00:00:57 "That's what I was thinking..." <- Yes, in this case "in"/"out" only refers to who initiates the connection, but once it's established the data can go both ways. Think nat-punching, if you know what that is; or the way computers talk to websites 00:02:13 "But I'm uploading far more..." <- You are indeed sending chain (and mempool) data to peers 00:04:41 The difference is that you're the one who contacted them first to establish the connection, because they allow incoming connections, whereas other nodes cannot initiate a connection to you because your node can't be reached from the outside; that's exactly what port forwarding does: it makes your program/device reachable from the outside 00:29:51 Oh, it's possible to use Monero over the Nym mixnet. 00:29:51 Interesting. 02:36:45 "Monero RIP if all incoming nodes..." <- I see. So the problem of a large portion of Monero network nodes running on VPS located far away is that the individual running the node can't prevent a counterparty from turning the node off? 02:40:11 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> rpc isnt "helping the network" either 02:40:11 > its the opposite 02:40:11 You aren't suggesting to eradicate the rpc feature entirely are you? I agree that simple mode and --public-node could likely be removed. It just means new users need to look up a node they can trust sufficiently to connect to. Not bad in my opinion 02:42:08 "If my isp says "we'll cut you" i..." <- Sigma male chad grindset 02:45:43 "interesting, it seems most..." <- Here here! A shrewd man has joined our ranks😎 02:47:10 "michael saylor buying all that..." <- He is a controlled puppet for the Bitcoin maxis. A blubbering fool. The US gov can seize his bitcoin anytime they want, unless Saylor has a small scale army to fight the SWAT, National Guard and Intelligence agencies lol 02:49:45 "it seems localmonero.co is..." <- credit market will be dead soon. Paper notes for encrypted ledger money. This is the future for getting into and out of Monero. Improvise, Adapt, Overcome. 02:51:48 "any recommendations for a fiat..." <- Dude. Don't be a bankers poster boy. Go to an ATM and withdraw cash. Use cash to buy Monero. Or sell a good or service for Monero. Banks and all services dependent on them are captured, so nobody wants to play pretend games. The digits in your account or just liabilities of an insolvent institution. Red pill time 02:54:18 "if not for a big exchange, how..." <- You sell a large amount of goods or services for Monero. Just like you do for fiat. Or you make a trip to the US and do a large cash in person or by mail trade 03:21:58 cash though mail is the best way to buy monero, as far as I can tell it's reliable and you don't pay too much of a premium for the service 03:23:58 agoradesk has several listings for cash by mail -> xmr 03:36:50 fr33_yourself: thanks for your replies. 03:36:50 one thing: apart from the moral aspect, is there anything dangerous or bad about buying monero from a big exchange like kraken? 03:36:50 paying in cash and other methods 1: have an increased price for monero, 2: require much more effort, complexity, time (and risk maybe) 03:37:59 'fly to the US and pay cash' that defeats the whole purpose of using monero as a currency - it you have to do such a big and dangerous trip to obtain it 03:38:57 KYC is the main worry with CEXs 03:41:10 > <@jollyboy:matrix.org> fr33_yourself: thanks for your replies. 03:41:10 > one thing: apart from the moral aspect, is there anything dangerous or bad about buying monero from a big exchange like kraken? 03:41:10 > paying in cash and other methods 1: have an increased price for monero, 2: require much more effort, complexity, time (and risk maybe) 03:41:10 What is the problem with buying Monero from Kraken? Are you ok with Kraken knowing the amount of Monero you have purchased? Are you ok with government's knowing how much Monero you have purchased? If you don't mind those two entities having that information then Kraken shouldn't be a problem. If you do take issue with those two groups knowing that information then you need a more privacy preserving means of acqurining Monero. 03:43:17 > <@jollyboy:matrix.org> fr33_yourself: thanks for your replies. 03:43:17 > one thing: apart from the moral aspect, is there anything dangerous or bad about buying monero from a big exchange like kraken? 03:43:17 > paying in cash and other methods 1: have an increased price for monero, 2: require much more effort, complexity, time (and risk maybe) 03:43:18 Paying cash for Monero currently may be more expensive than other methods. That will change eventually. Also you must ask yourself, what is the price of privacy and anonymity? If the price of using cash, i.e actually making a private transaction is too high then you are right, don't pay cash. 03:45:48 > <@jollyboy:matrix.org> fr33_yourself: thanks for your replies.... (full message at ) 03:47:23 "'fly to the US and pay cash..." <- No! You have already lost the war mi amigo. You are trying to trade a paper liability for good money. The point of Monero is that is currency which is obtained by producing for other individuals who already possess Monero and acquiring it via voluntary exchange. Now, maybe there is somebody who wants a paper or digital bank liability where you live. If not, then you just have to accept 03:47:23 it for goods or services you provide. 03:48:29 The days where people accept credit or debit card for Monero are numbered in my opinion. The fiat system that isn't paper notes is too easy to censor and monitor. 03:48:49 Even cake wallet. It's just a regulatory race in the US. Blanket ban soon 03:51:13 but surely, if monero market cap is 2.8B, a lot of people payed fiat to get that started right? 03:51:44 fr33_yourself: what your saying is technically correct, but not practical 03:53:21 You want Monero. NObody in your geographic location has Monero and wants what you want to sell, i.e bank liabilities. If you have something that people with Monero want you can exchange for it. Yes I am indeed concluding you need to have currency that they want or you must act in an entrpreniurial manner to satisfy the desires of people who currently possess monero 03:53:52 yes that sounds good - working for Monero 03:53:55 It ain't easy to get Gold or Monero. There is a good reason for that. 03:54:10 how does an exchange get its Monero? 03:54:21 Producing for someone who already possesses Monero to be more price. 03:54:22 how come they can just sell it? 03:55:00 In my ideal endgame exchanges don't get their Monero. Because staying in Monero is as easy as staying in fiat. That is when Monero flips all other chains and claims its position as the king 03:55:30 Exchange can only get Monero because they are a digital fiat broker for weak Monero hands. 03:55:55 what are 'weak monero hands' 03:56:24 The Monero holder wants to swap back to fiat, only because of it's larger nexus in the market. So he goes to the CEX and dumps a good money for a money which is currently more exchangeable for other goods in the market place 03:56:58 yes yes 03:57:31 so exchanges actually need to buy Monero like everyone else....they dont just magically have it...is that what your saying? 03:57:43 A centralized exchange doesn't magically whip up Monero out of thin air. They create a liquid pool by keeping some on their books when people who want out of Monero sell. The people who want out of Monero only want out because they can buy more stuff with fiat than they can with Monero. Is very simple scenario 03:58:14 I see 03:59:07 Yes, and the difference between you and the exchange is that the exchange has more liquidity, more reputation, and is online 24/7. You and your smaller amount of digital fiat are less liquid, an unkown counterparty, and only come online when it is convenient for you. 03:59:44 Although in practice you are probably more trustworthy and less risky than the exchange is, the Monero dumper is not sophisticated enough to recongnize that in his threat model 04:02:32 jollyboy[m], one potential risk from buying monero from kraken is that kraken/the govt will know you own monero, but that's not a big deal tbh 04:02:41 Although, I hold the Monero dumper in low esteem in my examples, I am not implying he should be restrained. I think he should be free to dump even for the most radioactive hyperinfating currency he can find lol. I believe in strong property rights, but see that the way a crypto-currency wins isn't by trying to market to n00bs, but to keep the current holders from dumping by serving them well enough that there is no need to dump\ 04:03:47 Fluffypony should never has to sell his beautiful dark Nero, for toxic fiat. Rather I must bend the knee to king fluffy so that I can obtain his beautiful Nero in voluntary exchange. 04:04:57 ik you're an ideologue fr33_yourself[m], but monero is most useful for anonymous online transactions, that's it. It's not useful for 99% of transactions in the economy, and it's inferior to USD/US Treasury bonds as a stable store of value. 04:05:54 the best way to use monero imo is to buy a small reserve, send/receive some of it, then buy/liquidate the difference between what you have and your reserve into USD 04:06:03 if you have a lot of USD, then buy treasury bonds 04:07:02 I agree that Monero is more useful for digital than physical commerce. It is more useful than paper notes if you as the producer don't want to get diluted. For example, I have accepted Monero for physical goods, when nobody else in my area accepts it. Why? Because it is a more honest system and I'm not getting diluted by clowns across the narrow sea. 04:07:38 Yes, an illiquid currency will always be more sensitive to changes in demand than the most used currency on the planet lol 04:08:16 fr33_yourself: for you to see physical good in Monero, your trading partner also must have a way to obtain Monero 04:08:24 otherwise it will never happen 04:08:27 "getting diluted" is not a real thing with USD. USD is incredibly stable and has consistently had the lowest inflation rate of every global currency for more than a century 04:08:27 You think USD is better to hang onto than the Nero, I take the opposite approach. My Nero can't be arbitrarily diluted. 🧠 04:08:56 I would rather my money not change in price hour to hour +-10%, USD doesn't do that 04:09:07 jollyboy[m]: Yes, and they very rarely do have Monero. Monero is only owned by a small minority of people on this planet lol 04:09:07 that's why I don't store my wealth in crypto, cause crypto is volatile. 04:09:36 BTC if EU and US cracked down it would be over 04:09:49 USD is accepted everywhere on the planet, it's stable, it has a low inflation rate. For 99% of use cases, I'm using USD. For the other 1% where i need to stay anonmyous online, I use monero 04:10:00 tanyastopguy: Although I personally can stomach volatility, I do agree that if you need the stability USD services you much better. This is fine. 04:10:20 tanyastopguy: Lol you've been psyopped 04:10:48 I mean, there's an objective advantage to stability in that you can maintain longer time horizons. It's hard to make financial plans if you are unsure how much money you'll have in a week 04:10:53 tanyastopguy: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2SL 04:11:25 "jollyboy, one potential risk..." <- tanyastopguy: you also have the risk of an EAE attack for a KYC exchange 04:11:26 over a long enough period of time, volatility is going to cause you to avoid long term investments and incurring a huge opportunity cost 04:12:06 what are you trying to show with the m2 graph? fr33_yourself[m] 04:12:35 cockliuser: can you tell me more about EAE attack for a KYC exchange? 04:13:14 https://youtu.be/iABIcsDJKyM 04:13:18 having a fiat on-ramp is neccessary for true adoption 04:13:25 You think stable is good. I think: the local mafia control the issuance of the currency that most people use. I'm not cool with that and think it is unsustainable long term. I don't think I habe much left to say on this point 04:13:58 @cockliuser anywhere other than youtube to view? I really dont like that site... 04:14:20 fr33_yourself[m], yes, stability is good because it enables long term investments. If you're chronically making short term investments due to volatility, you'll end up incurring an opportunity cost in the long term compared to if you just held USD or Treasury Bonds 04:14:46 jollyboy: invidious link: https://yewtu.be/iABIcsDJKyM 04:15:32 If I have $10k USD, I know that will be worth $9800 in a year, and so on. If I had 10 monero, next week that could be worth 9 monero, or 11 monero 04:15:55 tanyastopguy: I wonder how Treasury Holders are paid their interest?🤔 Oh that's funny via expropriation haha 04:16:06 in the former, I can make financial plans longer than a week in advance, in the latter I shouldn't take too many risks, or I could easily end up bankrupt 04:16:51 Zero Hedge😎🧠 04:17:02 fr33_yourself[m], the only thing I care about re: US Treasury bonds is that there's always demand for US treasury bonds, and they appreciate at an incredibly predictable rate 04:17:54 And you get to collect the spoils of theft. GZ m8. I don't care though lol 04:18:07 yeah, I'll be collecting my spoils 04:18:47 the US taxpayer is lucky I don't take more from them fr fr 😤 04:18:55 If you are cool with collecting the spoils of theft via the local mafia then by all means. As you say there is a liquid market (for now) IOUs 04:28:19 cockliuser: EAE attack, has this ever happened? 04:28:50 dudes, 1 thing 04:28:50 is Monero purchased on an exchange, truly as fungible (private) and Monero purchased P2P? 04:28:53 this is the question 04:29:48 Monero is fungible, but centralized exchanges can attempt to find statistical correlations between transactions they process 04:31:59 Peer to peer is much better by virtue of decentralization 04:32:14 surely... 04:32:42 in the future, chain-analysis may reveal everything about Monero held on an exchange - is this possible do you think? 04:33:53 Monero held on exchanges is already transparent, the exchange and all colluding entities know how much Monero the exchange users own (on the exchange) 04:34:46 but when I send it to my wallet - its ok right? 04:34:55 and then pay someone from my wallet 04:35:55 If you linked your identity to your exchange account, you still run the risk of a EAE attack 04:35:57 Just use P2P to be safe 04:37:02 If you are forced to use an exchange, you might have to churn before spending to mitigate an attack 04:50:42 MRC-20 when? 05:37:55 If you are looking for a way on how to enhance your portfolio here is the possibility. 05:37:55   I was saved out of debt and I'll keep advising you about the decent endeavor in my life. 05:37:55    Get equipped on how to double your crypto assets whatapp +1(610) 480-3756 now 05:40:11 Go 100x short yourself taylorbtcusdt 06:08:06 ofrnxmr and merope: Thanks for your input earlier, I appreciate the convo. 06:14:18 If I was going to do a Litecoin (or some other coin) to XMR (someone here said ltc-xmr is a good choice at the moment) - I would need a Litecoin wallet to do that successfully right? 06:14:43 I couldnt just swap after buying litecoin on the exchange right? 06:16:49 jollyboy[m]: Yes, you'd need a litecoin wallet to get litecoin. 06:17:13 does that take much work? 06:17:17 You can do that easily with something like coinomi if you're a mobile user, just know the risks you run using that type of software in terms of privacy. 06:17:27 No, it's very easy. 06:17:43 But why you'd want LTC over XMR is a mystery haha. You trying to spend atm? 06:18:05 I want to obtain XMR 06:18:14 Ahh, I see. 06:18:18 Try https://simpleswap.io/ 06:18:27 No KYC, no registration, etc. 06:19:04 Rates are pretty much the same as using something like coinomi, exodus, or cake. 06:19:46 currently deciding between localmonero (difficult for first time users, payment method difficult) OR buy coin and swap to XMR (requires signup at exchange) 06:20:12 I got denied from a commercial exchange after they verified me...they asked for heaps for info 06:20:28 Simple swap doesn't require anything and they're quick. They charge about 4% though. 06:20:33 I dont want to give them anymore 06:20:37 3 or 4 percent is pretty normal. 06:21:12 get litecoin wallet -> buy litecoin at Japanese exchange -> swap to monero on SimpleSwap 06:21:18 does that sound logical? 06:21:24 You can do that sure. 06:21:32 signup to exchange is a pain in the ass 06:21:43 Or on coinomi, or cake, or exodus. Just know you're going to be taxed every step of the way. 06:22:11 localmonero trades at increased prices though...so maybe its about the same? 06:22:12 Do you currently hold any crypto that you'd like to trade to XMR? 06:22:21 I hold no crypto... 06:22:27 Local monero's rates vary by the seller I believe. 06:22:27 I'm a newbie 06:22:33 Ahh ok I see. 06:22:36 yes 06:22:40 What country are you in? 06:22:44 Japan 06:22:44 If you don't mind me asking. 06:22:55 Ahh, nice! Are you in Tokyo or near Tokyo by chance? 06:23:08 I know a great spot that allows you to trade with cash in person. 06:23:23 no, quite far, why do you ask? 06:23:24 In Rappongi 06:23:44 have you been there personally? 06:23:55 that sounds good, but cost of travel + time is very high 06:23:59 Ahh! I was going to suggest a currency exchange there that lets you buy or sell crypto (and other world currencies). 06:24:06 Yes, I've been there. 06:24:08 Great people. 06:24:28 you mean the Japanese are great people? 06:24:48 they are not 'thinking' people, but they are very nice (on average) 06:24:58 In general from my experience yes haha, but that business is great people as well. 06:25:14 Very friendly, no hassle, easy to trade with. 06:25:25 is everyone here a programmer? 06:26:03 No haha, but many are from what I can gather. 06:28:34 jollyboy[m]: Check PMs 06:30:34 Is there a Monero OTC channel on Libera? 06:46:36 "You can do that easily with..." <- nah 06:46:36 cake wallet or stack wallet 06:47:01 "Try https://simpleswap.io/" <- nah 06:47:01 trocador.app 💯 06:48:00 Simpleswap works perfectly fine, so does coinomi. But like I was saying, consider your threat model. 06:48:14 Haven't used trocador, I'll check that out. 06:48:43 ofrnxmr: What's trocador's fees like? 06:49:14 trocadoy is a tor and i2p pr9xy aggregator 06:49:38 "All fees are already included in the shown rate. They consist of network transaction fees and exchange fees. This means bigger transactions can have better rates, as the network transaction fees are diluted. You do not pay anything extra for using our service instead of using directly your chosen exchange. We do receive a comission for referring the exchange, but it comes out of the exchange's 06:49:38 fee so it doesn't change your rate." 06:50:00 you get the best rates, dont interact with the actual swap service, and can use tor/i2p even if the other service doesnt allow it 06:50:08 Pretty vague, I may try them out to see what the percentage settles to be. 06:50:11 trocador.i2p is the i2p domain 06:50:19 vague? 06:50:20 Nice, that's cool, good to know! 06:50:23 Thanks for the tip. 06:50:29 its whatever the cheapest available is 06:50:43 usually that is exch or fixedfloats 0.5% 06:51:03 Vague, yeah. They could give examples of what the exchanges that they use charge for example. 06:51:20 0.5% is awesome. 06:51:26 they do 06:51:33 not my job to go to trocador.app and send u screenshots 06:51:48 maybe i will tho 06:51:56 I just copied and pasted what's on their site about their fees. 06:52:02 . . . 06:54:26 * ofrnxmr[m] uploaded an image: (186KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/monero.social/DASKHKDVAbMniiCdsmolZSnQ/xwjyot0wfmwtul4r.jpg > 06:55:10 "Simpleswap works perfectly fine,..." <- screw a threar model 06:55:33 Oh shit, cool. I like how this is looking. 06:55:35 dont use trash 06:55:52 Simpleswap is great if you're using lesser known shitcoins. 06:55:57 Only reason I brought it up. 06:56:20 That, and they don't enforce any KYC, reg, blah blah blah 06:56:52 cake is best for xmr 06:56:52 stack is coming together nicely 06:56:52 unstoppable wallet is a good, foss trust wallet competitor, but no xmr support 06:57:15 I really like cake. Can't wait to see their gift card offerings grow a bit more. 06:57:28 What's stack? Can't say I've heard of it before. 06:57:54 I'm pretty BTC/XMR maxi, so no XMR is a deal breaker for me. 06:58:02 AlmightyA: Stack Wallet, a Multiwallet by Diego and the CyoherStack team 06:58:15 Cool, thanks. I'll make a note. 06:58:24 Mobile or desktop? 06:58:30 Or both? 06:58:44 it has support for quite a nice selection of blockchains, and basuc xmr support 06:58:55 stack is fully in beta 06:59:03 but has a beta desktop as well 06:59:22 Nice! Have a link handy? 06:59:41 For myself and for the room perusers 06:59:52 https://github.com/cypherstack/stack_wallet/releases/tag/build_165 06:59:57 Thanks 07:00:21 np 07:01:15 You know if Monero Village is gonna make a come back at Def Con? 07:01:16 AlmightyA: stack DUO is btc/xmr only 07:01:32 Nice, that's what I like haha. 07:01:37 stack wallet also includes bch, ltc, fire, wow and more 07:01:58 AlmightyA: changed to somethinf else 07:02:03 WTF is up with the BTC mempool and the BRC-20 shit?! Pretty sure that this is the fattest the BTC mempool has ever been, coming up on half a million txs waiting. 07:02:22 i dontbthink the fattest 07:02:33 btc is just broken by desigb 07:02:56 ofrnxmr: That's what I was told, said it was "crypto village," now but they're the cringe edege lords that cry "CRYPTO MEANS CRYPTOGRAPHY!" And they shun any kinda currency talk. 07:03:40 crypto means copy paster go brrr 07:03:40 BTC is functioning as designed, doing it well, but it's crying for some more L2 solutions so bad. I really enjoy Monero's dynamic block size. 07:04:04 I went to the crypto village and got into some legit arguments with some neck beards. 07:04:05 please, i cant figure thus out 07:04:32 functioning as designed - what is bitcoins function 07:04:33 Be back in about 20, gotta run to the store. 07:04:51 It's doing what it's supposed to do, not breaking its own rules haha. 07:05:21 bitcoin is design to be a pet rock, if im basing it off if what it can do 07:06:16 both form and function of btc are far from viable for anything buy a pet rock 07:06:21 but 07:52:42 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> looks like this is what happens between the delay on Loglevel 2... (full message at ) 08:06:01 not smart enough to know what wrong here, sorry 08:06:29 You are me, after all 08:06:56 As said in the other room I'd try using another remote node with known good performance. I've used the traitors node before for this 08:07:15 nobody else is awake, figured we could have a sockpuppet show 08:07:20 just to rule out that the remote node is the issue 08:07:27 s/is/isnt/ 08:07:36 Shes fully synced now 🥳 09:37:39 https://blog.nymtech.net/new-mixnet-integration-nym-for-monero-f0a3068e803f 09:50:14 cool, happy to see nym isn't dead 13:50:42 AlmightyA I'm here if you have questions about Stack Wallet or Stack Duo. 14:05:35 "AlmightyA I'm here if you have..." <- Are there any additional cryptocurrencies planned atm ? 14:06:56 Ye. Ecash will be in somewhat soon. It's inclusion is because it's a Bitcoin fork and costs us like zero dev time though. 14:11:22 Could we have a graph of the price in the wallet? I like to see the price going up or down directly. Like in Unstoppable Wallet. (except Unstoppable Wallet is really for investement) 14:11:31 s/investement/investment/ 14:39:47 i like stack clean. 14:39:47 i use unstoppable wallet too though 14:40:12 Well, i used to. Now im still waiting for them to add xmr so they can be taken seriously 14:42:28 Unstoppable put a lot of work into the markets tab etc. 14:42:28 but i dont feel its onky for investment 14:43:09 The wallet and and the receive pages are some of the best and most functional ive seen 14:43:11 And history* pages 14:44:47 Unstoppable wallet + lws would be a homerun for the small guys. The unstoppabke team is clueless on monero though 14:45:59 almost innocently. They seem to focus on btc forks and evm stuff, but have likely never used monero 14:47:21 Kind of annoying to me that they havent taken monero seriously yet. Seem like good people who actually like privacy but just only know eth and btc 14:56:32 1 TB ssds now go for 40€ 14:57:26 bring on the volume 14:58:16 Lemme see 450kb new median 14:58:33 we need like 250k tx/day to get there 15:00:07 Its more of "i cant afford to be wrong". Like they are afraid that monero will absorb the volume and chug along like nothing happened. 15:01:40 It's funny 15:03:00 https://twitter.com/monerobull/status/1655951033364013064? 15:04:25 I worded that so badly 15:04:28 Next time I'll just ask ChatGPT 15:40:32 seems clear to me, maybe my brain is wired badly 15:55:56 best ubuntu wallet for litecoin? (for the purpose of swapping to XMR) 15:57:43 > <@jollyboy:matrix.org> best ubuntu wallet for litecoin? (for the purpose of swapping to XMR) 15:57:43 > 15:57:43 I guess stack wallet had a desktoo client 16:04:59 Litecoin wallet. You can get eletrum-litecoin 16:05:15 jollyboy: 16:13:30 "seems clear to me, maybe my..." <- LOL looks perfect to me 16:13:44 Maybe monerobulls head is wired badly 16:17:16 if you have a bad day, just look around at bitcoin block explorer and you may stumble upon a $0.15 transaction with around $10 fees 16:37:10 looking at a bitcoin block explorer always cheers me up 16:43:30 > Open txStreet BTC... (full message at ) 17:01:55 lmao 18:08:18 Be honest here guys: how good is monero as a mini savings account? 18:10:38 perfect 18:11:00 satoshi can never touch his collectible rocks without alerting the entire workd 18:11:06 honestly? 18:11:12 yes 18:11:15 in terms of price performance 18:11:16 why 18:11:27 its outperformed btc over 8byears 18:11:36 so there goes btc arguement 18:12:06 it outperformed everything in 2022 18:12:40 but its not about price 18:12:41 its about adoption 18:13:08 why save monero? because we wont stop until someone stops us. were not btc 18:13:39 you cant kill off the security layer with a few nfts (not for long anyway) 18:14:02 ofrnxmr[m]: how about in comparison to a regular savings account? 18:14:35 idunno, ask svb 18:14:55 ofrnxmr[m]: that fizzled into nothingness I hear 18:15:13 send me 10xmr and ill revive her 18:15:43 and clog blockchain with only 2160tx throughput of tx /day 18:16:13 It does not clog it by say, it's per bitcoin design, just pay more fee and it's going to go thru 😂 18:16:19 in other words, dont be a sucker 18:16:30 RavFX[m]: txextra breaks the txpool 18:16:40 def does clog and doesnt clear 18:16:49 blocks dont grow 18:16:55 adding high fee tx, blocks shrink 18:17:05 🥳 18:17:33 arb data storage is seemingly weighed differentky thsn real tx 18:17:33 Just use XMR, it work 18:17:51 if you send consonidations and i send nfts, my nfs confirm first at lower fees 18:18:10 was a rather strange experience 18:19:40 So they have to cancel Taproot :D 18:19:40 Or deal with it 18:20:18 they have to deal with it 18:20:20 In any case they will have to hard fork to fix it right? 18:20:22 it was a soft fork 18:20:27 soft forks are like non-consentual sex to these maxis 18:20:34 to the rest of the world, its known as rape 18:21:55 if i want to exploit btc, btc response it "my asshole was made for this, i guessm 18:21:56 " 18:22:34 its rather pathetic to see so many regular folks brainwashed 18:22:52 like. bro. your fucking current money doesnt do this shit 18:23:38 its completely unreasonable and unacceptable for the "only real crypto" to be 15 years old and unusable 18:23:56 I think BTC miners could undo the soft fork by mining/allowing blocks that do not conform to the soft fork rules. 18:24:11 but why woukd they 18:24:36 its likely miners who cooperated to make brc 20 so they could recoup their tx fees and also force everyone else to pay more 18:25:03 If miners though the soft fork was a threat to their long term revenue/profit 18:25:27 otherwise miners are getting al\ (f this extra money. 18:25:27 its either for profit or for profit. i dont see why miners would abandon 2.5btc in fees 18:26:31 If the purchasing power of 2.5btc falls because of the soft fork. The effect is really hard to forecast, anyway 18:27:12 only 1% of btc has to leave to double xmr price :D. they wont even notice :P 18:27:51 but yeah, fork or not, it doesnt solve the fundamental security budget problem 18:28:08 they fork and get back to 7c per tx 18:30:04 The miners want more money so they want to keep small block and will allow exploit like brc20 of course 18:30:28 btc's tokenomics are simply bad imo. 18:30:28 feels like btc is a failed experiment. saving btc = chsnging it. changing it = admitting btc failed 18:30:28 btc is more about never admitting to being wrong, and dying on that hill, than it cares about any of the things its supposed to function as 18:32:09 its a nice little network POC, but ckearly no intent to ever move to a 1.0 18:33:11 bidding to kick tx out of the pool, when you have max 7tps, is broken 18:54:41 I am considering saving a little in XMR 18:56:40 but in comparison to regular savings account I feel it is a little more stable, how stable would my XMR savings be over a while bc while it is stable for a crypto it is still somewhat volatile 19:03:33 XMR is known to "crab" which means to ho sideways on the chart. This is partially because we actively discourage hype based marketing, and partially because usage stabilizes price. 19:03:33 Still all crypto is more volatile that a bank account, and there is some risk that you loose money (lost key, some scam, etc). That's why I'd recommend to not invest more that you can loose. 19:03:33 One nice part of Monero compared to other investments (stocks, bonds, gold) is that you can spend it without selling it first. And because its private, nobody can really stop you if you want to buy something with it. For me, it makes it really attractive as an emergency fund 19:12:36 "I am considering saving a little..." <- i would advise a good mix of eth btc xmr 19:12:36 xmr is the thing you gotta rely on to survive though when shit hits the fan 19:12:36 always carry around a synced node. invest in that ssd. it pays off 19:21:01 "I am considering saving a little..." <- Just do it. 19:21:58 > <@toralien:monero.social> i would advise a good mix of eth btc xmr 19:21:58 > xmr is the thing you gotta rely on to survive though when shit hits the fan 19:21:58 > always carry around a synced node. invest in that ssd. it pays off 19:21:58 there any good place to get cheap external storage like USBs and SSDs? 19:22:05 Diversification becomes more important the larger the total invested sum is. But because all cryptos move similar in price, I'd advocate for non-crypto diversification 19:22:24 susman1[m]: online marketplaces like amazon, you could try using anonshop for ordering with xmr if you're in the US! 19:22:51 toralien[m]: not america 19:23:13 susman1[m]: 1TB M.2 costs about 40€ on sale; a USB to M.2 adapter about 20-30€ 19:23:24 ceetee[m]: i was advocating for his crypto slice of money since there is also a diff in the future expected mobility and security of the assets 19:23:37 ceetee[m]: but where 19:24:45 > <@ctrej:matrix.org> XMR is known to "crab" which means to ho sideways on the chart. This is partially because we actively discourage hype based marketing, and partially because usage stabilizes price.... (full message at ) 19:25:25 Then monero is a great choice 👍 19:25:44 Driving and buying 19:34:55 "but where" <- 1TB SSD fot 50€ (for a 40€ deal you need a bit of patience) https://www.ebay.ie/itm/284976078274 19:34:55 I can recommend this case, small and tool-less installation: https://www.amazon.com//dp/B0765D6NJV/ 19:34:55 Similar one in stock: https://www.amazon.com//dp/B08G14NBCS/ 19:35:28 * 1TB SSD fot 50€ (for a 40€ deal you need a bit of patience) https://www.ebay.ie/itm/284976078274 19:35:29 I can recommend this case, small and tool-less installation: wrong link 19:35:29 Similar one in stock: https://www.amazon.com//dp/B08G14NBCS/ 19:35:32 > <@ctrej:matrix.org> 1TB SSD fot 50€ (for a 40€ deal you need a bit of patience) https://www.ebay.ie/itm/284976078274 19:35:32 > I can recommend this case, small and tool-less installation: wrong link 19:35:32 > Similar one in stock: https://www.amazon.com//dp/B08G14NBCS/ 19:35:32 yeah but idk about the privacy of these sites tho... 19:37:01 * 1TB SSD fot 50€ (for a 40€ deal you need a bit of patience) https://www.ebay.ie/itm/284976078274 19:37:01 I can recommend this case, small and tool-less installation: https://www.amazon.com//dp/B08RVC6F9Y/ (edit: correct link now) 19:37:01 Similar one in stock: https://www.amazon.com//dp/B08G14NBCS/ 19:38:32 Its generic computer parts, not really a huge privacy risk. There is shopinbit.com for EU customers, but a bit more pricey 19:40:13 Just checked, all their SSDs are sata only 19:41:13 "> <@ctrej:matrix.org> 1TB SSD..." <- ordering SSDs is the most regular thing ever? 19:41:33 toralien[m]: wb USBs 19:41:46 I mean ill prob go online 19:42:09 but just in case what kind of local place would have them 19:42:31 i watched a GIRL come into a story recently and be like 19:42:31 you got SSDs? ok i want like 4 x 1TB thanks 19:43:08 susman1[m]: sir usbs are like buying toothpaste 19:43:48 > <@toralien:monero.social> i watched a GIRL come into a story recently and be like 19:43:48 > you got SSDs? ok i want like 4 x 1TB thanks 19:43:48 ? 19:44:03 susman1[m]: local tech shop? 19:46:02 toralien[m]: ok sir 19:46:25 > <@toralien:monero.social> i watched a GIRL come into a story recently and be like 19:46:25 > you got SSDs? ok i want like 4 x 1TB thanks 19:46:25 i dont understand 19:47:42 susman1[m]: to explain that it is normal 19:50:55 Not only sweaty nerds with unkept beards buy SSDs these days 😄 19:58:59 Fake news you saw a girl and spoke to her 20:00:09 I'd talk to a girl buying ssds 20:00:59 She up to something good 20:13:32 ight bro 20:15:06 Sus 20:22:58 No u 20:24:15 I don't want to swap btc with kyc info...that's like giving someone else your kyc record, right 20:24:25 ? 20:25:18 Tucador or whatever is like a blackhole 20:52:54 "Tucador or whatever is like a..." <- no trocador uses cexes i don't know how internals look but i would suppose i can be traced. use xmr and it can't 20:57:56 >use xmr 20:57:56 But swapping to xmr from btc means my kycd btc is at the mercy of the cex? 21:27:06 Do xmr homies still advocate hodling btc? I don't understand what purpose btc serves anymore but it seems to still outperform xmr. I'm on a quest to see what strategies/guidelines/advice are most recommended for investing in these coins as a means of escaping usd's rampant inflation. Is mining worth the electric usd necessary? I kinda want to do it just to learn honestly 21:31:52 unless you have cheap elec there is no profit to be made 21:32:29 I also use the heat produced so I will probably stop sometime this month 21:32:53 as far as investing.........shrug 21:34:53 i haz no bitscorn 21:39:05 .invest 21:48:38 bitcoin is a great_investment 22:13:13 does someone invest in other things than crypto/monero and still trust in the legacy system? i want to liquidate my positions but still attached to some 22:48:40 There's rare rocks 22:48:42 Ticker Au and Ag 23:06:25 Monero 23:20:28 "Do xmr homies still advocate..." <- I'm sure you've seen the top 10 coins by market cap. It's clear that the market cap has little to do with actual utility. The market mature enough to be in a state where utility is what is valued most. 23:20:41 * The market isn't mature enough 23:55:36 "Do xmr homies still advocate..." <- cryptocurrency is not for "investing". especially monero. it's for making you freer. the "investor" mentality will most of the time ruin you, and all of the time leave the world worse off. as for holding BTC and other top 10 coins, ask yourself how much you want to contribute to global financial surveillance, scams, CBDC, vaporware, vulnerable protocols and centralized exchanges. that will 23:55:36 answer your question.