00:12:20 importing the blockchain.raw is not a good idea 00:12:32 the slow part is the verification process and not the network speed 00:13:46 01:13 no, that's usually done after the blockchain download, but it's much faster. <-- it downloads the blockchains in chunks and then verifies it, e.g. 100 blocks download -> verification -> download 03:10:00 For monerod, the config file is bitmonero.conf or monerod.conf? I'm trying to setup monerod to exclusively use the tor service. 03:13:48 https://monerodocs.org/interacting/monero-config-file/ 03:24:18 Since I have setup a location for Blockchain directory, will that location act like "data directory"? 03:31:42 https://sethforprivacy.com/guides/run-a-monero-node-advanced/ 03:31:42 Scroll down explains config options 03:31:53 Voldemort ๐Ÿ‘บ 03:39:14 Why run a hidden service? Can I simply just route the traffic of monero through socks5@9050? 03:40:12 L3M0R: Some people don't like when there isp and/or state know that they are using Monero. Hidden services allow these people to use monero in a more private manner. 03:40:54 So does mine, I guess :) 03:41:06 But yes you can simple run monero thru normal tor, exiting and using clearnet services via a tor exit node 03:41:15 s/simple/simply/ 03:45:25 * TrasherDK[m] sent a code block: https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/libera.chat/cef73bed5c2f16b7d84271cdacff2f643c9ce60d 03:46:36 The issue is I'm not convinced by the download speed from the peers. It giving me an ETA of 4 days. But I want to get more peers to optimally use my bandwidth. My guess is due to my location I'm unable to find peers. 03:48:29 I'm able to browse through the tor service I have setup, just trying to get the monero setup to use the tor service 03:48:49 Your bottleneck will be your hardware, no matter if you sync or download and import. I tried ๐Ÿฅฑ 03:49:14 How? 03:49:39 By trying ???? 03:50:59 No I meant, Does the client processes the downloaded data and then request the next block? 03:51:13 Which might explain this huge drive activity 03:51:51 I was under the impression that it would download all the blocks and then verify it 03:52:40 Started syncing, too slow. Download and import, even slower. Returned to syncing. 03:52:40 The fastest so far was rsync against an up-to-date remote node. 03:52:40 What client? `monerod` is a server, syncing against other servers. 03:53:02 Yes, monerod, my bad 03:54:24 TrasherDK[m]: Download and import is even slower? 03:54:57 Like selsta said: it downloads the blockchains in chunks and then verifies it, e.g. 100 blocks download -> verification -> download some more blocks 03:55:59 That's what I thought! Someone over here a while back told me its not the case. Thanks for clarifying. 03:56:29 If that's the case I can be patient 03:57:40 Doing the rsync thing, it's about 5-10 hours. 03:57:47 Somehow it came down to 1 Day. Was 4 Days an hour ago. 03:58:02 10 is still ok 03:58:28 One day is not too bad. 03:59:26 Wait until the end, and it get's really slow ๐Ÿ˜‚ 04:00:12 Yeah I've been there :) 04:00:41 the last 2-3% :D 04:01:22 lmao 04:01:43 I'm sure it is worth the trouble 04:03:00 I'm currently on an external USB spinner. The only way to catch up, was to rsync against another synced node. Otherwise, it would never catch up. 04:04:40 Where can I catch up on this rsync trick? 04:06:14 You would need someone willing to pause their monerod and give you rsync access, normally over ssh. 04:08:14 In your experience, how long does it takes for a complete sync with prune? 04:08:31 through monerod. 04:10:40 I wouldn't know. Haven't done it in years. Some of the dev guys do it regularly, so ping one of those guys. 04:20:37 I'm new here :) 04:21:00 /help 04:35:03 "Why run a hidden service? Can..." <- Wth 04:35:29 "For monerod, the config file..." <- Lol 04:35:29 "In your experience, how long..." <- 30 years. 04:37:18 lmao 04:37:20 took my 24 or 25, YMMV 04:37:24 Me* 04:40:39 sweet 04:48:01 There are some lessonsonline on "how to effectively ask a question" 04:48:06 Good reading 04:48:55 http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html 04:49:55 Anyway, after deciphering your puzzle 04:50:28 You need a device with a ssd and a modern processor 04:50:39 Sync time 8-24 hrs 04:51:21 Pruned node is around 60gb. But still downloads and verifies all of thesame daya as a full node 04:51:29 Sync time 8-24 hrs 04:52:24 If you use a flag --sync-pruned-blocks it will also download less data 04:52:24 sync time 6-18hrs 04:53:02 If you want to add anonymity networks, s*ths guide is incomplete 04:53:24 His guide setps up rpc aka wallet accees 04:55:38 But doesnt change how the node itself runs. 04:55:39 if you was to relay tx over tor and i2p, you need a morein depth setup 04:55:39 if you want to sync everything over tor, again, that is another step (which will consequentlydisable incoming block syncconnection) 04:56:34 So. Instead of explaining everything, what are ya even trying to do? 04:56:34 "i dont know" hehe 04:58:26 I've already got my answers. 04:59:23 But thanks 05:01:05 No you d8dnt 05:01:07 Lmao 05:01:10 K 05:01:22 Wait till get to the morbs part of syncing 05:05:33 traitor s*th. Misleading people with his guides 05:06:21 Writing 14 btc guides a day = sth got sloppy 05:06:30 s//*/, s/sloppy/sloppy/ 05:43:28 The Sith, also referred to as the Sith Order, was an ancient religious order of Force-wielders devoted to the dark side of the Force. 05:46:01 i always thought they were the good guys :( 05:46:09 Jedi child thieves 06:01:00 attention whore. called it. 06:02:55 so promoted from Voldemort to sith lord? 06:09:27 He was always emperor palpatine 06:13:44 more like a basic bitch 06:30:30 so plowsof is yoda? 13:16:40 Question: can i configure a pruned node to connect to mobile devices after syncing (I think this process is called RPC?) or does I need to do something special prior to syncing the node? 13:21:15 What do you mean. Connect to a mobile device? 13:24:05 Do you mean a wallet? 13:24:12 I want my mobile wallet to connect to a device maintaining a pruned node at my house. 13:24:21 Anyway, yes, you can connect to your node remotel 13:25:24 --rpc-restricted-bind-port=18089 13:25:24 --rpc-restricted-bind-ip= 13:26:13 Connect via PUBLICIP:18089 13:26:15 Can I configure that post-sync or do I need to do something special prior to spinning up the node? 13:26:15 If service provider blocks, setup an onion to 18089 13:26:26 fr33_yourself[m]: Any time 13:26:35 Can enable and disable at will 13:26:55 But pruning is 1 time. You cant unprune 13:27:21 Most other flags are just runtime settings / feature toggles 13:28:58 If you run prune flag once, it will always prune. 13:28:58 ^ this is an outlier 13:28:58 most flags you set (block sync size, sync mode, port and ip binds, connections and destinations) can all be changed repeatedly 13:30:18 presumably i should enable "min battery usage" settings on my laptop and disable it from falling asleep if I want the node to run 24/7 as well, correct? 13:30:34 Yest 13:30:47 awesome sounds like a good plan 13:31:42 Alright, thank you gents. Much appreciated 13:33:18 just make sure that setting doesnt put usb or network to sleep 13:34:11 I remember the days of disabling "usb selective(?) suspend" to stop cortupting my phones sd card 13:34:45 Windows power options 13:35:00 Then i ๐Ÿšฎ the whole pc just to get rid of windows 13:35:08 alright, I intend on storing the chain on the internal ssd of the laptop, so I don't think usb ports going to sleep will be a problem. I'll have to investigate network sleep 13:35:46 Could have HDD sleep after โ€ฆmins 13:36:00 right now the laptop has windows, but I don't like the risks associated with using windows, so I plan on removing it and installing ubuntu instead and running the pruned node on ubuntu 13:41:51 Dont need to remove it. Though, i dont miss it at all 13:42:34 I hear windows problems and feel like "how is that my problem? Use a real os" 13:43:03 "my windiws wont.." 13:43:03 Boot into linux 13:44:28 Usually.. broken windows stuff is by design. Whether it be hijacking uefi, or deleting xmrig, or telling you rustdesk.com is unsafe 13:44:56 what is uefi? 13:46:12 UnEducatedFunkyInlaws 13:50:31 Close 13:50:47 selsta: by verification i thought they meant scanning the blockchain for spendable outputs aka the second sync, perhaps that's not the right term though. 13:51:36 charuto: do you mean the wallet sync? 13:52:04 yes 13:53:02 the slow part about daemon sync is verification so that's why importing the blockchain.raw file usually doesn't help 13:53:25 since the download speed was never the bottleneck in the first place 13:53:55 what is the verification? just integrity and validation checks? 13:59:17 it verifies the validity of all transactions and the block itself 14:00:15 makes sense, thanks for explaining, so is the bottleneck usually on the disk or the cpu? 14:01:27 The old dont trust, verify 14:11:58 charuto: random disk IO speed is the main bottleneck, i think afterwards it's CPU 14:19:57 good to know 14:57:44 > <@trasherdk:monero.social> ```... (full message at ) 14:57:48 or just your local? 14:57:54 because my fs doesn't look like that 14:58:35 Custom 16:12:46 Cake too greedy to even refund 10 bucks out of 40 for basically kyc shotgun (well not really but pretty much) while having the necessary to redeem the MasterCard themselves... 16:12:46 And obviously since nothing works nowadays, the reddit post doesnt even show up either due to being new account: 16:12:46 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/132ovk2/cakepay_europe_just_sucks/ 16:15:20 TL;DR: I don't even know why CakePay Europe is even a thing while literally all the other services like bitrefill, allark and the likes are far better and don't kyc shotgun for basic purchase to buy food... 16:25:45 a moderator has to manually approve ^ have you contacted cake about this? where/when does the kyc happen? 16:25:51 sgp: 16:27:19 Hi, Is Monero a protocol that enables users to securely and privately forward payments received at a stealth address to another address without the forwarding being observable on the blockchain? 16:36:21 all txs are on the blockchain and therefore observable but who sent it, who received it and the amount of the tx are unknown except by the sender and receiver 16:43:49 The outsider can see it as it is on the blockchain, but will not be able to make sense of it. Right? 16:46:58 plowsof11: Contacted them but basically "no refunds", the kyc is from their partner to redeem the MasterCard 16:46:58 On the first screen selecting the card on cakepay there was no mention of kyc, granted I should have read more carefully the 2nd screen but even then I probably would have mistaken it with just basic Info's like name, billing address and the likes instead of full on ID card required 16:46:58 Which I lost physical wallet with everything in it earlier this week and Monero was my only way to buy food which I ended up doing through bitrefill without issue 16:46:58 Still sucks that when money is that tight in situations like these, cake just straight up refusing to send back even just 10 bucks out of 40 while being able to redeem the whole 40 themselves.. 16:49:42 > <@1234random4321:matrix.org> Cake too greedy to even refund 10 bucks out of 40 for basically kyc shotgun (well not really but pretty much) while having the necessary to redeem the MasterCard themselves... 16:49:42 > And obviously since nothing works nowadays, the reddit post doesnt even show up either due to being new account: 16:49:42 > https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/132ovk2/cakepay_europe_just_sucks/ 16:49:42 "waiting for approval" - monero reddit is just a marketing dept for cake 16:49:53 who would have thought cuck was shady? 16:50:02 s/cake/cuck wallet/ 16:56:28 > <@1234random4321:matrix.org> plowsof11: Contacted them but basically "no refunds", the kyc is from their partner to redeem the MasterCard... (full message at ) 17:01:45 "> <@1234random4321:matrix.org..." <- Reddit auto blocks stuff 17:01:59 monerobull: is not affiliated with cake and can approve the post 17:02:14 Hello 17:02:37 > <@1234random4321:matrix.org> Cake too greedy to even refund 10 bucks out of 40 for basically kyc shotgun (well not really but pretty much) while having the necessary to redeem the MasterCard themselves... 17:02:37 > And obviously since nothing works nowadays, the reddit post doesnt even show up either due to being new account: 17:02:37 > https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/132ovk2/cakepay_europe_just_sucks/ 17:02:37 This post was blocked 17:03:15 Is it? 17:03:23 Looks like it's accessible 17:03:50 CakePay Europe just sucks (self.Monero) 17:03:50 submitted 6 hours ago by 1234random4321 17:03:50 [removed] 17:04:02 ^ thats what i see 17:06:10 Oh ok 17:06:24 Approved it 17:06:41 Didn't have any red notice that it's removed so i thought its accessible 17:08:28 Just stuck waiting approval, sometimes reddit shows as deleted when it's like that, without pinging on those other platforms posts like that just never gets approved anyways... 17:09:10 monerobull: Thank you 17:10:12 Yeah just ping me if something doesn't get approved 17:10:25 monerobull: comment still shows as deleted tho 17:11:10 Approved 17:11:30 Thanks, appreciate it 17:12:54 DivyanshJoshi[m]: txs look like this on a block explorer https://xmrchain.net/ 17:13:04 in cases where meta data is collected and shared between entities it is possible to narrow down possible addresses 17:13:11 this can happen if the same address is shared among various entities but this can be mitigated easily enough 17:13:41 use subaddresses or different main addresses 17:54:58 . 18:50:49 monerobull: Sorry bothering you again, replied to a couple comments and it's getting caught up in the filter again 18:51:42 Approved 18:51:51 You probably don't have enough karma 18:53:41 Hi :) 18:55:11 Thank you again, it's a new account yeah, I usually just lurk reddit through libreddit.de and things like that without login in 18:56:42 "this can happen if the same..." <- So this is a drawback, as a lot of different addresses must be used in order to preserve privacy? 19:37:17 DivyanshJoshi[m]: any problem happens when the different entities have info on you that identifies you, such as an exchange or a merchant, and they share info between themselves. 19:38:15 there are wallets that will give you a different receiving address for each tx 19:38:42 all goes to the same wallet 19:39:49 even btc recommends that you use a different address each time but I don't think that does much good once your identity is associated with an address 19:42:33 when sending txs you don't need to use a different address as the address is not shown on the blockchain 19:42:50 "Hi :)" <- banano @ 19:42:56 > <@devaux:matrix.org> Hi :) 19:42:56 * banano ๐Ÿ‘ 20:21:59 HighQualityAgent[xmpp]: Restrict Act and ChatControl and *Why Encryption Matters* 20:21:59 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=muxRQa4du-g 20:21:59 https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=muxRQa4du-g 21:31:46 Has anyone tried anonshop.app ? They claim you can pay for Monero for stuff, and you can buy whatever you want on any site (e.g: something on amazon). However, they have next to no review, so I'm worried they might scam. 21:32:02 * on amazon, paying with monero). However, 21:32:11 * Has anyone tried anonshop.app ? They claim you can pay for Monero for stuff, and you can buy whatever you want on any site (e.g: something on amazon, paying with monero). However, they have next to no reviews online, so I'm worried they might scam. 21:54:39 It was supposed to be P2P but they just bailed on the P2P part and turned into a B4U service 22:08:38 "It was supposed to be P2P but..." <- Is it a scam? 22:09:08 Not sure, haven't used it 22:14:42 is that the guy who does dev section in monerotalk? 22:27:52 Does anyone have a link to that sci-fi short story about a store manager ai bot thing 22:27:57 Not Monero related, just figured someone here might know