00:57:58 This might be stupid, but is there a way to send monero without internet? 01:01:10 Capybara[m]: > <@capybara:projectsegfau.lt> This might be stupid, but is there a way to send monero without internet? 01:01:10 > 01:01:10 exchange private keys , i have seen bitcoin giftcards 01:01:41 how 01:01:43 Capybara[m]: > <@capybara:projectsegfau.lt> This might be stupid, but is there a way to send monero without internet? 01:01:43 > 01:01:43 or use an xmr atm 01:01:46 ? 01:02:15 * how? 03:33:40 "how" <- the sender give you a printed private key which you can withdrew later on if you have internet 03:33:40 but you totally need to trust that person to not stole your xmr before you can withdrew it 03:33:40 it's the same scena 03:41:39 scenario as giftcards & cash 10:55:53 Does anyone know if Monerujo's Sidekick is functional? 10:58:48 Or any updates/news about it 11:23:49 I'm using the cli wallet and am looking to sync the daemon. To my recollection, rather than downloading the blockchain, there's an alternate way to connect which doesn't require storage? 11:47:57 it's at 1% sync. I don't have the space or network to download the other 99% of the blockchain. Surely there's a work-around? 12:07:17 You can use a remote node: https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/1401/how-do-i-connect-monero-wallet-cli-to-a-remote-node List here: https://monero.fail/ 12:20:49 nsaunders: You could use `--bootstrap-daemon-address`... (full message at ) 13:41:31 Buy google accounts, telegram accounts and ebooks at https://moneromarket.io/u/nicky1086/ 16:36:19 "Tor over vpn is good, but vpns..." <- VPN can help against ISP logging maybe... 16:42:30 ecstasy8[m]: Localmonero.co 16:42:30 cash->Monero 16:46:45 Cash > monero 16:48:27 "Localmonero.co..." <- > <@gfdshygti53:monero.social> Localmonero.co 16:48:27 > cash->Monero 16:48:27 Speaking of. How do you go about mailing the cash (in the USA)? Do you get a USPS priorty flat rate box/envelope and then hiding the cash in a magazine or newspaper or something? 16:48:53 I would imagine a basic envelope with a stamp wouldn't be safe/smart 16:50:20 No idea, Probably basic envelope with the cash in folded sheets. tracked. 16:50:20 In Localmonero, I can pay for buying Monero with cash at most convenient stores. Never used the "cash by mail option" 16:51:50 RavFX[m]: > <@gfdshygti53:monero.social> No idea, Probably basic envelope with the cash in folded sheets. tracked. 16:51:50 > 16:51:50 > In Localmonero, I can pay for buying Monero with cash at most convenient stores. Never used the "cash by mail option" 16:51:50 "most convenient stores" what option is this? 16:52:58 there might be a description for mailing cash on the LM site 16:53:17 the traders will usually have instructions as well 16:53:42 Tremor[m]: bank deposit 16:53:42 In most latin america you can deposit cash into people bank account from most convenient store 16:54:15 No porn asked, totally anon 16:54:37 RavFX[m]: > <@gfdshygti53:monero.social> bank deposit 16:54:37 > In most latin america you can deposit cash into people bank account from most convenient store 16:54:37 No info needed? Just walk up and say, "Hey, I have $xxx and I want to deposit into John Doe's account with account # 133769420 ?" 16:55:12 Tremor[m]: Yeah 16:55:12 deposit 10000 in 1234 1234 1234 1234 (card number) 16:55:33 Thats slick 17:01:13 Deposit? 17:01:54 Meeting a person is so inconvenient and unanonymous 17:03:03 Deposit kind of sucks 17:03:22 I hope there is a way to just mail on localmonero ... 17:13:45 You can mail on LM, but ive never done it 17:14:26 Not sure how to do it without trust. How hard to prove what was in the envelope if they dispute? I dont know 17:15:00 LocalMonero Official Group might have more answers 17:21:23 You just would progressively establish trust! I found a mail person on LM :) 17:22:14 lol and they linked a money manifesto at the bottom of their terms xD 17:23:29 "Localmonero.co..." <- > <@gfdshygti53:monero.social> Localmonero.co 17:23:29 > cash->Monero 17:23:29 thx 17:33:09 TrasherDK[m]: thx 17:33:32 anarkiocrypto[m]: thx 18:15:00 would anyone be interested in developing a flarum forum extension for Monero payments per user registry/posting ? https://discuss.flarum.org/d/32884-monero-payment-method-for-user-registrations 18:15:17 PHP devs wanted. 19:09:03 MoneroIntegrations would work (based on view keys) or Xmrchain API (based on TX keys). 19:09:03 MoneroIntegrations code is here: https://github.com/monero-integrations/monerowp/blob/master/include/class-monero-gateway.php and https://github.com/monero-integrations/monerowp/blob/master/include/class-monero-explorer-tools.php. It's designed for WooCommerce but you can copy the relevant payment validation code. 19:09:03 (For TX key validation, I wrote this: https://codeberg.org/anarkio/vendo/src/branch/main/src/func/monero_api.php but my code is messy. You only really need this: https://xmrchain.net/api/outputs?txhash=TXID_HERE&address=ADDRESS_HERE&viewkey=TX_KEY_HERE&txprove=1) 19:10:44 thanks anarkio, I will check them out. 20:28:14 I ran monero-wallet-cli --daemon-address node.moneroworld.com:18089 and now it's saying Height 77337 / 2890240 about how much data is that? I have a slow connection and not much hd space. 20:32:48 nsaunders: not much data on your disk, but it will take a while to sync up. several hours in the least 20:38:39 Is the the mailing list kill? I keep getting server error when I try to sub. 20:41:40 lza_menace: thx. and is that like a one-time thing? Can I connect my daemon to that remote node somehow? 20:42:20 Height 130365 / 2890249 21:46:46 https://monero.observer/foundation-devices-engineer-proposes-bounties-passport-hardware-wallet-monero/ 21:46:46 Anyone that has passport looked at this? 22:21:32 Am I right to assume running two moneronodo machines = more stability therefore more anonymity? Or am I in the wrong ballpark altogether? 22:29:20 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/388 22:29:42 anyone interested in support monero's android ecosystem - drop a comment here in support of this CCS 22:30:42 how would connect the daemon so that it's using a remote node? 22:44:05 side-trips: I don't see the logic. Probably it's worse: "Oh this IP address has two nodes running. Only side-trips does that, so we know it's them." 22:45:08 You don't need a full node just for a wallet? 22:46:17 saunders: No. You don't _need_ it. For better privacy and security, it's better to run your own node. 22:46:54 🙏 22:51:58 "side-trips: I don't see the..." <- this is what I was afraid of actually, thank you for confirming 22:58:17 You can do this locally 22:58:21 I do. 23:07:32 A bunch of reasons. But hosting multiple on the same network doesnt make much sense. 23:07:53 * the same public network doesnt 23:08:40 nsaunders: you will always have to sync up to get wallet balances and be able to publish/broadcast txes. but the next time you run the wallet it will continue where it last was 23:14:41 thx lza_menace 23:21:27 Youre mixing up wallet and daemon 23:22:05 pls explain 23:22:33 I would like the daemon to automatically pull from a remote node. That's not possible? 23:23:04 ofrnxmr[m]: but I certainly don't require a full node 23:23:27 Daemon = node 23:23:27 node = sync, validate and share the blockchain 23:23:28 blockchain = storage of all tx 23:24:02 This - the daemon/node, is a "server" 23:24:37 when a wallet uses a remote node, what's being stored locally? 23:25:30 only the wallets inputs 23:26:23 A node does not know what tx belong to you, so you receive the entire block, and the wallet looks thriugh the block for transactions that belong to you. 23:26:23 What isnt yours, is discarded 23:27:17 Syncing a wallet with a remode daemon can USE a lot of traffic, but will not store vero much at all 23:27:31 very* much 23:50:56 oh noes. tryin to sync with --fast-sync 0 and Height: 1242187/1242187 23:51:11 lets see if the daemon can fix itself 23:56:16 "You can do this locally" <- same, run vpn connect to node with stack or cake with tls connect wut wut!