01:17:48 <MaddieKalan> Where can I learn about / figure out how long it will take for the monero wallet gui to generate a transation from ~176 different inputs?
01:21:48 <anonimauzanto[m]> Is the 25th word of a Monero mnemonic simply a crc32 hash of the first 24 words modulus 24? There is additional bit flipping and shifting in the python implementation but the flipping/shifting appears to do nothing (flip/shift - flip/shift back). 
01:22:05 <anonimauzanto[m]> https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-python/blob/master/monero/wordlists/wordlist.py#L74
01:23:20 <MaddieKalan> https://lainsafe.kalli.st/files/168247219343346.png
01:23:30 <MaddieKalan> ( error in transaction :( )
01:40:06 <MaddieKalan> Well now the tranasction went thru but as 2 tranasactions? Cool.
01:42:06 <selsta> MaddieKalan: do you have your own node? or do you use a remote node?
01:42:26 <selsta> it might split up in 2 transactions if it's too large for one
02:05:52 <MaddieKalan> I've configured a local node as a trusted remote node in the wallet. 
08:26:56 <xmrlover[m]> Never 
08:59:39 <cockliuser[m]> Has this been posted before 
08:59:41 <cockliuser[m]> https://youtu.be/5keTkyOzZKQ
09:00:36 <cockliuser[m]> French farmer selling groceries for Monero 
09:00:58 <k4r4b3y[m]> anarkiocrypto: I remember recently you announced a monero crowdfunding platform, like patreon?
09:01:14 <k4r4b3y[m]> What was its name?
09:02:37 <k4r4b3y[m]> Captain Blackbeard Radio might have a use for it
09:02:37 <k4r4b3y[m]> https://boards.4channel.org/biz/thread/54711868#p54733103
09:50:43 <hv-bridge> <juanjuan> pi network is now more than 20 US dollars a maximum of more than 300 US dollars. Join the mobile phone for free mining pi network invitation code: chaoqun1990
11:12:57 <ofrnxmr[m]> <k4r4b3y[m]> "What was its name?" <- kuno.bitejo.com
11:17:17 <k4r4b3y[m]> > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> 
11:17:17 <k4r4b3y[m]> > kuno.bitejo.com
11:17:17 <k4r4b3y[m]> yeah that's it
11:40:20 * sunny_future[m] uploaded an image: (2163KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/jHOFrmHRRViyUstlSQtaTPJy/monero%20citadelle.png >
11:40:21 <sunny_future[m]> Same causes, same consequences. History does not repeat itself, but human phenomenon do.
14:31:21 <MrF33[m]> Lol
18:03:12 <someoneelse49549> Hi guys if anyone is a graphic designer or an artist feel free to look at our bounty: https://reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/12zrowe/cuprate_04_xmr_bounty_searching_for_a_logo/
18:26:41 <ofrnxmr[m]> someoneelse495495:  anhdres: vostoemisio:  gnuteardrops: 
18:31:11 <ofrnxmr[m]> @visosv in Monero Events 
18:31:28 <ofrnxmr[m]> Diego Salazar:  as well
18:34:05 <cryptogrampy[m]> Can someone restart the monerodocs.org server
19:12:42 <selsta> cryptogrampy[m]: not sure how to contact the operator, no activity on twitter for the past 4 months, his website also seems down
19:45:39 <DanIsnotthemanBr> Probably should be owned/maintained by getmonero since it maintained by devs
19:47:52 <charuto> <someoneelse49549> "Hi guys if anyone is a graphic..." <- isn't cuprate supposed to be an alternative to monerod?
19:48:20 <charuto> if so i don't see where a logo would be useful, but i'm probably missing something here.
19:50:03 <DanIsnotthemanBr> https://cuprate.github.io/
19:56:23 <charuto> so it is
21:00:42 <lza_menace> i2p support added for https://monero.fail
21:00:49 <lza_menace> will add i2p endpoint in a bit
21:06:08 <someoneelse49549> <charuto> "if so i don't see where a logo..." <- because having a different logo is kinda cool.
23:31:41 <d34d8its[m]> Is there a, theoretical or realized, maximum number of accounts per wallet?
23:48:54 <chesterfield[m]> Nothing in Monero is unlimited except it’s supply
23:48:54 <chesterfield[m]> So yes, there is a limit to number of accounts
23:51:39 <d34d8its[m]> I figured as much, definitely just a fishing question vs well crafted and specific. What would the limitations be? I would expect something internally, code wise, to fail before say, disk or memory usage, yeah?