00:08:56 selsta: thx 00:08:57 Error: refresh failed: unexpected error: proxy exception in refresh thread. Blocks received: 0 02:49:55 wrong version methinks 04:19:37 Hi I'm using cake wallet, and I'm connected to the cake wallet node and why it takes so long to sync? 04:20:39 And I'm still syncing  04:21:52 I have a good connection and I tried different nodes, still slow 05:35:01 "KISS..." <- > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> KISS 05:35:02 > use the official releases 05:35:02 So, what is the official release? 06:19:08 Monero-project/monero 06:20:33 Aha, npm i monero-project/monero, right? 06:22:09 Or do I need ti install node++ first? 06:26:54 Need wownero 07:12:56 Stop 09:39:38 https://blog.keyst.one/on-open-source-and-transparency-ba37fa1c1e8c 09:39:50 What do you folks think of this? 11:12:31 Wasted another day on monero-javascript 🤬 11:12:37 * TrasherDK[m] uploaded an image: (10KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/monero.social/ObYoMBHKybCtYRQXgccjwFau/image.png > 11:18:15 * https://blog.keyst.one/on-open-source-and-transparency-ba37fa1c1e8c 11:18:15 What do you folks think of this? 12:10:23 Cors enabled? 12:12:55 Browsers suck at internet stuff. 12:13:53 Yest 12:14:06 CORS 12:14:26 Should give you a reason 12:14:42 Enabling TLS on the daemon enabled the next error to surface. 12:15:30 The CORS error is just a generic error message, meaning I didn't get a response. 12:17:06 The javascript is and the browser translates thet into for some reason. 12:17:21 *https 12:20:05 Https always on in browser? 12:22:45 The webserver is running on http://localhost:9100 but monerod is on a remote IP. So no matter what, I get mixed protocol. 12:24:19 So node is http or https? 12:25:15 Which proxy/webserver? 12:25:25 Well, I enabled autodetect and the self-signed certs. 12:25:58 Your node? With self signed? 12:26:40 Maybe the browser doesnt trust the cert. 12:30:55 The certs are generated by `monerod`... (full message at ) 12:31:42 The current hurdle is in monero-javascript 13:46:00 I have a feeling, webpack is fucking shit up, or I just don't understand webpack. 13:58:54 #monero-community-dev:monero.social woodser usually assists there TrasherDK (if this is a monero-js issue?) 14:57:55 What are the best blogs/substacks/medium accounts about privacy or security or open source importance 15:03:34 Sethforprivacydotcom? 15:08:30 Security is a tough one... Everything turns into a scam usually lol 15:35:31 What is the best way to help the network with an old computer? 15:37:40 I did try to run a node, but on an HDD it takes forever to sync 15:41:17 once it syncs it should be able to keep up without problem 15:42:11 "What are the best blogs/..." <- TrasherDK:... (full message at ) 15:43:30 running a node to help the network means you will keep it on 24/7 so just turn it on and let it sync for a week or so 15:44:26 not sure how long it takes to sync a HDD nowadays, my SSD took 10hrs 15:45:02 How old is old? I was looking at >1month on hdd 15:45:03 Tremor[m]: https://watchmanprivacy.com/ 15:45:21 nioc: Thanks for the suggestion. I will just let it sync 24/7  15:45:22 Processor model is __ 15:45:32 an old raspberry pi model B 15:45:58 "Sethforprivacydotcom?..." <- no, dont take privacy/security tips from a naive influencer type 15:46:18 ofrnxmr[m]: idk 15:46:21 seth doesnt understand adversarial thinking, just buzzwords 15:46:21 Tremor[m]: https://support.mysudo.com/hc/en-us/articles/12421357652251-Privacy-Files-Podcast-Check-it-out- 15:46:37 its really dusty 15:46:40 "Sethforprivacydotcom?..." <- Ahhh, you named a very unpopular blog 15:46:44 Bring solutions, not problems 15:47:30 ofrnxmr[m]: I have to check that 15:47:34 r4v3r23[m]: Care to elaborate. I'm interested! Not to bash you or Seth. Just wanna hear an example. 15:47:46 * if you bring problems, bring solutions* 15:48:03 duck you seem new? when did you find out about this Monero thing? you want to support the network already if recent? thats nice 15:48:24 I think ive seen duck around for a few months 15:48:31 he just jumps on bandwagons for whatever will get him more likes. he doesnt know what its like to need serious privacy, he. just parrots information 15:48:47 s/.// 15:49:07 did i just get rick rolled by "idk its dusty" 15:49:12 plowsof11: 🤎 15:49:40 I still have a lot to learn 15:50:24 plowsof11: Im not at the farm now 15:50:29 I recently de-dusted my comps 15:51:15 but yeah an old comp with a weak non-AES processor can take a very long time to sync 15:51:23 Tremor[m]: He is unpopular in the Monero community because in practice he got hired by a Bitcoin-centric company, and left Monero for Bitcoin, starting to promote the company's privacy tools - which are less private than Monero, slower, and more expensive 15:52:17 monero maximalists :D 15:52:42 there is no second best 15:53:05 r4v3r23[m]: Do you know of someone better to follow? I think any information helps, even though Seth may have flaws, he still gives good insight and knowledge. Just leave it to the user to interpret. 15:53:20 nah, monero is the second best 15:53:32 it will never reach wownero's levels :) 15:53:55 xfedex[m]: Not funny 15:53:57 xfedex[m]: Seth gave an "explanation" to why. But it does seem like he's following the money. 15:54:45 He will come back to Monero at some point 15:54:56 he hasn't left 15:54:59 "promote the companies privacy tools" 15:55:00 Proceeds to have work done on a monero hw wallet 15:55:05 Ty nioc 15:55:37 He's right in saying that the majority is on bitcoin, and eventually ppl will look to alternatives like monero, but he wanted to make bitcoin better as thats where most people start. 15:55:59 Make btc better? 15:56:10 a Trojan horse 15:56:19 He went and sold enough nonsense to maxis to add monero to the passport wallet 15:57:06 ofrnxmr[m]: Sorry, not better. Make privacy tools for bitcoin some how. 15:57:07 "fuck seths wallet" 15:57:07 okie. Go use yur ledger 15:57:36 Tremor[m]: By adding monero support 15:57:51 I've followed ofrn 15:57:57 And made a tails offline wallet 15:58:02 Fuck ledger 15:58:26 monerobull[m]: In persistent storage? Or how does that work in tails? 15:58:35 Yeah 15:59:10 What company does he work for: foundation 15:59:11 what does foundation do: build a hw wallet 15:59:11 what has happens since seths arrival: hes sold wallets to maxis and then worked to add monero support 15:59:27 180€ for 2 mini office PCs > ~250€ for a passport that doesn't even have Monero support yet 16:00:34 I don't love the inter ME bs but only the feds would know how to use that to steal my coins and i don't think I'm that important 16:00:42 s/inter/intel/ 16:01:02 monerobull[m]: Yet... 16:01:03 90 euro dollars for a mini office PC? 16:01:54 Lol, better the feds having to come and take my PC than just ask ledger for my keys 😂 16:02:23 yeah 16:03:14 Does tails cripple ME? 16:03:18 It for sure disables something during boot but it's booting so fast i couldn't read it 16:03:56 monerobull[m]: Isnt it basically a micro computer? So if it's on it could read all CPU actions and "steal" info? 16:04:34 It's built in as part of your CPU yeah 16:05:04 I think it could be used to extract cryptographic keys and store them where the bios is saved 16:05:12 monerobull[m]: Afaik no 16:05:24 you need to install a different BIOS 16:05:27 not sure tho 16:05:53 your best bet is to use an old computer 16:05:59 15 years old should be enough 16:06:14 I'll just take it as a fact that my seed will only stay safe as long as I have control over the machine an never plug in any sort of networking or storage 16:06:59 Also never use the tails USB on anything but that specific machine 16:08:09 "What company does he work for..." <- > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> What company does he work for: foundation 16:08:09 > what does foundation do: build a hw wallet 16:08:09 > what has happens since seths arrival: hes sold wallets to maxis and then worked to add monero support 16:08:09 he hasnt done shit to add monero support 16:08:12 Fun fact, some gaming mice have some storage on them to transfer game configs so watch out you don't use those on your air gapped machines 😅 16:09:10 anyone here know jetpack compose? 16:22:26 "I don't love the inter ME bs but..." <- Get a thinkpad x230 and coreboot that 16:22:31 Glowie-proof 16:23:24 "Does tails cripple ME?" <- It doesn't. You need to flash coreboot into your bios chip for that. 16:24:13 quit 16:28:48 Bridgerton 16:28:50 Ok 17:00:14 Test 17:01:15 monerobull[m]: yo 17:01:54 For some reason 17:02:07 Nah seems like it stopped working just now 17:03:42 Why does bridgerton still work but the server is 404 17:12:43 Huh. Back up 17:13:06 Why would my webserver restart after pulling a fan from the machine 17:24:52 Maybe you moved something and caused a crash/reboot? 17:26:38 The New York Times reviewer Bosley Crowther called Zero Hour! an "exciting contemplation of a frightening adventure in the skies" based on a "good terse script ... Dana Andrews as the hero and Sterling Hayden as the captain are first-rate in these roles, keeping them hard and unrelenting."[7] Time magazine, however, called the script a "bloopy inflation of a 1956 television show" and said its "moral struggle comes off fairly well, but th 17:26:38 e general situation is as patently contrived as one of Walter Mitty's daydreams."[8] 17:26:38 In 1971, the film was remade as a made-for-television movie, Terror in the Sky, a Movie of the Week special with Doug McClure in the Ted Stryker role (renamed George Spencer, as in the original).[9] Zero Hour! was also used as the basis for the parody film Airplane! (1980). Because Zero Hour! was owned at the time by Paramount Pictures, the makers of Airplane!, also a Paramount feature, were able to use the screenplay almost verbatim, in 17:26:38 cluding the hero again being named Ted Striker.[10] 17:26:50 sorry 17:32:55 Error: refresh failed: unexpected error: proxy exception in refresh thread. Blocks received: 0 17:33:41 anything I can do aside from just trying different proxy nodes? I'm expecting a transfer. 17:34:45 nsaunders: What software version are you using? 17:38:56 oh, an old one I think. If you're suggesting to update, then that might make sense. Oxygen, I think, is the version. 17:41:06 more of a Linux question, but apt says that monero is the latest version monero is already the newest version ( 17:41:14 nsaunders: Your wallet cannot work if you are using version 0.18, Flourine Fermi. Unless for some reason you want to see what is happening on the old "dead" chain that the August 2022 hard fork left behind 17:41:47 I meant it cannot work if you are not using 0.18 17:41:54 You must use 0.18 17:42:20 I understand. On Ubuntu, would you have a suggestion? A particular snap or flatpak wallet? 17:42:20 latest not available on apt nsaunder, gotta download latest binaries from getmonero.org or github.com/monero-project/monero/releases 17:42:32 lza_menace: thx 17:42:32 nsaunders* 17:42:57 plowsof: Need to reset the counter to 0. 17:54:34 They report their issues, seeking some aid, 17:54:34 But they're met with laughter, I'm afraid. 17:54:34 "What version?" they ask, trying not to smirk, 17:54:34 And the answer's 17.2, they go berserk. 17:56:12 nsaunders: the GUI is on flatpak https://flathub.org/apps/org.getmonero.Monero 17:57:38 :) 18:04:37 Well, maybe not berserk. More like disappointed and frustrated. Appreciate the help, though. Else I'm just dumbly trying to sync with understanding of why it's been failing. 18:13:16 run/user/1000/doc/abc123/foo.keys is opened by another wallet program. I've uninstalld the apt monero, as it's out of date, and am only using the GUI from flatpak. I can reboot again, but perhaps there's a daemon to stop or something? 18:18:48 you mention trying "proxy nodes" - so i assume you have no local monerod running 18:19:24 rebooting would be fine then if thats the easiest for you 18:29:08 nsaunders maybe your cli wallet still running in another tab or terminal window? 18:29:31 `ps aux | grep monero` maybe will show it? 18:42:01 nsaunders: btw, how did you stumble on v17? 18:49:20 the hell is a house horse 19:45:46 Sus 19:53:47 merope: outdated package in apt repos https://irc.cloud.lzahq.tech/uploads/b7f83b0f6b899859/image.png 19:55:49 oh, right 20:10:35 ugh. Height: 2194287/2194287 (100.0%) on mainnet, not mining, net hash 1.33 GH/s, v12 (next fork in 21.8 days) 20:11:04 do I have to intervene, or will the daemon realize its eclipsed? 20:11:11 its been on this height for hours now 20:12:51 I had to restart my node with some exclusives and pop off some blocks 20:13:07 Preferrably before they ban you 20:14:00 also deleted p2pstate.bin so id grab new peers from my exclusive peer 20:14:26 "Also never use the tails USB..." <- Well then. How do you get Tails onto the USB, when "never plug in any sort of networking or storage" ? 20:14:59 >After you create the wallet 20:15:22 Download tails, verify the download, put tails on USB 20:15:46 Download feather, disconnect internet 20:16:01 Only ever connect the tails USB to the offline pc 20:16:19 And never connect the tails USB to any other PC 20:18:44 TrasherDK[m]: It's only after you've generated the wallet that you have to be extremely careful 20:26:19 There is a guide on getmonero.org 20:26:30 For creating airgapped wallets 20:27:30 (ignore/dont click the link for moneroaddress.org though. Use moo's github link) 20:28:33 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/securely_purchase.html 21:26:19 merope: apt has v17, so it's the package that's out dated. 21:27:28 lza_menace: nah, I tried that. Oh, forgot to use ps. I eventually just entered my seed string into the GUI again for a different wallet. 21:28:13 when the GUI finishes its sync for this wallet, would it have to do that entire process again for each wallet? Using remote nodes with the GUI 21:33:37 Just do it bro 21:36:03 entire process like fail to restore? 21:36:03 depends if you rebooted or are just asking to ask 21:36:46 "(ignore/dont click the link..." <- why not use moneroaddress.org link? something wrong with that link? 21:36:50 I didn't reboot. Asking to understand, should I run into this sort of thing again. 21:39:14 oh... I followed the link and it led to mymonero LMAO 21:41:37 yeah, sus af 21:41:55 "how to create a paper wallet" > use view key service lmao 21:42:14 Used to link to mooo's paper wallet generator 21:42:21 have people audited or eyeballed moneromoo's generator 21:42:27 Yes 21:42:36 Resd it ffs loo 21:42:46 It says right on it and in the repo 21:42:56 ofrnxmr[m]: Yeah wtf happened lol. I remember that moneroaddress. org used to direct to Moo's program 21:43:14 Yea. The url was lost somehow 🤷‍♂️ 21:43:38 meaning moneromooo paper handed the url to fluffyponi? 21:43:50 No 21:44:01 Whoever was payinf might have just not paid 21:44:03 then how did moo lose control of that url 21:44:09 ahhh 21:44:15 Or hoster changed terms and wanted id now or something, who knows 21:44:19 and moo may not have even been the individual paying for it 21:44:39 it makes more sense to me now. thanks big brain ofrnxmr 21:45:24 But yeah, the github link is good and verifiable 21:47:03 I wish TAILS devs would integrate feather wallet or the GUI super easily. Would make TAILS even more overpowered as a plug and private OS 21:49:23 what do incoming connections versus outgoing connections mean for a monero node? 21:49:57 Also, I wonder when we will get more details surrounding the exploit from untrusted remote nodes 22:05:40 "what do incoming connections..." <- Poor connectivity 22:06:08 You either let people come to you and drop off blocks 22:06:10 I mean what does an incoming connection mean and what does an outgoing connection mean 22:06:24 Or you go around to the only houses with unlocked doors 22:06:42 The direction that the connection is initiated 22:07:24 Its like having signal 22:07:52 If you never tell anyone your phone number, you have to message them first 22:08:26 outgoing connections ^ 22:08:50 Incoming connections = everyone that has your phone number can contact you 22:08:59 isn't having incoming connections a good thing for bolstering the network? 22:09:12 Yes 22:09:18 Ports blocked? 22:09:21 Not having leads to mass centralizations on vps 22:09:54 I have a brazillion in incoming 22:09:58 Because most large nodes are on vps (seed nodes, mining pools, community trusted nodes etc) 22:10:41 If ONLY the aforementioned had incoming open, they would be a central "hub" for all blocks to pass through 22:10:57 2 outgoing-only nodes cant talk to one another 22:11:30 I see how that could be problematic. makes better sense now 22:11:53 best is if everyone had incoming open, even if limited 22:12:28 I usually limit to like 50 or 35 incoming 22:12:38 hey a node with no incoming is still better than no node at all. I have incoming open though. makes me feel like I'm uppercutting Jerome Powell haha 22:12:41 And 12 out 22:12:51 fr33_yourself[m]: sort of 22:12:53 why do you limit the incoming? 22:13:22 It puts load on the nodes that are handling the majority of the network traffic 22:13:31 fr33_yourself[m]: Because its my home network 22:13:49 My router isnt a super saiyan 22:14:06 so the only reason you limit incoming is to reduce bandwidth consumption so your other devices are usable and/or your ISP doesn't attempt to charge you more or cry like a big baby 22:14:42 No 22:14:44 If i have too many connections ill lose connectivity all together 22:15:18 Router probs 22:15:38 so your ISP is just kinda poo poo then? what does the router itself have to do with anything? 22:16:27 Isp combo modem/routrr to be exact 22:16:52 Should probably call it a modem in this context 22:17:37 Isp is good, they just give shitty hardware if dont have your own 22:18:05 that makes sense 22:18:23 And with 35 incoming connections, its plenty 22:20:12 In the future ill probably increase to like 300 22:21:17 I alao run i2p, tor, etc as well. I think my i2p is set to 200 connections 22:23:09 I want to know your opinion of i2p vs. tor, but lets move to offtopic 23:10:58 yeah ofrnxmr[m] , i know the workaround, but this is not great 23:12:19 i mean how does this happen? why doesn't the node check other peers in its whitelist? is the daemon so isolated now in the network that everything in its whitelist is also on this branch of the network / blockchain? 23:12:44 Happened to me, but at block 1m or so 23:12:59 1.3m* 23:13:40 i had a the mooooo.. line look like _mooooooooo when it would happen 23:13:57 (and yes there's plenty of SSD space this time :) ) 23:14:09 And the block download would continue to fill up ram, but id never get past that block 23:14:27 oh yeah. my moo: [moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 23:14:27 ooooooooooooo] 23:14:29 lulz 23:14:32 what does that mean again? 23:14:52 _ and > mean something bad 23:14:58 Mooooooooo means good 23:15:10 ofrnxmr[m]: One if these is "downloading" 23:16:39 "It's only after you've generated..." <- Hell nah, you have to be careful even before wallet generation. Last thing you want is some malware compromising your system's entropy source (or modifying/replacing the wallet software binaries and changing the code that handles wallet generation) 23:18:00 That's why you verify tails and feather before generating a wallet 23:33:24 what malware?