00:39:52 How do i buy like 5 dollars worth of monero 01:07:46 " How do i buy like..." <- Have you tried LocalMonero? CashApp should work well if you're in the US. 13:20:21 Hey there, how can I gracefully shutdown monerod when PC is shutting down, if its run from systemd? 13:22:20 "Example bbeing "btc in elsalvado..." <- Is the El Salvador experiment sustainable, and why has no country tried something similar with xmr? Don't want to get political, just curious 13:23:44 My guess is lack of awareness 13:23:57 Many people do not know Monero exists. 13:24:59 For example, in he high fee event, people flocked to using LTC, and not XMR. 13:25:24 side-trips[m]: I'm glad that no country tried to do what El Salvador did with BTC 13:25:43 k4r4b3y[m]1: ltc fake af vokume 13:25:51 El Salvador's "bitcoin" wallet is just custodial, centralized garbage 13:25:53 Tons of micropayments 13:29:32 k4r4b3y[m]1: I've always wondered why initial influences that pulled me into crypto thought so highly of ltc 13:30:14 xfedex[m]: I think the question should be "why has no COMMUNITY tried something similar with XMR?" 13:30:38 Cuz community is kill 13:30:51 Instead of wishing to government mandate for enforcing monero usage, we should see comminities on the meatspace trying to adopt XMR. 13:31:00 Example: Orania, South Africa. 13:31:17 k4r4b3y[m]1: Probably because it's not big enough yet 13:31:17 They already have created their own paper money, outside of the SA state. 13:31:32 Why didn't they pick XMR? 13:31:54 Cucks, obv 13:32:03 The world is a stage 13:32:40 Monero's active community is only a few thousands of people, and Bitcoin's real community (those who want it to be actually adopted) is just like 2-3x larger 13:33:05 butcoin active comm&nity doesnt use btc 13:33:27 They talk a lot and know nothing about what they talk about 13:33:43 Showing that they clearly have never used btc 13:33:56 xfedex[m]: For real? How'd you get to this conclusion? 13:34:12 Th recen push and acceptance for custodial or trusted solutions shows btc users never cared 13:34:25 side-trips[m]: Reddit etc 13:34:30 ofrnxmr[m]: The recent article praising the custodial btc adoption for the sake of front-running cbdc's is an example of this. 13:34:39 Theres far more normies in btc, thats for sure 13:34:47 Custodial bitcoin is not using bitcoin. 13:34:52 But "in" btc.. on coinbase 13:35:07 These days "btc users" disagree 13:35:14 Custodial is the ONLY path forward 13:35:18 lmao 13:35:24 k4r4b3y[m]1: Sauce: check Seth's twit. He has a thread dunking on it. 13:35:34 S*th 13:35:35 side-trips[m]: https://subredditstats.com/r/monero 13:35:35 https://subredditstats.com/r/bitcoin 13:35:36 Most people in Bitcoin never actually used it, they have it only for gambling 13:35:50 ofrnxmr[m]: This your opinion or you being sarcastic? 13:35:51 i did a very very very rough estimate 13:36:04 k4r4b3y[m]1: He's sarcastic 13:36:14 you don't know ofrnxmr i guess :) 13:36:22 xfedex[m]: I am new around here 13:37:20 Bros y'all are so right. I'm also new lurker and the xmr community scares tf outta me 13:37:37 "Hey there, how can I gracefully..." <- Btw ping me if someone answers this. So far I have been letting systemd shutdown monerod. But I don't know if it has been doing that "gracefully" or not. 13:38:04 afaik when you shut down the system, systemd services are terminated 13:38:06 not sure 13:38:23 Gotta be way to see in sysd logs right? 13:38:38 my blockchain had corrupted and i had to resync, it's kinda annoying 13:39:21 Resyncing was indeed annoying 13:39:46 But now keep 2 copies lol 13:40:38 And once a week run a cron job on a second monerod with --add-exclusive-node=activenode --data-dir=different/folder 13:41:01 what why 13:41:26 so if the active once corrupts, i have a copy less than a week old 13:42:02 Idk if i can copy the blockchain file while its in use so it from sync from myself 13:42:18 So i just sync it from myself* 15:48:02 Had no idea this existed and I love it 16:33:22 Hello friends 16:47:07 Welcome 16:47:38 There are a few different rooms here. For support, mining, workgroups, development, research 16:48:23 A lot of them are here https://matrix.to/#/#monerospace:monero.social 16:49:07 ^ this is the link to the "monero space". Which has most of the other rooms 17:06:29 [P2P7] INFO global src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.inl:1686 Synced 53760/2885976 (1%, 2832216 left) 17:06:29 If that ^ was printed to my log, why would get_info's height show 53760 and target_height not show 2885976. Sometimes it's showing 0 and I've also seen target_height be non-zero yet also below height's #. Why? 19:08:25 probably checked get_info before your peer mde outgoing connections 19:09:00 Targerlt shows 0 or stops counting aftrr fully synced or if you havent recieved the top height from peers 19:10:51 below height = node finished syncing 19:12:10 My code smthn like 'if .target_height -lt .height echo synced else .target_height - .height end' 19:12:37 * My code smthn like `if .target_height -lt .height echo synced else .target_height - .height end` 19:13:01 And only does the calc after having > 2 peers 21:39:26 You cant make this shit up... (full message at ) 22:43:11 * meow[m] uploaded an image: (76KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/m.wfr.moe/CsXiOAAzQHIXBrFPoiCHlpNK/IMG_20230516_064239.jpg > 23:14:50 If only i had a reddit acct 23:32:40 Yest 23:33:15 With my own transactions