02:39:56 i've used monero for a long time now but was wondering - will quantum computers be able to deanonymise xmr transactions from the past in the future? (since it breaks asymmetric encryption). 03:06:57 hate: Honest answer to your question; watch this video. Watch the whole thing. It is worth your time. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=QUGnaLh6QLI 03:08:04 It is a lecture about what exactly quantum computing can do, given by [John Preskill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Preskill) of CalTech 03:09:40 The short answer is: it will be at minimum decades, and maybe centuries-to-never, before you see a QC that can for example factor RSA2048 03:10:06 Start worrying when you hear QC's with 20-50 million physical qbits 03:10:16 ah ok got it 03:11:14 As I love predicting: "You will see working Fusion and and end to the energy/climite crises, long before you see QC break RSA" 03:12:39 Because a working, viable, inexpensive, easy-too-productize fusion reactor that gets more energy out of the whole plant than you put in, is in fact being deployed in 2025 03:13:29 The end of electricity scarcity and the impact on PoW is *much* more immediate a threat, than the impact of "quantum supremacy" 03:14:53 xmrfn[m]: Are you talking about Helion? 03:15:05 No, SPARC 03:16:25 No new tech, super simple, comparatively cheap, fairly quotidian heat exchange and industrial engineering issues at this point. Not research or basic science. 03:17:22 https://www.psfc.mit.edu/sparc 03:19:26 ... ah, looks like a lot of the info has moved to the commercial spinoff : https://www.cfs.energy/technology 04:11:27 Plus even if there was somehow, magically, a cryptography breaking QC in 10 years from now, it would still take many hours for it to break a single key... there's no "master decryption key" in Monero, so it'd be at least a couple more decades on top of that for tech to advance enough to fully de-anon most past transactions. And early quantum attackers prob aren't going to waste their time on Monero when they could go for gov't secrets 04:11:27 and such. 06:00:46 what giftcards are usually used in local monero? 06:06:59 "what giftcards are usually..." <- Steam. 06:07:59 > <@xmrfn:monero.social> hate: Honest answer to your question; watch this video. Watch the whole thing. It is worth your time. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=QUGnaLh6QLI 06:07:59 > 06:08:00 Thanks for linking the video, watched the entire thing 08:53:54 in regards to churning, i've heard a lot of contrasting opinions on whether it's actually useful in improving your anonymity set. is there any official stance on this by monero devs? 09:58:09 Hello. I noticed that when I enable "anonymous-inbound" for tor hidden service directive for my monero node (running on 32-bit dietpi OS, odroid hc1 hardware) my monerod process disappears after 5 minutes or so. And after that my systemd service for monerod brings it back up. 09:59:11 During my research on this, I found this github comment: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/7224#issuecomment-752962605 09:59:41 This suggests that there is also an ongoing attack coming from malicious tor peers targeting the RAM consumption of monerod. 10:00:21 Is this true? Am I understanding this right? Anyone else noticing their monerod crashing when they enable anonymous-inbound for tor? 10:08:50 "Because a working, viable..." <- Is it planned for 2025 deployment? I checked the website you shared but didn't find it. Can you point me to the roadmap with 2025 deployment? 10:19:46 k4r4b3y: sounds like hardware issue? Enabling inbound connections increases the load on your node. RAM? Swap file size? Or does it work with clearnet 10:22:14 Your logs help a lot more than some 2 year old logs from v17 10:23:12 But of course, there are many nodes runnig with amonymous inbound without issue, including my own on a 2.7gb tablet 10:24:31 Im not using systemd, but i recently helped configurea node with anon inbound that runs via systemd and withiut issue 10:24:32 🔮 tells me you used 18080 as the anon inbound port 10:25:15 (^ that thing tends to tell me falsehoods though) 10:31:43 "in regards to churning, i've..." <- a the only method that actually works is trading xmr for unrelated xmr 10:31:58 Disclaimer: i dont claim to be a dev 10:44:43 "a the only method that actually..." <- i was actually thinking that too lol, but i imagine finding a place that does that is like impossible. probably the closest u can do is swap it to a different coin then swap back to xmr 11:50:51 Plenty do it (cex), but are the same entities collaborating with whom youre trying to avoid 12:38:22 ‼️Polymath Cryptocurrency is the most profitable Asset in financial stock market 💯 profit…make up to $200k and more. Kindly pop a private message on TG using the below Hyper link. 12:38:22 https://t.me/FloraGordon 12:59:15 we should automtically ban any telegram link 13:41:19 > <@plowsof:matrix.org> k4r4b3y: sounds like hardware issue? Enabling inbound connections increases the load on your node. RAM? Swap file size? Or does it work with clearnet 13:41:19 odroid hc1 has 2 GB RAM. I have setup 4 GB of swap file, too. My node works with clearnet. Only when I enable anonymous-inbound my monerod crashes, though I am not sure if it is the correct way to describe what happens. When I look at the monerod logs, it doesn't give a WARN or ERROR, it just restarts the monerod as if I just restarted it (probably my systemd script calling monerod after 30 secs of it going "down"). 13:41:42 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> Your logs help a lot more than some 2 year old logs from v17 13:41:43 Yeah. I will return with a paste for my logs in a few hours. 13:46:06 I don't think the issue is with my systemd service. Again, it runs normally without the anonymous-inbound directive in monerod.conf 13:56:33 Try without systemd (?) And --disable-rpc-ban and a higher log level and wait for the crash 15:06:51 hate: Churning best practices is a gap in Monero research right now. There may be a new initiative to research churning and EAE attacks soon. 15:17:54 Is https://github.com/monero-project/monero the main codebase for XMR miners? Are things like https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak just forks? 15:19:27 PanTheMan, https://github.com/monero-project/monero is the project git nothing to do with mining 15:19:38 there is no "official" miner 15:19:48 all mining softwares are "3rd party" 15:19:56 well there is a built in miner in the GUI 15:20:10 guess that's as "official" as it gets 15:20:48 is fireice still updating his miner tho? 15:21:21 Ohhh - I guess I thought the "project" WAS the code for mining/running a node. 15:21:39 fireice looks like older commits than xmrig 15:21:50 yeah monero is basically nodes 15:22:40 and yeah most people use xmrig now for mining 15:23:33 Ok. So the monero-project code is what? For example, who would build/execute this code base and for what reason? 15:23:45 to run monero 15:23:49 wallets and nodes 15:24:11 notice that xmrig codebase is not under github.com/monero-project/monero 15:24:18 riiiiggghht 15:25:24 So I'd fork this code if I wanted to develop my own wallet? 15:25:47 if CLI yeah I guess 15:26:08 for GUI maybe better forking the GUI wallet or smth like feather 15:26:34 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui 18:55:35 Yeah 18:55:44 You used 18080 on the anon inbound port 18:55:48 Use 18084 18:57:37 I didnt check logs ^ but that error is because youre trying to bind twice to the same p2p port... (full message at ) 18:58:01 Of course you need to change your torrc to point tp 18084 as well 19:01:08 Badalloc 19:01:14 Hows your ram 19:01:30 "that i know how to solve" lol 19:01:30 sure 19:01:54 You initially clained the issue was with anon inbound. Can we mark that ticket as solved? 19:02:15 This appears to be unrelated(?) 19:03:26 Meanwhile, my node rip today 19:30:32 https://localmonero.co/the-monero-standard/weekly/52 20:26:55 It runs fine with them disabled? 20:27:40 Thats strange 20:29:42 Remove the public-node flag 20:29:46 Comment* 20:30:00 also `anonymous-inbound=.b32.i2p:48083,,16` shpuld be `anonymous-inbound=.b32.i2p,,16` 20:30:00 When you use it 20:36:09 i honestly dont even remember what public-node does or why one would need it 22:00:15 Revuo Monero Issue 169: April 27 - May 4, 2023. https://revuo-xmr.com/issue-169.html 22:52:36 How to swap btc for monero? 22:54:22 Use torcador 23:00:21 Thanks 23:37:50 Mr Diego is stack duo going to be on ios? 23:38:59 Monero problems with ios 23:40:21 Icrap issue 23:40:50 Stack Duo is already on iOS. 23:41:01 but there are a couple issues with Monero there, yes. 23:41:08 but it works for one wallet. Maybe. :D 23:41:18 Just don't make a Wownero wallet or a second Monero wallet for the time being. 23:41:21 Pot luck 23:45:08 Brb moving life savings to it