00:48:33 Teaching the Mexico City vendors that will be at MoneroTopia this weekend about Monero and onboarding them in preparation: 00:48:33 https://www.youtube.com/live/BkZ8d4nH7zc?feature=share 00:52:00 If anyone here is interested in cofactors and the way they impact elliptics curves like ed25519 this article walks through some of the ideas and a mostly approachable explanation of the ideas: https://loup-vaillant.fr/tutorials/cofactor 00:52:24 I found the article in a google search. 16:24:20 is there any reason to use accounts over new files, or vice versa? 16:58:11 If you use accounts you don't have to make new files lol 16:59:20 But besides that there's really not too much of a different, different accounts keep the funds "separate" from a UX perspective 16:59:36 Refreshing is easier if you use accounts 17:00:20 If you use different wallets with different seeds, then learning the seed for one won't compromise the other 17:06:21 in the wallet, are accounts derivation paths or something? 17:11:14 Traditionally yes, account spend keys are derived from the seed and an index number, and account view keys are derived from account spend keys. Subaddress spend keys are derived from account spend keys and an index number, and subaddress view keys are derived from subaddress spend keys 17:20:02 other than the threat of external parties matching addresses, is there any reason to make different addresses for moving coins, since stealth addresses are used on chain? 18:02:29 Created an issue to remove any wallets that don't fully support self-hosted light wallet server on the getmonero site: https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/2162 in case anyone wants to give feedback 😊 18:38:08 hell yeah gramps 18:42:18 +100 18:51:21 yes works nice on pixel 6 pro 19:26:21 "other than the threat of..." <- Depositing to the same account and spending multiple inputs in the same tx lowers the likelyhood that they were randomly picked as decoys. 19:26:21 say you recieve 0.1xmr from kraken 7 times and localmonero 3 times, then spend 1 xmr. 19:26:21 youll spend a transaction of 10in/2out. 19:26:21 looking at the tx on chain, kraken can see with high likelyhood that 7 of the inputs they sent to the same address were spent together, along with 3 other, unknown inputs. 19:29:15 https://p2pool.observer/transaction-lookup?txid=109c3afe3c9d72460c55fea5c758e17e95e95d2957b7bd940135e9205575cbd7 19:29:15 Example 19:31:06 always churn after withdrawing from exchanges 19:32:08 Even that will mix your 1 hop away to a known output 19:33:01 hmm 19:33:41 Thats why p2pool says to only use that wallet/address for p2pool. Multiple churns over time help, but the more data you add the more it stands out 19:34:37 oh you mean if you have only p2pool outputs and centralized exchange ones 19:35:17 If you are constsntly churning them into previously churned inputs from those sources 19:35:39 I see your point 19:40:10 I can live well with CEX bad ... but pee 2 pool bad is sad .. 19:41:31 all pools 19:41:57 yeah but we gotta mine somehow 19:42:33 Solo works for me (endor's gonna πŸ’’) 19:42:35 People just to impatient. Just solo mine and you are going to get a payout one day ;) 19:42:46 I have many reasons why solo is better 19:42:48 I've done a lot of solo mining 19:42:50 There is nothing more enraging than seeing that you found a block while mining in a pool πŸ˜‚ 19:43:09 ofrnxmr[m]: when you say "same account" i assume this also applies to subaddresess then? 19:43:11 RavFX[m], I don't feel that way 19:43:12 at what difficulty :) 19:43:46 cornfeedhobo: Yeah 19:43:46 Subaccounts separate funds though 19:44:03 Can be treated as different identities 19:44:46 you guys think the network would be as big if there were only solo miners? 19:44:57 that would deff be the best scenario 19:45:03 just seems very improbable 19:45:42 yes 19:45:46 Bigger imo 19:46:06 fair enough I think it would shrink a lot 19:46:09 Pool mining is a ripoff and verrrryyyy often a scam 19:46:22 yeah it takes some trust 19:46:43 Example. Why do my block rewards go from 2.495>2.595>2.495>2.595? 19:46:46 Skimming 19:47:13 never really liked "the model" but then it seems hard to find a better one that does not compromise some privacy 19:47:19 ofrnxmr[m], not always 19:47:21 Or why do pools delay solo miners templates? 19:47:24 network diff changes 19:47:34 so does your "profitability" 19:47:41 Block reward for solo mining?? 19:47:50 ofrnxmr[m], that was a bug and has been fixed afaik 19:48:08 ofrnxmr[m], yeah blockreward fixed but not fees 19:48:12 kico: Which? 19:48:15 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/136tfbj/check_out_the_monerolwsadmin_tool_for_managing/ 19:48:25 about the block templates 19:48:44 nono diff issue 19:49:12 Youre talking about updating block templates from the daemon so tx are being mines efficiently 19:49:29 Im talking about the pool delaying sending that to solo miners 19:49:36 sending what? 19:49:43 Ive evn had blocks stolen 19:49:46 kico: The job 19:49:48 pool has no solo miners? 19:49:56 I'm confused 19:49:58 sorry 19:50:10 ofrnxmr[m]: Stolen as in, i hit the block, pool got paid, i did not 19:50:22 orphan blocks? 19:50:45 kico: Solo:address vs 19:50:45 address 19:50:45 some pools solo: has a 3-5 second delay gettibg new blocks 19:51:05 you need to bump the number of connections on your node to prevent that someone else finds a block before the one "you found" is propagated 19:51:15 kico: No, just like the pool removes solo: and decided to keep more of the reward 19:51:23 pool can't "steal blocks" 19:51:29 I dont think youre listening 19:51:35 Yes they can LOL 19:51:39 yeah I'm having a hard time 19:51:46 Either they pay ME because im mining solo 19:51:46 you are talking about a reorg? 19:51:53 Or thry DONT 19:52:04 you mean pools for solo mining? 19:52:12 why not just solo mine then? 19:52:22 No, im saying the pool was rewarded for my found block, i was not 19:52:32 I only solo xmr 19:52:39 To my own node 19:52:43 because you failed to propagate your block before they did 19:52:50 I mine shitcoins too though 19:52:52 kico: Smfh 19:52:55 the pool can't "steal" a block dude 19:52:57 sorry 19:52:58 ITS MY BLOCK ON CHAIN 19:53:09 ok 19:53:51 They just paid themself instead of me 19:53:56 Tldr, dont mine on fastpool.xyz 19:54:09 Pools are custodial. They decide what to do with the funds 19:54:12 some pools scam the users yes 19:54:17 not all tho 19:54:46 all i know if the best pools are centralized badly 19:55:14 yeah that's why p2pool was created 19:55:26 but like everything else in the universe it has tradeoffs 19:55:53 support, nano, hashvault are top tier 19:55:53 c3pool, Herominers, 2miners and kryptex cant seem to fix their block templates but are top pools 19:56:12 I would love that everyone would just solo but that never really happened organically and will be very hard to enforce on the protocol level 19:56:18 in a way is fair at least 19:56:30 Enforce? Why? 19:56:46 because if you don't there will always be pools 19:56:57 You cant stop me from running xmrig proxy 19:57:06 exactly 19:57:14 Because there will always be people who want to mine in pools, specially these pool hopping people with autodump script that only want to maximize profit 19:57:17 you wanted that everyone solo mines right? 19:57:26 kico: So enfirce what? 19:57:29 kico: No 19:57:37 I said solo is better 19:57:41 Lol 19:57:45 then I have no clue what we discussing 19:57:56 yeah I agree 19:58:03 0 fees more decentralized 19:58:30 but unless you enforce solo mining (somehow) there will always be pools 19:58:42 because most people are lazy to run a node 19:58:43 Im ofrnxmr and i like discussing, so we argue who agrees more dammit 19:58:52 and can't wait for months to hit a block 19:58:55 or years 19:59:06 its not as long as ppl think 19:59:15 Calculators dont work fir solo mining 19:59:23 ofrnxmr[m], I was just trying to recenter the "talk" since we seemed to be talking about different things :) 19:59:27 More like "average" 19:59:34 it's luck or not 19:59:45 you can be lucky hit a block with 1% effort 19:59:54 or one with 200% 19:59:59 A bunch of em 20:00:05 that can be years depending on your HR 20:00:10 Ive never hit a block over 100% 20:00:22 awesome 20:00:42 Either i mine fir 2 years and hope hr stays low enough to keep it at 2 yrs 20:00:45 I hit a blocks at over 300%. 20:00:58 Or i hit a block with a 1/720 chanch everyday 20:01:03 and also 20% 20:01:24 it tends to 100% over a long span of time 20:01:27 Tge 20% block 1 time is all it takes to justify solo 20:01:28 ofrnxmr[m]: That's a nice way to see it 20:01:44 unfortunatly this is what people don't get ... on the long run you win the same solo or pool mining 20:01:45 Look at any centralized pool, go look at who found the last blocks 20:01:55 (less the pool fee) 20:02:36 Theres a lot of small miners hitting blocks on pools and trading 0.6 reward for the bet that the difficukty wont increase for years 20:02:43 Ill take my 0.6 now, ty 20:03:03 Not "oh look, now its 8 years" 20:03:29 "And i found 3 blocks already and donated all of them" 20:04:03 Seriously, if pool miners paid attention to the shares they are finding, they stop donating to botnet miners 20:04:56 how much HR you got ofrnxmr[m] ? 20:05:09 solo mining in wownero has resulted in lower HR 20:05:26 not really 20:05:28 for the network 20:05:41 Its like 100mh across the 3 chainsplits 20:05:51 Only 25 25 and 50 or so 20:06:13 Which i thought was higher than pre 20:06:24 the solo miners are complaining about the possibility of going back to pool mining because it would mean less profit for them 20:06:48 Yeah, because nobody uses wow 20:07:05 3 split chains, nobidy noticed πŸ’€ 20:07:35 solo miners know that the HR will go up if pools are allowed 20:07:43 Shes a meme for bots to park some hr and a test attack network 20:07:45 so they are crying 20:08:02 Wow is only like 10% more profitabke than xmr 20:08:12 Its nit 200% like before 20:08:51 Hi all - brand new here (both to IRC and monero) - is it possible/safe to package up a monero miner that runs as a process on someone else's device? Any thoughts on how to get started? 20:08:51 oh wait, is this offtopic? 20:08:54 on moneroocean etc it wouldnt be algo switched to like it used to 20:09:12 Guest17: Someone ekses? 20:10:20 ofrnxmr[m] - yeah, like say I have a "free" game that you can pay for by leaving it open and it uses your device to mine on my behalf 20:10:32 Yeah, send me package, i run it? Or do you mean like "1 click setup for noobs?" Or you mean "no click background mining in secret"? 20:10:50 Guest17: Not on windows 20:11:26 Windows doesnt like monero mining related libs and will likely nuke your game 20:11:52 ofrnxmr[m] - game asks permission (in game preferably), and then you leave it open while it mines 20:11:56 Unless you tell the players they need to add antivirus exceptions for monero mining utiks 20:12:18 look into Townforge 20:12:28 Guest17, that's an interesting model 20:12:33 As a game with POW 20:12:49 ofrnxmr[m] - brilliant. Maybe the firewall exceptions could be a one-click accept 20:12:53 I think townforge was trying to be onchain game even 20:13:12 Townforge us a merge mined monero fork and video game 20:13:32 kico - nice. Yeah, imagine your character has to "go to the mines" and earns "gems" or something that allow you to proceed to new areas (like in an RPG) 20:13:54 Guest17, sounds fun :) 20:13:54 guest, really, townforge 20:13:58 Maybe can collab 20:14:31 Guest17, but ofrnxmr[m] is right you might encounter some problems related to the mining stuff windows hates it and some users could be freaked out 20:15:06 kico - but they're, you know, mining crypto 20:15:09 but if they know what they are going for ... then you might be able to work UI around it 20:15:38 kico - good to know. Townforge is open sourced - excellent. 20:15:46 just have a "windows will try to block this awesome game just say no!" 20:15:59 thingy in there xD 20:16:04 πŸ‘ 20:16:56 is townforge still being actively developed? 20:17:13 iMember it stalled a bit at some point 20:17:45 kico - last commit was ~3 weeks ago 20:17:52 sweet :) 20:19:40 I'm going full in on Monero and I want to get more involved. How do I create an account here? 20:19:51 on IRC? 20:19:52 So I'm not just "Guest" 20:20:02 /nickserv help 20:20:22 @kic 20:20:23 you oughta /nick yourhandle first 20:20:31 kico thx 20:20:35 yw! 20:20:52 and hey ping me for beta testing pls :) 20:26:44 Ok - and to register a nickname? 20:27:28 nvrmd - I guess these are well-known commands I can just look up. Sorry@ 20:27:32 *! 20:28:23 PanTheMan, /nickserv help 20:28:29 you have what you need there 20:29:01 /nickserv help register 20:44:50 kico - thanks for the help. I'll definitely ping you for beta testing. The game might (probably) be NSFW for sexual content (nothing illegal). You cool with that? 20:47:54 Guess I should probably keep this about MoneroΒ =L 20:52:19 PanTheMan, yeah I'm ok with that :D 20:52:24 np man 20:52:26 anytime 21:44:14 "Guess I should probably keep..." <- Monero Community Dev and Monero Offtopic are fine