00:00:27 > Hello! Welcome to NOWPayments support. If I understand you correctly, our merchants can accept payments in crypto and withdraw payouts in fiat starting from just €15 (SEPA) via our provider Switchere.... (full message at ) 00:09:07 exchanging 100 EUR worth of BTC to EUR has 20 EUR fee 00:09:09 ehw 00:09:52 oh that's for buying 00:09:58 selling BTC for EUR is 96.96 EUR 00:09:59 oke 00:13:03 Yeah i wouldn’t be using btc now. 00:13:22 also yes 00:13:31 but is there an alternative to switchere that accepts XMR 00:19:22 like a thing that can be automated to exchange crypto to FIAT from the shop 00:19:59 Siren: Stnby: 00:20:36 the idea is so that the website owner could just set that they want e.g. 300 EUR in crypto and everything else to be exchanged in FIAT 00:20:49 before they evolve as a human to go full crypto~ 04:42:09 "before they evolve as a human to..." <- NowPayments is one of the solutions. We used it to implement the plugin for pretix for MoneroKon. Another possible solution would be coinpayments.net which also does support XMR and works in a similar way as the previous one. If you want custom plugin/integration or support you can reach us out 😉 08:58:46 is this bullshit? 08:58:46 1% of monero address control almost half of 50% of xmr supply 09:02:02 will monero inflation fixed this? 09:04:21 yeah sure, you can check here: https://localmonero.co/blocks/richlist 09:06:48 jesus chatgpt giving wrong information 09:07:18 you don't say 😑 09:10:12 is MimbleWimble private or no? 09:10:12 MimbleWimble as layer 2 option for xmr cause there is no way the mainnet is used for reward transaction 09:15:37 MimbleWimble is not private against active observers with many nodes. Monero doesn't even use MimbleWimble. 09:23:34 "MimbleWimble is not private..." <- how will xmr implement layer 2? 09:24:51 First you gotta ask: does it even need a layer 2? 09:25:16 And second, there are already some papers out about L2 payment channels for Monero 09:25:51 merope: yes it would be cool xmr be used as a reward for decentralized system 09:26:12 Wat 09:30:01 merope: decentralized storage , providers will be rewarded with xmr instead of other tokens 09:30:01 decentralized vpn , providers will be rewarded with xmr instead of other tokens 09:30:01 advertisements paid in xmr instead of other tokens 09:30:01 having a layer 2 is make sense for this kind of transaction or it will be a huge bloat for the mainnet 09:30:41 You don't need a L2 for any of that 09:32:05 merope: a sidechain maybe works too? 09:32:17 R/eth 09:32:21 You don't need that either 09:32:32 I think you need to learn a bit more about Monero's features, purpose, and the principles behind them 09:32:42 As well as the general crypto terminology 09:32:46 Storafe? R/ipfs 09:32:52 And PLEASE do NOT use chatgpt 09:32:54 Vpn r/eth 09:32:59 Ads r/eth 09:33:12 Keep that trash off my storage 09:33:15 It's not an accurate source of information, it's just a text generator 09:33:55 Tldr? 09:34:43 DanIsnotthemanBr: Dude doesn't understand some crypto terminology and has been "learning" stuff from chatgpt, so they're trying to slap a L2 on anything 09:34:56 Oo 09:35:01 "lemme store ads on xmr" 09:35:02 or not 09:35:04 "decentralized storage , provider..." <- > <@mlcboss:matrix.org> decentralized storage , providers will be rewarded with xmr instead of other tokens... (full message at ) 09:35:39 Use tx_extra 09:35:50 have you guys heard about mordinals? I think they would be great to store ads 09:35:56 ofrnxmr[m]: > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> "lemme store ads on xmr" 09:35:56 > or not 09:35:56 I think they just meant using xmr to pay for it. Which is plenty feasible, but you don't need an entire L2 for it 09:36:08 It going to be the next big thing!! 09:36:56 Wen brave + cake parnership to do "private ads" 09:37:18 but no. Monero does not need to be a monopoly 09:37:53 Lemme reguster my car, manage my cats microchip, check my emsil, run chatgpt 09:37:57 Lol 09:37:58 No 09:38:34 merope: yeah i guess your right xmr doesn't need layer 2 similar to btc / eth 09:38:36 Imaging putting all eggs ON one basket 09:38:42 There is heaps that use xmr for payment 09:39:12 Xmr is money supply... using it to build on --- thats btc 09:39:20 LNxmr when¿ 09:39:27 Thats why btc and eth dont even know what they are anymore 09:39:38 Just gas to fuel the dapps 09:39:58 ofrnxmr[m]: DigitalgoldlasereyesfckLn 09:40:03 Pewpew 09:40:14 HFSB 09:40:38 Youre not SUPPOSED to spend btc #2023 09:40:49 Hold never sodl 09:41:05 * Hodl never sodl 09:41:14 Diamond hands. This is theHARDEST money (to use) 09:41:49 DanIsnotthemanBr: Use > hodl 09:41:59 If money doesn't flow, it's worthless 09:41:59 Eth is like.. if you want that junk, thats how you get eth 09:42:02 merope: Btc? Ya rite 09:42:07 xmr fees are way cheaper , eth was used for decentralized system before until they realized the fees is too ridiculous 09:42:07 https://forum.storj.io/t/super-high-gas-price/11051 09:42:32 No, Monero. We need applications that use xmr for payment 09:42:38 Money flow straight to miners at those rates 09:42:40 Eth is for monkey pics 09:42:44 Talk about a "tax" 09:42:57 mlcboss[m]: > <@mlcboss:matrix.org> xmr fees are way cheaper , eth was used for decentralized system before until they realized the fees is too ridiculous 09:42:57 > 09:42:57 > https://forum.storj.io/t/super-high-gas-price/11051 09:42:57 I wonder why the fees arent conduvtive to using eth as money 09:43:01 Which does not imply storing code or data on-chain 09:43:24 Oh yeah, its becayse eth use asmoney is not a priorit(i mention movie because the milestones were misleading - youre not paying for what was advertised - just like haveno's.) 09:43:48 Fkn copy paste 09:44:04 At least it wasnt my seed 09:44:47 Master plowsof is xmr sdk ready for big brains to look at? 09:44:48 * Oh yeah, its because eth n btc use as money is not a priority that tx fees are allowed to creep to enterpruse leveks 09:45:55 Xnr fees are cheap because there arent 500 shitscamthings using our blockchain 09:47:28 Xmrc-20 10:47:59 "Youre not SUPPOSED to spend btc..." <- that's the worst advice i ever saw.. #murderBTC 10:48:27 sears that thing 11:07:17 i've asked this before but how risky is it to have a very small monero saving acct? 11:07:47 bascially I am concerned with how volatile XMR is or isn't 11:36:00 Hi. My name is "chart" 11:36:00 xmr has been a as good or better SOV than btc since it was listed 11:36:52 Also. Again, this isnt r/eth/notmoney 11:37:18 Monero gets treated like money 11:37:28 If you arent holding some, just what are you doing? 11:37:42 "Xnr fees are cheap because there..." <- the fees will rise and become unsustainable no? 11:37:50 do you just stay broke 24/7 and only hold bananas? 11:37:58 Sell some bananas when you need usd? 11:38:07 No. You hold money 11:38:16 susman1[m]: No 11:38:21 thats r/btc 11:39:00 Monero fees ramp up from 0.5c > 2c when blocks need to grow 11:39:10 Aftrr they grow, fees come back down 11:39:35 This isnt "bid to kick people out of the mempool" 11:40:36 Or "pay to cut in line" 11:40:51 Capitalist mempool 11:41:19 Its "pay for another cashier to open a second til to more people" 11:41:49 "if the lines stay long, the second cashier will be a permant role and peopke dont need to pay extra anymore. Add a third too if necessary" 11:43:43 Dan (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Advocate): isn't crypto capitalist in nature? 11:43:53 No 11:43:59 Most crypto is just scammy 11:44:09 How many gpu mining software are foss? 11:44:31 Bunch joke projects and windows users getting taken for a dogwalk 11:45:31 btc isnt capitalist, its almostt like bank run rugrpull 11:45:33 well it is currency 11:45:41 Xmr is 11:45:49 Btc isnt 11:45:51 Lol 11:46:07 monero would be capitalist too tho as it is a currency 11:46:15 Btc folks cant even tell you what btc is aside from a dream 11:46:17 susman1[m]: No 11:46:22 Monero is freedom money 11:46:40 Its whatever you want it to be 11:46:41 it is libertarian 11:46:50 which is kinda needed for capitalism 11:47:28 monero aka money doesnt have politics. 11:47:28 its just a MOE 11:47:28 is a communist country wanted to use xmr, they could 11:47:39 If socialist wantd to, they can 11:48:01 Monero is just money. And can be used or controlled however someone wants 11:48:10 Example bbeing "btc in elsalvador" 11:48:21 susman1[m]: currencies have existed pong before the concept of capitalism and communism. dont mix up the details 11:48:26 Which is just what, custodial ln? strike? 11:48:29 * currencies have existed long before the concept of capitalism and communism. dont mix up the details 11:51:00 I think michael saylor doesn’t have control of his coins. I think its in custodial cold wallet 11:51:04 Maxis preaching "use custodial ln" = layers allow centralization of base layer assets 11:51:35 Base layer assets = the actual xmr, btc etc 11:52:08 Maxis also say dont spend your BTC, but rather use it as a collateral for a loan, which implies custodial wallet 11:52:24 Fix your e2ee k thanks bye 11:53:03 ofrnxmr: 11:53:19 its not mine 11:53:58 Says your client isnt sending the keys 11:54:18 High security 11:54:31 Use my view key 11:55:49 Im going to send a verification request 11:55:49 accept and hopefuly that works 11:56:11 Go offtopic 20:31:02 https://moneronodo.com/ 20:31:02 Samurai watch out 20:31:31 Also nodo means something else here 20:38:02 "https://moneronodo.com/..." <- > <@123bob123:matrix.org> https://moneronodo.com/ 20:38:02 > 20:38:03 > Samurai watch out 20:38:03 Your project? 20:53:02 "https://moneronodo.com/..." <- > <@123bob123:matrix.org> https://moneronodo.com/ 20:53:02 > 20:53:02 > Samurai watch out 20:53:02 Not tor browser friendly 22:02:06 "> <@123bob123:matrix.org> https:..." <- Neg 22:04:15 Saw in monerotopia room 22:12:58 Who is the guy in your pfp? He kinda weirds me out for some reason 22:15:05 bridgerton[m]: https://piped.kavin.rocks/watch?v=wIbb5KeGhGc 22:24:35 Its me