00:09:35 * charuto is on the case 00:16:22 seems fixed 03:39:28 vtnerd: https://github.com/CryptoGrampy/monero-lws-admin 😄 05:17:10 cryptogrampy: I'd love to try your latest creation, but as usual, getting all the ducks lined up, is a challenge.... (full message at ) 05:21:15 I should probably tag vtnerd on this one. 05:22:51 nono 05:23:11 Every time you write v t n e r d, you ping him 05:23:32 That was the point. 05:23:42 The fix is easy 05:23:51 The folder is incorrect 05:24:35 It looks fir linux/rekease instead of linux/version/rekease or something (like you, its been a while) 05:25:01 So I should use $( realpath "../../monero" ) ? 05:25:53 yes sir i believe so 05:25:53 either that or move the actual folder to where it expects 05:28:25 That was the one: 05:28:25 ``` 05:28:25 monero-lws/build$ cmake -DMONERO_SOURCE_DIR="$(realpath ../../monero)" -DMONERO_BUILD_DIR="$(realpath ../../monero/build)" .. 05:28:25 ``` 05:29:02 Working? 05:29:55 Building 05:40:14 As no version information is available, I have no clue if I actually got the latest version. 05:40:14 And while building, upstream got a commit 🤣 05:40:14 `Your branch is behind 'upstream/release-v0.2_0.18' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded.` 05:42:40 > <@trasherdk:monero.social> That was the one:... (full message at ) 05:48:20 ofrnxmr: Right after you push the `--config-file` PR 😎 05:49:40 Hehe 05:49:42 Monero Website << sissies being sissies 05:50:22 Erc is the biggest pos around here 05:52:11 whoops. Should me in off topic 06:55:50 https://nitter.snopyta.org/jeromepozell/status/1648751947841695752#m 06:55:52 Happy bday to monero 07:18:01 Hi 07:19:43 Greetings 07:20:00 iptwqvhclh[xmpp]: Hi 07:20:28 Oh, so dANBs is a bridge between irc and xmpp 07:49:33 hello 07:50:21 is there a monero javascript dedicated channel ? 07:52:11 1) no 2) what do you want to do with monero using js? 07:57:32 ocb 07:59:23 well I wanted to complain about the documentation 08:00:08 I want to migrate from an old version and there is nothing about exception handling and I have noticed that things changed 08:00:55 "is there a monero javascript..." <- Monero Community Dev 08:01:07 I have noticed for example that things changed with createTx() method with relay = true 08:01:12 Not dedicated but ask there and be patient 08:01:29 You can* ask there 08:01:36 ok I will 08:02:21 Also leave details so when someone does see thr message they can answer you without waiting 08:11:03 #monero-community-dev 08:13:01 Thanks. Matrix is buggy and changed my link to just the title 08:13:29 Element* is buggy 09:08:58 Clear cache 11:27:50 how is it possible to make sure with monero that outgoing payment has not already been made? I mean if you have to send multiple time same amount to same user address. paymentId is obsolete 11:29:03 <_DOOM_> I keep getting the "No incoming connections" warning for port 18080. But my firewall allows for 18080 and I have upnp enabled on my router. Shouldn't it forward map port automatically? 11:29:15 <_DOOM_> On monerod to be exact 11:31:11 post config on https://paste.debian.net/ if its hughmungus. you may not have bound to all interfaces 11:32:05 <_DOOM_> https://paste.debian.net/1277912/ 11:32:36 <_DOOM_> p2p binds to automatically 11:32:47 <_DOOM_> If I'm reading the --help message correctly 11:33:54 ah correct, you're right. thanks hm 11:34:48 <_DOOM_> Why isn't it finding peers then? 11:35:34 have you tried without the add priority node lines? 11:35:55 <_DOOM_> I imagine it wouldn't hurt. 11:36:02 is there a way to make difference between transactions that are sent to the same address? 11:37:35 each transaction has a txid and a block number (like a timestamp) so you can see them in your transaction history (is that what you're after?) 11:38:33 <_DOOM_> The node appears to be reaching out peers bbased on logs. 11:39:17 whats your monerod --version 11:39:34 <_DOOM_> Flourine Fermi 11:45:27 plowof11 my problem is I only have txid after transaction creation 11:51:52 DOOM im either missing something glaringly obvious in your config or half awake. 11:52:14 what are you actually trying to do john456, maybe easier to start there. you want to prove you sent / received monero? 11:54:12 <_DOOM_> plowsof11: I'm not seeing the error anymore if that proves anything. I'm going leave it for a bit and check it later. If I see it again I'll change the log level. 11:55:49 if I have an user with an xmr address, if I have to check if he has already been paid, I can just look for outgoing txs with his address, my problem is I can be sending multiple time same to the same address so if I use this method it will not work for the second payment 11:57:27 _DOOM_: did you try to use something like https://portchecker.co ? 11:57:34 with your IP and 18080 11:57:53 <_DOOM_> I did it says it's closed 11:58:23 <_DOOM_> I guess that returns me to my original question shouldn't monerod port map with upnp? 11:58:32 john456 use new subaddress for each payment 11:59:08 Is there firewall on monerod server/pc 11:59:10 or if you have to send to the same address, keep separate notes what you paid for each time 11:59:26 <_DOOM_> DanIsnotthemanBr: Yes, but the required ports are open. 11:59:44 sech1 what do you mean? I cannot generate subaddress, users address are the one they gave to me 11:59:57 So router and pc? 12:00:03 Open 12:00:31 <_DOOM_> I guess the router isn't. portchecker.co says 18080 is closed. 12:00:45 Whats the router 12:00:52 <_DOOM_> Just a linksys 12:01:27 I am looking for a way to be sure to not create multiple txs for same event 12:02:10 Wrt or linksys os ? 12:02:19 then you need to keep a separate database with your events and payments 12:02:33 <_DOOM_> Router 12:03:50 <_DOOM_> Wait, if my node isn't public. Like with --public-node would I have to worry about p2p connections? 12:05:33 sech1 well but an excption could happen in the createTx method but the tx has really been created so my plane with paymentId was to search for a paymentId before creating tx 12:06:32 sech1 do you have any idea about normal workflow ? 12:07:17 _DOOM_: --public-node is for RPC and unrelated to p2p 12:07:37 <_DOOM_> Okay 12:08:13 sech1 for you it is not possible to get exception with createTx() method when the transaction was created? 12:12:55 john456 it seem you are getting help in community-dev now 12:18:14 <_DOOM_> I've changed the igd option to enable instead of delayed. I'm thinking the warnings I saw were a fluke? Or a result of igd being delayed. 12:18:26 <_DOOM_> I'm not seeing the warning anymore. 12:20:52 <_DOOM_> I will check later. 12:23:03 Have you checked if its listening on the ports ? 12:23:12 <_DOOM_> Good idea 12:23:22 <_DOOM_> Closed 12:23:44 <_DOOM_> But I upnp doesn't guaratee that it will open 18080 does it? 12:24:28 Nope 12:24:44 <_DOOM_> Do peers know this? 12:25:04 Portforward is the best, but if its not listening on the port on monerod server thats the first issue 12:25:23 <_DOOM_> Ok 12:25:45 https://sethforprivacy.com/guides/run-a-monero-node/ 12:25:45 Maybe look at 👺guide 12:26:38 Plowsof dont hurt me for saying name 13:04:21 lol 13:05:35 fun enough that domain DanIsnotthemanBr has broken onion site where it redirects to https from http, but the certificate is expired :D 21:51:27 Hello monero people 21:51:37 I have a question, i was trying to find news, updates and roadmap where monero is heading 21:58:05 magmagik[m]: the official website has a blog section where releases and sometimes larger changes are announced 21:58:14 then there's also for example https://monero.observer 22:00:13 Thank you, the roadmap ended at 2022 for now there is no 2023 ? 22:00:21 Just the future ? 22:02:08 the roadmap only gets updated once in a while 22:03:22 what were you hoping to see on a roadmap? 22:03:50 Monero already does most of what we plan to do - private transactions 22:05:32 enhancements dont always make it onto a roadmap, because we implement stuff as soon as its ready 22:06:21 No no, it's okay, i am just searching for information and want to learn 22:06:56 Prs and issues on github for monero and mrl may give hints towards future endeavors 22:10:10 is there an article or something similar about private transactions ? 22:11:18 What would you like to know? 22:11:41 mastering monero > less technical 22:11:55 Zero to monero 2 > more math 22:12:24 what kind of "system" monero will use for private transactions ? 22:12:36 Monero is private transactions 22:12:43 Is the system* 22:12:54 We dont do anything else 22:13:29 * Is a system for* 22:15:30 Monero is PoW if i remember right, yes ? 22:15:40 yes 22:16:07 Uses randomx mining algo, cpu preferred, gpu crippled, no asic 22:16:27 No dev tax, no premine 22:17:01 Mining software us fully open source 22:17:12 s/us/is/ 22:17:29 (unlike most other coinminers) 22:17:55 Sounds nice 22:18:02 Community ran and developed 22:18:23 We dont have a vitalik, satoshi etc 22:19:15 Yeah you don't have "boss" 22:19:40 And it's sounds amazing because a lot of people have great ideas 22:19:44 Or a... dictator 22:20:31 "we'll never firk because fluffypony said no" >> not in monero 22:21:59 Oh and monero have masternode and staking 22:22:16 No we dont 22:22:43 Unless youd like me to be your master and hold your neros 22:23:33 seriously. No staking or other nonsense 22:24:00 I am on monerohow site checking 22:24:17 oh nevermind it was in 2018 22:24:23 checking what? Old site 22:24:40 magmagik[m]: And still no masternodes 22:24:47 Still no staking 22:25:10 Yes, i want to find a new site with info like that and more 22:26:24 a lot of bad info 22:26:28 On that site 22:26:53 Oh, i will close it than 22:27:03 Better to not read confusing misinformation. 22:27:03 running a node us a 2 step process 22:27:25 Somesites make it seem like rocket science 22:27:55 Is there a site with updated information like on that monerohow site ? 22:28:09 Privacy on monero is as easy as sending a transaction. You dont need some special wallet or apainful experience 22:28:24 magmagik[m]: updated info on master nodes? No 22:28:30 Of course not 22:28:54 Sethforprivacy.com has some guides 22:29:08 Anything else is simple 22:29:19 The guides will be with the tools 22:29:25 And the tools arent needed 22:30:05 (you dont need a dojo and a samourai to and ln) 22:30:28 You just need a wallet. 22:30:28 walket instructions are with the walket 22:30:31 Im sorry for stupid question but how does privacy transaction works in monero ? 22:30:50 Im sorry English is not my first language 22:32:27 monero uses a number of different features to protect financial privacy. 22:32:27 1) Stealth addresses 22:32:27 addresses on chain are 1-time "fake" addresses. They can not be correlated to the real wallet addresses 22:33:27 Where i can read more about that, it's hard to find real info and i don't want to learn fake stuff 22:33:35 2 - hidden amounts. Amounts are only visible to the sender and reciever a d are proven using zero knowkedge proofs 22:33:44 magmagik[m]: Mastering monero 22:33:50 And zero to monero 2 22:34:13 oh ZK 22:34:22 3 - ring signatures 22:34:36 magmagik[m]: No. We use zk and more 22:37:25 SGP did a series on youtube (transcribed to text as well) on privacy pitfalls in monero 22:37:25 its called: Breaking Monero 22:39:26 Thank you 22:40:28 also 3 hrs of talk with seth (btcxmr) and giacomo(btconly) on monerotalk 22:43:10 I saw Daemon can run monero ? 22:44:02 can you say that in different words? 22:45:52 Technically 22:45:52 The monero daemon = monerod = the monero node = the monero blockchain. 22:45:52 all different ways of saying the same thing. 22:45:52 so daemon doesnt run monero, monero is a daemon 22:47:13 i understand, thank you 22:50:45 Getmonero.org/downloads 22:50:46 both GUI and CLI wallet downloads include the full suite of monero tools, including the daemon 22:52:12 How does transaction fee is calculated ? 22:54:21 Rocket scientist math 22:55:44 Based on many factors. There is a minimum, and also it scales dynamically with block size growth and mining reward decreases 22:56:01 magmagik[m]: Far too many qyestions 22:56:16 Go read 2 books and watch 5 hrs of video 22:56:20 Sorry 22:56:23 Then you wont have to ask 22:56:39 Still Thank you for your time 22:57:48 ofrnxmr[m]: No problem. but seriously - need to start with that stuff if you really want to understand quickly 22:58:48 Ok, thank you 23:18:10 Revuo Monero Issue 167: April 13 - 20, 2023. https://revuo-xmr.com/issue-167.html