01:42:36 "Boa noite pessoal" <- this chat is english only, try #monero-brasil:monero.social or #monero-pt:monero.social 17:21:32 <_DOOM_> What is a good performance to safety db-sync-mode for monerod? I was thinking of just running safe:async but is this a good idea? 17:32:18 why not use fast instead of safe and make a backup of the blockchain? 17:33:06 <_DOOM_> I feel like that would just take up more space than needed? 17:35:01 which OS are you using? and is it an external HDD / SSD? 17:35:34 <_DOOM_> SSD internal, Arch, btrfs 17:35:57 then there's basically no need to use db-sync-mode safe, just use the default value 17:36:14 <_DOOM_> Ok 17:36:36 safe is useful when you use an external hdd that you might unplug during sync, or on windows it might also help if your system is crashing during sync 17:36:58 <_DOOM_> Yeah 17:37:43 <_DOOM_> I just had a bad experience with my first node which ran on an hdd and the power went near the end of the sync. I had to redo the entire thing for like a week. 17:40:06 <_DOOM_> I'm also having trouble coming to the conclusion of whether I should prune? Is a good idea how would I figure out if it's a good idea for me? 17:57:25 _DOOM_: there's no downside in pruning for almost all users 18:03:13 The downside for users is you wont be able to justify buying bigger ssds as often. 18:04:48 <_DOOM_> Ok 18:05:49 <_DOOM_> Thank you 18:16:10 <_DOOM_> "I just had a bad experience with..." <- if you want to have a node that runs on a single board computer and runs 24/7, I would recommend getting an uninterruptible power supply 18:17:03 Aka a battery 18:17:40 I have one that's hooked-up to my raspi4 and I am seeing the UPS/battery kicking in at least once a week, saving my node from an abrupt power failure 18:17:55 ofrnxmr: check your dm :) 18:18:07 Uh oh 18:19:54 k4r4b3y[m]: your second best option would be having a full node on the same device as your monero node. This can be your monero-gui/-cli that you run on your laptop, and have the full blockchain sync'ed to it; or, it can be your android running monerod synced a pruned node inside termux. 18:20:17 s/node/wallet/ 18:20:44 send me another dm, its burried somewhere 18:20:54 oh okay 18:22:27 I run android pruned nodes 👍. 18:22:27 as far as thr full blockchain, you can sync it, then use it to create pruned nodes 18:23:55 <_DOOM_> I plan on getting a UPS at some point. I just don't have the money for it right now. 18:26:39 You dont need one unless you plan on hostinf for other people 18:27:16 And using thr same vps provider as everyone else, essentially means that vps provider owns those nodes 18:27:20 ofrnxmr[m]: power outages can cause data loss, and having to download the blockchain again is a pain 18:28:19 My node runs flawlessly usinf fast:async and not windows 18:28:26 On android with an sd card 18:28:47 android will kill my node whenever i do too juch 18:28:47 ofrnxmr[m]: is this fast:async part of monerod configs? 18:28:50 Im typing on it as we speak 18:28:59 k4r4b3y[m]: Yes 18:29:44 Safe performs more writes, which is necessary for dirty shutdowns. 18:29:44 but again, android has batteries 18:30:10 Even if the battery dies the os shuts dowwn gracefully 18:32:38 <_DOOM_> k4r4b3y[m]: Yeah I had to redownload to an hdd because of a random power outage at one point. I didn't like it. 18:44:12 Ssd 18:44:21 If youre using a hdd youre never going to like it 18:44:40 Takes weeks to sync on hdd, hours on ssd 19:12:52 Hi! So I downloaded Monero GUI for Windows and have it up, running, and the chain fully synchronized. Is that all I need to do to be running as a technical "full node?" As in am I now validating the chain for other people and letting them pull blocks from me? 19:13:59 Yes, you are technically running a full node 19:14:02 jugofmilk[m]: you are running a full node, yes. But unless you have your ports open on your router and forwarded to your monero node on windows, you aren't letting other people pull blocks from you. 19:14:56 Thanks for the quick replies. Is there a way to check in my logs if these are being filtered or if they're open and flowing? 19:15:15 I also run a BTC full node, and it's able to run fine. 19:15:28 (stock settings) 19:15:53 jugofmilk[m]: you can take a look at your incoming nad outgoing peer numbers 19:15:54 is 10% to high for a fee , i buy/sell monero with cash 19:16:16 P2P 10% is pretty standard but slightly on the higher end. 19:16:46 mlcboss[m]: market will tell you 19:16:54 mlcboss: Depend of they method you use for payment. 10% is normal for paypal to monero or if there is not a lot of peers on localmonero or whatever you use 19:16:58 > <@k4r4b3y[m]:libera.chat> > <@jugofmilk[m]:libera.chat> Thanks for the quick replies. Is there a way to check in my logs if these are being filtered or if they're open and flowing? 19:16:58 > 19:16:58 > you can take a look at your incoming nad outgoing peer numbers 19:16:58 Will do that now, thank you. 19:16:59 also have a look at 'status' . in the monero-gui go to, settings -> log. you can type "status" in the box where it says "type a command" note the number of in / out connections. 19:17:48 RavFX: i don't get it for paypal , it required to have credit card 19:18:10 "v16, 12(out)+0(in) connections, " So I'm assuming that I'm connected to 12 peers, yet 0 are connected to me? 19:18:25 jugofmilk[m]: yes 19:18:26 Should I expect to ALWAYS have in-peers? 19:18:28 I mean, if you are buying monero using paypal on localmonero, you are going to pay an hefty premium even if there is ton of peers on there to do exchanges, because everyone hate paypal 19:18:47 jugofmilk[m]: just to confirm, which "wallet mode" do you have in Settings -> Info? 19:18:51 RavFX: Also running a huge risk of a chargeback. 19:18:55 k4r4b3y[m]: i don't get any orders from anyone 19:18:55 cash in person , cash via mail , amazon giftcard , steam giftcard 19:18:55 no luck 😭 19:19:05 jugofmilk[m]: no. there is no expection to have in-peers, always. you need to have open ports for that. which is a pain in the neck to setup, depending on your internet service provider. 19:19:07 is monero really that dead in my place 19:19:13 selsta: "Advanced mode (Local node)" 19:19:25 > <@mlcboss:matrix.org> i don't get any orders from anyone... (full message at ) 19:19:33 I can do monero trade on localmonero at about current price if payment method is bank transfer. And a 2-3% if I do cash teleportation at ATM. Then ~10% for paypal 19:19:34 jugofmilk[m]: ok then yes you are running a local node 19:20:04 It all depend of you're location. If there only 3 peers on localmonero you are likely to pay a premium because there is not enough market participants 19:20:21 > <@k4r4b3y[m]:libera.chat> > <@jugofmilk[m]:libera.chat> Should I expect to ALWAYS have in-peers? 19:20:21 > 19:20:21 > no. there is no expection to have in-peers, always. you need to have open ports for that. which is a pain in the neck to setup, depending on your internet service provider. 19:20:21 I'd really like to be able to serve up the chain and allow in peers. I'm running this as a contribution to the network. 19:21:06 > <@jugofmilk[m]:libera.chat> > <@k4r4b3y[m]:libera.chat> > <@jugofmilk[m]:libera.chat> Should I expect to ALWAYS have in-peers?... (full message at ) 19:21:43 seeding blockchain over i2p would be great 19:21:54 So I was arguing with someone the other day, and just to check myself, now that Monero is in tail emission, is the block reward 0.6 or 0.8 per block? 19:22:07 jugofmilk[m]: 0.6 XMR 19:22:25 Ok, I was wrong and gotta go admit it now lol. 19:23:16 k4r4b3y[m]: no one knowns monero , local exchange doesn't listed them 19:23:16 and international exchanges are banned 19:23:55 > <@mlcboss:matrix.org> no one knowns monero , local exchange doesn't listed them 19:23:55 > 19:23:55 > and international exchanges are banned 19:23:55 visit your local btc meetup and convert a few there to the dark side. 19:24:44 You needed to use localbitcoins demise to you're advantage. 19:24:55 > <@k4r4b3y[m]:libera.chat> > <@mlcboss:matrix.org> no one knowns monero , local exchange doesn't listed them... (full message at ) 19:25:06 Plus you have the opportunity to teach people. 19:25:25 k4r4b3y[m]: im on a crypto community hangout most of them talk crypto like a way of making money fast 19:25:25 there isn't a bitcoin maximalist either , we just gather talking about the price , trends and technical analysis of bitcoin 19:25:54 mlcboss[m]: What country are you in if you don't mind me asking? 19:25:55 > <@mlcboss:matrix.org> im on a crypto community hangout most of them talk crypto like a way of making money fast 19:25:55 > 19:25:55 > there isn't a bitcoin maximalist either , we just gather talking about the price , trends and technical analysis of bitcoin 19:25:55 must be very boring 19:26:07 Thats the main problem with crypto, most people are there for the fast money hence 97% of it are scams 19:26:13 i get out immediately after i can't buy a their own coffee with bitcoin 19:26:27 but there is a bitcoin atm 19:26:32 > <@jugofmilk[m]:libera.chat> > <@k4r4b3y[m]:libera.chat> > <@jugofmilk[m]:libera.chat> Should I expect to ALWAYS have in-peers?... (full message at ) 19:26:58 merope: "data flows both ways", does this include blockchain sync data, too? 19:26:59 I always go to meet ups with the cypherpunk mindset, you gotta (not annoyingly) preach the good word to them and explain why and how this tech is important to the world and people's liberties at large. 19:27:10 Yes 19:27:36 endor00[m]: So my node should be helping others sync as well? 19:27:42 merope: so I am able to seed the blockchain data to the newly syncing nodes, over the clearnet, even though I have no ports open and have 0 incoming peers? 19:27:52 Yes and yes 19:28:00 Fucking great then :-). 19:28:07 Easier than expected. 19:28:12 jugofmilk[m]: i can't really be specific but it's a country between china & Australia 19:28:17 how come is this possible? then what does the incoming peer number signify? 19:28:45 mlcboss[m]: Understood. 19:28:46 k4r4b3y[m]: Maybe if someone is specifying you as a remote node? 19:29:15 jugofmilk[m]: doesn't matter. over the clearnet, you need to have ports open in order to reach behind the router. 19:30:10 Like I said, it's about initiating a connection. Once the connection is established, data can go both ways. Same way your browser can talk to a website and receive data from it, without having to set up port forwarding in any way 19:30:24 jugofmilk[m]: That's for rpc connections (ie a client, like a wallet, making queries) 19:30:51 endor00[m]: Understood. I was imagining as more of a torrenting in/out sort of setup. Thanks for the clarification. 19:30:52 merope: that is unspecific. the browser uses mostly 443 port, which is very different from using the monero-specific ports, 18081, 18080, etc. 19:31:20 Port numbers are just numbers, they all work the same way 19:31:25 "Thats the main problem with..." <- this is mainly crypto talks in third world country bro 19:31:40 You could run a node and bind it to 443 and it would work all the same 19:31:44 merope: they aren't just numbers. they have different programs listening on them 19:31:56 otherwise why specify ports 18081 for monero, etc. 19:32:00 mlcboss[m]: What platforms are you attempting to sell P2P on? 19:32:11 k4r4b3y[m]: It's just a convention 19:32:11 I can maybe suggest some alternatives. 19:32:29 merope: I am NOT saying it wouldn't work. I said jugofmilk was running a full node. I said only that he wasn't helping new nodes sync blockchain 19:33:03 He can, assuming his node initiates a connection to the other node while it's syncing 19:33:06 merope: if monerod used 443 port, how would your web browser tell website-related data apart from monero block data? 19:33:55 I mean, there is a reason we are using different port numbers, and take good care not colliding the port numbers among different programs. 19:34:07 k4r4b3y[m]: Just don't connect you're web browser on the same address ? 19:34:11 Same for the ton of VPN service that are listening on 443 19:34:22 jugofmilk[m]: local monero 19:34:33 There not ment for browser to connect to, but to fuzz data analysis from the ISP/others 19:34:33 Also, quick question, a simple yes or no will do. I have really old Monero keys from before it did the 5 forks or whatever. Are those even viable anymore? Like, is is worth claiming those forks to dump to main? 19:34:42 Can't give you a whole lesson in networking right now, but look up how connection tracking works and how programs talk to eachother 19:34:51 mlcboss[m]: Have you tried Agora desk? 19:35:29 k4r4b3y[m]: You have multiple applications on your pc/phone talking to multiple websites/servers at the same time - all of them listening on 443 - yet it works just fine 19:35:37 i get my monero from mining mostly 19:35:37 i want to trade but local exchanges are horrible 19:35:39 Take just more work to confirm that what are running on port 443 is not generic https traffic (compared to seeing 18080 open and insta-flaggin it as monero) 19:35:40 I am still not sold on monerod sending old blockchain data to the newly syncing peers, while ports are closed and incoming peer number is 0. 19:35:46 jugofmilk[m]: Yes 19:36:24 > <@mlcboss:matrix.org> i get my monero from mining mostly 19:36:24 > 19:36:24 > i want to trade but local exchanges are horrible 19:36:24 Can you play maker and make that 10% profit? 19:36:39 merope: yeah. but they are using http-related stuff. tor doesn't work on port 443, for example. 19:36:52 or smtp stuff 19:37:10 Look up OSI layers 19:37:16 alright 19:38:31 endor00[m]: If those keys for the forks are worth claiming, do you know of any handy guides out there to claim/dump to XMR? 19:38:58 keys should work in the current version 19:39:06 oh 19:39:14 for the forks :D 19:39:18 I swear I feel like SEO tries to censor monero content. 19:39:20 Monero hardforks are basically software upgrades, there's no (relevant) bifurcation 19:39:21 Yeah, the forks, haha. 19:39:43 no idea 19:40:01 endor00[m]: So the chain didn't split such as when BCH was born from BTC? 19:40:28 RavFX[m]: in local monero? i tried but there is no volume 19:40:28 i don't want to registered on international cex cause what the point if my account suddenly closed because of regulations 19:40:28 i even need a VPN to use those 19:40:41 jugofmilk[m]: Everybody moved to the new version and nobody stayed on the old one, so there's effectively no alt-chain 19:41:02 mlcboss[m]: Grab a month of Mullvad for like 5 Euros, even cheaper if you pay with Monero. 19:41:15 So you can just create a new wallet with the gui and use the "restore nondeterministic wallet" or whatever it's called, scan the entire chain, and you will be able to find any old coins and move them to a new wallet 19:41:26 monero classic at 90 sats and moneroV at 16 sata lolol 19:41:32 There's even a pdf guide with pictures somewhere 19:42:00 endor00[m]: Oohhh, I did that long ago. I just still have those old keys. Was wondering if I had any free money from forks lying around hehe. 19:42:08 --restore-deterministic-wallet 19:42:29 > <@mlcboss:matrix.org> in local monero? i tried but there is no volume... (full message at ) 19:42:33 nioc: Oh right, those lol. Tbh I would not even trust running any software related to those scam forks 19:42:49 nioc: the real moneros! 19:42:55 Localmonero here is great, made lot of lobbying when Localbitcoins closed and it worked, ton of contacts in my country now 19:42:58 jugofmilk[m]: listen if my government steps in my binance account can be in trouble 19:42:58 i believed binance has been messed by some countries and need to obliged to their regulations 19:42:59 is better to not take a risk 19:43:37 jugofmilk[m]: btw, come on the matrix side of the room :D 19:43:39 I know you could claim moneroV I think monero classic is the asic chain which just kept going 19:43:53 mlcboss[m]: Why don't you just use a VPN, then use a swap service to a more local gov friendly cryptocurrency, and sell that legally if you're scared of gov ramifications? 19:44:32 e.g. XMR to BTC, then sell BTC? 19:44:47 Could just use trocador over tor to swap 19:45:10 gfdshygti53[m]: Yeah, tons of easy methods. 19:45:23 Then dump the BTC on agoradesk/paxful/binance p2p 19:45:59 It's a damn shame that some govs try to clamp down on specific coins. But who can blame them, they're scared. 19:46:20 They are all scared of Monero, the coin that shall not be named lol 19:46:27 Who can blame them while they're also misinformed by some lobby 19:46:29 For real lol 19:46:37 the M-word 19:46:56 Money? :D 19:47:01 jugofmilk[m]: i actually can spend my xmr directly 19:47:01 i just want to earn extra money on local monero 19:47:24 Monero 19:47:25 is money 19:47:26 merope: shhhh don't say that. IRS is listening through the door 19:47:40 I primarily live off of Monero. 19:47:41 The only viable money 19:47:45 As in I buy food and drinks daily with it 19:47:56 My unit of account is the Monero 19:47:59 How? 19:48:14 I don't have anything else. 19:48:46 Cake Wallet has a great built in gift card buying system for mobile 19:48:57 there is an online store thata accept monero 19:48:57 i can buy public wifi plans , data plans , prepaid cards , more 19:48:59 Just teleport monero to random bank ATM and use cash for local market, easy (that work mostly/only in actually free countries) 19:49:18 There's also bitrefill-like sites out there that supports monero. 19:49:26 Bitrefill REALLY needs to begin accepting XMR. 19:49:42 Yeah, would be nice indeed 19:50:02 would remove the extra delay/fee when I refill my phone or buy steam time lol 19:50:21 I think we live in the same shoes my friend haha 19:50:40 RavFX: there is something like this but for Bitcoin 19:50:40 i just go to an ATM , put some code and money will spit out 19:50:56 no kyc , just sent bitcoin and they sent you the code 19:51:05 Yeah, it's the same thing, p2p contact on agoradesk/localmonero exchanging ATM withdraw code for crypto 19:51:09 I don't think that exists in the USA, does it? 19:51:25 "Land of the free." 19:51:25 No kyc and you spend less time at ATM than people actually using cards 19:51:43 "Land of the FEE." Pay to play, corrupt to the gills. 19:51:44 Non, only available if free country like most of latin america, romania, russia and maybe some others 19:52:03 jugofmilk[m]: usa atm work differently , in my place you can use sms code to withdrew money 19:52:08 Most of the "first world" don't have "withdraw without cards" option on ATM sadly 19:52:27 because most of their population is banked? 19:52:36 mlcboss[m]: Maybe lol 19:52:56 Latin American POS systems almost always say they accept "Cryptomoneda" and "Bitcoins" but no one ever knows how to use it. I always as and they never work. It makes me want to do free work just to get them onboarded lol. 19:53:10 But even if you are banked, better use the withdraw without card option, you can setup you're withdraw before arriving at the atm and spend 1/10 of the time compared to people using cards 19:53:57 I'm running `monerod` in a docker container, and trying to run `monero-wallet-rpc` in a different container, and gettin this error:... (full message at ) 19:54:02 I'm unbanked , because i really don't see the point 19:54:02 i can't apply for a loan because of my credit score , i don't have a stable income or a office job 19:54:02 while some random mobile payment app will gave me loans 19:54:02 (interest are high but is better than nothing) 19:54:21 > <@mlcboss:matrix.org> I'm unbanked , because i really don't see the point... (full message at ) 19:54:45 * I'm running `monerod` in a docker container, and trying to run `monero-wallet-rpc` in a different container, and gettin this error:... (full message at ) 19:54:45 I'm only banked to pay utilities, that is all. 19:54:54 * I'm running `monerod` in a docker container, and trying to run `monero-wallet-rpc` in a different container, and gettin this error:... (full message at ) 19:54:57 Everything else, I am cypherpunk approach always. 19:55:01 I can do contract for code, but I only accept the Monero (or other shitcoin for good customers) 19:55:11 * I'm running `monerod` in a docker container, and trying to run `monero-wallet-rpc` in a different container, and getting this error:... (full message at ) 19:55:40 Just pay the utility with cash at random convenient stores lol 19:55:42 how does one even live completely unbanked? 19:55:46 how do you pay for hotels and shit 19:55:52 bike[m]: Cash 19:56:03 I even buy shit on amazon and aliexpress with cash 19:56:15 > <@gfdshygti53[m]:libera.chat> > <@the_0pps:monero.social> how do you pay for hotels and shit 19:56:15 > 19:56:15 > Cash 19:56:15 Unfortunately in the USA you have to retain a CC or Debit card deposit. It's fucking stupid. 19:56:18 jugofmilk[m]: i believe you can do this via cash ,no? 19:56:18 cause i pay my bills at a store with cash 19:56:24 because nice country have "cash" option in Amazon lol 19:56:32 > <@jugofmilk[m]:libera.chat> > <@gfdshygti53[m]:libera.chat> > <@the_0pps:monero.social> how do you pay for hotels and shit... (full message at ) 19:56:35 move to mexico. 19:56:40 > <@mlcboss[m]:libera.chat> > <@jugofmilk[m]:libera.chat> I'm only banked to pay utilities, that is all.... (full message at ) 19:56:47 bike[m]: Mexico have all these perks yes 19:56:51 even with online stores and online loans 19:56:51 just pay with cash 19:57:02 so just try not to get executed got it 19:57:06 the_0pps[m]: I fear the gringo tax, me amigo. 19:57:09 mexico here i go 19:57:24 "people [in the USA] who lack a bank account have 80% higher odds of using cryptocurrency as a means of payment." https://rucknium.me/posts/financial-marginalization-and-cryptocurrency-payments/ 19:57:24 bike[m]: Just don't compete with the cartels nor flash you're crypto... 19:57:37 > <@jugofmilk[m]:libera.chat> > <@the_0pps[m]:libera.chat> move to mexico. 19:57:37 > 19:57:37 > I fear the gringo tax, me amigo. 19:57:37 can't suffer the gringo tax if you don't look like a gringo 19:57:44 Even if you speak Spanish good they will sniff you out in a second lol 19:57:57 You can be brown and still get the gringo tax 19:57:57 crime rate in MX is kinda lower than USA if you exclude organized crime... Don't play with them, easy 19:58:00 RavFX[m]: never been a guy who flashes his stuff 19:58:04 ^ Some analysis I did on detailed survey data 19:58:06 jugofmilk[m]: how do they tell then 19:58:40 Language 19:58:45 why does the US forced people to use banks? 19:58:45 A east coast Mexican can even sniff out a Mexico City mexican just like that. 19:58:51 taxes? 19:58:51 Open your mouth and you are busted lol 19:59:03 mlcboss[m]: Because we live in an organized prison system. 19:59:03 I actually get discount / favor by being while in a brown countries, just don't live in a tourist city... 19:59:24 RavFX: This is true 19:59:32 Those people I want to throw extra money 19:59:44 Just live with the locals instead of other expats.. Locals are nice usually (for most latam countries) 19:59:45 The people gringo taxing I don't wanna give anything. 19:59:47 mlcboss[m]: it's not like a "legally required" thing per se 19:59:47 it's moreso organized cooperation to require credit cards/banks etc 20:00:11 what the US does require is identity verification out the ass for banks and crypto etc 20:00:22 wanna breathe? 20:00:28 better have an ID and a face scan for that. 20:00:37 Canada require extended credit check to get a prepaid phone lol 20:00:41 Eye scan 20:00:46 Here I just buy sim at convenient store for 3$ 20:00:52 gfdshygti53[m]: No way!? 20:01:07 yeah i dont plan on staying in america for much longer 20:01:28 > <@jugofmilk[m]:libera.chat> > <@gfdshygti53[m]:libera.chat> Canada require extended credit check to get a prepaid phone lol 20:01:28 > 20:01:28 > No way!? 20:01:28 At least from my experiance 20:01:30 looks like things are going down hill here quick 20:01:39 the_0pps[m]: If you are globally well traveled and you are American you can really feel the US crumbling. 20:01:59 i can't "feel" it per se but i can see it 20:02:04 happening all around me. 20:02:06 > <@gfdshygti53[m]:libera.chat> > <@jugofmilk[m]:libera.chat> > <@gfdshygti53[m]:libera.chat> Canada require extended credit check to get a prepaid phone lol... (full message at ) 20:02:31 > <@jugofmilk[m]:libera.chat> > <@gfdshygti53[m]:libera.chat> > <@jugofmilk[m]:libera.chat> > <@gfdshygti53[m]:libera.chat> Canada require extended credit check to get a prepaid phone lol... (full message at ) 20:02:55 What if us nerds become the elites? How do we not become what we currently rebel against? 20:02:58 just pay the money every month and they don't ask questions. 20:03:11 bike[m]: except for if you want a new phone case. 20:03:20 the_0pps[m]: Better yet, pay yearly. 20:03:24 jugofmilk[m]: when you try that generally it means getting shot. 20:03:41 or going to prison. 20:03:46 or being silenced in some other manner. 20:03:50 > <@the_0pps[m]:libera.chat> > <@jugofmilk[m]:libera.chat> What if us nerds become the elites? How do we not become what we currently rebel against? 20:03:50 > 20:03:50 > when you try that generally it means getting shot. 20:03:50 We're all gonna end up in the movie Zardoz lol 20:04:01 As a species 20:04:16 Sorry, joking around and derailing. EOR 20:04:18 this system that we live in has a lot of money and power behind it dedicated to keeping it running and trying to overturn it would probably end poorly for anyone who tries because 20:04:23 we've been trying since like the 60s 20:04:38 Luckily you can't drop a nuke on math. 20:04:55 brb getting my nuke out gonna test ur theory. 20:05:19 Prove it, criminal scum! 20:05:56 what do u want a picture of me standing next to a nuke that has its gps set to "Geometry"?? 20:06:30 Lol this is actually a common way I try to express to people how serious this technology is. 20:06:45 wdym 20:07:20 Before the invention of distributed immutable ledgers like BTC and XMR, governments could just send out strong guys with guns and solve problems and stomp out any opposing threat to their rules. 20:07:25 rule* 20:07:50 jugofmilk[m]: i mean they still do this. 20:07:57 what do you think police in riot gear are for 20:08:05 Now with our tech, it's global, decentralized, immutable, finite, only respects that laws of math, and as long as we can communicate anything, it will live on. 20:08:09 The 5$ wrench trick still work, gotta have wallet decoys lol 20:08:11 it's just that physical opposition is no longer the only form of opposition 20:08:31 > <@the_0pps[m]:libera.chat> > <@jugofmilk[m]:libera.chat> Before the invention of distributed immutable ledgers like BTC and XMR, governments could just send out strong guys with guns and solve problems and stomp out any opposing threat to their rules. 20:08:31 > 20:08:31 > i mean they still do this. 20:08:31 Oh 100% they do. I'm just commenting on the revolutionary implications of the technology behind BTC, XMR, and so on. 20:08:45 gfdshygti53[m]: Most definitely. 20:09:23 jugofmilk[m]: unless they figure out how to crack your tech. 20:09:37 Then you fork 20:09:45 Tek is improving thru, hopefully lol 20:09:53 By the time any of this is broken, we can pivot. 20:10:09 i'm not talking about "this" tho 20:10:11 i'm talking aout 20:10:15 Hell, we can pivot now with minimal impact on QOL use. 20:10:21 the physical devices we actually access "this" from 20:10:55 getting your cpu backdoored basically negates your security assuming that it does in fact get backdoored 20:11:24 if you start to upset them too much and they figure out who you are and put you on a list they might just go on ahead and pre-backdoor it for you b4 it makes it to your porch. 20:11:28 External wallet like ledger will prevent a backdored CPU to stealing you're magic internet money 20:11:40 true 20:11:55 Snag a librem 20:11:55 Use Qubes 20:12:02 Qubes nice 20:12:12 Then grab some foil for your head 20:12:14 but honestly you just always need to be very careful about how you approach your security depending on how much attention you have and proceed accordingly. 20:12:22 Just use Qubes 20:12:29 no need of the foil 20:12:39 Poor attempt at a joke haha 20:12:57 No need of a librem, it's overexpensive for nothing 20:13:15 just do nothing on you're phone except phone thing's like calls... 20:13:15 And 2FA app 20:13:20 But holy shit is Qubes not cool 20:13:21 Ahh I like to support purism 20:13:22 They're trying at least you know 20:13:35 Graphene is decent on a pine phone or something 20:14:01 Yeah, but you have to pay google lol, 20:14:01 Funny hoe to get the "most private/secure" phone == "paying google" 20:14:11 Graphene = degoogled 20:14:25 I know but it work only on google pixel phones 20:14:33 Does it really? 20:14:36 aren't there other phones that aren't pixels that are privacy focused right now? 20:14:41 can build it and everything 20:14:46 Pine phones run straight up *nix 20:14:59 yeah pinephone is what i was thinking of 20:15:02 just install /e/ or lineage on you're random phone and don't use it for anything sensible... just ... use it as a phone phone... And 2FA thing 20:15:25 I use my phone too much that it last more than 2 days with a charge lol 20:15:29 Use a phone as a traditional phone, then your quality of life automatically improves. 20:15:35 You're less of a glowbot 20:15:42 Glowing LCD screen face person 20:16:00 go drug dealer 20:16:03 get an old flip phone 20:16:25 well, if you want to use the phone for 2FA it won't work with a flip phone really 20:16:25 Lol I have been tempted to go flip phone 20:16:50 I still need my 2FA, If I did not use 2FA, I probably would have ... no phone 20:16:57 I'm teaching a group of people at a company right now how to use yubikeys 20:17:14 Well, you could run SMS 2FA, but you risk sim swapping 20:17:39 Can also use the Ledger as a Yubikey 20:17:44 for 3FA 20:17:58 Hardware wallets weird me out 20:18:05 YEah, that and not all sites supporte SMS 2FA 20:18:05 how do you avoid sim swapping anyways 20:18:27 Well 20:18:45 You gotta protect all major telcos and other companies on earth and make sure they never get hacked. 20:18:47 Not too hard. 20:18:55 Hardware wallet are nice actually. I like them. I need moar 20:18:58 we need a Monero hardware wallet 20:19:02 Protect them to protect you haha 20:19:36 that only support monero and yubikey emulation 20:19:39 ez. 20:20:15 To not get victim of sim swapping, don't use you're phone for anything but phone... 20:20:15 let me get out 20:20:18 Even if you get sim swapped it won't give anything to the attacker 20:20:19 my rgb keyboard and have 2 ppl type on it at the same time 20:20:21 god homeserver lag is bitching rn 20:20:22 I'm too "old style" and paranoid about trusting software and hardware to use a hardware wallet. I like to gen offline on a librem, spend to it, rebuild device. Write with hand and verify keys. Laminate well or engrave, your choice. Bury on owned property, let closest relative know of where abouts. 20:20:34 i waste alot of money for graphene 20:20:43 bike[m]: Yeah, there is a big lag between the matrix and IRC right now 20:21:03 This is actually my first day on Matrix 20:21:06 btw can i create a poll? 20:21:11 After people have tried to get me to use it for years lol 20:21:15 this is an irc channel? 20:21:22 Yes. 20:21:25 On Liberachat 20:21:28 jugofmilk[m]: For as thing, if you use the ledger with monero, the only thing that will interact with the ledger is the monero wallet 20:21:31 #monero on libera 20:21:42 I use a scribe and concrete tablet for offline wallet 20:21:54 123bob123[m]: This man gets it. 20:21:56 Concrete tables lol 20:22:10 Scribe requires murdering, though. 20:22:20 You still have to hide it somehow 20:23:09 Just put you're key encrypted in an random eeprom in some junk hardware and leave it in the junk hardware pile, at least it going to be hidden in plain sight. 20:23:11 Burning bush? 20:23:27 Bit rot? 20:23:35 eeprom are reliable 20:23:38 That's another worry about hardware wallets (jokes aside) 20:24:03 EEPROM VS EPROM? I'd go EPROM, more stone tablet-like. 20:24:06 if you have other mentioned below 20:24:09 and nothing prevent you from writting all over the eeprom so even if it bit rot, you still gonna have backup 20:24:25 EPROM can be erased with UV, don't forget to put a sticker on the window!!! 20:24:46 gfdshygti53[m]: True, didn't think of this. Just fill header to footer with the keys repeated lol. 20:25:23 Yeah, and have it encrypted with luks or veracrypt. If you have a 4K EPROM you can have the same junk writed 4 time on it 20:25:25 gfdshygti53[m]: Will be still have UV rays when they try to nuke math, though? 20:25:30 if you have 1K worth of datra 20:25:58 > <@jugofmilk[m]:libera.chat> > <@gfdshygti53[m]:libera.chat> EPROM can be erased with UV, don't forget to put a sticker on the window!!! 20:25:58 > 20:25:58 > Will be still have UV rays when they try to nuke math, though? 20:25:58 Maybe, I don't know how much UV ray are emitted when you nuke maths 20:26:47 BBL, it has been great finding this community. You've all been a great help and good conversation. Take care! 20:27:18 brazillian butt lift? 20:29:48 the_0pps[m]: It's a free planet, you interpret it as you see fit, imagine me pre-fat migration to my cankles. 20:30:52 jugofmilk[m]: See you around 20:31:08 Good on your monero node! 20:38:07 is Binance Blockchain trusted? 20:38:23 mlcboss[m]: Yes, i'm not using it but it work 20:43:36 i stored some stablecoin on it, Ethereum blockchain is too slow 20:43:36 my transaction takes too long to process idk why 20:45:02 "this is an irc channel?" <- This is both a Matrix room and an irc channel, bridged together 20:45:02 so i sometimes lost some of my USDT on a swap 20:45:10 ETh is just too expensive too 20:45:11 for stablescam, I use to use TRON (when I was using stablecoins) 20:45:11 TRON USDT or USDC 20:47:36 never heard it i believed it's not top 10 blockchain 20:47:58 It's fast and it's basically free to use 20:48:09 like monero-like fees 20:48:40 why are monero fees so low in the first place 20:48:50 bike[m]: no block limit 20:48:56 Because monero have variable clock size and tail emission 20:49:06 so no need of a fee market for the coin to survive 20:49:33 bike[m]: Ethereum transaction are limited i supposed 20:49:33 i been increasing my tx fee but still i never been on the first block 20:49:52 ETh is anoying to use 20:50:11 if you don't give enough gas, you lost it and the tx don't go thru lol 20:50:35 mlcboss[m]: There is a limit, but it's not a hardcoded value 20:50:42 ahh shit binance network maintenance 20:51:08 If there is really a lot of TX, miner will still mine the megablock (if fee compensate for the penality of mining a bigger block) 20:51:13 mlcboss[m]: Lmao, truly a decentralized system 20:51:20 LOL 20:51:55 would moneroj.net lie to us? https://moneroj.net/ 20:52:00 i believe this is the swap problem 20:52:03 RavFX[m]: There's still a limit, you can go to maximum 2x the penalty-free size 20:52:13 fixedfloat 20:52:46 That limit can grow over time if there's constant tx pressure, but you can't just spam massive blocks right away 20:53:12 merope: Oh, that I did not know 20:54:24 (eg. Right now the soft limit is 300kB, so you can create a block of maximum 600kB - and lose the entire base reward) 20:55:47 eth is too slow , fixed float only gave me 10 minutes to complete transaction 20:55:47 i never used eth again 20:56:25 Dynamic blocksizes are cool 20:56:53 Dynamic blocksizes the only way for actual money 21:16:11 wait until you see the ether you've burned making all those txes: https://fees.wtf 21:58:25 .test 21:58:38 charutocafe[m]: Success 21:58:48 i guess monerobux is not here :( 22:08:43 "i guess monerobux is not here :(" <- Who's that? 22:09:43 no one special, just the most popular monero irc bot 22:10:53 OT but is there a matrix client that supports proxy 22:13:40 it's ok, @monerobux:libera.chat takes direct messages, no need for any specific clients 22:14:40 charutocafe[m]: First day in here :D 22:59:55 Is anyone in here ever at the Monero Village at Def Con? 23:00:11 And does anyone know if it's gonna be back this year? Last year it wasn't there :(. 23:48:15 https://monero.observer/community-celebrate-monero-9th-birthday-monerun/ 23:49:10 feel free to post on other platforms, like Reddit/Telegram, etc (graphics by gnuteardrops) 23:53:27 nice images gnuteardrops 🎩