01:27:11 "ledger stax is designed by the..." <- economy of scale, young man. as soon as monero becomes a household name, these things will be a nickel down at the drug store 08:03:30 "> <@mlcboss:matrix.org> would..." <- imei regulations drive me crazy.. I really wish changing imei was easy as changing mac addresses 08:04:54 enforcing only one and static imei per mobile device is not needed from the technical point of view. enforcing a static imei is more of a "surveillance and control" thing 08:07:03 compared to the imei, can we say that we got lucky with mac address stuff? I mean, now my operating system changes my mac address whenever I restart it. It seems like the system was late in waking up to that and putting some obstructions in place 08:50:20 "imei regulations drive me crazy...." <- On some phones it is easy to change the IMEI as you wish. 08:51:26 "enforcing only one and static..." <- It is related to surveillance, control and cancel culture if needed. 08:53:02 "compared to the imei, can we say..." <- MAC address is the lucky stuff, sure. But if IMEI issue is still there, one is still in the same mire. 09:16:02 "On some phones it is easy to..." <- Can you post brand/model names? 09:21:34 "Can you post brand/model names?" <- Off-topic ?? 09:34:54 "Can you post brand/model names?" <- The one Neo uses in the Matrix, sent to him by Morpheus - Nokia 8110 with KaiOS. It was chosen not by chance right? 😋 09:36:29 "Off-topic ??" <- Not really. Secure, anonymous networking = safe Moneroj. 09:38:45 guruji[m]: Very nice 12:34:44 "> <@vergio:matrix.org> If you..." <- NO! I would never use such a service as you can neither verify no logs policies nor be certain that the service is not a honey pot(!!). Just use regular anonymous SIM cards for internet access. What if the service gets busted by LE (they can easily do this as they are not a legally registred company with legal protection) who then decides to look at the activity of all users? You are much 12:34:44 safer with blending in. If you use such a service (this one or similiar ones like "PGPP"), your activity will not only be tied to your IMSI + IMEI but also to your user account. 12:37:22 do your own research. there are openwrt LTE routers that can have their IMEI spoofed with "AT" commands. I recommend using one of them in combination with a regular anonymous sim card. 12:37:22 it also reduces your attack surface if your phone is not your router (for example: spyware via silent sms) 12:37:44 It can be difficult to find anonymous sim cards in some countries (which require government ID even for prepaid sims). Silent.link offers a great service. If you are worried, use Tor. 12:38:27 it's not a problem in any EU country i have visited so far 12:39:00 AFAIK the only EU countries that don't require ID are Netherlands and Czech Republic. 12:39:15 i would not use a service that will be primarily used by criminals. those services always become LE targets 12:39:20 But it is still possible to find markets and convenience stores that sell anonymous sim cards under the table. 12:39:50 anarkiocrypto[m]: literally 80% of kiosks run by turks in germany offer anonymous sim cards 12:40:16 but do as you wish 12:45:35 guruji: NO!! I would never use such a service as you can neither verify no logs policies nor be certain that the service is not a honey pot(!!). Just use regular anonymous SIM cards for internet access. What if the service gets busted by LE (they can easily do this as they are not a legally registred company with legal protection) who then decides to look at the activity of all users? You are much safer with blending in. If you use such a 12:45:35 service (this one or similiar ones like "PGPP"), your activity will not only be tied to your IMSI + IMEI but also to your user account. 13:29:39 "NO! I would never use such a..." <- If you can, use IMEI spoof enabled phone with anonymous simcard to be able to get sms if needed and use it as a WiFi hotspot for other devices. As I said. Otherwise you need a 1 burner phone power simcard with the right good security practice usage. 13:31:17 i tagged the wrong person, sorry. i meant to tag mlcboss: 13:38:18 * If you can, use IMEI spoof enabled phone with anonymous simcard to be able to get sms if needed and use it as a WiFi hotspot for other devices. As I said. Otherwise you need a 1 burner phone per 1 simcard with the right good security practice usage. 13:52:00 How can i accept monero for my website ? 13:52:04 what's the best method ? 13:52:24 currently i make sales by people dming me their payment screenshots on element then i send them the products 13:52:40 but this is highly inefficient 13:54:56 * JacobGonzales[m] uploaded an image: (105KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/nitro.chat/iKqBiiUKDqbujgQwmgkwmRAD/image.png > 14:05:26 WooCommerce + MoneroIntegrations.com would work 14:30:09 do you need to put a social security in ? 14:33:29 this video should help you https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=9fsdWJo2QFs , will let you set up a website that looks like monerosupplies.com 14:34:01 MoneroIntegrations is KYC-free. You just need to enter your Monero address and view key. 14:42:11 "NO! I would never use such a..." <- so the best solution just get a random simcard and not registered my name on it 14:42:11 btw what do you think on using public wifi , i know it's a bad idea since they are insecure and bad for privacy 14:42:11 but damn they are cheap , a few bucks and i get unlimited internet 14:44:18 > <@mlcboss:matrix.org> so the best solution just get a random simcard and not registered my name on it 14:44:18 > btw what do you think on using public wifi , i know it's a bad idea since they are insecure and bad for privacy 14:44:18 > but damn they are cheap , a few bucks and i get unlimited internet 14:44:18 are you from the US? i heard that you can buy prepaid wifi cards there. 15:17:14 "> <@mlcboss:matrix.org> so the..." <- nope , but i can buy the plans via monero 15:17:14 someone selling them and use crypto payment gateway which i can use monero for it 18:16:02 [silentlink](https://silent.link/) 22:15:53 Boa noite pessoal