 09:22:41 good. now install calyxos on it. 09:27:38 Is feather wallet's matrix room still #feather:monero.social ? 09:28:16 it is like a ghost town in there; a month of no messages, and 106 ppl left the room... 09:29:32 * 106 ppl has left the 09:39:30 Wait till you see monero hardware room 10:30:47 "it is like a ghost town in there..." <- You're a bad liar 🤣 11:22:09 i mean its not super active 11:32:12 feathers room is active, i assume history is not viewable to new members. people report issues / feature requests there / progress updates are posted. generally the wait time for a response is greater than the 3 minutes you waited. https://featherwallet.org/changelog/ seems active. by telling the group that feather room is dead (not the first time you spread false / not well researched info) - you are messing with a the developers reputation 11:32:12 as it is part of their job (as a CCS funded project) to provide updates in that channel etc. warning for k4r4b3y 11:40:01 i wonder if making a nice packaged VM+monero piece of software would be helpful to windows users 11:47:03 "feathers room is active, i..." <- dude I was just asking if the room was active or have they migrated to another matrix room 11:47:50 what is this conspiratorial thinking and seeking malice in (almost) every query I ask 11:48:51 you mention "spread false /not well researched" info in my part: but I was trying to research info, with my query about the feather wallet's room. How should I have asked whether the room was stil being used or migrated to some other address? Enlighten me. 11:49:53 > you are messing with the developers' reputation 11:50:14 that would be the least of my intent. I am a quite happy feather wallet user and I appreciate their software 12:20:25 "i wonder if making a nice..." <- i had a doubt regarding this....suppose if the host machine (windows) get compromised ,how much benefit would it have to keep xmr wallet in a vm inside such host. 12:24:28 Run qubes os if you want isolated vms 12:26:10 qubes os in a vm ? or on bare metal ? 12:26:40 k4r4b3y: you already know about my plot to discredit you by making it seem like you're spreading fud, so just dont make it easy for me - maybe wait > 3 minutes and dont leave a "you're a liar" reply to your statement on read for 1hour+ 12:26:43 maybe dual boot , but it would be too much , only for using xmr wallet 12:41:55 Qubes OS runs os in isolated vms(qubes) 12:42:49 https://www.qubes-os.org/intro/ 13:02:24 "k4r4b3y: you already know..." <- IVE FINALLY FIGURED OUT PLOWSOF AGENDA 13:03:10 "maybe dual boot , but it would..." <- Dual boot. Copy files from windows to linux. Then delete windows 13:04:40 i need windows guys 13:05:14 i was able to switch to linux fully , i wouldn't have asked about keeping windows secure 13:05:29 * i was able to switch to linux fully , i wouldn't have asked about keeping wallet secure. 13:15:01 "IVE FINALLY FIGURED OUT PLOWSOF..." <- Sus 13:15:39 You can run windows in a qubes vm and linux in another 13:16:01 "i need windows guys" <- How do you know 13:16:39 its like saying "i need my only pair of holey socks" when otw to walme 13:16:39 * if was able to switch to linux fully , i wouldn't have asked about keeping wallet secure. 13:16:39 art to buy socks 13:16:42 * if i was able to switch to linux fully , i wouldn't have asked about keeping wallet secure. 13:17:06 DanIsnotthemanBr: windows 10 /11 ?? 13:17:17 Xp 13:17:40 Yest 13:17:44 ... and 10/11 13:18:01 And 78vista 13:18:23 How did you survive the millennium bug on xp 13:18:38 Y2k 13:18:40 I was online. Y2k bug saw me and went somewhere else 13:19:04 No in tx_extra 13:19:11 * Now in tx_extra 13:23:58 Maybe Y2K has turned into btc bug 16:48:14 Ok 17:10:42 500 lurkers and no discussion? 17:19:27 Busy 17:19:39 Oh lol he left 17:19:41 hows the weather anthero 17:19:45 oh nvm 17:20:04 Hi plowsof 17:20:27 Your new job is to chat with me 24/7 17:20:53 hello sir ofrnxmr, glad to be here. just found this place! tired of all those other scam projects! finally found a real one , created by and for the people 17:36:26 Yes. I have heard many good things about monero. 17:37:09 Ive only just learned of this CCS thing 17:38:14 Wow. I always developers for monero worked for free! 17:38:54 Does this mean that if i know someone skilled that that can work on monero and get paid? 17:39:06 Hey plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: are you still there? 17:43:56 "500 lurkers and no discussion?" <- he doesn't know about the "real room".. heh 19:25:25 if i compile with BACKGROUND_MINING_DEFAULT_MINING_TARGET_PERCENTAGE  100 and not 40 i'll have better hash rate? 19:49:50 Youll have a better hashrate if you use xmrig 👍 19:51:03 But no 19:51:03 Thats the background mining thread limit in % 19:51:03 not foreground mining 19:51:03 i dont believe you need to recompile either, just use a different flag 19:51:34 i dont know what thatflag would be, but if you want the most hash possible youre using the wrong tool 19:52:59 Err. Thata assuming `BACKGROUND_MINING_DEFAULT_MINING_TARGET_PERCENTAGE` is a monerod or monero-wallet-cli option 20:05:13 Watch out, Monero fam. A new account on twitter, @moneroserivce (yes, misspelled service) has been messaging users. There is no official Monero Service account and it's likely they're tying to scam users. 20:05:13 21:11:33 Is there a big difference between [the "official" Monero GUI](https://www.getmonero.org/downloads/#gui) and ["MyMonero"](https://mymonero.com/)? 21:14:16 Yest my monero is light wallet and andriod 21:14:36 And likes kyc but doesnt 21:16:37 https://www.getmonero.org/downloads/ 21:16:41 Explains 21:17:58 > <@mlcboss:matrix.org> would you guys use Silent.link... (full message at ) 21:18:28 DanIsnotthemanBr: Ah, I should have just scrolled down the page. 🤦‍♂️ Thanks for the details! 21:19:39 Light Wallets use a backend service that can see all of your incoming tx. 21:19:39 Full wallets sync from the blockchain and your balances and addresses are kept private 21:19:58 Didnt monero gui support ledger stax in recent release? 21:21:54 Yeah 21:22:07 No idea what that is aside from the release notes though 21:24:29 Not listed in getmonero 21:24:59 Oh, well release was rushed 21:25:13 Probably wasnt planned to have stax support this soon 21:25:23 Prs welcome ;) 21:25:39 Neva!! 21:40:03 Muhaha. Need to add `Coin Wallet` first 21:42:10 * Muhaha. Need to add `Coin Wallet` first 22:07:57 ledger stax is designed by the apple ipod creator. you... "stack them" - theyre magnetic ! and they can display NFTs! lets gooooo (like 300$ each) 22:09:17 Does it support tx_extra nfts ?????????????????