01:21:03 https://twitter.com/MajesticBank/status/1663716497380737024 01:55:09 "this kills the conversation 💀" <- Yes, please. Kill it already 😴 03:16:35 Pew pew 03:20:41 Pew pew? 04:54:41 * DanIsnotthemanBr uploaded an image: (99KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/muqBEzELWtsfoXSAOgQTYSZX/ima_e9721cb.jpeg > 10:03:00 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/13viqax/update_the_fucking_flatpak/ 10:03:00 wtf? 10:05:32 i asked for more info and only got "version incompatibility error acfer ", any ideas BigmenPixel 10:05:48 s/acfer/after flatpak run 10:07:56 DanIsnotthemanBr: > <@123bob123:matrix.org> https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/13viqax/update_the_fucking_flatpak/ 10:07:56 > 10:07:56 > wtf? 10:07:56 Wtf, it would be good if there is a github issue with info 10:10:27 cannot reproduce, closing for now, good job everyone 10:18:08 People are weird 10:54:37 "There's a long list of natural..." <- > <@red_cardinal:monero.social> There's a long list of natural resources of which the world's biggest consumer is the US military. The primary purpose of the US military is to (indirectly) maintain USD and UST as global reserve currency/asset, thereby allowing the creeps in the shadows to maintain control for their own benefit and at the cost of everyone else. 10:54:37 > 10:54:37 > As a general rule, anyone "left leaning" has a child-like understanding of economics, so is a hopeless case. There are always exceptions, of course. 10:54:37 don't simply discount leftists like that be the bigger person bc this kinda behaviour leads to possibly wrong assumptions and echo chamber thinking there are some leftists who are adept at economics its just that it is somewhat subjective 10:56:23 "My response is "youre on reddit,..." <- that is more of a player not the game type thing tho 10:57:35 * don't simply discount leftists like that be the bigger person bc this kinda behaviour leads to possibly wrong assumptions and echo chamber thinking there are some leftists who are adept at economics its just that it is somewhat subjective, its like when some auth people say libertarians are retarded same with college educated liberals the same about conservatives don't turn an argument into an ego boost 11:29:03 is cryptogrampy around the matrix? 11:29:21 I would like to ask him some questions about his android-termux-monero-node project 11:29:30 if you see him, please tell him to DM me. 11:29:53 btw, you can join #yolgezer:karapara.net to discuss about running a monero node on your android device 12:19:04 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/13wbsf3/monero_has_been_a_bad_experience_am_i_doing_it/ 12:19:04 🤦‍♂️ 12:22:50 what is the world record for syncing a full monero node in shortest amount of time? 12:23:54 Ravfx did hdd/ssd testing 12:24:08 They might know 12:24:41 World record doesn't mean much because a few months later it will take more time anyway 12:25:00 Right now it's 4-5 hours to sync a full node with 1 Gbit connection and a fast PC with NVMe SSD 12:25:52 Also, it's faster right after new release because new release has fresh checkpoints 12:26:03 then I should've asked "the world record for having GB/s synced. 12:26:05 you can compile a binary with fresh checkpoints to save a few hours of syncing in the end 12:26:45 k4r4b3y[m]1: > <@k4r4b3y:karapara.net> then I should've asked "the world record for having GB/s synced. 12:26:45 > 12:26:45 can be computed as the full blockchain size / total time it took to sync 12:28:47 sech1: > <@sech1:libera.chat> Also, it's faster right after new release because new release has fresh checkpoints 12:28:47 what are the functions of "checkpoints"? Am I trusting someone else with the state of the blockchain with them? 12:29:19 it's known block hashes (or hashes of each 256 consecutive blocks, I don't remember the details) 12:29:50 with these hashes, you're just choosing the "current" blockchain and make your binary ignore deep reorgs (deeper than the last checkpoint) 12:29:50 why are they needed? can't a node sync to a full blockchain without them? 12:30:06 node can sync without them, but it will be much much slower 12:30:27 also, aren't reorgs discarded by "eventual consistency" among the many numbers of nodes? 12:30:36 you know, the most proof of work chain is the main one? 12:31:17 reorgs happen from one chain with X amount of PoW to another chain with more than X amount of PoW 12:31:42 if someone does 51% attack lasting for a long time, then nodes with checkpoints will ignore new chain even if it has more PoW 12:32:04 hmm.. 12:32:11 does btc also make use of such checkpoints? 12:33:41 no idea 12:35:44 yes bitcoin also has checkpoints 12:36:20 though based on googling it it seems they removed them at some point 12:36:29 https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/75733/why-does-bitcoin-no-longer-have-checkpoints 12:36:40 Yeah thats what i saw 12:38:26 monero checkpoints are usually weeks or months old, if there is a whole month of reorg there is a bigger issue anyway 12:41:25 DanIsnotthemanBr: > <@123bob123:matrix.org> https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/75733/why-does-bitcoin-no-longer-have-checkpoints... (full message at ) 12:41:47 so, in monero, these checkpoints are used for increasing the speed of the sync? 12:41:54 no 12:42:12 fast-sync and checkpoints are two separate things that sometimes get confused 12:42:48 so, the checkpoints in monero are used as part of the blockchain's security model? 12:43:10 fast-sync is a list of known hashes that reduce verification work during initial sync 12:45:07 checkpoints are to make sure you are on the right chain during initial sync and have the right difficulty 12:46:54 i don't know if they help with security, like i said there's often weeks or months between the latest checkpoint and current blockchain height, such large reorgs are not realistic unless the whole system is broken 12:47:25 selsta: > <@selsta:libera.chat> checkpoints are to make sure you are on the right chain during initial sync and have the right difficulty 12:47:25 I am not understanding why wouldn't a fres-syncing node be lead-astray during the initial sync? 12:47:32 *why would 12:47:50 fres-syncing? 12:47:56 fresh-syncing 12:48:09 why would a fresh-syncing node be lead-astray during initial block sync? 12:48:23 in case the node gets isolated from the network and only connects to malicious peers for example 12:48:54 is monero's node network still open to such attacks? still the attackers can outnumber the honest nodes? 12:49:12 I would expect monero's network to be mature enough to have resilience against that, at this point. 12:49:17 every p2p network can be attacked this way 12:49:43 yeah, true. But having a large number of honest nodes counters this attack, no? 12:49:49 it's a theoretical thing 12:50:18 what's theoretical? the attack or having the resilience by large number of honests? 12:50:36 the attack 12:51:22 isn't such a "checkpoint" mechanism a form of centralization around some human institutions? 12:51:41 is it being considered for discarding the checkpoints? like btc did apparently? 12:52:40 imo it's not centralization, as it only protects against attacks but there's no way it can be abused 12:52:49 everyone can run their own client without checkpoints 12:53:10 does monerod have an option (or, directive) for this to be placed in its config file? 12:54:08 relevant issue from tevador i think https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8836 12:54:10 compile your own daemon 12:54:29 plowsof11: this is about fast-sync and not checkpoints 12:54:36 ah ok ok 12:54:41 plowsof11: > <@plowsof:matrix.org> relevant issue from tevador i think https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8836 12:54:41 yes, this gave me a surprise 12:55:26 yeah, I know the current topic is about fast-sync and checkpoints, but also tevador's issue gives some concerns about actually having Monero network be decentralized when it comes to its blockchain state. 12:56:07 I was talking about fast-sync as "checkpoints" this whole time 12:56:19 there's a lot of confusion about this 12:56:27 it sure seems like it 12:56:28 XD 12:56:35 even the file is called "src\blocks\checkpoints.dat" in Monero repo 12:56:42 but it's for fast-sync 12:56:47 yes, that's where the confusion comes from 12:57:24 the "other" checkpoints were created to prevent attacks and have never been used IIRC 12:57:37 they're DNS-based 12:57:49 the DNS based ones have never been used 12:58:11 and by default they only print a warning 12:58:16 you need special command line to enforce them 12:59:19 "in case the node gets isolated..." <- > <@selsta:libera.chat> in case the node gets isolated from the network and only connects to malicious peers for example 12:59:19 is this the only reason we have the checkpoints (the ones that protect against reorgs_? 12:59:50 if so, can the protection from being isolated from the network be solved with getting people to run monero nodes? 12:59:54 they are so infrequently updated that i don't see a scenario where they help against reorgs 13:00:13 Why not remove them? 13:00:31 what harm do they cause? 13:00:55 they give the impression that a human institution is still being trusted with monero's chain state. 13:00:57 imho 13:02:16 You can just run with --disabke-dns-checkpoints 13:02:22 Or something like that 13:02:30 And also disabke fast sync, am i wrong? 13:02:42 ofrnxmr[m]: > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> Or something like that 13:02:42 I think the messages prior has shown that what we now talk about is different from dns checkpoints 13:02:43 Can free-wheel it all day if you please 13:03:04 But if you run a wownero node and witness a chainspit, you might want those checkpoints 13:03:04 i would like a scenario where hardcoded checkpoints harm decentralization that isn't impression based 13:03:19 ofrnxmr[m]: > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> And also disabke fast sync, am i wrong? 13:03:19 also, we have been talking about the "checkpoints" of the sort that "protect against reorgs", as far as I am understanding the convo 13:03:24 There was even talk of decentraliz*ng the checkpoints sobthey are genersted distributed p2p every x blocks 13:03:36 Im referring to both 13:03:54 There are flags to disable checkpints and alsp fast sync 13:04:06 we could also remove prebuilt binaries because they "harm decentralization" 13:04:08 remove seed nodes 13:04:25 You can do that too 13:04:35 Free wheel it if you want. Nobody is stopping you 13:04:47 ofrnxmr[m]: > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> Free wheel it if you want. Nobody is stopping you 13:04:47 give me the monerod flags to do that 13:05:11 Monerodocs.org 13:05:23 daemon page 13:05:39 Ctrf f 13:05:39 fast-sync 13:05:54 Ctrl-f 13:05:54 dns 13:06:21 99% sure both are documented there 13:06:27 How do I locate the flag for disabling the reorg protection checkpoints? 13:06:36 you are missing that kind of checkpoints still 13:06:48 --disable-dns-checkpoints 13:06:58 Or look at the termux node install script 13:07:05 dns checkpoints are never used anyway 13:07:06 It disables em 13:07:50 selsta said you have to compile yourself for disabling the reorg checkpoints 13:07:59 there isn't a flag for that 13:08:01 yes 13:08:24 anyways I don't want to keep playing the devil's advocate here, as I am moving towards concern trolling 13:08:40 dns checkpoints are never used without enabling them with a flag, hardcoded checkpoints are added to the source code once per release and have to be removed from the source code 13:08:48 but I would like to say, I want to see monero rely on no-checkpoints for its chainstate in the near future. 13:09:51 dns checkpoints are not enforced by default 13:10:15 "./monerod --fast-block-sync 0" to disable fast-sync checkpoints 13:10:17 selsta: this option doesnt skip them? 13:10:25 --fast-block-sync Sync up most of the way by using embedded, "known" block hashes. Pass 1 to turn on and 0 to turn off. This is on (1) by default. Normally, for every block the full node must calculate the block hash to verify miner's proof of work. Because the CryptoNight PoW used in Monero is very expensive (even for verification), monerod offers skipping these calculations for old blocks. In other words, it's a mechanism to trust monerod 13:10:25 binary regarding old blocks' PoW validity, to sync up faster. 13:10:39 --disable-dns-checkpoints just turns off the warning in case dns checkpoints and chain state mismatch 13:10:40 ofrnxmr[m]: this option disables fast-sync 13:10:52 turns off the warning and turns off dns updates 13:12:37 sech1: I thiught it was other way around 13:12:37 ``` 13:12:38 --disable-dns-checkpointsThe MoneroPulse checkpoints set by core developers will be discarded. The checkpoints are apparently still fetched though. 13:12:38 ``` 13:13:46 MoneroPulse checkpoints are not fast sync checkpoints 13:13:50 k4r4b3y[m]1: how does monero "rely" on checkpoints? 13:14:46 so to clarify: 13:14:46 fast sync =/= hard coded checkpointsc disabling fast sync doesnt effect them 13:14:46 dns checkpoints = are still used and it just turns off the logging?what? 13:15:07 Disable-dns-checkpoints* 13:15:54 all wrong :D 13:16:03 fast sync checkpoints are hardcoded 13:16:15 dns checkpoints are not used and were never used 13:16:34 My understanding: 13:16:34 - fast sync = hardcoded checkpoints = disable fast sync will skip checkpoints. 13:16:34 - disable dns checkpoints = still fetched but not used or logged 13:16:49 selsta: > <@selsta:libera.chat> k4r4b3y: how does monero "rely" on checkpoints? 13:16:49 as far as I could understand, they seem to offer protection against a few weeks' of reorgs for the nodes that are still syncing the blockchain? 13:18:20 they're used to speed up sync, nothing more 13:18:31 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8805/files#diff-e6e8140963756b6f6cb97bb2253240db5b0bd63e17fdd99df29cd51941aea637R248 13:18:31 "few weeks reorg" is only a theoretical scenario 13:18:40 this is what i call hardcoded checkpoints 13:18:42 if it happens for real, checkpoints will be the least of problems 13:20:21 having two things with the name checkpoint is unfortunate lol 13:20:42 there seems to be two camps in this chat so far: First camp says that the reorg-checkpoints are used for a few weeks of reorgs for the syncing nodes. The second camp says that they are solely for speeding up the sync. Am I understanding this correctly? 13:21:06 "he reorg-checkpoints are used for a few weeks of reorgs for the syncing nodes" whaaaat 13:21:08 "all wrong :D" <- I dont know wth i typed, but i dont even understand it. Apologies 13:21:33 "few weeks of reorgs" is not even correct description of what you're trying to say 13:21:50 "reorg few weeks deep" is probably better 13:21:50 "with these hashes, you're just..." <- > <@sech1:libera.chat> with these hashes, you're just choosing the "current" blockchain and make your binary ignore deep reorgs (deeper than the last checkpoint) 13:21:51 . 13:22:07 Will monerod ignore a block that has more proof-of-work at a particular block height than the "checkpoints"? I don't think so (please confirm, selsta). I don't think it offers re-org "protection". Just declare that the transactions contained in those hard-coded block hashes are valid, so monerod does not verify all the cryptography in those transactions (which is expensive!). 13:22:35 it will ignore is this block is built on top of chain that forks before the last checkpoint 13:22:40 *if this 13:23:19 "Just declare that the transactions contained in those hard-coded block hashes are valid" or maybe this, actually 13:23:20 Rucknium[m]: what you are saying is correct for fast-sync, it's just a list of known hashes that partly skip verification 13:23:31 lol 13:23:37 so we were discussing non-issue 13:24:01 but there's also a checkpoint system 13:24:06 if it's a known "correct block" hash, then it's only for fast sync 13:24:07 like i linked previously 13:24:12 2851000, "5bf0e47fc782263191a33f63a67db6c711781dc2a3c442e17ed901ec401be5c9", "0x3b6cd8a8ed610e8 13:24:22 means block 20851000 has this hash and this difficulty 13:24:38 these get added once per release 13:25:27 selsta: > <@selsta:libera.chat> these get added once per release 13:25:27 and their function is ..? 13:26:21 ah, so these are actual stoppers 13:26:28 so there are 3 kinds of checkpoints now :D 13:26:56 k4r4b3y[m]1: they help when you are syncing from scratch and completely isolated from the network / only connected to malicious nodes 13:26:57 what a shitcoin /s 13:27:04 fast sync "src\block\checkpoints.dat" that's used only to speed up sync 13:27:11 yes 13:27:28 then there is src\checkpoints\checkpoints.cpp" that prevent syncing alternative chains beyond the latest checkpoint 13:27:39 and then there are DNS checkpoints which are not used :D 13:27:39 yep, and dns checkpoints are unused 13:27:58 selsta: > <@selsta:libera.chat> k4r4b3y: they help when you are syncing from scratch and completely isolated from the network / only connected to malicious nodes 13:27:58 so yeah, it seems like this is the point I wrote above: can getting more people to run nodes nullify having these blockhashes being hardcoded? 13:29:49 more nodes help but p2p networks will always be vulnerable to attacks like this 13:29:52 we also have other mitigations 13:30:32 am I getting my point across, that, having such hardcoded blockhashes are just aesthetically displeasing when viewed from decentralization of the chain? 13:30:55 yes, but i don't like to make decisions based on aesthetics or impressions 13:31:00 alright 13:32:21 i'm not even arguing for keeping them, but at the moment i don't see how they harm while they make it a bit harder for attackers 13:33:22 bitcoin is a more mature network with more nodes so it's easier for them to remove them 13:33:53 mature in the sense of having more nodes and more hashpower behind the chain? 13:34:01 ah ok, you mentioned the nodes already 13:34:01 both 13:34:08 ye ye 13:34:43 do we have an estimation of maturity for monero, then? Like, having above X amount of nodes, and X Gh/s of hashpower will get Monero to the big-boys club? 13:35:36 i don't, it's probably arbitrary 13:35:48 but surely you seem to have a sense about it? 13:35:56 since you are of the "feel" that monero isn't mature enough 13:39:46 src\checkpoints\checkpoints.cpp just fix the state of THE chain at the moment, I don't see how developers can centralize something here 13:39:58 THE chain = current consensus chain which is run by everyone at the moment 13:40:15 System Information: Model: iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015) • OS: macOS Monterey (Version 12.6.6, Build 21G646) 13:40:16 sure, they prevent new nodes from syncing other chains except for THE chain 13:40:27 sech1: > <@sech1:libera.chat> sure, they prevent new nodes from syncing other chains except for THE chain 13:40:28 this 13:40:28 which also prevents some DoS-attacks 13:40:39 like feeding new nodes with fake chains with millions of blocks 13:41:28 sech1: > <@sech1:libera.chat> like feeding new nodes with fake chains with millions of blocks 13:41:28 in this case, shouldn't the new node be contrasting the next-block data it gets from many different peers, and pick the consensus among them? 13:41:29 so if you remove these checkpoints, malicious nodes can cause big mess for new syncing nodes 13:41:50 new node can't pick the consensus before it validates everything until the last block 13:42:04 before it does, every candidate block is just that - a candidate 13:42:09 and it must verify everything before choosing 13:42:14 sech1: > <@sech1:libera.chat> so if you remove these checkpoints, malicious nodes can cause big mess for new syncing nodes 13:42:14 I am saying, Monero should have at least enough nodes at all times to prevent against such an attack, and nullify the need for a hardcoded hash in its codebase. 13:42:27 many honest nodes won't help 13:42:55 a few malicious nodes can connect to everyone and feed them fake chains (not really fake, just other chains with millions of blocks and low difficulty) 13:43:43 sech1: > <@sech1:libera.chat> a few malicious nodes can connect to everyone and feed them fake chains (not really fake, just other chains with millions of blocks and low difficulty) 13:43:43 yeah I get that. But is my node blindly accepting the suggestions from its one or two peers, and not comparing those block suggestions with the ones it gets from the 14, or 15 other peers it has? 13:44:09 if you go that way, welcome to Sybil attacks 13:44:17 node only respects PoW 13:44:39 because it can't trust anything any peer is saying before it's verified 13:44:47 Yeah, OK. Then isn't the new node comparing the suggested PoW's from all its peers and not blindly trusting the"few malicious nodes'" sugestions? 13:44:49 or hash checked with known hash 13:45:13 malicious peers can suggest PoW that's higher than the real chain PoW 13:45:24 I am struggling to say that, btc (seems like) it works without that hardcoded hash stuff 13:45:26 and force you to sync 10 million blocks before you find out it's an incorrect chain 13:46:18 why is my new node blindly trusting the pow suggestion from a "FEW" nodes that it has connected to, and why is it not comparing what the other 'HONEST' nodes that it ihas connected to suggests? 13:47:15 k4r4b3y: Are you aware that bitcoin had block hash checkpoints in the past? According to Peter Todd, bitcoind still today will only accept a chain that has a block with a certain amount of PoW. 13:47:36 Rucknium[m]: > <@rucknium:monero.social> k4r4b3y: Are you aware that bitcoin had block hash checkpoints in the past? According to Peter Todd, bitcoind still today will only accept a chain that has a block with a certain amount of PoW. 13:47:36 yes, I am aware btc had those. But it seems like it doesn't have that anymore. 13:47:44 k4r4b3y: You cannot guarantee that you've connected to any honest nodes in the beginning 13:48:03 Rucknium[m]: > <@rucknium:monero.social> k4r4b3y: You cannot guarantee that you've connected to any honest nodes in the beginning 13:48:03 and that's why we need to get more people running nodes. 13:48:23 something something Sybil attacks 13:48:24 Rucknium[m]: > <@rucknium:monero.social> k4r4b3y: You cannot guarantee that you've connected to any honest nodes in the beginning 13:48:25 Also I heard seed nodes are a thing? 13:48:43 ehhh, we are just circling each other's arguments at this point 13:48:44 seed nodes are a thing in any p2p network 13:49:00 how would you find the _first_ peer to connect to? 13:49:06 if you don't have previously saved peer lists? 13:49:25 sech1: > <@sech1:libera.chat> how would you find the _first_ peer to connect to? 13:49:25 yes, and thus we have seed nodes. and thus rucknium's suggestion that "how do you know you've connected to any honest nodes" is moot 13:49:37 how do you know seed nodes are honest? 13:49:44 I gotta trust 13:49:46 You can say "find the seed node" (arguably a central thing) or "find blocks with these hashes" (arguably a central thing). If you have neither, then malicious parties can keep DDoSing infant nodes potentially. 13:49:52 monerod doesn't make such assumption? 13:50:25 seed nodes are the actual centralized part of the sync process 13:50:41 which is why monerod doesn't assume anything about them being honest 13:50:59 Rucknium[m]: > <@rucknium:monero.social> You can say "find the seed node" (arguably a central thing) or "find blocks with these hashes" (arguably a central thing). If you have neither, then malicious parties can keep DDoSing infant nodes potentially. 13:51:00 I would take "find blocks with these hashes" anyday, instead of "find the seed node" directive. At least I can verify the hash of the genesis block in a way similar to verifying QubesOS developers' main air-gapped GPG fingerprint. 13:51:23 It may be good to compare the security budget of Monero today with that of bitcoin when it removed the block hash checkpoints. 13:51:57 huh, so if someone cracks SHA256 and recalculates the whole BTC blockchain, they can erase all BTC history now? Funny 13:52:09 sech1: > <@sech1:libera.chat> huh, so if someone cracks SHA256 and recalculates the whole BTC blockchain, they can erase all BTC history now? Funny 13:52:09 yes it is over. 13:52:19 cracking sha256 should kill btc, fair and square. 13:52:24 as in, number of coins in a day's worth of block rewards times the purchasing power of the coin unit 13:52:45 Monero daily emission is is ~$65k 13:52:53 Bitcoin is $25M 13:53:01 380 times more 13:55:14 The checkpoints were still there in 2017: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/c091b99/src/chainparams.cpp#L150-L162 13:56:20 The youngest block in those checkpoints was in 2014 13:57:50 More info: https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/3114/which-blocks-get-to-be-checkpoints 14:08:34 dMartian: your client is leaking 14:42:57 "cracking sha256 should kill btc,..." <- > <@k4r4b3y:karapara.net> cracking sha256 should kill btc, fair and square. 14:42:57 > 14:42:57 sarcasm I suppose? because otherwise it's completely ogre 14:43:08 "dMartian: your client is..." <- how does ye know this 16:31:34 What is the deference between transaction key and transaction hash? 16:33:17 and how can I find my transaction key 17:20:58 * Alex|LocalMonero uploaded a video: (10092KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/agoradesk.com/DMnKbzZUsFRadMlYLvIiOdIE/IMG_4461.MP4 > 17:46:40 "It may be good to compare the..." <- https://moneroj.net/securitybudget/ 17:50:21 "a few malicious nodes can..." <- Doesn't the consensus rule require the *highest cumulative pow*, and not just more blocks? So to pull that off, they'd have to pull a 51% over the entire history they're rewriting 17:51:08 no, they can put fake high difficulty PoW blocks in the end and many low difficulty PoW blocks in the beginning 17:51:19 so by the time your node bans them, it has downloaded many blocks 17:52:17 Oooh right 17:54:41 endor00: Thanks. So the last time Bitcoin had the security budget that Monero does now was in 2013 (ignoring inflation of the U.S. dollar). Bitcoin was still actively using checkpoints at that point. Case closed? 18:33:49 Is it true that Monero got delisted from Binance in UE? 20:03:30 Appears to be so 20:03:35 https://cointelegraph.com/news/binance-to-delist-privacy-tokens-in-france-italy-spain-and-poland 20:03:43 XMR included 20:04:04 https://twitter.com/WasPraxis/status/1663879792431620096 20:05:22 Binance should de-listed binance at this point  20:17:41 Their notion of "privacy coins" seems kind of wide as SCRT is included in the list 20:25:25 "https://cointelegraph.com/news/..." <- Can't believe they called XMR a token 20:25:49 Rude 20:25:56 Journalists being journalists 20:26:09 De list them of localmonero 20:26:17 :) 20:57:53 https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel-apps/pull/617 21:33:19 "De list them of localmonero" <- Go there as a Russian (use a russian VPN) and tell me 22:14:10 recent, 25 May 2023 22:15:09 the blogpost on getmonero is soon to be released and will look something like this https://deploy-preview-2170--barolo-time-757cf9.netlify.app/2023/05/25/10block-old-decoy-selection-bug.html 22:16:45 "https://cointelegraph.com/news/..." <- are they pushing out regs independent of mica? 22:16:51 or is this in prep for 2024 enforcement of mica? 22:17:31 Probably prep 22:17:43 Can't get into trouble with meddling authorities 22:18:39 "sorry about not using nitter 😂" <- People should be using libredirect or untrackme anyway. Anybody who roasts you for posting a twitter.com link is a noob. 22:18:52 hfclover[m]: true 22:19:21 cockliuser[m]: would LE be able to retroactively enforce something specifically for this? 22:19:22 Sounds like an eu thing 22:19:46 Some new law there trying to bring in too keep everyone say¡ 22:19:58 s/say/safe/ 22:21:54 toralien[m]: Probably not but IANAL 22:36:59 On ios you can create a shortcut if anyone is using that. 23:26:55 <123bob123> "On ios you can create a shortcut..." <- You know I'm not