01:15:10 hello friends! for the longest time i've been using the transfer command by "transfer
" and nothing else, how do I specify the indexes in my addressbook and priorities in a proper syntax through the monero-wallet-cli? thanks! 01:17:30 Type the command “help transfer” 01:21:03 right right, it shows how to do it but im very dumb. would it be 'transfer index=2 priority=2 '? how to specify is messing me up, if you could show me an example that would be cool 01:22:54 like for example 'transfer 3 2 0.01' tells me "Error: ring size 3 is too small, minimum is 16". im clearly messing something up, i dont know how it knows what parameters I mean, does this imply I have to fill every paremeter and cannot omit? 01:23:16 again sorry to pollute with nooby questions 01:23:51 in my intention: 3 being the index, 2 being the priority and 0.01 being the amount. 01:24:35 What is the name of 2? 01:24:46 Priority 2* 01:26:58 ofrnxmr[m]: normal I believe 01:28:16 "right right, it shows how to..." <- Yeah, you have to put the argument name plus equals sign before the argument, so if you wanna pass index of 2, you type “index=2” 01:28:55 And the order sometimes matters so just do it in the order that you see on the help screen 01:29:06 And prioritt is 01:29:07 unimportant, normal, elevated, priority 01:29:27 priority=elevated 01:30:00 * priority=elevated 01:30:00 nvm 01:30:00 just 01:30:00 `elevated` 01:30:23 jeffro256[m]: it seems like that works I think, it's moving on to a different error message so I assume so xD. when I do 'transfer index=2 normal 16 0.005' (16 being rings, 0.005 being amount), now it says 'Invalid last argument: 0.005' v-v 01:30:27 Which get you into the following blocks, respectively: the next one, the next one, the next one, and the next one 01:30:30 Something like 01:30:30 transfer index=2 elevated address 01:31:02 * elevated address amount 01:31:02 aberration: You need an address 01:31:12 Gotchayeah that's what I would assume mylsef, I guess I got confused being im used to commandline args being able to be omitted just as one would if they had simple done 'transfer
' 01:31:23 jeffro256[m]: wouldn't the index=2 be the address from my address_book? 01:31:27 Address comes before amount 01:31:34 Everything else before address 01:31:47 The TO address 01:31:57 ahh shoot I guess I misunderstood, I had assumed the index was referring to an address in my address_book, I guess I have to write the literal address anyway then 01:31:57 * You need a TO address 01:32:07 okay okay that makes sense then 01:32:15 Index is referring to where to pull the funds from 01:32:17 No the index allows you to specify which sub addresses fund the transaction from 01:32:25 oh im so duimb 01:32:35 I need to read, yeah that makes sense. thanks for your help guys 01:32:56 `help ` 01:33:42 ofrnxmr[m]: I will try to experiment more next time :'D, I guess when it comes to something with money involved I don't let myself do so unlike other software 01:35:19 Of course 03:28:18 hi 03:28:26 I have questions about monero and crypto 03:28:31 I don't know who to ask 03:38:40 i know monero is never tainted due to analysis, but other cryptos are. does that mean if I buy another crypto from a decentralized exchange without kyc it is likely tainted and could blacklist me at an exchange? 03:39:30 i know monero isn't ever taintable because the blockchain is not tracable. 03:39:36 traceable. 03:40:00 does that mean if i buy bitcoins on P2P they are likely tainted? 03:40:12 sorry if this is a stupid question 03:40:25 I am trying to learn about bisq 03:40:42 i am using tainted as a word for blacklisted 03:40:56 i don't really believe crypto should be tainted somehow 03:44:19 ok i guess bad question, no answer by anyone 03:49:18 "does that mean if i buy bitcoins..." <- This is a risk. I don't know how big of a risk it is though. There might be ways to risk assess Bitcoin UTXO's via websites or services that are publicly accessible though. 03:49:46 ok 03:58:25 "I am trying to learn about bisq" <- buying bitcoin with digital national currency is a bad idea. not only because you cant trust the bitcoin will get you in trouble or confiscated but what if the bank account is hacked or from shady charcter. make sure you have accounts with a couple banks in case you lose access to one when being investigated or close it on you. 11:57:05 Chan 14:40:52 "does that mean if i buy bitcoins..." <- https://www.chainalysis.com/chainalysis-kyt/ 14:41:36 There are different levels of taint. 14:42:12 Virgin freshly mined bitcoins are seen as best. 14:42:26 Buy Monero p2p then use an exchange to get it turned to bitcoin 14:42:27 Bitcoins from hacks are seen as worst. 14:42:57 There are places that will swap one crypto for another for low fees, if you’re worried about tainted coin just get it like that 14:43:25 bike: can I chat with you privately? 14:43:32 bike: I need advice and don't know what to do 14:43:38 bike[m]: Which exchange do you suggest? 14:44:00 psgr7791 dm me 14:44:23 There’s this one I know is good for using, I’m gonna look for the name and get back to you 14:45:54 bike: ok dmed u just reply when u can 14:46:24 iirc changenow.io is a pretty good one 14:46:52 If u want to use another one check reviews first because some like to scam more often than others 14:46:57 Bisq trading itself leaves a trace on the block chain, however depending on the source of the BTC the taint lower or higher. 14:47:12 Bisq leaves a trace? 14:47:26 What exactly is “Bisq” if I may ask 14:48:11 psgr7791[m]: Yes, the fees go to Bisq DAO, time lock, safety deposit. 14:49:53 https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL0t7rT8j2QQDKVd30FBOzRBzHIMZBoYNw 14:50:11 I made a video about it, but in German 14:50:44 But since I show the memepool space explorer you could get the rough picture 14:51:05 How to check the origin of Bisq BTC 14:53:26 https://nitter.net/bowtiedstegosau/status/1586062073242734593#m 14:54:29 "What exactly is “Bisq” if I..." <- Bisq is the biggest P2P bitcoin exchange. 14:54:52 You don't need hosting like localbitcoin 14:55:04 Every participant runs a software 14:55:49 I run Bisq in a Whonix virtual machine on the operating system Qubes. 14:56:30 Since Bisq software runs P2P less risk of shut down 14:56:52 You can also trade BTC XMR on Bisq 14:57:17 You can't buy XMR vs fiat 14:57:25 Monero community wanted to replicate Bisq 14:57:44 To allow for P2P XMR fiat exchanges 14:58:41 This would have been an improvement over localmonero, which relies on centralised servers. 14:59:33 how can I get Transacation Key in cake wallet I can only find Tx HASH 15:00:46 deflation.earwig: Haveno (Bisq but with Monero as base currency) has a test network now: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/13ot1fe/havenos_test_network_is_now_live_with_installers/ 15:01:53 Capybara[m]: > <@capybara:projectsegfau.lt> 15:01:53 > how can I get Transacation Key in cake wallet I can only find Tx HASH 15:01:53 can anyone help? 15:02:09 Rucknium[m]: So happy to hear, great news 15:03:04 I worried havenos run out of money for developers 15:03:52 #haveno:haveno.network and #haveno-dev:haveno.network for updates 15:09:59 "iirc changenow.io is a pretty..." <- What would you guys do with tainted BTC bought P2P? 15:10:28 surrender it to the government :P 15:10:33 they're going to seize it anyway 15:10:43 Change into monero would be one option. 15:10:44 or wash through samourai 15:11:10 deflationearwig[: the place where you do it is still a chokepoint, they could freeze your funds 15:11:25 deflationearwig[: Nothing. I don't touch BTC anymore, fix all issue. 15:11:25 Payment option in trocador work just fine if you really need to use BTC for some reason 15:11:57 Coin join origin will be better than scam or hack origin, however Chain analysis won't like coin joins either. 15:12:15 yeah best you can do is make it less tainted 15:12:35 Some places already confiscate coinjointed coin (or they bark to you and ask for ID p0rn) 15:13:01 maybe buy into one of those brc-20 tokens 15:13:12 "officer I was just buying the next pepe" 15:13:46 For now you can add some extra hoops, I headed since exchanges only check a couple of hops back. 15:15:07 Coin join works, if it will become market standard in the future, but privacy is a minority position in the BTC community 15:15:20 "> <@capybara:projectsegfau.lt>..." <- any? 15:16:07 94% of BCH is "tainted" by "coinjoins" cashfusion so its less sus https://rucknium.me/posts/cashfusion-descendants/ , now how do i make this BCH shill on-topic , erm, let me try - so stack wallet (a monero wallet, has a fundraiser to add cashfusion to its bch wallet) - am i forgiven? 15:18:22 Capybara: Contact Cake support: https://reddit.com/r/cakewallet/comments/wvroa5/warning_do_not_post_here_for_support_please_read/ 15:25:38 "94% of BCH is "tainted" by "..." <- Interesting article. 15:26:04 I guess the will make a cut of point for tainted and the raise it over time to slowly boil the frog. 15:27:00 A transaction passing through a big regulated exchange of through government is defined as good again. 15:33:51 Some sad news today: https://cakelabs.com/news/shutting-down-cake-pay-web/ 15:38:48 I confirm, using the old deprecated payment rails is annoying as fsck (except if it's cash, that is fine) 15:47:05 "Interesting article." <- Thanks ;) 16:14:00 "Can I get the app or is it a..." <- getmonero.org 16:14:20 "I need to use Algo on coinbase..." <- trocador.app 16:14:47 uiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: keep you're Monero out of centralized exchange 16:20:53 How do I get a monero address? 16:22:53 uiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: Go to the bank 16:24:07 get monero wallet if win monero gui 16:27:21 "How do I get a monero address?" <- https://www.getmonero.org/ 16:27:24 How? I install the app? Monero.com or monerujo? Does this work? 16:27:32 https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/best-monero-xmr-wallets/ 16:28:00 oh someone linked above 16:28:24 In monero everything works u just need to learn how 16:28:54 Cool thanks 16:29:20 "Can I get the app or is it a..." <- Wallet apps communicate with the network and tell it the stuff you want to do, and the network tells your app what it can do based on state 16:29:50 Have fun with your new financial freedom 16:52:46 who is creator of monero 16:53:55 CryptoNote 16:54:32 "How? I install the app? Monero...." <- If you want monerujo https://f-droid.monerujo.io/ 16:55:56 Using https://github.com/Iamlooker/Droid-ify or https://github.com/NeoApplications/Neo-Store 16:57:15 idkrn[m], where you wanna install 16:57:54 What 16:58:19 you wanna install monero on android? 17:09:38 I already have 17:15:03 I got uphold but it doesn't let me exchange Algo into xmr again so don't know why I follow it up 17:15:14 * uiiiiiiiiiiiiiii uploaded an image: (106KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/ExCMSOKhgQnBYjOeigKwFwwO/Screenshot_20230601-181227.png > 17:17:00 Is trocador going to send it over 17:17:02 ? 17:17:08 uphold is custodial right, it's a website?! 17:17:08 use a real wallet 17:17:08 ? 17:17:20 then yes, use trocador to swap from algo to xmr 17:17:52 What is a real wallet? 17:18:01 any of the one listed at getmonero.org 17:18:08 an application you install on the PC or phone 17:19:53 You don't own anything if it's a "website wallet" 17:20:08 that's not true 17:20:46 cryptogrampy[m]: It's easier to rug a website or put it behind a KYC wall than rugging you're coin when you own the key 17:21:39 plus uphold do require KYC from what I understand 17:23:22 Why it was #1 in the site CRYPTO linked, I don't know. 17:23:22 But I would not touch to that even with a 1 parsec stick 17:24:16 If you use a PC, get getmonero.org official wallet (official monero wallet) 17:24:16 Or get featherwallet if you like more power user features (that you probably don't need) 17:24:37 I am using an android and for all app wallets seam not legit according to u 17:24:49 if you have a phone, go for Monejuro, cake wallet, or stack wallet 17:25:42 How the link or the app none seam to work 17:25:58 https://stackwallet.com/ 17:26:01 Can I just keep it where it is and use uphold 17:26:09 https://cakewallet.com/ 17:26:11 I already have it there 17:26:35 If I keep doing this I lose money 17:26:53 You can continue to use uphold but keep in mind that you technically don't own you're coin as you don't own the keys 17:27:34 Strange to me but okat 17:28:02 Site could go offline tomorrow morning and good luck getting you're coins. 17:28:49 Really so didn't cake wallet was down for some reason, also? 17:29:41 I can't find the app 17:29:48 non, cake wallet is not down. 17:29:48 And if there node is down you can change the node settings. 17:29:48 Also with cake wallet, you own the keys ( and you create a backup seed phrase). 17:29:48 nothing prevent you from taking that backup seed from cake wallet and import it into featherwallet or stack... 17:30:09 I linked it 17:30:10 cake wallet is in play store 17:30:14 Stack wallet is in play store 17:30:38 monerujo is in play store 17:30:46 Yes I was thinking about before you link it 17:31:15 Now I am going to use it I guess 17:32:10 there is also the monero.com wallet (cake wallet version that only do monero). 17:32:10 while cake wallet also do BTC and a few others I think 17:32:30 It's all confusing and everytimey I switched it it seems to keep losing money 17:32:35 Stack is similar, it can create wallet for a few coins beside monero and they have Stack Duo that only do XMR and BTC 17:33:04 if you withdraw XMR from online services you are likely to pay higher fees compared to using a real monero wallet. 17:33:41 Okay that helps 17:34:05 normal Monero TX fee is less than a cent I think 17:34:21 Monero tx? 17:34:28 Is it a app 17:34:28 when you send monero 17:34:37 monero transaction (tx) 17:34:50 Ok 17:35:00 all monero compatible app will use the default fee afaik 17:35:06 with is really small 17:35:32 as opposite to online exchanges / custodal who will easily charge 10 to 100x more 17:35:40 I still have to use uphold to send it 17:36:09 yeah, because it's in uphold and you don't have the key (that would allow you to import the wallet data to another app) 17:36:22 Right 17:40:06 How do I actually use uphold to send it on trocador to the cake wallet? 17:40:21 you have monero or algo in uphold? 17:40:22 Any idea 17:40:31 Algo 17:40:38 ok, so then : 17:41:53 1 - install a wallet of you're choice on you're phone... (full message at ) 17:42:18 after that, trocador will tell you where to send your algo, so you go in uphold, you do withdraw 17:42:29 and you withdraw to the address trocador give you 17:42:45 then after a while you will receive the Monero in you're wallet 17:43:11 Cool just checking is not another dead end before I put the plan to action 18:00:15 Revuo Monero Issue 173: May 25 - June 1, 2023. https://revuo-xmr.com/issue-173.html 18:16:40 I wonder what is the smallest laptop a could get for monero wallet & localmonero usage. 18:16:40 Something that fit in a pocket but is not a cripple device (commonly called phones) 18:17:14 Stnby: 👆️ 18:18:00 Tried to login on localmonero 4 time so far, I will have to disable 2FA to be able to login I think 18:20:38 RavFX[m]: > <@gfdshygti53:monero.social> I wonder what is the smallest laptop a could get for monero wallet & localmonero usage. 18:20:39 > Something that fit in a pocket but is not a cripple device (commonly called phones) 18:20:39 steam deck. 18:20:52 or alternatively you could turn a raspberry pi into a computer 18:23:06 bike[m]: not that cheap for the usecase lol 18:23:36 bike[m]: ^^ 18:24:00 i've seen/heard of raspberry pi desktops b4 18:24:01 https://www.tomshardware.com/news/raspberry-pi-decktility-handheld 18:24:06 something like this would be awesome 18:24:22 not sure if other manu's make these compute module form factors though 18:24:54 because rpi is terrible 18:25:00 * Stnby[m] uploaded an image: (103KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/kernal.eu/jrxYYktVaugWRbPRNeCwZnlX/PXL_20230601_182447675.MP.jpg > 18:25:08 "I wonder what is the smallest..." <- > <@gfdshygti53:monero.social> I wonder what is the smallest laptop a could get for monero wallet & localmonero usage. 18:25:08 > Something that fit in a pocket but is not a cripple device (commonly called phones) 18:25:08 Probably that ^ 18:25:38 Stnby[m]: look like what I would need. What is that one? 18:25:44 Stnby[m]: Based and public transit monero node pilled 18:25:50 RavFX[m]: GPD Pocket 3 18:25:53 cryptogrampy[m]: https://hackaday.com/tag/cyberdeck/ 18:26:29 Stnby[m]: looks awesome 18:26:36 Pricy, but market for UPMCs is small 18:27:51 https://www.tomshardware.com/news/radxa-compute-module-takes-on-raspberry-pi 18:28:00 imagine popping that in a diy handheld 18:28:03 Also 18:28:03 https://www.clockworkpi.com/ 18:28:03 https://shop.mntre.com/products/mnt-reform 18:28:30 Siren[m]1: > <@siren:kernal.eu> Also 18:28:30 > https://www.clockworkpi.com/ 18:28:30 > https://shop.mntre.com/products/mnt-reform 18:28:30 Wow 18:29:09 Stnby[m]: Everyone at digilol.net must have one. One without this aint sysadmin 18:29:26 no aes support on rpi though 🥲 18:31:01 I wonder if clockwork could take a radxa module 🤔 18:31:49 I think it has same specs as Rock 5B 18:31:55 I have one, amazing board 18:32:03 Clockwork look nice assume it can run linux 18:32:22 it's just a rpi wrapper 18:32:34 so it can run armbians and friends 18:32:54 But best of all VisionFive 2 xD 18:41:31 I want this small computer now even though I have no use for it, lol 18:43:59 sgp[m]: Get one so you can throw the big one away :D 18:44:19 this might have better specs than my normal laptop 18:44:59 Replacing the phone with a competent device is a great use for these computers 18:45:06 s/with/for/ 18:45:16 sgp[m]: has thunderbolt port you can probably connect a nice GPU to it 18:45:23 Did they ever address the issue with malicious remote nodes? 18:46:15 RavFX[m]: Just like that https://github.com/zhujunsan/p3-lte 18:56:01 I think i'm going to go for the uConsole A-06 maybe. 18:56:01 Once it's available 18:56:36 Should run the needed things fine 18:56:49 Way cheaper than the GPD Pocket 3 (which is also nice but overkill for what I want it for) 19:47:24 "Did they ever address the..." <- Use your own node 19:52:16 "Did they ever address the..." <- > <@drewski:matrix.org> Did they ever address the issue with malicious remote nodes? 19:52:16 all they can do is make you pay high-fees to miners. 19:52:44 you can double check the current fee per byte amount on xmrchain.net and compare with what the malicious node reports you 19:53:06 having said that, during my time of monero use, I have never bumped into such a malicious node yet 20:27:14 I just use my own nodes 20:49:54 How bad is it to run a monero node on th clearnet. Can the ebil gobberment see my le hacker money use? 20:50:47 I miss kovri ngl 21:19:41 is the monero.social matrix server working ok? It doesn't seem to send emails even though it says it did. 21:58:57 "I am using an android and for..." <- Time for me to shill https://grapheneos.org 22:02:35 Sus 22:02:47 It's based 22:03:03 Isn't the lead dev stepping down? 22:03:09 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4To-F6W1NT0 22:03:29 jamss[m]: Yes but it's not going to hurt the project 22:03:54 RavFX[m]: ? 22:04:00 I hope not. It's the best rom 22:04:15 idkrn[m]: The main DEV pissed up Louis Rossmann 😂 22:04:15 jamss[m]: It is the best OS 😎 22:04:28 RavFX[m]: ? 22:04:34 But pixels are sus regardless 22:04:41 jamss[m]: False 22:04:52 idkrn[m]: forget it lol 22:05:33 idkrn[m]: >Google hardware isn't sus 22:06:19 I trust GrapheneOS with everything so I will continue to trust them lol 22:06:29 jamss[m]: Yes, it is not sus 22:07:08 Glad we got that cleared up 22:07:46 jamss[m]: How 22:25:20 Idkrn is sus 22:51:30 "How" <- They were the first phones to just shazam 24/7 I always figured they were the most compromised 22:53:46 who invented monero 23:01:00 Scaling and anonymizing Bitcoin at layer 1 with client-side validation https://github.com/LNP-BP/layer1 23:05:32 * suitslie[m] uploaded an image: (1295KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/hackliberty.org/FymMvjgjpZzqgxWcuhGeUMvD/gh.cleaned.png > 23:05:39 cool wit hme 23:05:41 * cool with me 23:13:11 "gh.cleaned.png" <- You are the dopest memewizard 23:37:38 "Scaling and anonymizing Bitcoin..." <- stupid 23:39:12 "Scaling and anonymizing Bitcoin..." <- Just switch everything to a new layer we made, bro 23:43:37 Layer one security and you dont have too soft fork….. 23:43:48 Pretty sure they need hard fork… 23:59:17 Alex | LocalMonero | AgoraDesk: Yo is the localmonero website source code somewhere available?