00:39:07 https://localmonero.co/the-monero-standard/weekly/54 00:39:28 "Holy cow, cypherpunks been out..." <- This. 01:25:20 https://localmonero.co/knowledge -- I found the treasure trove at last 01:25:20 This should permahalt my question spam; thank you good folks for your patience tho! 01:41:04 "https://localmonero.co/knowledge..." <- > <@side-trips:matrix.org> https://localmonero.co/knowledge -- I found the treasure trove at last 01:41:04 > This should permahalt my question spam; thank you good folks for your patience tho! 01:41:04 I see I must take your place... 01:41:06 Hey guys 01:41:11 What's a Monero? 02:43:37 "What's a Monero?" <- monero means money, m8 05:26:47 so Cake wallet is generally thought to be spyware free because its open source? 05:42:56 jollyboy[m]: both Cake and Monerujo, for Android options, yeah 05:43:19 There's a thin wallet that escapes me that is also sometimes referenced as one of the good wallets. 05:43:40 I think Fluffy might be associated with that one. 06:21:22 "so Cake wallet is generally..." <- no, for other reasons 06:30:05 Being open is a factor. 07:04:38 audit-able code ^ 07:07:26 "jollyboy: both Cake and Monerujo..." <- linux 07:16:58 someone here told me Atomic uses firebase, which is spyware 07:17:24 Cake wouldnt use something like firebase, right? 07:17:31 give all your data to big tech? 08:27:39 "Cake wouldnt use something..." <- They did 08:27:43 Rip ty ofrn 08:28:03 "someone here told me Atomic uses..." <- Twas me 08:43:51 cake doesnt include any trackers or rely on any external connections... (full message at ) 08:44:47 * cake doesnt include any trackers or rely on any external connections... (full message at ) 08:45:10 * cake doesnt include any trackers or rely on any external connections... (full message at ) 08:46:21 "> <@k4r4b3y:karapara.net> Having..." <- You can say that. But there are such initiatives on Bitcoin's part. There are small btc communities IRL in Africa, South America, SE Asia, etc. 08:46:39 What matters is having such initiatives on the ground. 08:47:11 Showing the govt all others watching that there are some sizeable amount of people want this stuff (monero) 08:47:46 k4r4b3y[m]1: And NA 08:47:54 And if the govt decides to play the bully and crack down on them, then, that shows how despotic the "lovely govt" is out in the open. 08:48:11 That would open many eyes to the reality of the govt mafia. 08:48:15 That is valuable. 08:48:28 The govewho? never heard of em 08:56:19 ^plowsof 09:02:55 Ooooooooh. Thats right. 🙇‍♂️ 10:45:31 One more of my Monero themed fiction short stories: https://rbrunner7.github.io/ring_ct.html 16:20:54 "monero means money, m8" <- fomoed 6 figs recently 17:14:34 "fomoed 6 figs recently" <- My fig tree isn't bearing this year, so I can't fomo 21:31:55 opinion for best linux desktop client? 21:32:19 featherwallet.org 21:32:22 No contest. 21:32:34 thx Alex | LocalMonero | AgoraDesk 21:49:50 Rip monero gui 21:50:38 GUI looks fancy 21:50:49 And I'm used to it 21:51:25 CLI :) 21:51:34 I'd still use feather on tails 21:52:00 nioc: I don't want to handle money in a terminal 21:52:21 is it possible to move the cursor backwards in the cli (i make typos alot) 21:52:23 Ahha 21:52:28 🚀 21:52:34 backspace 21:52:48 b-but 21:52:59 :wq 21:53:21 Chatgpt how do I exit vim 21:53:38 Helping people who are still stuck in vim 21:54:01 I once followed some Linux tutorial 21:54:17 And got baited into entering a config file with vim 21:54:33 One year later 21:54:38 That wasn't fun 21:54:38 :wq 21:55:02 Probably why its a meme 22:00:25 :x crew 22:00:46 ctrl + z; kill -9 %1 is the way. 22:01:17 Close cmd, open new cmd 22:01:38 nano 22:01:57 I still don't know how to select stuff properly in nano 22:01:58 Ctrl x ,ctrl + o 22:02:21 When i have to redo something, i have to hold down delete till the file is empty 22:02:22 F6 = keyword search? 22:02:30 Oh lol 22:02:36 Yeah 22:03:18 I'll ask ChatGPT next time i need it 22:03:20 https://askubuntu.com/questions/501020/how-to-delete-selected-text-in-nano-editor 22:03:34 Gptplowsof 22:04:09 If you want to delete an entire file's content: "> filename" from the terminal window is great. 22:04:13 But it's only slightly dangerous. 22:04:15 * plowsofgpt 22:04:15 You can select and cut something other than the current line using Ctrl-^ to mark the start of the text, then advancing the cursor e.g. using Ctrl-F (forward one character) and/or Ctrl-Space (forward one word) and/or arrow keys, and then pressing Ctrl-K 22:04:21 What the fuck 22:04:50 I just rf file and nano new one 22:05:03 That is definitely faster 22:07:26 Did you work the nyms thing with cost? 22:08:45 s/work/workout/ 22:10:25 Lol no 22:10:42 I didn't bother to further investigate after realizing it's app based 22:13:48 "is it possible to move the..." <- yes 22:15:22 "Rip monero gui" <- I'm sorry but the official GUI should be feather. We get support tickets all the time about sync issues with the official GUI and cake, we always recommend using feather instead and it always fixes the issue. 22:16:30 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/13m7u2e/monero_mentioned_in_fireships_latest_video_huge/ 22:16:40 seraphis will r.i.p the monero gui 22:16:45 ^ nice to see Fireship giving Monero some love. 22:18:21 featherwallet/tobtoht seems to be preparing / removing things upstream to make things easier for all , thnx 22:19:37 Can you go forwards in cli? 22:21:45 "^ nice to see Fireship giving..." <- 2.14M subscribers - lists Monero / Square / Paypal as alternative payment providers, nice 22:22:13 "F6 = keyword search?" <- i need to stop being online my internet induced dyslexia made me read that as FBI 22:22:22 (cue reddit thread crediting this plug to them having watched the ccs animated video 1) 22:22:45 DanIsnotthemanBr: yes 22:23:29 toralien[m]: CLI=keyword search? 23:24:22 "I'm sorry but the official GUI..." <- Not a gui issue but local / remote node issue 23:25:23 And w cake, im assuming ios (cuz i dont use/dont know). Syncs reliably on android 23:26:03 the privacy principles applied to everything, while valid, also come with side effects such as being more difficult for users to troubleshoot. 23:26:19 Feather fixes issue cuz it uses plowsof TM node 23:26:22 feather does a great job at making it dummy proof yet still somewhat secure 23:26:48 s/somewhat/pretty/ 23:28:08 Gui users often have dormant local nodes(catch up sync), are running outdated versions, or are using malicious or just slow nodes 23:29:42 Feather uses like 10 high speed community nodes run by selsta, plowsof, majestic, s*th etc.