05:38:12 is there a superior coin than Monero will you guys sell your monero? 05:52:21 "is there a superior coin than..." <- More monero 05:52:59 Never too loyal to monero 06:02:28 there is no second best when we are talking about money coins 06:03:20 I'd rather die 😭 holding monero until that new coin can prove it's better than monero other than that I'm holding on. 06:05:52 Dis is matheww kratter from trader university 07:32:12 Blood in, blood out 08:04:51 For Monero users in Turkey: #monero-turkce:monero.social 08:27:47 mlcboss: You're obviously talking about WOW 08:44:29 "mlcboss: You're obviously..." <- Is just Monero with different name like Dogecoin to Bitcoin 08:45:00 yes, kinda 08:46:00 but it has major improvements (such as Known ring does not include spent output) 08:49:04 xfedex[m]: I believe wownero is just a testing ground like Lite/doge to Bitcoin 08:49:04 Funfact alot of Bitcoin features came first at Litecoin 08:49:04 lightning network & segregated witness (SegWit) was first introduce in Litecoin before added on Bitcoin 10:39:06 "I'd rather die 😭 holding..." <- your cuteness levels for monero 10:39:14 😄😂❣️ 13:12:56 Some memecoins have taxes wtf 13:28:00 s/memecoins/crypto/ 13:28:26 Like why? Im ok with miner fee but a literal tax 13:30:41 hi 13:31:17 Is this room bridged to IRC? 13:31:21 or telegram 13:31:37 I cannot see you on IRC at all qwk[m] 13:31:45 (yes to IRC) 13:32:37 qwk[m], to irc is 13:32:45 how about telegram? 13:33:07 dunno but maybe 13:54:00 it should be bridge to telegram 13:57:12 The telegram bridge was discarded a long time ago, far too many spambots 14:01:04 anti-spam systems are now far advanced 14:01:49 it would help telegram friends to hear some wise people from irc/matrix 14:02:59 As a person who has to keep cleaning up the telegram spam that comes through in the Mining room, fuck no 14:03:17 And that's with an aggressive antispam bot on the telegram side 14:04:06 merope: including join captcha bot? 14:05:15 Not sure, I only take care of the matrix side 14:37:28 "anti-spam systems are now far..." <- How much profit you made per day? 14:47:38 poker game going today 14:47:39 in about 4 hours 14:47:39 xmr.poker 14:51:32 mlcboss[m]: Not much really, if you consider donations this could be a non-profit 14:54:16 MajesticBank: Non Profit seriously but why? 14:54:23 exchanges exist to make money 14:55:36 being in a position to support others, feels great tho, spending 10+ years around seeing different shifts 14:55:39 yet you done it for free 14:55:56 you come to some end goal 15:33:24 Noooo , you will harm other exchanges 😭 15:33:24 so you put 0% FEES? 15:39:54 "being in a position to support..." <- be HONEST , you want to be the IKEA of CEX 15:46:16 i want people to come into my store, walk around, buy nothing, then see cheap meat balls for sale 15:46:54 mlcboss come on bro, he said "could be" non profit - not "we run at a loss" 15:47:44 haha.. "run" 15:49:04 I like the idea of an Ikea CEX tho: when you buy from them they give you parts of the keys to where the XMR is stored and you have to assemble the wallet file yourself 15:58:35 jeffro256: ive been running your coinbase pr for a few weeks now. 15:58:35 - when spending from an old wallet, it seems to still use coinbase 15:58:35 - old wallets: sometimes fails to get rct distribution occasionally 15:58:35 - updated cli: seems to be no problems 16:01:20 By old wallet, do you mean a wallet running pre-PR code, or really old outputs (pre-RCT)? 16:01:51 Also thanks for running it btw 16:03:27 yes sir. old wallet meaning release version of cake, stack, etc 16:07:30 all of my outputs are relatively new. no pre-rct outs etc, everything post 2023 16:10:14 Ah yeah i don't know of any backwards compatible way we could make the old wallets also choose only non-coinbase outputs. My PR does not involve any concensus changes, so I can't force old wallets to pick only certain outputs 16:11:31 As for the second issue, it may be that that the RPC call is timing out, I'll check it out 16:13:01 it works fine when switching nodes, switch back and same issue. 16:13:01 its not consistent with all outputs though. but i never experienced the issue with cli 16:14:42 but yeah, it could still be a timeour issue if it takes longer to gather the outputs - my node isnt the fastest 16:49:16 hi, can anybody help me with opening my old monero wallet? 16:53:48 i opened it with wallet-cli, it started syncing but prompt with "Enter password (output received)" several times and the refresh failed 16:54:55 now i cant open the wallet anymore with error "Error: failed to load wallet: file .... does not correspond to ..." - anybody knows whats wrong? 16:57:29 Error: failed to load wallet: file MyWallet does not correspond to MyWallet.keys ? this message? 16:57:59 yes after syncing/refresh failed, cant open 16:58:05 what ./monero-wallet-cli --version 16:58:12 latest 16:58:38 Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.2.2-release) 16:58:59 have you tried again after deleting the "MyWallet" file (not .keys) - this deletes the cache and begins to resync 16:59:28 yes i removed it, still some error .. are there any other cache dirs? 16:59:54 same* 17:01:58 are you connected to a remote node or local hm ive never encountered this issue - specifically related to the password entry upon receiving an output is the issue? 17:02:48 local daemon, yeah its weird 17:03:12 what about the password prompts for recieved output, are those normal? 17:03:20 yes 17:03:38 you have to enter your password so that it can decrypt the key from memory 17:03:43 can i avoid them somehow, only type passord while opening the wallet? 17:03:50 yes 17:04:03 but it's a bit less secure 17:04:41 yeah but its annoying for all transaction to type the password 17:04:57 set ask-password 1 17:05:09 and this is causing the broken cache? 17:05:13 no 17:05:18 it should not cause a broken cache 17:05:44 seems like my keys file is broken because i cant open it anymore (should have a backup) 17:06:11 try either `set ask-password 1` or `set ask-password 0` 17:06:39 0 means it never asks for your password, 1 means only on action, 2 means it encrypts your key in memory 17:06:50 which means you have to enter it during refesh 17:06:55 refresh 17:07:26 ok thanks 17:07:32 this old issue (written strangely) - perhaps there is a series of events to reproduce this https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/13022/wallet-does-not-correspond-to-keys 17:09:08 just opened the wallet, and refresh failed after i misstyped the password on prompt for output recieved 17:14:12 plowsof11: that was a bug a year ago 17:14:14 it's long fixed 17:14:33 drrobotic[m]: it can't decrypt the keys if you mistype the password 17:14:40 so it can't refresh 17:18:48 i cant reopen my wallet 17:19:14 it was open but while refresh it ask again for the password, but i misstyped it once 17:19:51 now i get the "does not correspond to" error while opening 17:19:58 can you post the full error? 17:20:42 "Error: failed to load wallet: file /path/to/wallet does not correspond to /path/to/wallet.keys" 17:20:57 i deleted /path/to/wallet 17:21:10 do you have your seed? 17:21:21 i have the keys file 17:22:12 which OS are you using? 17:22:20 linux 17:22:40 can you go to your wallet directory, do ls -la and post the output to paste.debian.net ? 17:22:48 you can redact your username 17:23:18 there is just the keys file 17:24:09 i just moved my keys file to a new folder, opened gui, selected open a wallet > browse > selected kets file > success 17:24:53 yeah might try this too 17:27:12 👍👎? 17:29:56 keys file seems to be destroyed 17:30:13 destroyed? 17:30:15 gui cant open it aswell 17:31:20 ls -la 17:31:23 owner is root? oryou? 17:31:27 thanks for the help, i try later with a backup again 17:31:55 how large is the file? 17:32:19 1,7kb 17:32:28 it would be interesting to know how you were able to do this, just by entering a false password when output received? 17:32:47 yeah 17:33:15 "Starting refresh...... (full message at ) 17:33:58 then i typed "exit" and since then i couldnt open the wallet anymore 17:35:41 was this a morbinal wallet? 17:36:11 dont know what this is, wallet is from 2019 i think 17:37:32 ok np. 17:37:59 make sure you keep a copy of your backup 17:38:26 when you have time to recheck, come 17:38:33 to #gui 17:39:15 sorry. touchscreen issues. 17:39:15 come to #monero-gui:monero.social 17:46:25 !help 18:00:15 lol qwk are you ok 19:28:47 is there some python script to working with xmr specifically address gen? 19:28:48 s/script/module/ 19:45:41 subaddress generation toralien ? 19:46:18 if so: https://monero-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/backends.html#offline 20:18:17 ofrnxmr: so opening my wallet backup with gui works, never using the cli again :D 20:20:09 Thanks for confirming 20:21:41 if you feel froggy, would you care to try to reproduce? (open a copy of back with cli and try to corrupt it with bad passwords while scanning?) 20:21:54 s/back/backup/ 20:22:16 yeah i was thinking doing that with a new wallet 20:22:56 Would be good to know if its an issue with a certain version of wallet, always an issue, or a hard to reproduce one 20:24:10 Meaning, if it corrupts everytime with your backup copy, but never with a new wallet = we know where to start looking 20:26:37 i find it a bit odd that the cli wallet ask for the password again and again while refresh, its confusing 20:27:26 and the gui does it without the password prompts 20:30:58 "0 means it never asks for your..." <- I assume gui uses 0 or 1 and cli uses 2 21:08:55 "subaddress generation toralien ?" <- account generation including subaddress I guess 21:09:11 or excluding, account generation is most important 21:10:02 ok it can do that 21:10:03 nice 21:10:05 thanks 21:10:53 i suppose the rng should be safe with that one 23:44:39 ofrnxmr[m]: should be 1 since it asks before sending