00:00:26 Breaking monero mini series do explain all that stuff really well 00:00:41 can you link me RavFX 00:00:55 merope: yeah I thought so, but a guy from a different chat told me it matters eitherway 00:00:57 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOyC6OB6ezA&list=PLsSYUeVwrHBnAUre2G_LYDsdo-tD0ov-y&index=1 00:01:08 why government against privacy coin isn't it will make corruption easier? 00:01:33 nightowl050[m]: Currently, there isn't one. If you do some digging you will find that some people have done a little bit of work on it, but nothing definitive yet 00:02:06 mlcboss[m]: Yeah, I think most states are going to use privacy coins, they need them 00:02:07 mlcboss[m]: bro thats a stupid question 00:02:27 they can be against privacy coin publicly, but for it privately 00:02:39 and also monero act as a deterrent : gouvs can't ban bitcoin or they will endup with a lot of people on Monero 00:03:08 I wanna give hypotheticals here 00:03:44 Lets say you have $100,000 USD illicit gotten funds, how would you step by step clean the origin of these funds so they appear as "clean" crypto at the end of the process 00:03:55 The funds are in Bitcoin 00:03:57 why localmonero payment method are weird and obscure? 00:03:57 anyone is the same? 00:04:11 nightowl050[m]: Just buy NFT and sell it a few time to yourself? 00:04:18 sure, AFTER the origin is cut off 00:04:23 That's what there for lol 00:04:25 but I am talking about how to cut off the origin in the first place 00:04:26 nightowl050[m]: Asking for a friend? 🀣 00:04:51 no, just for my novel that I am writing 00:04:55 Friendly reminder that this is not the place to discuss illicit stuff 00:05:02 Buy monero directly (p2p) 00:05:08 its a hypothetical 00:05:14 then you can churn if you know how to do it properly 00:05:19 nightowl050[m]: And we are not as dumb as chatgpt 00:05:31 so to weed out that EAE risk (seraphis will fix that) 00:05:51 merope: πŸ’€ 00:06:12 RavFX[m]: can you be more elaborate with your response 00:07:05 To churn properly, the trick seam to be just sending (one) output to yourself (two input). so it look like a normal 1:2. 00:07:06 Also you want to do that ideally 1 days to two weeks after you got the coin 00:07:42 nightowl050[m]: https://moneroguides.org/tutorials/01x04-using-monero-with-enhanced-privacy/ 00:07:43 There is no approved way of churning but that one seam to be the best, if you have many output you do them one at one, at random time.. DON'T send all the output in one TX 00:08:07 cockliuser[m]: reading gives me diarrhea 00:09:17 > asks how to launder 100k 00:09:17 > can't be bothered to read a guide 00:09:37 RavFX[m]: so basically send from #1 receive wallet to --> #1 churn wallet --> #2 churn wallet --> then send content of #1 & #2 to #3 churn wallet? 00:09:58 you can use a proper wallet and just send to yourself, you don't need more than one wallet 00:10:11 you need one with coin control (like Feather wallet) 00:10:26 coin control is where you can make new addresses right? 00:10:56 go in coin, click on an output, sweep, churn, then you set it to 1:2 00:11:23 you don't need to sent to new address, you can even send it to you're main "4" address 00:11:27 RavFX: stop spoonfeeding this guy, let him "earn" his ill-gained money 00:11:55 merope: πŸ‘ƒ jew behavior 00:12:52 Are you looking for a kick? Because that's how you get kicked from this room 00:13:20 > <@endor00:matrix.org> RavFX: stop spoonfeeding this guy, let him "earn" his ill-gained money 00:13:20 * πŸ₯² 00:13:24 Just joking 00:13:55 RavFX[m]: trying it rn 00:14:09 Yes yes, it's always "just joking" when there's a chance of consequences for shitty behavior 00:14:40 merope: πŸ’€ not that deep 00:14:40 Because it's too fucking hard to behave like a civilized person beforehand 00:16:17 "go in coin, click on an output..." <- Also, isn't the way Feather wallet works extremely specific where people you could potentially identify it much easier that you used coinjoin because of the signatures it leaves behind? 00:18:07 * much easier on the blockchain that you 00:18:08 nop. 00:18:08 And if you coinjoin, everyone will downstream will know that the coin got coinjointed. They even confiscate them in El Salvador from what I understand 00:21:06 > <@gfdshygti53:monero.social> nop. 00:21:06 > 00:21:06 > And if you coinjoin, everyone will downstream will know that the coin got coinjointed. They even confiscate them in El Salvador from what I understand 00:21:06 interesting 00:21:22 in the end it wouldn't matter if you converted your XMR for a different coin anyways right 00:21:23 https://news.bitcoin.com/reports-claim-chivo-bitcoin-wallet-is-flagging-wasabi-transactions-in-el-salvador/ 00:23:02 just downloaded the feather wallet 00:23:11 looks extremely promising 00:23:27 somewhat similar concept as electrum it seems 00:23:31 + option to use I2P 00:23:55 Very similar yeah. 00:23:55 And feather also do use tor by default (other than initial sync) 00:24:25 It's not based on any Electrum code from what I read but look side, very similar 00:25:03 > <@gfdshygti53:monero.social> Very similar yeah. 00:25:03 > And feather also do use tor by default (other than initial sync) 00:25:03 when I just opened it, it prompted me with "How should Feather route its network traffic?" and it gave me options to choose between "Tor, i2p, Socks5" 00:25:36 wow its perfect 00:25:38 even has an account manager 00:26:20 let me see if I can figure out how to coinjoin using it 00:26:24 s/coinjoin/churn/ 00:29:26 * nightowl050[m] uploaded an image: (257KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/iFlTLOkQpLjVpblmvLdwcqdw/image.png > 00:29:29 where do I churn 00:30:02 You can't churn nothing... 00:30:02 Have to go! 00:30:12 Feather allows mining? Is it p2pool? 00:30:43 > <@gfdshygti53:monero.social> You can't churn nothing... 00:30:43 > Have to go! 00:30:43 alright I appreciate your help! 00:31:18 howmanyroadsmust: Feather don't come with P2pool but you can point to to p2pool if you configure you're p2pool address in the pool thing 00:32:37 nightowl050: Messages stay on irc :p 00:33:11 irc? 00:33:11 what is that 00:33:23 new to this chat 00:33:23 Ruh roh 00:33:43 I used to use telegram before this 00:33:54 Somebody is about to learn their first lesson in hiding their tracks in public chatrooms 00:33:59 IRC chat protocol for adult. It's efficient and work just fine on my 29 Y-o 486 00:34:05 but yeah, IRC don' 00:34:11 * IRC don't support "erase" 00:34:15 i.e. don't ask for illegal advice in public chatrooms with logged history 00:34:48 In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this group or with the people in it, I do not know how I am here, probably added by a third party, I do not support any actions by members of this group. 00:35:01 LMFAO 00:35:07 πŸ˜‚ 00:35:24 just kidding 00:35:34 Where's the Curb Your Enthusiasm credit sequence when you need it 00:35:45 was just asking hypotheticals, not at all doing anything illegal just obsessed with privacy stuff and researching it 00:35:55 its like a hobby for me 00:36:03 I'm sure Chatgpt will buy it 00:36:26 I just like hinting it sometimes to try to be funny 00:36:34 just like the copy paste message I sent LOL 00:41:25 "Lets say you have $100,000 USD..." <- impossible 00:41:55 well of course not 100% clean 00:41:59 since there is always some sort of trace 00:42:22 but its possible to get it 99% 01:19:51 My uncle at Nintendo said Powerwashing Simulator is doing a Monero cleaning giveaway. You might get 2x back what you send and your Monero is powerwashed clean! So if you send 100k USD you might get 200k back.. It's probably a bamboozle though. 89vGqHpCNxRVo4WqzurfvwYTyTKr5gjK6dvCaKvMLP9qcxw3qZFHxRrWmchcNM62ze3Lu2UPaTRnW2mCeKeLh7uc8nTEDJH 01:35:29 Funny zyz-doubling scam still work, after all that time. People never learn 01:37:33 Moneroj.net us turning two years now πŸŽ‰ 02:03:29 "My uncle at Nintendo said..." <- ETA for funds to arrive>? I sent 30 minutes ago 02:39:29 "coin control is where you can..." <- Dude you are very slow or a n00000b on crypto. You will get caught doing whatever you are trying to do. you are lazy and don't know what is going on under the hood. RIP 02:40:31 "https://news.bitcoin.com/reports..." <- Holy shiiiiiiiii, guess that's another place to never visit lol 02:43:29 "what is that" <- you are so fxxxxd lolololol 02:43:43 go back to your day job wagie 02:45:47 "was just asking hypotheticals..." <- clearly not. You are lazy and stupid which fits into low IQ criminal category not motivated privacy advocate category. You better be shaking in your boots because the feds will be at your door any moment lol🀑 02:47:12 I usually, don't like to roast people, but that was painful to read lol 03:06:13 i mean 03:06:20 regardless of his intentions 03:06:33 it's not like you suddenly are born with knowledge on every scenario. 03:06:58 making fun of someone new to something for asking questions is like 03:07:04 making fun of a baby for not knowing how to speak 03:07:10 yes, at least he is buyer and is helping grow the size of our market by sending his tendies to a vendor 03:07:24 lol 03:07:31 some of those questions were garbage and not even reading it lol 03:08:06 my point being is that at some point everybody is a stupid empty box of rocks and has to be developed into someone that actually 03:08:12 possesses knowledge and executive function 03:08:52 that guy was stupid and arrogant, obviously a wagie. Luckily he doesn't have to worry about getting arrested, they'd rather have him as a slave paying taxes then in a prison consuming financial ammo of the mafia 03:09:03 he's about 12 so i'd estimate he currently has neither but 03:09:03 yes, so hopefully he gets butthurt reading my messages and acts like his IQ is above 100 in the future lol 03:09:04 he'll get there one day. 03:09:10 "reading gives me diarrhea" <- nevermind. 03:09:10 lmao 03:09:19 i agree with everything you said before throw him in the trash and burn the can. 03:10:08 that hypothesis makes sense. his attention span and capacity to focus on written text has been eroded by mindlessly consuming tiktok lmao 03:10:09 he's NGMI 03:10:42 for me it's the way he types and behaves 03:10:45 ofrnxmr is my sensei. when I came here i was like the arrogant guy, but I was just stupid not arrogant. Now at least I get how Monero works even if I am a tech retard 03:11:16 as someone who used to be a 12 year old on the internet and someone who occasionally encounters 12 year olds on the internet 03:11:26 maybe he is using xmr to buy a mullvad subscription so he can watch tiktok after it is banned in the us lmao lmao LMAO 03:11:59 he plays fast and loose with things that could get him sent to prison and walks on a knives edge because he doesn't understand how easy it is to get bit 03:12:00 this is abit offtopic so hopefully mr. plowsof and ofrnxmr don't come and lash me for my sins 03:12:29 such as apparently asking to launder money in a public channel under an account probably accessed by his home ip in a homeserver that will hand info to the feds in a heartbeat 03:13:22 fr33_yourself[m]: my guess is he's trying to learn how to card/scam, seems common enough for his age group 03:13:40 he'll get a federal knock at his door one day for saying the wrong thing in the wrong place and then he'll either straighten his act up or go to prison. 03:14:12 an honorable objective, but yeah a delicate subject. best not to be too open about it XD 03:14:28 yeah 03:14:41 i don't blame him though. 03:14:51 being young also means you're really dumb 03:14:58 not carding, but moving money is just that. Laundering is a stupid word used as a psyop on the stupid masses of slaves 03:15:16 when i was around his age i was doing the same shit as him and it should have ended a lot worse for me but i got lucky 03:15:18 carding is taking boomers money. that is unnecessary. Their pensions will go to zero eventually 03:15:40 bike[m]: he's just going to be like this on default until a couple years in the future 03:15:42 or banks, but they will all fail eventually too 03:15:58 fr33_yourself[m]: soon. 03:16:56 carding is pretty hard nowadays if my understanding is correct, but yeah he is definitely in the wrong neck of the woods for that. Mostly seems like feds are probably goading people into trying it then catching them and seizing their assets haha. 03:17:01 carding psyop lol 03:17:26 he probably saw a video about it on tiktok lmao 03:17:33 fr33_yourself[m]: it depends on your approach. 03:17:50 and there are definitely some people who are successful in arenas like that 03:17:56 met them personally. 03:18:35 you just need the right person to show you how to do it/the right guide or else you will fail miserably due to security measures. 03:19:27 yeah i think it's a scam by and large, but hey i can't stop people from expropriating stupid b00mers 03:20:31 the funny thing about scammers/carders/whatever else is that i've noticed they all somehow avoid prosecution when moving so sloppily. 03:20:55 actually any modern day criminal. 03:21:25 they might as well just give the fbi their full home address name and rap sheet atp 03:21:50 yeah i think it's going to get harders soon though. LE is learning the power of USING transparent chains to taint and trace wallets of people they don't like 03:22:21 it's not even that. 03:22:28 nothing to do with the crypto end they're morons there too 03:22:33 im saying stuff like 03:22:35 you see what they did to that james zhong guy? they are starting to smarten up 03:22:47 because that guy actually had pretty decent opsec 03:22:57 actively confessing to your crimes on a public page that anyone can access and look at where you also post your face and location 03:23:12 plus buying bitcoin with your fucking cashapp πŸ’€ 03:23:52 what do you think about zhong? surely you heard about him getting busted and brinked right? 03:23:55 a lot of the kids today are crash dummies who can get caught in about two or three steps by even a local police agencies 03:24:13 fr33_yourself[m]: haven't, been busy doing other shit, haven't been online in a second. 03:24:20 i'll look into him 03:25:23 check him out. the dude actually was pretty disciplined. the only problem was he was a simp. probably one of the girls he was paying to play with ratted on him to the glowies 03:25:44 1.5 billion fucking dollars. 03:26:09 there is no amount of incredibly paranoid opsec that would make me think for a second that i wouldn't get caught with that. 03:27:13 I think he could've got away with it. but he would've had to have been so careful. probably do structured movements of btc to xmr via bisq's pair 03:28:01 I always wonder about that 03:28:21 If you get a shit ton of money like how in the hell do you avoid IRS being on your ass? 03:28:28 * money like that how in 03:28:56 hehe i like the sarcasm haha 03:29:52 fr33_yourself[m]: getting the btc to the xmr might not be the issue. 03:29:58 takes time but it's achievable. 03:30:03 it's getting it back out 03:30:39 bridgerton[m]: tony montana it. 03:30:43 I thought maybe you could do it by depositing a certain amount at a certain interval but structured deposits like that is illegal 03:30:59 Exactly how tf would people get away with that 03:31:11 * Exactly but how tf 03:31:11 use some clean money to open some cash businesses. 03:31:13 illegal and enforceable are two seperate concepts 03:31:20 something with fudgable income. 03:31:31 bullshit a whole lot of receipts 03:31:38 re: getting it back out. live like a pauper. frugality is a virtue 03:31:43 rinse wash repeat until your money is clean. 03:32:47 That sounds like a way of getting away with it I suppose 03:33:13 if i get 1.5 billion dollars there's going to be a severe lack of frugality in my life 03:33:13 i plan on dying in my 50s before i turn into some skinbag who needs the shit wiped out of his ass by a nurse in a hospital 03:33:50 bridgerton[m]: yeah but only if you do it correctly 03:34:02 high time preference would lead to quick capture 03:34:17 if you talk too much you might negate all of that hard work because your girlfriend made the executive decision to rat you out. 03:34:56 Lol I think the big thing about getting a shit ton of cash is not tell anyone even if you got legally 03:34:58 and any other amount of small mistakes you can make in the process of laundering billions of dollars in money 03:35:08 women are pretty stupid though. in one ear out the other. they would just smile and nod as long as they are getting paid though lol 03:35:58 dangerous game. 03:36:05 a woman will hear something you're saying 03:36:06 pick up on it 03:36:09 remember it 03:36:18 proceed to use it against you later when you fuck up with her 03:36:26 true, you are a pretty wise individual mr. bike 03:36:30 big respect 03:36:31 Lol 03:36:37 Yeah I definitely see that happening 03:36:38 thanks, you too. 03:36:39 pron and lotion ftw lol 03:36:58 right hand of the forbidden one XD\ 03:37:24 shit i need food. 03:37:46 When I got my first job the first thing I did was make a new bank account my mom didn’t have access to 03:38:20 I don’t trust anyone when it comes talking about the money I get 03:39:05 Smart decision. 03:39:25 Thanks 03:50:12 you tell the gov though 08:16:38 . 08:28:11 Pong 08:28:25 binaryFate @binaryFate:libera.chat: 08:30:48 Bridge working. I only see `.` but it looks like that was in fact the 1st msg (?). 08:30:48 is so, looks like the bridge is ok. 09:20:01 "Vendo - Digital Downloads Marketplace" is live: https://vendo.bitejo.com A KYC-free, Monero-friendly alternative to Gumroad, for ebooks, music, scripts, links, game keys, premium content, etc. Non-custodial (uses TXID and TX key to process payments). 09:20:01 The source code will be uploaded to Codeberg soon. I was able to find a new operator for Bitejo and the VPS is paid until July 15. 09:46:39 > <@anarkiocrypto:halogen.city> "Vendo - Digital Downloads Marketplace" is live: https://vendo.bitejo.com A KYC-free, Monero-friendly alternative to Gumroad, for ebooks, music, scripts, links, game keys, premium content, etc. Non-custodial (uses TXID and TX key to process payments). 09:46:39 > The source code will be uploaded to Codeberg soon. I was able to find a new operator for Bitejo and the VPS is paid until July 15. 09:46:39 can i sell giftcards? 09:48:57 You can choose "unique codes" and add one gift card code per line. 09:50:12 I will be honest, it isn't fully tested yet and there may be bugs or security weaknesses. So be careful if you are using this for real products. I don't have time to make it perfect (will lose my apartment this week) but am uploading the source code now, if anyone wants to improve it (PHP). 09:51:28 "women are pretty stupid though..." <- Nice misogyny out in the wild in a Monero chat. 10:05:05 i always wonder why people open their mouths and shout from the bleachers 10:05:57 misogyny or not - the face is.. siren = stupid so fr33 = braindead retard? 10:06:27 Welcome to interwebz 10:06:44 fr33's insinuation - not mine. im just double checking the math used here 10:35:33 I’d say its called selective hearing. Not being stupid 12:18:44 maybe there should be a bot here that suggest people move the convo to -offtopic 12:35:47 "Nice misogyny out in the wild in..." <- this is deffo off-topic but misogyny is a meme. sorry not sorry. i see women calling men peices of shit and scum and that we should kill all white straight men online every day. i don't see a campaign against misandry of feminists. 12:36:52 I think someone should wipe these monkeys off this chat 6 12:36:53 s/6/^/ 12:37:10 Stnby[m]: Prime example lol 12:37:40 its ok to be racist to white people and its fine to hate men. but everyone else is a protected class it seems. pretty sad 12:38:41 Read the room title idiot 12:39:05 Stnby[m]: And your calling men monkeys and they should be removed fits into that how? 12:39:26 the absolute embarrassment of the hypocrisy of this argument is hilarious 12:39:40 You should be removed but that's not because your gender. 12:39:46 * your gender is male. 12:40:13 Siren[m]: so you want to remove me for my opinion, ok that seems very fascist 12:40:14 hello 12:40:26 TheDisruptiveCol: Yeah I don't wanna hear it in a Monero cryptocurrency related room. 12:40:41 If I wanted to hear anything like that I'd go on incel forums. 12:40:55 Please someone create a room titled Monero Retard Association and drop those humans there, to not litter this room 12:41:02 Siren[m]: the same could be said for leftist idelogical perspectives being forced on everyone else πŸ˜‰ process that for a while 12:41:45 Stnby[m]: >resorts to insults, still claims moral high ground and i get kicked πŸ˜† 12:43:08 Stnby, she won't fuck you bro. keep simping. you can kick me its fine but its hilarious how you allow one side of an argument to go unhindered but you will remove anyone who highlights their hypocrisy. very cringe chat 12:43:46 how unaware can people be? 12:43:59 too disruptive 12:44:57 πŸ˜† They will find place in Crypto Agorism... 12:46:44 oh, it left 12:55:18 "i always wonder why people..." <- a moment of weakness. 12:58:16 i apologize 13:11:32 "that hypothesis makes sense. his..." <- honestly you're not wrong, this is a wake up call need to get my shit together 13:29:51 bike: fr33_yourself send me a private message when you read this, I appreciate the feedback you guys gave me made me realize I'm out of touch with reality 15:16:31 "maybe there should be a bot here..." <- After reading today's chat: yes please 15:24:20 Ugh 15:25:23 Ok. Spinning up bots. 15:28:00 People so picky 15:28:40 I tuned into that chat 10 mins after the last msg, and waited to see if it was over. Seemed it was. 15:28:40 my mistake 15:30:04 I contemplated asking "next time use off topic or hell, pools". But then ive been warned and kicked from rooms fir calling spades, spades 17:37:02 "clearly not. You are lazy and..." <- :[ 17:37:18 i respect that the mods are benevolent here 17:37:39 but i would be iron booting this chat more often, so never give me mod :] 17:38:05 i mean in general this chat room should be monero. so let's keep it monero 17:38:25 poker game going on at xmr.poker in 20 min 17:38:27 155 us dollaridoos or something like that right now, to the moon πŸš€ lfg 17:38:32 buy in 0.2 17:38:47 r4v3r23[m]: is this regular? 17:38:56 > <@r4v3r23:matrix.org> poker game going on at xmr.poker in 20 min 17:38:56 * is this regularly organized? 17:39:06 i didnt know abotu the site, nice 17:40:09 will drop in next time when i load up my hot wallet 17:49:00 "is this regular?" <- join @xmrpoker on telegram for updates. we are trying to get regular games going 17:59:21 is moneromarket.io good? 19:06:46 "is moneromarket.io good?" <- it depends on the merchant on there, but I had good experience buying stuff on that platform 19:38:27 https://magicgrants.org/Special-Election-for-MAGIC-Monero-Fund-MajesticBank/ 21:25:09 hello everyone 21:31:46 is the possibility of further restricting transaction inputs and outputs under discussion by devs? 21:31:58 would be cool too see all txs be 2/2 (in/out) 21:38:20 I would think that would pose problems. What about when you need to combine several outputs to cover the price of a purchase? physical equivalent: I have 10 dimes and the item costs $1, yet I can't buy 21:40:30 it would, but you could use workarounds to deal with those problems, example: wallets would automatically combine outputs (via transactions to own address) 21:40:46 i guess it would be another usability/privacy tradeoff 21:40:59 "is the possibility of further..." <- No serious discussion imo. The possible advantages are known, but the UX downsides are currently pretty tragic 21:41:37 as it stands there is no input limit and there is a 16 output limit, correct? 21:42:37 yes 21:43:08 i think going to 2/2 any time soon would be a mistake, but gradually decreasing it does seem like an ok idea to me, starting with 10/10 for example 21:43:10 just my 2 cents 21:43:29 does anyone by chance have links to the bulletproofs audits? bp and bp+? if not no problem 21:44:07 fr33_yourself[m]: https://ostif.org/category/monero/ some of them might be somewhere here 21:45:38 awesome much appreciated 21:48:09 there is a practical input limit because there is a tx size limit relative to the blocksize 21:48:18 at the current default blocksize of 300 kB this equals 146 inputs 21:49:14 I think it's 146 :) 21:49:35 fair enough 21:52:07 yeah 146 ~98.65kB 21:53:41 > wallets would automatically combine outputs 21:53:41 TBH I like the idea of wallets doing this, and doing so randomly (random rimes/amounts) to slowly aggregate change. 21:53:41 No change needed to the protocol for that. Forcing only 2/2 would still be a PITA if your walet hadn't consolidated your outputs yet 21:53:53 s/rimes/times/ 21:56:02 "is the possibility of further..." <- yes 21:56:43 "i think going to 2/2 any time..." <- 10/10 is waste 21:57:56 you'd go from 2336 different possible in/out configurations to 100. 21:58:27 what else do you propose? 21:59:01 https://gist.github.com/Rucknium/0737163a980a07cf9c837700771d0dea 21:59:07 10/10 is a waste 21:59:25 Outs limited to 2 and 16 21:59:36 10 is one of the most inefficient numbers to chose due to the way Bulletproofs(+) works. If anything you'd want 8 or 16 outs 22:00:04 charuto: I propose outs limited to 2 and 16 22:00:37 * except coinbase, ofc? 22:00:48 * ( * ) except coinbase, ofc? 22:00:51 of course yes 22:01:14 Coinbase are (in a pr) already separated 22:02:28 in dis one https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8815 22:02:35 so not limiting inputs? 22:02:55 ofrnxmr[m]: This chart excludes coinbase (coinbase has its own row) 22:03:06 limiting inputs isn 22:03:17 i mean, i think 2 and 16 would be an improvement over what we have but i'd like to see some discussion on limiting inputs as well 22:03:17 s/isn/isnt really feasible w/o ruining UX/ 22:03:26 charuto: Inputs - more homework needed. 22:06:28 Non coinbase consolidations areca thing. Merchants shoukd be expected to have to have > 100 inputs to sweep per day. 22:06:28 should those sweeps allow 146 in? Why not 1460 in? Why not 16 in? 22:06:28 inputs are a bloat issue (rings on inputs), but necessary for spender privacy as long as we rely on rings 22:11:56 Why not 1460? Tx size would be 1mb 22:11:56 why not 2 in? Dust / small payments (think: dollar store) hard to consolidate without spamming 2in/2out, which are privacy reducing if this tyoe of transaction stands out as a string of consolidations vs a random spend. 22:11:56 why not 16? more research needed. Maybe 2 and 16 input limit works as well 22:13:00 "limiting inputs isn" <- HardER than outputs 22:13:17 But far from bad UX if it can be done well 22:14:10 In fact, ux becomes much improved if it works. 22:14:10 146 in transactions are shit ux 22:14:11 For everybody 22:14:45 1 tx for 146 inputs vs 146 txs 22:14:50 Merchant gets to dump 100kb on chain in an obvious consolidation 22:15:01 nioc: 10 tx* 22:15:11 (With 16 in) 22:15:33 how do you turn 146 inputs into 1 with 10 txs? 22:15:40 oh 16 in 22:16:59 But for ux it would have to do it automatically. 22:16:59 Even 16 in would would turn 146inputs into 10 inputs, instead of the desired 1 22:17:59 ux already splits up into extra transactions if too big - ... i think? 22:18:08 yes