00:28:41 Well, the upper bound is slightly less than 2^256, given that that's the maximum number of private keys that can exist 00:30:21 I do recall an old benchmark of the wallet software in which it handled something like 100k-ish? subaddresses concurrently 00:30:42 Or maybe more, don't recall exactly - but it was quite a high number 00:31:32 Main bottleneck being the scan time of each tx being processed for each private viewkey 00:31:53 (Though with some batching under the hood) 00:34:06 Truly insightful, that answers what I needed and what I was thinking towards, thank you. 00:35:27 You're welcome 00:56:42 "I do recall an old benchmark..." <- Yeah. Also i remember an issue reports of a wallet with > 10k subaddresses having problems 01:59:36 whattaya think this is about? https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1305syc/multiple_tor_circuit_connections_when_using/ 02:42:46 lol 02:44:11 well, because they are using orbot and running their flickr app through it at the same time 02:46:41 `onion remote node or clearnet node` 02:46:41 maybe should try a darknet node next 02:48:02 but yeah. user is using tor for other stuff 02:48:20 onions dont connect to flickr 02:50:04 eithet that, or the magic of windows viruses 03:12:57 I have been attempting to understand Monero better and am focused currently on recovering curve points from public keys. I have read in multiple places that the x-coordinate of the generator point G is 15112221349535400772501151409588531511454012693041857206046113283949847762202 (for example: https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/27392/base-point-in-ed25519). But when I follow Zero to Monero and other resources I see an 03:12:57 x-coordinate of 41525907332850118604042921197616235994143449782721731303493140928252421878332. Does anyone know which one is actually valid? I have confirmed calculations using a second method of calculation (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8032.html#section-6). 03:27:36 kittypity[xmpp]: anonimauzanto[m]: haha elliptic curve cryptography haha bro get therapy 03:27:40 kittypity[xmpp]: Just joking 03:30:16 kittypity[xmpp]: I think I love unpronounceable numbers 03:34:40 anonimauzanto: Monero Research Lounge 03:42:57 kittypity[xmpp]: > *anonimauzanto[m]:* haha elliptic curve cryptography haha bro get therapy 03:42:57 > 03:42:57 > Just joking 03:42:57 The last revision of NSA's cryptographic suite B doesn't contain any EC algorithm... 03:47:21 kittypity[xmpp]: Oh wait... It's not suite B anymore it's The Commercial National Security Algorithm Suite (CNSA) 03:47:33 kittypity[xmpp]: And it uses DH on elliptic curves 03:47:41 kittypity[xmpp]: And ECDSA... 04:15:51 That was a quick therapy session. 04:43:10 kittypity[xmpp]: 😀 11:18:51 Encrypted Cryptocurrency beside Monero? 11:18:51 don't mentioned Zcash , cause is not encrypted you need to have Z Chain wallet 11:42:31 Just use monero at this point ☝️ 11:43:42 xmrlover[m]: Monero has no smart contract 11:56:22 all (real) cryptocurrency is encrypted, encryption doesn't imply privacy in this context. 11:59:24 most of it is signed, not encrypted 12:00:27 the moment you have a public and private key, you're using encryption. 12:01:10 you can have a signed message yet it will be public 12:01:27 you can have an encrypted message yet not be signed 12:01:30 you can also have both 12:12:32 i get what you mean, fair enough. that was probably a bad claim that i made 12:16:52 kittypity[xmpp]: Do monero devs plan or are implementing any effort to counter quantum computing? 12:21:20 dANBs[m]: Quantum computing is not possible 12:28:01 Post-quantum cryptography may be implemented in Monero when those cryptography protocols are more mature. Some "post-quantum" protocols have already been broken by conventional means. Needs more time. 12:31:03 e.g. https://www.securityweek.com/nist-post-quantum-algorithm-finalist-cracked-using-classical-pc/ 12:55:06 Quantum Computer is not possible for large scale they are useless 13:28:15 [citation needed] 13:38:51 kittypity[xmpp]: > *mlcboss[m]:* Quantum Computer is not possible for large scale they are useless 13:38:51 mlcboss[m]: tell it to computer manufacturers right before personal computers came in 16:52:31 Seeing btc mempool. It got cleared out to 0 awaiting transactions last week. And then a few days ago, it spiked up to 100,000 transactions awaiting to get into the blockchain. Quite erratic. 16:53:05 Being in its current form, I can't see this can sustain btc security budget in the long run 16:53:21 makes me appreciate monero's design. 16:55:06 It seems to me that this arbitrary cap in the btc blocksize causes this wild swings in its tx fees. Monero, on the other hand, having freed that blocksize limit to a self-adjusting algorithm, can have much more stable tx fees. 16:59:53 doesnt matter 17:00:17 simply math = even at max capacity the fees arent anywhere near the block reward 17:00:44 btc might not survive another halving 17:01:09 ltc peeps ltc will 2-4x BECAUSE of halving. lol 17:01:31 currently, yes. bitcoiners hold the belief that the future is uncertain and there might be some "events" that supply them with the continuous and adequate tx fee for the miners. 17:01:32 it is not an after effect, but a procondition 17:01:56 > <@k4r4b3y:halogen.city> currently, yes. bitcoiners hold the belief that the future is uncertain and there might be some "events" that supply them with the continuous and adequate tx fee for the miners. 17:01:56 > 17:01:56 full blocks at inflated fees = still not enough 17:02:11 nft grifters cant even pump it 17:02:15 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> btc might not survive another halving 17:02:15 I hope it dies. 17:02:43 i honestly woudnt mind 17:03:03 enough pretending abd taking peopl on wild goose chases andwitch hunts 17:03:33 these projects are dishonest at their cores 17:03:38 Nah I would like to see the look on all them smug bitmaxis 17:04:09 the people working in "blockchain" are getting fucjed 17:04:15 whoooooops 17:04:26 #monero-offtopic:monero.social lol 17:36:19 XMR seam to have some kind of reverse correlation with BTC. So if BTC die, it can only be good, right? 17:36:43 Preferable in a slow bleed fashion 17:37:03 s/preferable/preferably 17:46:41 i think so, tbh 17:47:27 monero isnt reliant on the majority if the huff and puff around bitcoin (selling dreams, stringing people along, marketing) 17:47:58 bitcoin is like a movie 17:48:12 monero is the real life version 18:51:56 Monerod wrapper for Start9... Who's going to test it first: https://github.com/kn0wmad/monerod-wrapper/releases/tag/v0.18.2.2 19:00:15 Revuo Monero Issue 168: April 20 - 27, 2023. https://revuo-xmr.com/issue-168.html 20:05:59 kittypity[xmpp]: > *RavFX[m]:* XMR seam to have some kind of reverse correlation with BTC. So if BTC die, it can only be good, right? 20:05:59 RavFX[m]: btc is never going to die for the very same reason why new articles about how dangerous AI is will be popping up, Windows is going to stay on top of desktop OS usage statistics around the world. Precisely, because sheeple have long-lasting trends and they won't forsake them no matter what 20:06:57 most anonymous way to swap xmr to btc? 20:07:17 i have to stay away from cex they kept records 20:08:49 > <@mlcboss:matrix.org> most anonymous way to swap xmr to btc? 20:08:49 have your tried troucador.app ? They have .onion and .i2p links, too. 20:09:13 kittypity[xmpp]: RavFX[m]: ping me if you see this message 20:09:39 trocador.app is the correct link 20:10:54 https://localmonero.co/the-monero-standard/weekly/51 20:11:51 dANBs[m]: Pong 20:12:39 http://trocadorfyhlu27aefre5u7zri66gudtzdyelymftvr4yjwcxhfaqsid.onion/ 20:12:39 Tor link 20:19:34 > <@k4r4b3y:halogen.city> > <@mlcboss:matrix.org> most anonymous way to swap xmr to btc?... (full message at ) 20:21:16 depends on whether I have my i2p setup ready to go. If not, just fire up a tor browser and go 20:21:56 * cryptogrampy[m] uploaded an image: (280KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/monero.social/lHIRlKZPsEoBlTIziHzOCoWg/image.png > 20:22:05 Running Monerod on Start9 20:23:24 I just loaded Start9 on virtualbox to test it out. I sold all my raspberry pi's that were collecting dust in the computer lab during the great raspberry pi shortage of 2022 20:23:30 > <@123bob123:matrix.org> http://trocadorfyhlu27aefre5u7zri66gudtzdyelymftvr4yjwcxhfaqsid.onion/ 20:23:30 > 20:23:30 > Tor link 20:23:30 i realized it just an cex aggregator.. 20:26:13 i believe p2p would the most anonymous way not through cex 20:26:13 i can have risk getting my bitcoin tainted if regulations do change preventing btc that came from exchanging privacy coin illegal 20:26:26 Basicswap 20:27:33 wait how about LN network , they are private right? 20:27:53 they uses invoice 20:52:30 "Not really" <- XMR > LN? 21:04:31 "XMR > LN?" <- Yes. By a large margin. 21:13:45 LN not that private. 21:13:45 If LN was decentralized than argument could be made. 21:13:45 But LN is extremely centralized (most people endup to connect to big / high traffic nodes because they like when there TX go thru instead of getting stuck for half a day and not going thru 21:16:13 LN is mostly marketting so people think BTC have a way to actually work 21:16:36 Keep the ponzi alive for more time 21:17:20 "It's coming you guys !!! Two moar years !! " 21:28:01 I thing S*** has a personal lighting hotline 21:28:37 im joking, sort of 21:30:23 CONCIERGE SETUP 21:30:23 Need professional guidance? Let us help you set up your Passport with a private 1-hour session. 21:30:23 Learn how to configure Passport, update the firmware, backup your keys, and use with Envoy or the software wallet of your choice! 21:30:23 $99.00 21:30:54 Lighting probably 1k/hr 21:31:06 Lightning 21:32:20 > <@gfdshygti53:monero.social> LN not that private. 21:32:20 > If LN was decentralized than argument could be made. 21:32:20 > But LN is extremely centralized (most people endup to connect to big / high traffic nodes because they like when there TX go thru instead of getting stuck for half a day and not going thru 21:32:20 LN feels like PayPal with extra steps. But I'll be honest I'm not super educated on the topic. 21:32:49 ofrnxmr[m]: Scandalous /s 21:33:11 Xmr bros, its over 21:36:56 There is two thing that are wrong with LN.... (full message at ) 21:38:03 LN on XMR wen 21:38:26 hope never, it's not a working model 21:38:45 Fuck it. We scale on chain. 21:43:44 Initially, when first analyzing Monero and Bitcoin, I thought Monero would need a second layer to scale. However, after better learning how the Lightning Network works, I think it is desirable if transactions can occur on chain. 22:43:36 A 2nd layer doesn't inherently have to be a clown show like LN is. Low fees + big blocks + direct channels (instead of convoluted routing BS) = good 22:49:55 lets see it 🍿