00:08:58 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/12q2ocr/our_beloved_monero_happy_birthday_all_revenue/ 00:13:09 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/12q2ooo/cuprate_2_months_later_and_the_quest_for/ 04:09:08 * icarolongo[m] uploaded an image: (95KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/monero.social/OunZiUcFnoVyVjjpglMsAvfH/9year-monero1.jpg > 04:30:35 Wow, is Monero really already 9?! 04:30:37 Time flies. 04:32:32 MoneroKon preliminarily schedule is up https://cfp.monerokon.com/2023/schedule 04:35:42 also released some VIP tickets up for sale today https://shop.monerokon.com/monerokon/2023/ 05:23:18 "9year-monero1.jpg" <- i thought monero released in the 90s or 2000s 05:23:29 like Bitcoin 05:28:45 mlcboss: Actually in 1984. 05:38:12 should i stay away from decentralized exchanges? 05:38:12 i heard alot of hacks related to it 05:56:32 mlcboss: What exchanges are you talking about? 06:46:57 "i thought monero released in the..." <- i remember mining monero in 2010 06:54:48 First monero was mined in 1970, just check the first block :D 06:55:49 "OT but is there a matrix..." <- There is gomuks on desktop. I am using it with tor proxy 06:55:50 https://github.com/tulir/gomuks/issues/335 07:38:21 "mlcboss: What exchanges are..." <- i used 1inch in the past 07:38:54 https://duckduckgo.com/l/?uddg=https%3A%2F%2F1inch.io%2F&rut=c1eefbbb007f5b4d411237cca292b639d3b6c021194c656d482300b8904eab92 07:53:54 1inch is all you need 1/2 inch in, 1/2inch out ;) 07:55:01 don't use it , you will lost you funds 07:55:27 *some 07:55:47 FixedFloat is the best cex for monero period 19:41:59 Just letting you guys know, Trocador.app has deployed a Full XMR Node on clearnet, TOR and I2P, in case any of you need a trusted node: 19:41:59 http://trocadorh642rks54sxufwy4kys23mrsgof3axowyro5ljb2dkgdlmad.onion:18089 19:41:59 http://node.trocador.app:18089 19:41:59 http://ecnfc7oyzzw3jmwc2omxzccbik33wyyaofxsfow7342z6kjanq6a.b32.i2p 19:43:16 More i2p nodes the better 19:51:04 Theres a lot of i2p nodes 😂 19:54:15 jtgrassie: are you able to look at some i2p stuff? 19:54:45 Need to open an issue but have been gathering info 19:56:15 "Theres a lot of i2p nodes 😂" <- more is still better. wheres the list? 19:56:37 lza_menace @lza_menace:libera.chat: LZA_MENACE @LZA_MENACE:libera.chat: wen i2p nodes on xmr.fail 19:58:52 monero.fail bruh 19:58:54 but maybe soon 19:58:58 have some of the code started 19:59:04 but was like 2 yrs ago 19:59:23 lza_menace: /fail 19:59:36 lza_menace: sick 20:05:27 "more is still better. wheres the..." <- Opinions everywhere today 20:05:31 I2p is broken 20:05:55 more is better when its fixed and not before then 20:07:05 rpc =/= p2p so im conflating 2 sep issues, but both have issues 20:07:58 ........ 20:08:02 More flat tires are not a good thing 20:08:23 Need to patch beforr we put air in 20:09:35 ofrnxmr[m]: . 20:24:18 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/12r2uqf/exciting_news_localmonero_agoradesk_free_and_open/ 20:33:10 "I2p is broken" <- I2p itself, or the way monero network uses i2p? 20:33:36 The monero implementation 20:34:43 (yes, just a bug in the way monero uses it) 20:35:50 Can you explain more? 20:55:50 Sus out of beta on birthday 😏 20:59:05 DanIsnotthemanBr: We released the beta on our own birthday actually 😁 22:08:37 i just got the monero gui wallet, why does it take so long to sync with the daemon thing 22:10:13 Are you using advanced mode with local node 22:10:24 yes i wanna mine on this one 22:10:39 You have to wait for the blockchain to sync 22:10:55 It will download and verify 160gb of data 22:11:09 About 12 hrs for initial sync if using an ssd 22:11:21 i dont have that much space 22:11:25 why does it have to do that 22:11:28 You can reduce the storage requirement to 60gb 22:11:29 that's so weird 22:11:40 No, its not weord 22:11:51 Thats how crypto works 22:12:11 You dont need a node to mine or use a wallet 22:12:39 "local" means you are using your own node 22:12:40 im trying to do the p2p mining thing 22:12:59 it wont let me start unless it syncs 22:13:05 If you want to cheat, download gupax 22:13:29 But tos use p2pool you SHOULD sync the blockchsin 22:13:47 i cant there isn't enough space on this thing\ 22:13:51 Otherwise why are you even using p2pool? Not for decentralization if your mining on other peoples nodes 22:14:00 trixie909[m]: thats fair 22:14:11 so use gupax or a centralized mining pool 22:14:26 im like very new 22:14:28 how do i do that 22:14:52 Gupax is supposed to be easy. I havent used it. Ill grab you a link 22:17:00 https://gupax.io/ 22:17:07 ty 22:18:56 Any issues please report here, on github or Monero Community Dev 22:19:24 so how exactly do i put my wallet in it and start 22:20:13 Dead room? 22:20:15 Website > guide 22:20:27 "Gupax is supposed to be easy..." <- ^ i havent used it 22:22:08 Yeah. The guide seems simple enough 22:23:10 Folks 😂 I just joined the monero old room, got forwarded to another monero old room, and then forwarded again back to here. 22:23:10 Is this the right room lmfao? 22:29:06 @phynehas:system1337.com ping 22:30:30 YOOOO 22:37:51 Hello 22:38:10 hello 22:38:25 juet had to leave and fome back? 22:38:25 come* 22:38:45 ofrnxmr[m]: Oh thank you good sir 🎩 22:38:54 sigh 22:39:09 ive missed the uhm 22:39:14 Did you join from the monero.social link or the matrix.org one? 22:39:20 ❤. screenshot of the old last message featured me 22:40:10 plowsof11: they came tk xmrmine to ask what the problem was. no messages on thei monero room since before april 13 22:40:22 merope: Matrix.org 22:40:40 https://libera.monerologs.net/monero/20230418 couldnt see messages matrix side. me was confused 22:41:32 Weird 22:42:08 definitely 23:05:05 Does the Python function scalarmult_B = nacl.bindings.crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp produce a compressed curve point via something like scalarmult_B(private_spend_key)? If so what's the easiest way to recover the (x,y) coordinates of that point? 23:15:48 anonimauzanto: it might be easier for you to find results to your question in #monero-dev:monero.social 23:17:00 Better yet, #monero-research-lounge:monero.social 23:17:43 yeah, research lounge is probably the most appropriate, thanks for the correction endor00 23:18:13 Thanks! 23:38:10 hello everyone