04:36:23 Hey, how many confirmations can a transaction get? 04:37:09 I got 10000 on an old transaction 😐️ 04:37:13 what 04:37:13 ? 04:40:49 and why? 04:40:54 dANBs: are you a bot? 04:41:12 s/bot/human/ 04:51:05 "and why?" <- anyone? 04:52:43 "Hey, how many confirmations..." <- > <@capybara:projectsegfau.lt> Hey, how many confirmations can a transaction get? 04:52:43 > 04:52:43 An infinite amount. The number is the amount of blocks committed to the chain since your transaction 14:41:20 "> <@capybara:projectsegfau.lt..." <- So every time a miner is confirming my transaction? 14:42:53 Every new block mined "confirms" your transaction, yes 14:42:54 after you get 1 transaction, every new block that is mined adds 1 more confirmation, to infinity 14:43:02 *1 confirmation 15:00:03 https://twitter.com/monerotopia/status/1662240528518324228?s=12 15:00:11 Join us guys 17:58:24 "> <@capybara:projectsegfau.lt..." <- false, it's infinity - blocknum of tx 17:58:34 s/false/more exactly/ 17:58:57 you can't say i'm wrong 18:22:14 Im wrong 18:22:21 i'm wrong 18:22:28 what do i win 18:22:55 ofrnxmr[m]: the satisfaction of personal integrity 18:23:37 "false, it's infinity - blocknum..." <- so why? 18:24:30 Why does a transaction need infinite amount of confirms? 18:24:46 nordbot3000[m]: But id be lying? Isnt that bad? 18:24:48 I don't get it 18:25:41 I just got here and wanted to play the game 18:25:47 ofrnxmr[m]: Just means that your meta-cognition isn't highly developed. 18:26:00 thats what she said 18:26:28 I dont use facebook 💢 18:43:48 "so why?" <- it doesn't need it, ceetee supposed you asked how many it can get theoretically. i think it depends on provider how many it needs 18:43:52 6-10? 18:44:15 "provider" i mean on the invoice 18:44:46 so two different xmr payments solutions could have a different num of confirmation blocks 18:45:08 idk if you can transfer after first mined block though. i guess we can do that? 18:50:31 10 blocks to transfer again 18:53:12 Merchant etc accepting less than 10 conf = they understand that they wont be able to spend those funds before 10 confirmations, x confirmations is all they require to confirm receipt of the funds 20:33:00 how do you spend your monero 20:34:23 susman1[m]: Never spend. Just hodl. Ngu. Wagmi. If you spend, it is a scam. 20:35:17 Well I actually would like to use the currency as a currency 20:35:27 susman1[m]: That's a scam. 20:35:39 susman1[m]: Cake, coincards and monerica are, I think most ethical. 20:36:26 Ugh.. Monero was not meant to be a payment layer. You see, it is a global settlement network layer that all the goldman sachs peopel will use. Let ne show you how to run a node on your 32-bit raspi now. 20:36:50 Mub african banking the umbanked 20:37:55 You can rent a server or buy a domain name with xmr. You can get a prepaid sim, get a vpn. There are nonprofits that accept monero. There are more ways, but I wrote from top of my head 20:39:05 k4r4b3y[m]1: it actually was 20:40:08 susman1[m]: Scam. Monero is the cyber hornets singng the hymn of the thermodynamic GODS.. 20:42:26 guess you could spend it on giftcards too 20:43:54 Can anyone vouch for privoxy? Their selection is odd lol 21:48:02 "it actually was" <- Next your going to tell me bitcoin was too? 21:53:04 "Next your going to tell me..." <- no ur meant to use monero lol 21:55:35 Hodl never sodl 22:53:10 "Hodl never sodl" <- buying 6 figures again tomorrow 22:53:31 i hate how keyboards have this => $ 22:53:39 but don't have ... the XMR logo