01:28:27 ofrnxmr[m]: thanks for explaining that. 01:34:06 DanIsnotthemanBr: what is stack? 01:42:54 stack wallet is a mobile wallet 02:02:28 Should a qr code start with monero or just be the address? Like monero:123 or just 123 02:07:35 Should start with monero: 02:08:01 guesstimate ^ 02:08:01 checking 02:32:57 Thx 03:03:26 i got distracted 03:03:26 yes, should use monero: 03:34:49 Height: 1386407/1386407 (100.0%) on mainnet, not mining, net hash 218.11 MH/s, <<, so it got un-blackholed and then blackholed again? 03:37:19 err no. it just always thinks its 100%. Height: 1387087/1387087 (100.0%) on mainnet, 04:00:32 I thought monero.com or getmonero.org provided some way to buy monero 04:01:04 binance also supposedly provided it, but today, after looking at each 3 of these, none of them provide a way to buy monero any more ? 04:01:38 on binance I get a weird server error, it prevents you from buying, and monero websites no longer mention anything about buying XMR 04:02:25 it seems elites of this world also want you to breathe less than 15 times a minute, you need to hold your breathe starting from 2024 04:07:34 oh wait monero com still works ok nice 04:28:25 binance canada won't support monero going forward, I understand? 04:34:29 oh, they're withdrawing from Canada entirely. Thanks, Trudeau. 04:40:37 similar stuff here in australia with transfers, not just monero 04:48:10 Vyrus: at odds with how I think of Australians. anyhow. as it becomes more and more the forbidden fruit hopefully this will drive up demand. buy low and sell high (business secret Trump learned from his father.) 05:05:22 what's a reasonable crypto to buy with a cc to then send to something like cake wallet? Bitcoin has high transaction fees. 05:08:03 litecoin I suppose 06:42:50 "what's a reasonable crypto to..." <- Bitcoin is fine only a few cents 06:42:50 it depends how much you are sending.. 06:42:50 if you want to send 1-2$ better off using litecoin 07:08:56 mlcboss[m]: oh, what about $500? or $5,000? Curious about the threshold. 07:10:10 pardon, just now seeing your comment that bitcoin is only a few cents. Interesting. So, almost the same amount of bitcoin sent is what's converted? 07:10:43 nsaunders: you probably gonna pay more on CC fees compared to BTC fees at that point 07:13:25 okay. I'm not seeing anything on cake wallet specifically about their fees for converting BTC to XMR. Presumably they take a percentage, like any other currency conversion? 07:14:56 nsaunders: i don't think cake wallet take any fees for that 07:14:56 it depends on swap provider you use 07:15:28 cake wallet will not take your crypto during swaps 07:18:34 okay, thanks. I'm looking at monero.com and didn't realize how many different crypto's they take. 07:19:23 what do you mean that cake wallet won't take my crypto during swaps? I thought that's what a swap was. Or, do you mean peer to peer type swap? 08:56:04 hi 08:56:28 i have a question about the full blockchain 08:56:45 can i prune an already full blockchain? 09:04:57 yes* https://github.com/monero-project/monero/commit/b750fb27b0f20e9443827732b69a504a76036430 09:09:05 thanks! 09:11:34 I've got a problem with the pruning utility, it won't start 09:11:51 I'm not sure whats going on but when I open it, it just crashes 09:12:42 is your hard drive currently full? 09:19:03 well, it can't hold another more than 60gb 09:29:57 delete the blockchain and start from scratch , save yourself the headache 09:30:57 the prune tool will take the existing block chain, and start building a pruned version on the same hard drive (taking up more space in the process) 09:35:50 oh ok 09:35:51 got it 10:46:43 privacy sometimes seems hopeless with orgs such as bellingcat out there 10:46:57 probably can track monero lol 10:48:35 susman1[m]: Nice fud 10:48:54 do you know who bellingcat are? 10:49:48 Do you know how RingCT works? 10:56:29 sort of it is a technique that uses ring signatures 10:56:51 but as they always say when they want you they will get you 11:06:27 Mossad will do mossad things but that doesn't necessarily mean they will do mossad things to you. 11:20:59 "i don't think cake wallet take..." <- > <@mlcboss:matrix.org> i don't think cake wallet take any fees for that 11:20:59 > it depends on swap provider you use 11:20:59 Lololol. think harder 11:21:53 Swapping for free 11:22:48 "oh ok" <- Did u already delete? 11:22:49 if not, how big is old file? 11:22:49 how much free space? 11:23:22 I havent checked in while but was definitely rougher than i can afford 11:24:13 Omg mossad is here!!! 🏃‍♀️💨 11:30:42 "Mossad will do mossad things but..." <- which means it has its limits and its not truly freedom it just means you are not important 11:30:52 Master plowsof when do i need to order my seed signer hardware???¿ 11:34:52 lol we definitely need a timeline for completion on that CCS 11:42:57 I will start growing the parts now, in time for completion 11:45:16 "> <@mlcboss:matrix.org> i don'..." <- wait if this true , i might just want to use change now directly 11:45:16 without cake wallet 11:46:50 Dan (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Advocate): i have at least asked for a timeline for completion (last time i looked the parts where expensive) 11:46:55 Use trocador 11:48:20 DanIsnotthemanBr: isn't trocador just a proxy?? 11:48:31 Mit 11:48:50 Yeah hides you from them 11:49:58 plowsof11: https://btc-hardware-solutions.square.site/product/orange_pill_kit/6 11:49:58 Dont ban me!!!! 11:55:43 "wait if this true , i might just..." <- > <@mlcboss:matrix.org> wait if this true , i might just want to use change now directly 11:55:43 > without cake wallet 11:55:44 just use trocador directly 11:56:34 But dont trust me on the fee. Liable to change anytime 11:57:05 Trust,dont verify 16:17:52 I have 87% refresh with a remote node, 2525022 / 2890843, on the cli wallet. Yet when I check, my balance is zero. I don't recall exactly how much, but it I was expecting a positive number. Will the balance only display when sync completes? 16:19:15 oh, never mind! answered my own question. balance now shows. :) 16:20:29 Monero Ankara meetup 25th May - https://www.meetup.com/monero-turkiye/events/293674137/ 16:21:05 Monero Istanbul meetup 31st May - https://www.meetup.com/monero-turkiye/events/293566360/ 16:29:03 using the cli wallet. The address command will return an address I can give to a friend for them to send monero to, is that correct? And to make it a QR, just prepend monero: to the string? 16:32:08 The only two cryptos I know of that have decent cli wallets are monero and grin 16:32:46 And I'm just guessing about grin based on what I remember of the syntax when I checked it out a long time ago. I haven't really used grin, so maybe the cli sucks for actually using. 16:33:34 nsaunders: yeah that's about it 16:33:48 of course don't forget to encode it as QR code :P 16:40:55 thx guys 16:42:41 btw, zbarimg is a nice little utility for the inverse, rather than going to some online reader, to confirm. 16:43:31 I was freaking out a bit only because binance is pulling out of Canada 20:03:17 Hello, I'm a relatively green dev looking to add a simple Monero payment option on a small web app. Ideally the flow would be for an authenticated user to access the shop page, enter the amount of site currency they want to get, then a NodeJS server sends a payment address specific to that user that a NodeJS Monero listener can then add the currency to their account. 20:04:46 I'm currently still in the process of setting up my own node and trying to figure out how the monero-javascript npm package works. I'll try to ask more specific questions if possible 20:17:28 oops, my net dropped for a few mins there 20:17:35 if anyone said anything, I prolly missed it 20:23:11 Monero javascript is not official 20:23:12 KISS 20:23:12 use the official releases 20:24:49 Not much else to say about "how does an npm package work". Very much not specific enough to formulate an answer 22:45:08 do you really need a 100% isolated, airgapped computer to be safe? Suppose you rigged up an RS-232 serial line between the online and offline computer 22:45:30 and rigged up monerod to forward block and txn info over this serial port when needed 22:45:57 with no actual network access, the isolated machine is still "offline" 22:46:24 and you can't hide any malicious traffic in the serial port traffic 23:09:32 I've typed refresh many times and have gotten the CLI wallet up to 80% sync'ed, but now it's just stalling. I'm using this command to launch the wallet: 23:09:52 alias wallet='monero-wallet-cli --daemon-address node.moneroworld.com:18089' 23:10:33 just expecting something today and want to be able to confirm the transaction 23:11:02 (It's a recovered wallet which shows the existing balance correctly.) 23:24:35 nsaunders: try a different node