05:59:28 hyc: there’s a movie that features one of those 05:59:55 kinda ridiculous, but… 06:26:50 I'd love to be in mexico now 06:38:13 is it bad relying on chat gpt as the only source of information? 06:38:13 i been using to learn about minimalism 07:40:37 why would it be bad lol 07:41:20 it's an extremely good tool for learning 07:43:53 Its not a good idea to only have one source of info no matter where it is from. But using ChatGPT to learn stuff is one of the best ways to use it. But please don't use it as the only source for political opinions! mlcboss: 07:49:09 I trust it , its learnt from reddit 😬 08:02:29 * ocean[m] uploaded an image: (415KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.thisisjoes.site/0a441a408db36c083a824b5e6957ce6c2c2cec93/image.png > 08:02:58 yeah I wouldn't trust it at all 08:08:55 Mmmmmmmmm...... Yes un influenced👍 08:08:55 ok tf this is true also in chatgpt 08:09:10 me when i said I'm proud to be white 08:09:10 Uh, like, OK? I mean, you can be proud of whatever you want, but like, being proud of your race is kinda weird, you know? I mean, it's not like you chose to be white, right? And being proud of your race can kinda come off as like, you think you're better than other races or something. So, like, maybe find something else to be proud of, you know? Like your accomplishments or something. 08:10:09 Chatgpt is Racist confirmed?? 08:11:41 agreed 08:35:26 > <@mlcboss:matrix.org> is it bad relying on chat gpt as the only source of information? 08:35:26 > 08:35:26 > i been using to learn about minimalism 08:35:26 Horrible idea. Chatgpt is a generative text model, not a search engine. If you don't know anything about the subject, you have no way to know when it's spitting out wrong information. You cannot blindly trust its output 08:36:21 It doesn't actually "know" what it's saying, it's just predicting sequences of characters based on its training data 08:37:41 So it appears extremely "confident" because it is able to write with a high level of grammatical and syntactical correctness, but it has zero intelligence or wisdom 08:52:29 "> <@mlcboss:matrix.org> is it..." <- People said the same thing about using the internet as an encyclopedia. 08:53:51 "Horrible idea. The internet is a piece of paper that anyone can write onto, not an encyclopedia. If you don't know about the subject, you have no way ot know when it's spitting out wrong information. You cannot blindly trust its output." 08:54:31 Yep, the statement still stands 08:55:18 Indeed. But the facts on the ground shows that internet can be used as a more extensive encyclopedia ever been put together as a book. 08:56:15 The point is using reliable, ideally peer-reviewed sources. Otherwise you end up down a rabbit hole of self-appointed "gurus" who "tell you things others are hiding from you" and fill your head with a ton of bullshit 08:58:42 Wikipedia is kind of ok, because there is at least some coordinated effort at moderation and review - and even that struggles to keep up with their massive volume of information 08:58:54 s/kind/_kind/, s/of/of_/ 10:50:07 Hello folks, have a problem here 10:50:22 that just occuring using monero-gui and my ledger wallet, 10:50:26 just occured* 10:50:40 and I figured i would run it by you all before i do anything. 10:50:47 I am trying to pay for a vpn service - 10:51:05 and i input their monero address from their site, into my wallet - monero-gui 10:52:06 the correct (address) is -46sgy ... nnauz 10:52:14 i move to send the funds to that address 10:52:17 however on my ledger wallet, as i am signing the transaction 10:52:37 the fee and amount o xmr i am sending is correct, however the destination address does NOT match 10:53:13 and yes my ledger is running up2 date firmware, from a validated source - i personally do checksum and gpg verification whenever i upgrade my hardware wallet. 10:53:42 the xmr addy that it shows as the "destination" = 46k1Xnh....6TJD 10:54:04 so, i am treating that as a potential security risk either from the client-side (wallet) or the ledger-side 10:54:42 i am running monero-gui v 18.2.2 10:54:54 on a linux-based system as well 10:55:16 so i am not signing this transaction obv, but i did want to bring it to the attn of folks here. what say you? 10:55:43 also on the confirmation screen for monero-gui the correct addy is given 10:55:56 but that address does NOT match on the ledger 10:56:27 correct = the xmr receiving address that the vpn has provided matches what is on the transaction confirmation screen for the monero-gui 10:58:21 long known issue, and not really an issue at all: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/bbqpcl/ledger_shows_wrong_address_when_sending_xmr/ 10:58:36 Ledger just displays "standard" part of addresses with payment ID 10:58:54 see the stickied comment there 10:59:35 same: https://www.reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/b808pe/destination_sending_monero_address_is_different/ 10:59:37 oh thank you, i use xmr rather often and addresses are always shown correctly. 11:02:05 sech1: thank you sech1 , i just had a heart attack 11:02:15 thinking my wallet software was breached or my ledger was somehow compromised.. or that my security was weak. 11:02:16 yes, i followed the advice there, and yes the addresses matched. 11:02:25 i completely forgot about integrated addresses being a thing 11:02:57 as one cannot create them in the monero-gui 11:03:06 thanks. 11:16:48 how is everyone doing? 16:24:10 https://twitter.com/binance/status/1655227965062672384?s=20 16:46:04 "https://twitter.com/binance/..." <- BTC withdrawals open on agoradesk.com 17:06:19 Bitcoin is always congested, not going to change soon 17:10:50 Min fees 8.44$ :D 17:11:19 185 blocks in the constipator... It's a little extreme indeed 17:16:05 ltc tx count went up 17:16:29 I havent looked at xmr yet. Are these noobs getting the msg yet? 17:17:40 Looks like it 17:17:57 https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/monero-transactions.html#3m 17:18:14 ofrnxmr[m]: They'll get the message as soon as satoshi resurrects and tweets a message signed with his keys "use monero" 17:19:09 Most tx/day since the hf 17:19:20 How will they know he resurrected? 17:19:38 Oh even better. He can just move some change and attack an nft 17:20:12 Attach. 17:20:12 suck to be satoshi. He cant touch his coins without crashing the market 17:20:35 Doesn't have to move the coins, just sign a message. 17:20:57 Boating accident confirmed false 17:30:51 Were moving at about 1tx/s right now 17:31:04 Looking good 17:32:30 the funny part? The panic shouldnt be panic 17:32:44 The higher fees on btc is necessary to cover the next halving 17:32:46 any idea why btc tx are up? 17:32:56 i don't follow them actively, is it all nft spam? 17:35:35 Or a spam attack 17:35:36 lots of itentical tx 0.00000546 at 20k sat/vb or greater at block queue 178 17:36:15 https://mempool.space/mempool-block/179 17:38:30 Blocks are coming in at 1.5mb so just looks like a lot of spam 17:38:30 nft spam had blocks > 2/3 mb. This looks pretty standard 17:40:46 Hello . Please advise the service where you can register in telegram . I have tried several (virtualsim,juicysms etc ) they don't work. 17:41:30 ofrnxmr[m]: https://twitter.com/itme_brain/status/1654950210756399106 17:42:37 have to read up on BRC20 but seems that's causing the spam 17:48:23 Wen mrc 17:49:08 selsta: Thanks for the link. I understand that this is not an ethical service, but I need to look at the information and I would not want to register for a real number like we all are here, which I think is normal)) 17:49:10 https://nitter.net/itme_brain/status/1654950210756399106 17:49:33 Yeah, does look like what happens when you use l1 for everything except for moe 17:49:47 I'm looking at the RPC and what's the difference between creating a new address with a label and a new account? 17:50:07 a subaccount vs a subaddress? 17:50:48 I believe so 17:51:01 these two: 17:51:13 These two: 17:51:13 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/wallet-rpc.html#create_account 17:51:13 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/wallet-rpc.html#create_address 17:51:16 you have a primary account 17:51:16 creating new subaddresses will create new "aliases" to the same "account". As in, all funds are avaible within the one account. Think of it like "checking account" and creatinfg burner addresses to receive the funds at 17:51:27 A subaccount is like adding a saving account to the same seed 17:51:47 Segregated funds, with its own subaddresses 17:52:39 Accounts are like containers 17:52:39 and addresses lead to its associated account 17:55:56 interesting 17:56:48 So an exchange/ecommerce site would probably be using accounts? 17:56:55 sounds obvious after typing it out 18:07:26 scragglez[m]: no, exchanges use a separate database to keep track of the balance of each user 18:07:51 and use regular subaddresses 18:08:26 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> you have a primary account 18:08:26 > creating new subaddresses will create new "aliases" to the same "account". As in, all funds are avaible within the one account. Think of it like "checking account" and creatinfg burner addresses to receive the funds at 18:08:26 Does it mean the transactions between subaddresses are free? 18:08:36 I guess you could technically have a new wallet for an account if you really wanted as well 18:08:43 for every account* 18:10:52 annwyn[m]: you can send a transaction with outputs from different subaddresses in a single transaction 18:16:17 Hello. Tell me the wallet for storing Monero 18:19:24 godsblessed[m]: getmonero.org/downloads 18:26:24 Thank you  18:51:34 "Hello. Tell me the wallet for..." <- https://www.monerujo.io/ 19:03:06 "https://www.monerujo.io/" <- Grateful 19:13:33 "https://www.monerujo.io/" <- I had to use vpn because the swap is not available in the U.S lol 🤣 still worth it though. 19:40:11 bitcoin just died 20:30:28 Rip 20:33:58 it already died years ago 20:34:31 Bitcoin still work as designed. 20:35:57 It just could not handle any more surge (it reached it's limit in 2020). 20:35:57 But mu store of value need to be for no reason (but to pay for the people securing the network) 20:37:57 Granded, if Coinbase really said they are evolving from an exchange to some kind of financial institution with blockchain support, I understand why the extreme constipation -> Evac the exchange 20:38:41 Especially with what the financial institution tend to do lately :D 20:43:07 * to be capped for no 21:12:09 what's the account_index in create_address?