00:24:07 Is there a monerod command that will return the block + transaction_hash + index for a given ring member (eg if the ring includes output 15,000,000 how can I identify the block, transaction hash, and index for that output)? 00:32:12 anonimauzanto: AFAIK, no. You can point and click if you only need to look at a few with https://xmrchain.net 00:32:25 This may help: https://github.com/pokkst/monero-decoy-scanner 00:33:05 If you need the whole database, you could try to set up https://github.com/neptuneresearch/ring-membership-sql 00:33:15 If you have over 100GB of RAM, you can use mine: https://github.com/Rucknium/misc-research/tree/main/Monero-Effective-Ring-Size 00:35:05 Awesome resources! For now it would be just a small handful so xmrchain will be manageable. Thank you! 00:41:35 Hi 00:43:09 Regarding to  "You can enter your wallet address at P2Pool Observer" where is I can enter my wallet address at P2Pool Observer 00:52:21 does anyone have the link for day3 of monerotopia? never got the email for day3? 01:39:10 Are there any proposals/subsidies to help people run full nodes? I'm running a full node and it's chomping deeply into my data cap, I have the option to remove the cap for around $20 a month. 01:40:47 Same reason I'm not running mainnet node on my hosted server 😢 01:41:09 USA ISPs are so gross with their data caps. 01:41:24 It's something you always find out after the fact. 01:41:33 no but there are some ways to reduce the data used but I am not sure what those are and to what extent it reduces 01:42:04 I am in the USA and have unlimited data which is why I don't know the details :) 01:42:10 I got a "courtesy letter," letting me know that next time I surpass my data cap of 1.2 TB a month on my 1.2 GBPS line that I have to pay fees for every 10 or 50 GB used, about $10 per, if I remember correctly. 01:42:38 I THOUGHT I had unlimited data until my ISP contacted me. 01:42:55 It's $20 a month to remove the cap. 01:43:33 https://monerodocs.org/interacting/monerod-reference/ 01:43:33 You can use --limit-rate, --limit-rate-up, --limit-rate-down 01:44:12 I'm aware of the inbuilt ability to throttle, but I'd like to be able to let it rip full speed. I have a great rug running the node on a great line. 01:44:24 rig 01:45:05 Was just curious if there were pools of funds to help with issues like this if they were able to be verified. 01:46:05 I'm averaging around 100 GB total for up/down transmission on the full node per month. 01:47:38 Last 10.9 days data for scienceeee 01:47:39 >>> print_net_stats 01:47:39 [5/7/2023 9:37 PM] 2023-05-08 01:37:33.295 I Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.2.2-release) 01:47:39 Received 10008824476 bytes (9.32 GB) in 4475365 packets in 10.9 days, average 10.42 kB/s = 0.13% of the limit of 8.00 MB/s 01:47:39 Sent 19862414554 bytes (18.50 GB) in 2605209 packets in 10.9 days, average 20.67 kB/s = 1.01% of the limit of 2.00 MB/s 01:48:56 It doesn't sounds like you are set up with your ISP to run full speed. 01:48:56 For reference, my node running max settings sees 50-100GB per DAY. 01:49:27 Per DAY?! 01:49:50 I'm using a VPN, but ports forwarded. 01:49:59 That's not even that high. I'm around 3GB in/3GB out, with only 12/12 peers. 01:51:00 3/3 per month? 01:51:01 Yes. 01:51:01 A powerful computer still adds value to the network. If there is an attack that brings nodes down due to limited memory or other resources, your node has a better chance of staying online. There is still a point to running it even if you aren't taking a huge bandwidth burden. 01:51:15 jugofmilk: No, a day. 01:52:25 > <@spackle_xmr:matrix.org> Yes. 01:52:25 > A powerful computer still adds value to the network. If there is an attack that brings nodes down due to limited memory or other resources, your node has a better chance of staying online. There is still a point to running it even if you aren't taking a huge bandwidth burden. 01:52:25 I'm running a 4090 GPU (doesn't matter), 128GB DDR4 RAM, chain stored on a Samsung 870 SSD, CPU mining constantly 4 threads, 2 cores on a 5950x. 01:53:23 (To be clear I meant yes, my node handles 50-100GB per day) 01:53:23 For example, it has sent ~46 GB in the past 16 hours 01:53:29 I'm just letting the mining run to help the network, clearly not expecting returns haha 01:54:07 > <@spackle_xmr:matrix.org> (To be clear I meant yes, my node handles 50-100GB per day) 01:54:07 > For example, it has sent ~46 GB in the past 16 hours 01:54:07 Holy shit. Do you know why your node in particular is carrying so much weight? 01:54:56 I set the limits at my connection speed, and run --public-node 01:55:33 I have limits set and it's used to like 1% maybe? 01:55:47 By default, am I not running a public node? 01:56:00 I'm wanting to be as available as possible. 01:58:35 I want to be careful to be clear about what --public-node means. Quoting the monerod reference I linked earlier: 01:58:35 Advertise to other users they can use this node as a remote one for connecting their wallets. Requires --restricted-rpc, --rpc-bind-ip and --confirm-external-bind. Without --public-node the node can still be public (assuming other relevant options are set) but won't be advertised as such on the P2P network. This option will allow wallets to auto-discover public nodes (instead of requiring user to manually find one). 01:59:42 Yeah, I tried to run it and got "E Exception in main! restricted RPC mode is required," just noticed you dropped a link, I'll read that now. 02:01:56 BTW, I have very old Monero keys pre-fork, are those forks essentially dead and useless or are they worth cashing in on? 02:04:11 I am not aware of any Monero fork that is worth anything, but I haven't looked into it. There have also been past warnings about conducting transactions on forks that may impact your privacy on Monero proper. 02:06:06 Yeah, what I was able to uncover was that it wasn't worth it. I moved my holdings to a completely new wallet, but still have the old keys that are part of the fork just in case I discover they're worth something. 03:25:21 "Was just curious if there were..." <- def not 03:26:27 "Yeah, I tried to run it and got..." <- why would you complain about cap then go ahead and advertise your node to random strangers as a publuc toilet free for all? 03:26:57 ofrnxmr[m]: mr. ofrnxmr, can you explain what is the most recent spam on bitcorn? some of my bitcorn friends have alerted me that there is chaos? what is going on 03:27:12 its bitcoin 03:27:18 working as designed 03:27:52 not supposed to spend it for 10 years (i asked the maxisi 03:28:10 also, peter todd blames users 03:28:30 of course 🧠 but what are some of the fine chaps doing to clog up the mempool? 03:28:48 building on btc 03:28:57 like txextra 03:29:04 "extensibility" 03:29:10 buncha nonsense 03:30:12 so it's phase 2 of ordinals basically? has mr.m0rb left us alone at long last? I thought I saw ruck post that basically no m0rbs have been minted as of late 03:30:39 fr33_yourself: spamming transactions to clog up mempool, btc can't really do anything with their static block sizes 03:30:41 not sure it has anything to do with ordinals exactly 03:31:01 nit ordinals, but as i said, building on btc 03:31:04 brc20 03:31:25 which are nfts all the same. (btc is an nft too9 03:31:51 "ofrnxmr: https://twitter.com/..." <- ^ 03:32:40 the twitter link won't load for some reason. twitter hates tor for some reason 03:38:07 "https://nitter.net/itme_brain/..." <- ^ 03:44:31 "why would you complain about cap..." <- O' 03:46:32 "why would you complain about cap..." <- I'm not complaining about anything, where are you getting that? I'm asking whether or not there are pools that subsidize people who don't mine running full time full nodes. Doing so had pushed me beyond my normal allotted limits, so I was asking if anything existed. Not advertising my full node to random strangers is to defeat the purpose of this entire chain's ethos, which I would 03:46:32 never dream of doing. 03:51:24 I have a nicely built desktop at the moment able to serve the Monero community well, yet doing so is pushing me beyond my allotted bandwidth cap, just seeing is anything existed in the space to subsidize issues such as this. I often donate to proposals, so was wondering if anything existed for my use case. 03:58:48 "I'm not complaining about..." <- i dont know what yourr talking about amd neither do you 03:59:35 public-node is a useless feature at this time 03:59:57 simple mode, or auto selecting remote nodes for wallet rpc is a known attack vector 04:00:10 and actively recommended against 04:00:39 offering wallet rpc is not helping anyone. want to help the network? run a node and make stangers do the same 04:01:44 there is nobody who would pay for your rpc 04:02:54 and hence absolutely no reason we would have a pool of funds to support exploits 04:03:15 ofrnxmr[m]: You were asking why I'm complaining about being capped and I elaborated. Yes, I do know what I'm talking about. I'm being as clear as possible. 04:03:26 running a node = decentralization. 04:03:26 running public rpc = centrakization 04:03:38 no, you dont 04:03:39 rpc =/= p2p 04:03:44 ofrnxmr[m]: Nobody's asking you to support "exploits." Would you like to elaborate on those? 04:03:50 rpc =/= node running for decentralization 04:04:09 rpc = access to query a running node 04:04:38 ofrnxmr[m]: Two sentences or so in and you want to shit on the entry folks? 04:04:49 "https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero..." <- ^ 04:05:38 jugofmilk[m]: there are many 04:05:57 its ALWAYS been known that you should not use a remote node that you dont TRUST 04:06:28 simple mode in gui (aka public-node) is an attack vector 04:06:35 I'm trying to operate a full node for people to use. Using remote nodes as a no-no is known from my point. 04:06:36 you should ONLY ever conncet to a node that you trust 04:07:02 you dont need public-node flag to allow people to use your node 04:07:20 I get that, but wouldn't it help? 04:07:40 absolutely not 04:07:50 How wouldn't it? 04:08:11 what is your understanding of what this feature does? 04:08:13 If I'm able to serve up the chain state to more people, how would that be a net-bad? 04:08:27 because thosepeople are targts 04:08:42 Those poeple as in everyone on eahrt? 04:08:44 and should not be using simple mlde aka a feature that will RIP soon 04:08:53 Or are we differentiating somehow? 04:09:09 a mistake of a feature that has hurt privacy and cost people a lot of money 04:09:32 jugofmilk[m]: as in users who use gui in simple mode 04:09:57 Simple mode as in GUI users that call upon remote fulls? 04:10:03 who use random scum nodes pulled from public-node 04:10:13 To essentially act as a light wallet? 04:10:33 if you want to offer your node for others, you can 04:10:45 jugofmilk[m]: yeah 04:11:14 I'd ideally like to allow my node/connection to rip at full speed with no data-cap, yes. 04:11:18 gui lets you 1. add a custom node 2. use a local node 3. use a random node (which are often malicious) 04:11:21 Since I can run 24/7. 04:11:42 public-node does nothing for 1 or 2, and only puts your node on a list with a bunch of attqckers 04:11:58 jugofmilk[m]: if you want to help the network with data 04:12:23 you need to cut that vpn bs out and allow full throttle incoming connections 04:12:26 ofrnxmr[m]: This is my goal. Not looking for payout. 04:12:33 your nkde does less seeding than my tablet 04:12:40 ofrnxmr[m]: I can forward my ports with my VPN. 04:12:41 i do at least 25kbps up and down all day 04:13:07 jugofmilk[m]: `status` in monerod, do you have incoming connecti(ns? 04:13:25 i dont, and my data use is double yours. 04:13:45 [5/8/2023 12:13 AM] 2023-05-08 04:13:27.805 I Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.2.2-release) 04:13:45 Received 10090024542 bytes (9.40 GB) in 4534952 packets in 11.0 days, average 10.40 kB/s = 0.13% of the limit of 8.00 MB/s 04:13:45 Sent 20182650875 bytes (18.80 GB) in 2644136 packets in 11.0 days, average 20.79 kB/s = 1.02% of the limit of 2.00 MB/s 04:14:00 thats net stats 04:14:06 status 04:14:20 [5/8/2023 12:14 AM] 2023-05-08 04:14:11.982 I Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.2.2-release) 04:14:20 Height: 2881096/2881096 (100.0%) on mainnet, mining at 1.30 kH/s, net hash 2.49 GH/s, v16, 12(out)+0(in) connections, uptime 10d 23h 16m 58s 04:14:26 0 in 04:14:40 your port forwarding is nat workin 04:14:46 get it.. nat.. haha 04:15:25 without incoming peers youre actually not very nice 04:15:26 I discussed this with previous people and they said it was "ni-directional," which is why I had such a large amount of upload. 04:15:56 Lol 04:16:09 bi-directional* 04:16:29 I'm uploading 19 GB VS downlaoading 0.4 GB. 04:16:38 9.4 GB* 04:16:57 Tunnels are bidirectional 04:17:15 Not the connections establishment 04:17:26 nobody can connect TO you 04:17:42 You can only connect TO people who have incoming connections open 04:17:44 So my upload is just uploading to nothing? How does that make sense? 04:18:01 Considering 100% of nodes have outgoing open and peobably less than 30% have incoming open 04:18:09 You put a strain on the incoming nodes 04:18:21 The reason thrasher does tb is because of nodes like yours 04:18:27 jugofmilk[m]: No 04:18:36 If I allow nothing to be incoming, where do I upload to? 04:18:38 U upload to otherpeers 04:18:52 Peers 1 gets a new block and sends it to you 04:18:53 At like 2 or 3 x the rate? 04:18:58 You send it to your peers 04:19:35 The peers you send it to, are ones you initiated the connection with, and ones who havent seen the block from peer 1 yet 04:20:13 Helping the network, its KEY to have incoming connections open, and moreso, to do it on a HOME network 04:20:30 Monero RIP if all incoming nodes are on a vps that goes offline 04:21:59 ofrnxmr[m]: While KEY, its not strictly NECESSARY. 04:21:59 Without inconing, you will still do some work to propogate blocks from nodes that allow incoming to other nodes that allow incoming 04:22:18 But youll never speak or connect directly to a node that does not allow incoming 04:23:03 This is one reason i think node sync over tor/i2p might be better than not 04:23:07 Sure, sybils 04:23:35 But currently a lot of nodes dont serve incoming. I2p and onion solve the incoming problem 04:25:52 Btc seems to use all 3 in tendem 04:25:54 Funny exchange. jugofmilk: learned a lot. 04:28:14 That was mean thrasher, tisk tisk 04:28:57 Consecutive blocks 😂... (full message at ) 04:29:06 (I dunno what happened. Maybe it was me) 04:29:43 what network is that? 04:30:14 stagenet 😬 04:30:32 Haha, dont 51% her 04:30:36 "stagenet" 04:30:46 Sounds like dero 04:31:10 I cant believe people defend dero doing chain swaps 04:31:25 No chance of 51% with my hashrate 04:31:25 ``` 04:31:25 Height: 1347639/1347639 (100.0%) on stagenet, smart mining at 107 H/s, net hash 2.82 kH/s, v16, 12(out)+12(in) connections, uptime 0d 2h 59m 1s 04:31:25 ``` 04:31:31 We need to start selling sXMR 04:32:30 I did once on twitter or reddit. I anounced very cheap XMR, and I got a few napping the bate. 04:33:43 Jus reeally either deleted acct or just rage quit 04:34:05 left community too 😅 04:34:08 Jug* 04:34:11 Jug's ? 04:34:16 Yeah 04:34:45 Maybe he just went back to node school? 04:35:06 Ridiculous bcuz im also the one who told em its bidirectional 04:35:45 Yeah, but they still didn't get it. 04:36:01 yeah 04:36:13 I wasnt trying to be mean, but cmon 04:36:24 Everybody wants to get paid to be a hero 04:36:44 "do we have a pot of gold for people to offer crippled nodes" 04:36:48 No ser 04:37:55 rpc isnt "helping the network" either 04:37:55 its the opposite 04:38:24 I'm not running a mainnet node on hosting, until that sucker can pay for the bandwidth usage. Have to figure out some service to run, to pay the bill 😢 04:38:40 i run at home 04:38:59 If my isp says "we'll cut you" i says "nono, cancel today plz" 04:39:08 "cancel all my other services too" 04:39:20 I do too, on 1G fiber :) 04:39:25 "You dont want my money? Cool." 04:39:43 A month later they stsrt spamming me with promos 04:39:53 "60% of, please come back" 04:41:06 Of you want 20 extra? 04:41:16 How bout 100 less, then 60 less for every month for the next year 04:41:24 dummies, Stop playing w me 04:42:36 I pay around (converted) 32 USD for uncapped 1GB fiber. That's fair, I think. 04:42:47 Real bill right now is 40/mth i think. Supposed to be 100 04:43:43 Right. Im not paying an extra 50% to use my data 04:43:48 Screw fair use. Ill pay thrasher 04:43:50 What's your U/D bandwith? 04:43:50 And use his node 04:44:13 my node was corrupted, still resyncing now lolol 04:46:09 >Height: 2688592/2881113 (93.3%) on mainnet, not mining, net hash 2.54 GH/s, v14, 9(out)+44(in) connections, uptime 0d 9h 25m 54s 04:46:09 this bitch syncing slow af right now 04:46:09 > Received 9019511890 bytes (8.40 GB) in 2723645 packets in 9.4 hours, average 259.24 kB/s = 0.02% of the limit of 1.00 GB/s 04:46:09 Sent 90708704 bytes (86.51 MB) in 28801 packets in 9.4 hours, average 2.61 kB/s = 0.00% of the limit of 1.00 GB/s 04:46:10 I used rsync against a remote node, last time I had a trashed LMDB. A lot quicker than just syncing. 04:46:36 Yeah, i had a rough month 04:46:51 Broke my phone, had to delete my full node so i coukd backup my phone completely 04:46:56 Then my node died lmao 04:47:05 delete my full node backup* 04:47:40 I would cron sync a full node once a week just in case, and run a pruned node regularly 04:50:23 You need more external storage. 04:50:28 * TrasherDK[m] uploaded an image: (25KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/monero.social/gYSYfORoqsmsijbyexzjIZjt/image.png > 04:50:48 🥲 04:50:58 one day ill buy an ssd 04:51:39 I have 1tb hdd and some old flash drives and sd cards lol 04:51:47 The hdd is from like 2015 04:51:58 Okay, that will slow things down. 04:51:58 I'm running my local mainnet node on an external USB spinner. No problem. 04:52:27 This node is syncing to internal storage of my huawei p30 04:52:36 I did the initial sync, using rsync 04:52:51 how did you rsync? 04:53:03 Someone gave you access to theirs? 04:53:53 My hosted server launches monerod mainnet every 30 min. Wait for sync compleated, and shuts down. 04:54:32 That way, I always have a synced node to download from. 04:54:50 Ok nice. 04:54:50 yeah i used to do that with a cron job once a week, but deleted my backup because i needed the storage to backup my phone 04:57:52 Well, my home office is basically a server room, running 2 servers, besides the laptop I use as terminal. It get's hot as hell in here 🔥😅 05:08:59 Haveno has a binary release now (xmr stagenet) however im getting an error saying there are no arbitrators when trying to create a test offer 05:09:02 https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/ 05:15:38 "Haveno has a binary release now..." <- Testnet 05:15:41 No? 05:16:12 Haveno report bugs here < hello, I'm looking to buy monero in JPY(¥), what do you think are the option? 08:18:00 It seems I can buy bitcoin (dont really want to) on a Japanese exchange, and then swap to Monero, is this too hard? 08:20:11 did you try https://localmonero.co/ ? 08:22:43 sech1: May I ask, have you had any experience with it using a fiat card? 08:23:25 It depends on a seller and what payment methods they offer. It's a p2p platform. 08:24:46 and it will certainly be different country by country, so I can't say anything 08:25:33 sech1: thanks for your answer - what do you think would require less effort and stress - buy bitcoin and swap to Monero, or buy monero at localmonero? 08:26:14 Bitcoin network is flooded now, you'll have to spend at least $20 in fees to move Bitcoin 08:26:32 Buying Monero directly will be cheaper in the end 08:29:03 interesting, it seems most people, even bitcoin promoters, never even mention privacy - its strange. Its like the elephant in the room. And each coin has a history linked to it right, so how could anyone see that as a 'store of wealth'? 08:31:14 Yeah plowsof, how? 08:32:10 bitcoins got a 'rich list' right? 08:32:53 michael saylor buying all that bitcoin...he must know the gov can just say 'your coins have been marked at suspicous, you are not allowed to use them'...hes got to know right? 08:42:20 Everybody knows, they just shove it under the rug or handwave it away by claiming that coinjoin is enough (in spite of evidence to the contrary) 08:42:59 "hello, I'm looking to buy monero..." <- Have you looked at Kraken? They're a good exchange, if you don't mind kyc 08:44:00 I looked at kraken and the signup was quite difficult 08:44:43 I'm going to give localmonero a try - no trackers according to Brave browser, and clear option to turn Javascript off 08:46:18 (You might want to avoid Brave as well - they have a long history of doing shady shit, including stuff that actively harmed user privacy and went directly against their privacy promises) 08:46:50 what kind of shady stuff do you think? 08:47:18 if brave pings a server, I dont really care...If it steals browsing history...now thats a big deal 08:48:08 For example, a while back they were whitelisting google, facebook, and Twitter trackers in the source code. When they got caught, they literally apologized for getting caught 08:48:31 Then there was the url referral highjacking for crypto exchange signups 08:48:40 And a bunch of other shit 08:49:00 damnit, if they whitelist bigtech... 08:49:11 how long ago was that 08:49:30 jollyboy[m]: The very big tech that they were promising to protect you from, no less 08:49:38 well, obviously, brave allows api.google and other domains, you need to block them in /etc/hosts 08:50:02 when did this whitelist incident happen? what year? 08:51:00 This was like 4 years ago now, but the repeated incidents show that they absolutely cannot be trusted 08:51:20 damn...if its too good to be true....it surely is not true 08:51:54 There was a more recent one in which the browser would leak all dns data over clearnet if you tried to use it to browse tor 08:52:17 Ddg white listed msn/Microsoft 08:52:37 are there reliable people inspecting the source code of Brave? 08:54:44 Oh, and don't forget that time they tried to promote their BAT token by impersonating popular youtubers and adding a donation button on their youtube pages, but the tokens would actually go straight into Brave's pockets "to be claimed by the youtuber if/when they would join the partner program". Tom Scott sued them over this, iirc, or something like that 08:55:41 jollyboy[m]: Your own eyes. Browsers are huge and complex systems, and there aren't many people who can go over every variant of every browser 08:56:33 yes, thats right, thats exactly what it says on the protonvpn site 'browser so complex, cant review it all' 08:58:02 At this point, the only real alternative browser is Firefox. It might not be as "sexy" as the others, and it might have its issues, but it's basically the only non-chromium browser left 08:59:25 so your saying librewolf? 08:59:25 There are some guides out there for a proper hardened setup, if you search for it you'll find them. Takes a little work, but it actually works 08:59:37 youve opened my eyes 08:59:45 brave always looked to good to be true 08:59:54 god knows what else theyre doing 09:00:16 but what COULD they be stealing? Browsing info and stuff? is that possible, or just IP info? 09:02:39 Or mullvad browser 09:02:58 Anything that goes through your browser is a potential target - the question is whether you have the time/knowledge/patience to go through all their code to check if they're still doing shady stuff or not - because they definitely cannot be trusted by default 09:03:43 Firefox has a much longer history and many more eyes on it, so the odds of them doing something bad (whether intentionally or by mistake) tend to be lower 09:04:17 Or akenfox on firefox 09:05:11 Librewolf is what i use these days 09:05:31 DanIsnotthemanBr: Why use an outdated firefox reskin with unknown changes on top, when you have firefox 09:06:15 Umm its same as tor browser without tor 09:06:25 Aka same as firefox 09:06:46 You literally quoted their main marketing tagline, come on 09:06:50 Not for noobs tho 09:07:41 All these branded browsers are nothing but marketing gimmicks. At best, they're an outdated copy of whatever they're using under the hood. At worst, they actually come with extra security holes added 09:07:42 https://www.privacyguides.org/en/desktop-browsers/ 09:08:29 Tor browser is firefox - the telemetry and other bs 09:08:38 Librewolf is tor browser without tor 09:08:56 Ill use chromium over chrome everyday 09:09:25 DanIsnotthemanBr: They reccommend Brave "for chromium compatibility" -> not taking them seriously 09:09:25 Firefox even ships with telenetry turned on 09:09:55 But what endors saying is true 09:10:01 There are a lot of wack rebrands 09:10:46 So cant just use any old "were better than firefox bcuz we have 14 users" marketing junk 09:11:10 I like librewolf tho. And mull on android 09:13:41 https://privacytests.org/ 09:21:59 mullvad vs ivpn - recommendation? 09:22:30 ivpn website actually says 'vpn's dont work' - so I think that is honesty 09:22:52 this is, ofcourse, speaking from the heart 09:23:28 vpns dont magically protect you, as we would like to believe, because we always authenticate with the site, so its all for nothing 09:32:25 "vpns dont magically protect you,..." <- It is not for nothing. VPN is just a proxy that can be used in various ways, depending on your threat model. 09:32:25 Use it wisely and the way that suits your needs. 09:32:39 "ivpn website actually says 'vpn..." <- But if it's true, that would also imply that you should not be using their service ;) 09:33:31 https://www.ivpn.net/ 09:33:34 have a loook 09:33:48 mullvad is 14eyes country (sweden) 09:33:54 ivpn is gibraltar 09:33:57 (or something) 09:35:40 what vpn does and doesnt do is near the bottom of the page 10:33:17 it seems localmonero.co is only for crypto to crypto trades. accepting a fiat card doesnt seem possible 10:46:03 localmonero.co is quite difficult for beginners 10:46:22 you need cashapp or something similiar 10:46:26 or already hold crypto 10:46:42 any recommendations for a fiat to monero exchange? 10:46:49 what is the least evil exchange? 10:48:17 "it seems localmonero.co is..." <- Its not crypto to crypto only. And its pretty easy to use. Maybe create an offer instead? 10:49:05 @modul8:matrix.org: you need a way to pay, I have online banking I can do a transfer 10:49:10 I suppose... 10:49:53 should I get cashapp or something...dont want to upload heaps of personal info though 10:50:02 Oh i wouldnt transfer money to a random person ;) 10:50:11 why not? 10:50:24 I know it sounds dumb but..what could happen? 10:50:41 Rather not link myself to another crypto person. 10:51:12 I would look at cash by mail of possible 10:51:26 I'm in Asia man 10:51:45 'link to another crypto person' yes exactly, thats why we want monero 10:51:47 but the on-ramp 10:52:03 for kyc exchange do you need a passport? 10:52:41 is buying BTC on a local exchange and then swapping to XMR retarded? 10:56:20 Is it possible to deposit cash to someones account by visiting a bank branch? I just dont trust exchanges losing my data. 10:57:01 I can go to a bank branch... 10:57:36 If they offer cashapp do I need cashapp to make a payment to them? 11:03:13 https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/best-no-kyc-crypto-exchange 11:03:13 https://bitshills.com/best-non-kyc-crypto-exchanges/#21-traditional-market-exchanges 11:03:25 these for real? can they really be no-KYC? 11:22:48 i get banned from binance and others for being on a japanese IP 11:27:13 "They reccommend Brave "for..." <- https://madaidans-insecurities.github.io/firefox-chromium.html 11:27:51 Fyi i use ff too, don’t really like chromium browsers 14:35:56 is there any downside to registering with an american exchange like kraken? 14:36:06 could there be legal trouble in the future? 14:52:55 That's an impossibile question to answer 14:53:48 So far, Kraken has had a pretty good track record of staying out of trouble and avoiding shady shit (compared to the rest of the crypto space in general) 14:54:26 if not for a big exchange, how can you buy a large amount of Monero...its not possible right? 14:54:56 It is if you find a willing p2p seller 14:55:26 Technically there's also Binance, but they've had issues with withdrawals multiple times 14:56:12 Other than that, go on coingecko and look at the list of Monero trading pairs and see if you find an exchange that suits you 14:56:58 Keep in mind that BTC is not the only crypto onramp, so you could buy something else first (like ltc or whatever) and then use a swap service 14:57:20 Definitely don’t buy BTC to trade into XMR just now, the bitcoin network fees are insane and have been for days. 14:57:20 Stick to buying Monero directly on exchange, or somewhere like LocalMonero, and you’ll save money. 14:57:42 'technically theres also binance' - do you not need ID to buy at binance? 14:58:12 Yeah, I was referring to other kyc exchanges 15:00:13 ltc > xmr best scenario 15:00:54 ltc hey... 15:01:06 it is technically difficult to do a swap? 15:06:58 Should be pretty straightforward: you send ltc to their wallet, and they send xmr to yours right afterwards (they = swap service operators) 15:07:36 But make sure you read reviews and terms and do some digging, some services are shady and can steal your money 15:09:10 can I do this swap while the coins I purchased (say ltc) are still on the exchange where I purchased? Or do I need my own wallet? 15:09:32 endor00: thanks for all your advice by the way 15:14:18 Technically you can, but you really shouldn't. For example, if the swap fails for whatever reason, you might have to get a refund, and if they send the coins back to the exchange's wallet it's gonna be a pain in the ass to get them back (and there's a chance you won't get them at all) 15:14:38 Just use something lightweight like Electrum (there's an ltc version) 15:15:37 Oh, BCH might also be an option. Not sure which has the lowest fees 15:16:32 great advice! 15:16:59 Im thinking I'll with kraken, but Im concerned about the future... 15:17:05 if that fails I guess I'll be doing a coin swap 15:17:18 have you read about coinbase's offshore exchange? 15:18:08 jollyboy: you're in japan? Try LocalMonero 15:18:30 It was one of the first suggestions 15:18:54 Alex | LocalMonero | AgoraDesk: I had a good look. Paying with fiat is very difficult 15:19:23 jollyboy[m]: Can I PM you? 15:19:35 sure... 16:20:56 I guess this moron never heard of Monero. 16:20:56 https://www.nobsbitcoin.com/man-sentenced-for-sweeping-brother-funds 16:51:44 why are mixers illegal? 17:03:45 Money laundering? 17:04:25 The entire purpose of using a mixer is TO launder funds 17:05:40 Is it though? 17:07:41 Thats what a mixer is 17:07:55 Abd what laundering is 17:09:16 If you say so, it must be true. 17:09:33 Laundering is taking dirty funds, and "mixing" them with clean funds so they can be put them back into circulation 17:09:36 Doing this manually simply says "im laundering funds" 17:09:53 Its the definition of money laundering lol 17:12:48 > Money laundering is a process that criminals use in an attempt to hide the illegal source of their income. By passing money through complex transfers and transactions, or through a series of businesses, the money is "cleaned" of its illegitimate origin and made to appear as legitimate business profits. 17:13:23 A mixer is, by design, an opt-in laundering service 17:14:24 If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, im pretty sure its a duck.. but hey, maybe im wrong and its a gorilla 17:33:10 20 minutes to process transactions cause the network is busy, surely bitcoin maxis are figuring something out? 17:33:25 imagine trying to buy something at a shop in the bitcoin jungle in costa rica 17:34:16 LN? 17:34:44 Still need to make a tx to open a channel 17:35:14 Yeah, maybe prayer then 17:35:47 'sorry da network busy, got fiat?' 17:36:25 I think the hype train will die down, like nfts or cryptokitties 17:37:12 even the safeouden (or something) guy is still saying 'hodl' forever 17:37:13 it seems 17:37:20 You can only get so much from adding and subtracting from a ticker symbol in json 18:02:33 20 minutes? more like 20 hours 18:25:13 Can anyone advise abt this log... (full message at ) 18:37:20 looks like this is what happens between the delay on Loglevel 2... (full message at ) 20:43:33 "why are mixers illegal?" <- a federal judge in the #freeroman case recently said mixing in and of itself is not illegal 20:43:33 people running mixers always get targeted right? 20:44:57 Yes, fincen under US Treasury dept will say they're "unlicensed money transmitters" 20:44:58 BTC will obviously get crushed eventually, maybe turn into BTC for the rich only 'certified coins' 20:45:29 But if you run a noncustodial mixing service like wasabi there's little they could do under any of their regulatory structures since you don't custody funds or send funds on behalf of another entity 20:45:29 wasnt there some drama with wasabi lately? 20:45:50 probably... who could keep track ;P 20:45:50 yeah... 20:46:07 merchants will be scared to touch crypto eventually I think 20:46:40 but....will the da gov outlaw monero explicitly? 20:47:25 They already are in for example the US where converting your crypto or even buying something with it triggers capital gains tax 20:47:25 insane, putting everyone in fear like that 20:47:53 paperwork, redtape, too many problems 20:48:25 for a shitty coin (gambling) 20:48:25 Yes, and arguably illegal since the congress has made no such legislation 20:48:40 it really is gambling, considering the gov/legal direction 20:49:09 and BTC insane privacy nightmare 20:49:27 I've paid for bitcoin courses where they dont even mention privacy 20:49:45 someone on twitter said a coinjoin was 'too risky' 20:49:51 why would that be? 20:52:32 Also FinCEN / Treasury is arguably wrong too incorporating crypto into their Bank Secrecy Act regulatory structure that governs financial entities, because the whole rationale for saying the BSA didn't violate the 4th amendment against unreasonable search & seizure in the US was that a bank already needs your information. Not true with crypto. So arguably what FinCEN says is the law is unconstitutional. 20:52:32 thats probably it 20:52:32 jollyboy[m]: risk of "mixing" with "dirty" coins I'd guess. Maybe ask the person claiming it? 20:52:43 it was on twitter 20:53:01 cant believe matthew kratter calls bitcoin 'freedom money' 20:53:09 its like the exact opposite of the truth 20:53:22 ...sorry I'm rambling... 20:55:12 IMO bitcoin is necessary. Satoshi was right in saying it's ~"best not to lead with a fully private crypto". The traditional system can integrate bitcoin, and we can always use atomic swaps between bitcoin & monero & whatever else. 20:55:12 but what if bitcoin is worthless after government action? 20:55:28 and, what value does the leading crypto being 'not private' actually have? 20:55:48 'got a bad coin' 21:06:36 Target height shows 0 if already synced 21:08:17 And iirc, stop counting once fully synced 21:09:24 something like if .target_height -lt .height echo synced 21:39:45 target height is undefined if the node is synced, but this confused people so we changed it to explicitly display 0 22:45:15 I was told that this doesn't look like I'm operating a true full node for Monero? 22:45:17 [5/8/2023 6:28 PM] 2023-05-08 22:28:40.258 I Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.2.2-release) 22:45:17 Received 10830046777 bytes (10.09 GB) in 4922897 packets in 11.7 days, average 10.43 kB/s = 0.13% of the limit of 8.00 MB/s 22:45:17 Sent 22187451630 bytes (20.66 GB) in 2887092 packets in 11.7 days, average 21.38 kB/s = 1.04% of the limit of 2.00 MB/s 23:06:06 What does status show 23:06:27 status 23:10:23 Status is as follows 23:10:24 [5/8/2023 7:10 PM] 2023-05-08 23:10:09.160 I Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.2.2-release) 23:10:24 Height: 2881701/2881701 (100.0%) on mainnet, not mining, net hash 2.75 GH/s, v16, 12(out)+0(in) connections, uptime 11d 18h 12m 55s 23:10:50 Just turned mining off for a but, usually keeping 8 threads going solo. 23:11:13 8 of 32 threads, running a 5950X. 23:11:16 Youre not allowing incoming connections 23:11:43 That's what I was thinking, but someone told me on Matrix that the connections were "bi-directional," which didn't really sound right. 23:11:58 Either you need to forward ports on the router (18080-18080) and/or you local firewall is blocking 18080 23:12:04 But I'm uploading far more than I'm downloading, so I'm left wondering what's being uploaded if I'm not serving up the chain? 23:12:17 data flow is bidirections 23:12:59 Bidirectional* 23:13:29 I'm behind a VPN, and it allows for port forwarding. I'll trying that next. With a full node, what kind of bandwidth usage would I be looking at monthly? I'm on a data-capped line. 23:13:52 Depends what you set your limits to 23:14:13 Say if I were to let it rip, no limits? 23:14:20 Unlimited? Idunko, some tbs and max upload speed 23:14:59 Nodes like yours can only talk to nodes who have incoming open 23:15:08 Damn lol, bit beyond my abilities. I'd like to do that, but to remove the data cap is like $20 or $30 extra per month. I'm currently on a 1.2GBPS line 23:15:50 Allowong incoming greatly increases traffic because of the number of people who need peers who have their ports open 23:15:55 Dejavu /s 23:16:25 You cwn set you upload and download limits to whatever you want 23:16:30 In kbps 23:17:06 As you can see, 25kbps is enough for your current bandwidth 23:17:12 As-is it looks like I'm only hitting around 1% of my limits. 23:18:18 anyway, i dont know what vpn your using that allows port forwarding 23:18:22 Youre 23:18:36 Or why its not working 23:19:06 I don't have the ports forwarded yet, using mullvad. 23:19:27 My home network should allow everything to flow freely 23:19:33 Mullvad lets you use your vpn ip to host services? 23:19:50 Seems like it. 23:20:12 Just at the mercy of their bandwidth I suppose. 23:20:29 Dan (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Advocate): you use mullvad 23:20:31 ? 23:22:12 Ivpn