00:24:42 part of my wants to max out these 2 supermicro quad opteron boards.. and part of me realizes that they'd be stupid power hungry 02:54:23 q 04:44:44 I've been (trying) to live off Monero for the past 6 months or so. I had somebody who was purchasing small quantities from me through cash in mail and I was also using gift cards. Cake aren't doing the gift cards anymore (outside of US) and my buyer isn't interested in Monero anymore. Are there any Aussies in here that would be interested in purchasing small quantities of non-KYC Monero from me? It would all be through escrow. 04:51:58 does a view only wallet require much storage? 04:59:53 "I've been (trying) to live off..." <- Unfortunately, unless your business targets privacy-focused clients, I don't think you're gonna succeed 05:00:48 "I've been (trying) to live off..." <- why not sell on localmonero 05:02:09 This isn't much of a business, I'm just looking to cover my bills and expenses each week. 05:03:08 LocalMonero looks like non-KYC volume trading which is not in the spirit of what I'm doing at all. 05:03:41 localmonero has buyer ads and seller ads 05:03:56 its not volume trading. anyone can use it. not sure of the fees to be honest. 05:04:00 https://www.bitrefill.com and https://www.coinsbee.com/en/shop have gift cards for Australia if that helps. 05:04:01 you can sell how much you want to buyer ads 05:04:29 localmonero does not require an email address which is nice 05:04:33 modul8[m]: fees arent that bad tbh, i can find ads buying for 5 eur less than the market value 05:04:55 once i found someone buying for over market value 05:05:42 I did not know there were buyer ads. I will have a better look at it. 05:11:36 "I did not know there were..." <- may be better option to look there first as i dont see a good reason not to use it. hence why my spidey sense feeling a little tingle right now 05:14:10 As I said to you privately, we will either use escrow or I will assume all risk. I just looked, all the trades for me to "sell" through cash in mail are larger volume than I'm looking to deal with. There's no shortage of risk with non-KYC volume trading. 06:37:38 Have fun with YOUR trusted escrow 06:37:52 Ill take lm over whoareya anyday 06:38:20 "i looked" and still wrong 06:54:48 "As I said to you privately, we..." <- You're plainly lying. There are clearly 3 ads with no minimum, all of which are traders with thousands of 100% feedback. You can accept one of those ads and pay the fees (which make sense as you get the benefit of a trader with a lot of reputation), or place your own ad and deal with less reputable people at market price or better 06:57:01 actually there are 4 07:14:44 on ubuntu 23.04 there's no .bitmonero for the blockchain. Where does the GUI wallet store data? 07:21:38 https://monerodocs.org/interacting/monero-wallet-gui-reference/ 07:22:46 https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-GUI-guide/blob/master/monero-GUI-guide.md#starting-a-local-node-full-node 07:27:04 "on ubuntu 23.04 there's no ...." <- I thought that was the correct directory. Maybe you're just looking in the gui file browser with hidden directories not showing, so ctrl+h will show it? 07:36:25 no, I looked for hidden files. ls -lah 07:36:49 there's a monero folder, but no luck in there that I see. 09:56:20 where can I read more about the nuances about how Monero does pruning? 10:07:14 for example, if I create a pruned node for myself, can I use that node to restore an old wallet? 10:07:26 yes 10:07:43 or does such an old wallet need info that pruned nodes may not provide? 10:08:44 how does the pruned node still "know" about the enotes of an old wallet (a few years old let's say, and let's say I create the pruned node "today") 10:08:55 because the pruned node lacks 2/3 of the blocks 10:09:08 so it might not be able to provide the wallet the full set of enotes? 10:32:07 Pruned node has all blocks, it just stores 1/8 of prunable data for each block. You can still sync a wallet from it. 10:39:18 is there a disadvantage, to the user, running a pruned node and not a full node? 10:59:12 if the user wants to host xmrchain.net they need a full node 11:04:16 Yeah that must suck. Apart from that, using a pruned node as an xmr wallet's server seems to have no disadvantages to the user. Good. 11:04:47 read this a sec https://www.getmonero.org/2019/02/01/pruning.html 11:08:30 I read that, and the moneropedia one, too 11:08:47 currently going through the monero stackexchange's prune tag. 11:20:06 hey 11:20:13 why monero price is down? 11:20:23 145$ ? 11:21:02 Oh my bad 1 XMR = 1 XMR 11:54:19 alex price talk -> #monero-markets:monero.social 12:00:35 * nothsec[m]1 uploaded an image: (267KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/karapara.net/c7a87477f6974b12346f232c89b2ec2fd371bac62afcce4055644c83122869db/IMG_20230605_144320.jpg > 12:00:56 There is lots of stickers everywhere in Bulgaria 12:01:01 Good job guys 12:01:46 #monero-markets is also here on libera, no need to go to matrix for it 13:00:26 first confirmation is so fast, less than 30 sec 13:00:35 is that right? 13:02:02 sounds about right, it can also take a few minutes 15:06:18 "part of my wants to max out..." <- I feel your pain. Having CPU's able, but not free, is frustrating. 15:16:46 "I did not know there were..." <- funuzd: Looking for buyers in a market, you should start by looking at the sellers in the same market, just to understand the mark-up you will experience, engaging in that market. 15:29:05 "> <@k4r4b3y:karapara.net> is..." <- I have `rsync`d against remote pruned nodes, many times. After, the local, `rsync`en node, launch, and continues, like nothing. 15:33:04 48 hours in, fsck.ext4checking a 2.7 TB partition. Life sucks. 15:37:59 "I've been (trying) to live off..." <- LocalMonero is the perfect case for you, m8. It's not "volume trading" specialized by any means. 15:38:24 funuzd: join #localmonero:agoradesk.com as well, plenty of aussie sellers there. 16:59:35 How does mobilecoin compare to monero? 17:00:10 Pos fork 17:00:34 Thats as far as i got 17:01:16 Isn't it kind of a snake oil more-centralized pseudo-fork thing from CryptoNote? 17:01:27 is it better than monero? 17:01:30 alex[m]1234: Avoid it. IT's shit. 17:01:38 Monero's much better. 17:02:37 The founders/coredevs were on board with the idea of making it trackable by the state and censorable for what they think of as reasonable purposes. 17:03:23 I have yet to see a straight-up cryptocurrency I'd take more seriously as a protection of my privacy than Monero. 17:03:32 So why is in integrated in signal? 17:03:37 DarkFi looks good, but it's a very different thing with different use cases. 17:03:45 Signal kinda sold out. 17:04:26 There are options that not only haven't sold out, but have better designs now, too. Both Briar and Session are decentralized and use better designs for privacy. 17:04:59 MobileCoin has some kind of scammy premine thing going on, too. 17:05:50 Moxie took a MobileCoin premine payout for his endorsement of MobileCoin and integration in Signal, then he handed the reins of Signal over to the WhatsApp founder dude. 17:06:00 . . . who now runs Signal. 17:06:39 I knew some shit was up even before MobileCoin, though, when Moxie actually defended WhatsApp's MITM-factory feature. 17:06:48 s/feature/"feature"/ 17:07:01 apotheon: I'm already having a difficult time bringing my friends from snap chat and WhatsApp to signal 17:07:29 Yeah, it's a common and unrelenting problem: most people don't care enough about privacy. 17:07:53 Signal's better than WhatsApp, but I wouldn't trust it for anything truly significant. 17:08:14 apotheon: yeah 17:08:47 A lot can be gleaned from a little metadata and some server logs, even with E2EE. 17:10:10 But session is not truly decentralized your massages and files will stay in session's servers until the end user reads them 17:11:01 They're decentralized servers, at least architecturally, which is the necessary first step in decentralization. 17:11:10 Signal servers are *necessarily* centralized. 17:11:10 Session only hides your IP  17:11:42 Session doesn't have shit for metadata. I'm not sure what you think it's exposing. 17:12:11 Session is decentralized by design, in the same way that blockchains are decentralized. 17:12:38 Briar is in some sense more fully decentralized than Session, though. 17:12:41 Signal's messages are kept on the server for indefinite time even if the chat is with timeout 17:12:48 yep 17:13:19 If you have signal on phone and PC for example, you'll see old messages being loaded and erased even if they timed out on the phone already 17:13:24 apotheon: yes it is 17:13:39 Signal has also had some issues with not releasing source code for things in a timely manner, sometimes being so slow about it that the source isn't out until long after it has been replaced with new code, which is . . . concerning, let's say. 17:14:09 so theoretically some modified Signal version could download old "deleted" messages, I think 17:14:15 yep 17:14:27 Sigh, why can't messengers just be secure and easy. 17:14:52 not enough interest to fund the work AND keep the devs honest at the same time 17:14:53 Good adoption would be nice too. :D 17:14:56 Yeah, I know. 17:15:10 Hard to make money off people's info if it's all encrypted all the time.; 17:15:36 I'll choose keeping devs honest over convenience, as long as it actually WORKS, though. 17:15:46 Yeah, the issue is people I want to chat with, won't. 17:15:59 Get a better class of friends, I guess. 17:16:06 (har) 17:16:16 apotheon: oh 17:16:30 I've got the missus and several friends on Briar, and a few others on Session, though. 17:16:53 Most of them don't need encryption. 17:16:54 The only people I have on Signal as my main communications channel are ex-co-workers, I think. 17:17:08 Everyone needs encryption, but yeah, most people don't think they do. 17:17:20 Yeah, that's fair. 17:17:36 Tbh, if OTR wasn't such a pain in the ass to integrate into things, it's still one of my favourite general options. 17:18:11 In my opinion Briar is not good for day to day chat, Briar was build to bypass censorship 17:20:32 The main reason OTR is so difficult to integrate is probably its licensing. 17:20:51 That's one of the detriments of using licenses that discourage forks. 17:21:23 Being built to bypass censorship makes it great for day-to-day comms, in my opinion. 17:21:53 It's actually what the missus and I use most, because (among other benefits) it's the single most reliable way to get text messages through that I've ever used. 17:27:01 Briar even beats SMS for reliable message delivery, in my experience. 17:27:36 Over the years before better stuff than Signal appeared, I had a LOT of issues with Signal losing messages altogether. 17:27:56 "Session doesn't have shit for..." <- Google fcm 17:28:02 I'm pretty sure there has never been a completely lost Briar message. 17:28:37 Status looks promising, too, but I don't know enough about it yet to be sure. 17:29:06 ofrnxmr[m]: Is that a reference to Firebase Cloud Messaging? 17:29:29 "Signal's messages are kept on..." <- Session stores "disappearing" messages for 14 days. I thought signal did in fact delete "deleted" messages 17:29:49 "Signal has also had some..." <- So does session, shipping binaries with no source 17:29:58 Deoendencies* 17:30:05 Yeah, there's a two-week grace period before the decentralized message nodes delete messages. 17:30:09 apotheon: Yea 17:30:34 I think it deletes them after delivery, if they're picked up before the 14 days, but I might be mistaken. 17:30:49 Session doesnt 17:30:58 re: source . . . 17:31:09 Theyll even reappear under the right circumstances 17:31:10 Do you mean they haven't published the source, or that the binaries don't come with source included? 17:31:34 My github issue after they reappeared, and many others + session response that it is by design 17:31:54 apotheon: I mean they ship dependencies that dont have source available 17:32:20 Well . . . the fourteen day thing is a known feature allowing for message delivery without both endpoints having to be online at the same time, which is a far better approach than Signal. 17:32:55 When we tried to fork it for fdroid, linsui found the version of some module they used for encryption or transport never had any source available 17:32:55 Session source look buried deep somewhere 17:32:55 when I Go in Download, I do have all platform, zero "source" option 17:32:57 So linsuo used an open source alternative 17:33:05 Oh, if you're talking about the notification stuff in the standard Google Play version, just use the FDroid version, which doesn't come with that crap. 17:33:08 Same for signal, have to find it yourself. If it's even there 17:33:19 17:32 < ofrnxmr[m]> When we tried to fork it for fdroid, linsui found the version of some module they used for encryption or transport never had any source available 17:33:20 apotheon: It stores the messages agfter they are read and "disappear" 17:33:22 that's news to me 17:33:38 the fdroid fork ks a cpmmunity fork 17:33:43 By linsui 17:33:54 Not endorsed or recommended bt session 17:33:57 huh 17:34:02 Well, that works for me, anyway. 17:34:30 Session agreed to remove google shit, then backtracked and said they wont do it until there is a foss alternative as reliable as fcm 17:34:38 yep 17:34:50 The fdroid version uses foss dependencies 17:34:59 I was pretty sure Session was delivering an FDroid version, from its own repo, though -- and that'd have to be a version that doesn't use the Play stuff, by definition. 17:35:15 I'd have to go back and check. 17:35:42 If it's as bad as you make it sound, it still beats Signal, but just reinforces my preference for Briar. 17:37:39 https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/issues/73#issuecomment-1139230515 17:37:40 One thing about FDroid that annoys me is the way it uses the term "UPDATE" for the downloading process and the installing process, which makes it difficult at times to recognize what part download-and-install is happening at any given moment. 17:41:23 ofrnxmr[m]: Is the Session fork you mentioned in the standard F-Droid repository or in a separate repository? 17:42:35 https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/issues/73#issuecomment-1130002205 17:42:46 apotheon: Separate 17:42:57 Nvnnvn 17:43:10 It looks like the official F-Droid version has FCM disabled by default, but it can be enabled. 17:43:16 "One thing about FDroid that..." <- Use a better client 17:43:19 I read session repo. Yes, its in fdroid.org 17:43:29 idkrn[m]: What's a better "client" for F-Droid? 17:43:34 apotheon: Its just cosmetic 17:43:47 apotheon: Droidify or neostore 17:43:55 auroradroid and neosomething 17:44:07 interesting 17:44:16 I didn't even know there were alternate clients. 17:44:36 Can they be installed from F-Droid? 17:44:37 Theyre available in fdroid too :p lol 17:44:43 apotheon: The official one is the worst. It uses an ancient target SDK and has bad design 17:44:56 apotheon: Yeah but it would be better to use izzyondroid 17:44:58 good to know 17:45:03 thanks for the info 17:45:20 The other ones can auto update without privileged access 17:45:42 idkrn[m]: Fdroid basic can do this ^ 17:45:56 On android 12+ 17:46:19 "F-droid basic alpha" 17:46:22 I like how positive the Session guys are about an FCM-stripped Session fork. 17:46:38 That's a pretty strong indicator they aren't doing something sketchy, I think. 17:46:49 Not to me 17:47:03 https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/issues/73#issuecomment-1130002205 17:47:09 They backpeddled 17:47:09 The Briar guys are pretty positive about forks and reimplementations, too. 17:47:14 Oh, did they? Shit. 17:47:49 And its been > a year since linsui did it and they just continued on like nothing happened 17:48:12 Told linsui to maje sure people dont think its official or supported 17:48:29 And said they woukd eventually release an officual one 17:50:03 started off sounding great. Quickly went left when they went from "yes, i agree, we should ship a free version asap" to "use our apk, it has no fcm (lie)" to "if you dont enable it, who cares" etcetc 17:51:24 I’ll help 11 people ,on how to make $40,000 in 3days from the polymath cryptocurrency. if interested send me a friend request or direct message by asking me (HOW) for more details on how to get started 17:51:32 "idkrn: What's a better "client..." <- droidify. neostore looks a bit nicer, but can be quite buggy and frustrating 17:52:08 rosieeeeeee 17:52:28 How much is that in xmr? Rosie0801: 17:53:03 GIVE ME MONERO Rosie0801: 17:53:04 She must be too busy for me 17:53:27 Ohhh, so she cums when you call.i see 17:54:47 Yo rosie, speak. We were in the middle of a conversation 17:55:45 Curious people want to know why, out of all possible numbers, 11 people will make that money 17:57:29 Theres only 4 of us though 17:58:05 So do i get ... twice as much xmr 17:58:53 apotheon @apotheon:libera.chat: this was my conclusion on session foss... (full message at ) 17:59:58 at the same time, session twitter would be tweeting things like "remove google from your life - use session" 18:01:02 And id be replying like "you rely on and ship google though" 18:01:14 heh 18:01:32 . . . so "it beats Signal" isn't by as big a margin as it could be. 18:07:06 does Rosie0801 need to be banned or 18:09:22 If I could just get everyone in the world off of iPhones, a major motivation for using Session instead of Briar would be eliminated. 18:14:55 ". . . so "it beats Signal" isn't..." <- I'm not aware of anything that actually beats signal 18:15:17 depends on what you want, I guess 18:15:26 I want privacy and trustworthiness. 18:15:34 I also like it when things don't lose messages. 18:15:36 apotheon: Signal provides both 18:15:43 And you don't need to trust signal servers 18:15:45 Session doesn't beat Signal for losing messages, but Briar does. 18:15:52 How do you not trust Signal servers? 18:16:07 idkrn[m]: A lot does 18:16:07 apotheon: By design 18:16:10 Do you run your own? Great. Now you can't communicate with most of the world. 18:16:17 Sealed sender is a big part of that 18:16:24 apotheon: No necessary 18:16:32 * In reply to @apotheon:libera.chat 18:16:32 Do you run your own? Great. Now you can't communicate with most of the world. 18:16:32 Not necessary 18:16:49 . . . so you see no dangers in metadata. 18:16:51 good to know 18:16:52 Centralized network of ips and phone numbers is easily beatable 18:16:53 idkrn[m]: ? 18:17:02 signal links your account to your phone number, that's terrible opsec 18:17:10 Social graphs aren't a thing, I guess. 18:17:16 minth: Not true 18:17:17 idkrn[m]: ? 18:17:36 ofrnxmr[m]: ^ this is the design you speak of? 18:18:06 idkrn[m]: not true that it links them or not true that it's terrible? 18:18:36 Or you just believe that signal runs the same code on the server as what is published openly? 18:18:50 Or you KNOW that they do 18:19:10 Signal designed things so that you don't need to trust their servers 18:19:26 koolaid 18:19:37 ofrnxmr[m]: The code on the servers is irrelevant 18:19:49 What r u talking about? They designed things so you MUST trust them 18:19:54 ofrnxmr[m]: You just don't understand how signal works 18:20:00 Even your phone provider knows youre using signal 18:20:03 ofrnxmr[m]: Do you know what sealed sender is 18:20:18 idkrn[m]: No, you dont understand anything, really 18:20:23 Basic stuff here 18:20:42 idkrn[m]: Do i care? Yes. There is a big long blog post about it 18:20:55 ofrnxmr[m]: Sign up with a VoIP number. Also who cares if they know 18:21:00 What does that have to do with SIGNAL SERVERS 18:21:05 ofrnxmr[m]: Coming from you lol 18:21:20 ofrnxmr[m]: What are you supposedly trusting them with 18:21:25 idkrn[m]: Yup 18:21:33 idkrn[m]: Metadata 18:21:37 Everything is e2ee even metadata 18:21:44 Rofl 18:21:58 ofrnxmr[m]: This is a very convincing argument 18:22:02 Yeah,signal doesnt know times or routes 🤡 18:22:29 Phone numbers are cosmetic 🤡 18:22:44 ofrnxmr[m]: You can use a VoIP number… 18:22:45 Signal has nooooonidea how much you use it or who you talk to 🤡 18:23:03 ofrnxmr[m]: They don't know who you talk to if you use sealed sender 18:23:12 idkrn[m]: Why? I thought signal was trustless 18:23:26 Sealed sender makes it extremely difficult to find out anything 18:23:36 ofrnxmr[m]: Cause you complained about needing it 18:23:43 Thats for sender recipient 18:23:47 Not for servers smh 18:24:08 idkrn[m]: If its trustless, i can use my work phone number with np 18:24:15 But i cant, now can i? 18:24:20 What are you worried about the servers doing 18:24:26 ofrnxmr[m]: Go ahead 18:25:19 18:15 < idkrn[m]> And you don't need to trust signal servers 18:25:19 18:20 < idkrn[m]> ofrnxmr[m]: Sign up with a VoIP number. Also who cares if they know 18:25:23 explains a lot 18:25:26 ill upload my contact list while im at it 🤡 18:25:37 "Who cares about opsec? I only care about encryption." 18:25:42 Encryption isn't a silver bullet. 18:25:54 apotheon: About what 18:26:07 apotheon: What are you talking about 18:26:08 about your lack of 🧠 18:26:18 18:21 < idkrn[m]> Everything is e2ee even metadata 18:26:22 your telephone number is metadata 18:26:28 ofrnxmr[m]: Your not really in a position to claim that 18:26:36 information about who you're contacting is metadata 18:26:42 rate of messaging is metadata 18:26:54 👀 plowsof dm'd me and said "go tf to off topic. Ill kick you too" 18:26:56 apotheon: Sealed sender makes that almost impossible to find out 18:27:19 apotheon: Fair, but what can they actually do with that 18:27:22 idkrn[m]: You dont know what yas is talking about 18:27:29 idkrn[m]: Off topic 18:27:48 We watched a movie in classlast week about thus 18:27:57 ofrnxmr[m]: You keep saying that and nothing this 18:28:33 i think the best thing to do is to direct ALL of these complaints toward Molly. (after the android wallet sdk ccs is merged and hopefully funded) 🙏 are you ready for this energy valldrac 18:28:34 Are we in danger of being kicked if we don't change the subject? 18:28:49 * In reply to @ofrnxmr:monero.social 18:28:49 You dont know what yas is talking about 18:28:49 You keep saying that and nothing interesting 18:29:03 18:27 < idkrn[m]> apotheon: Fair, but what can they actually do with that 18:29:24 is the topic just "encryption" vs "metadata used to build social circle / time / frequency of messages"? 18:29:26 build social graphs, leading to investigation of other aspects of your life using targeted tools 18:29:57 opsec matters for communication 18:30:02 Fine, fuck yall 18:30:05 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwGsr3SzCZc 18:30:05 skip to 5:35 18:30:09 economic activity is communication, including Monero 18:30:26 plowsof11: Molly does not deserver complaints 😤 18:30:36 * In reply to @plowsof:matrix.org 18:30:36 i think the best thing to do is to direct ALL of these complaints toward Molly. (after the android wallet sdk ccs is merged and hopefully funded) 🙏 are you ready for this energy valldrac 18:30:36 Molly does not deserve complaints 😤 18:31:05 What does it "deserve"? 18:31:07 apotheon: There is no social graph to be built when they only know how many messages you send 18:31:17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwGsr3SzCZc 18:31:22 5:35 please 18:31:27 ofrnxmr[m]: Praise and money 18:31:42 Watch slowly and stop embarassing yourself in public 18:31:47 idkrn[m]: Lmfao 18:31:52 idkrn[m]: You ignored the part about who's on the other side of the communications -- and yes, the number of messages sent does contribute to social graph analysis. 18:31:55 Praise for what? 18:32:07 It shows strength of connections (or purports to show that, at least). 18:32:29 Please tell me what molly has accomplished in 2 yrs worthy of the praise and money aboce what is already allocated 18:32:48 (after you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwGsr3SzCZc and skip to 5:35) 18:33:00 apotheon: Who's on the other side of is protected by sealed sender 18:33:22 l o l 18:33:32 ofrnxmr[m]: Not in a place where I can do that 18:33:41 Go reread sealed sender. Even if it it, IT HIDES NOTHIBG 18:33:45 ofrnxmr[m]: This is too technical for me to understand 18:34:00 Signal knows what ips are receiving messages, replying 18:34:05 idkrn[m]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwGsr3SzCZc 18:34:05 ofrnxmr[m]: That's its purpose 18:34:19 Video form ya damn hippo 18:34:33 idkrn[m]: Says you and nobody else 18:34:34 ofrnxmr[m]: What 18:34:39 Not even signal 18:34:44 idkrn[m]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwGsr3SzCZc 18:34:45 ofrnxmr[m]: What does signal claim 18:35:04 Read what sealed sender is and does 18:36:11 Sealed Sender is designed to reduce data retention, not to prevent data collection. 18:36:29 im going to read this https://cs-people.bu.edu/kaptchuk/publications/ndss21.pdf in #monero-offtopic:monero.social 18:36:29 Only a jackrabbit would think it obfuscates data flows from 1 endpoint to another 18:37:16 While it theoretically prevents building a social graph directly, anyone with access to the system can use it to collect data elsewhere to build a social graph. 18:37:37 ofrnxmr[m]: "shouldn’t need to know who the sender is." 18:37:37 https://signal.org/blog/sealed-sender/#:~:text=shouldn%E2%80%99t%20need%20to%20know%20who%20the%20sender%20is. 18:37:41 #monero-offtopic 18:37:52 Apotheon you can join on irc too 18:37:56 You don't even need much technical background to get that from the sealed sender "technology preview" blog post. 18:37:59 apotheon: Collect what data? From where 18:38:00 I'm on IRC. 18:38:09 What do you mean? 18:38:28 oh, I see what you mean 18:38:30 #Monero-offtopic is bridged to irc 18:39:11 not that I need more channels 18:39:42 Of course, the general stuff about social graphs and metadata are relevant to Monero, too. Opsec matters for all communications, including economic transactions. 18:39:59 The particulars of sealed sender aren't Monero-relevant, though. 18:41:58 ... 18:42:06 Wrong room apo :) 18:42:51 Weve moved chat to where we can speak without restraint and go as far down rabbit holes as necessary 18:43:50 . . . so opsec is off-topic for Monero now? 18:43:53 weird 18:44:22 signal has absofuckinumgluteky nothing to do with monero 18:44:47 18:39 < apotheon> Of course, the general stuff about social graphs and metadata are relevant to Monero, too. Opsec matters for all communications, including economic transactions. 18:44:50 18:39 < apotheon> The particulars of sealed sender aren't Monero-relevant, though. 18:44:54 The other room is monero-offtopic, not random-offtopic 18:45:07 ohhhhhkay then 18:45:33 Like research lounge instead of lab 18:46:18 it gets to be pretty active too, and some good convos there 18:46:33 Such as thus exact chat was has with the past week 18:46:43 Within* 18:47:29 Regarding signal, metadata, and social graphs specifically 18:53:33 "signal has absofuckinumgluteky..." <- It does use a fork of Monero 😊 18:53:45 "Regarding signal, metadata..." <- So, what's the room to discuss this? I'll join in 😁 18:59:23 As always, in my experience, shifting channels killed the conversation, but in this case it was probably a mercy killing. 19:01:39 No problem. Next time. This is a recurring discussion 19:02:22 apotheon you didnt switch channels , the conversation is happening on our computer screens which remains in the same place 19:03:05 Really . . . ? I'm in monero-offtopic and I see nothing but a link to a video. 19:03:50 oh, and a link to a usenix conference thing 19:04:54 . . . and the video was linked here first, so it's not exactly a continuation. 19:05:32 we're batting for the same team, the devils advocate has left - so we can just agree with each other or let the conversation die 19:07:21 sgp: can you fix history in off topic 19:07:39 what do I need to do there 19:08:10 Its set to since invited, the rest are.."since the point of selcting this option" 19:10:03 Is seeing the history important? I wouldn't think so for an offtopic channel? 19:11:14 We have important convos there all the time 19:11:26 in offtopic? 19:11:39 just not necessarily about "monero" 19:12:33 Pools is the cesspool 19:12:43 Offtopic is just not monero specific 19:42:07 Hmm what is the backup plan if there is a global internet outage? Asking for a friend. 19:46:23 chch3003[m]: For broadcasting xmr txs? Short-wave radio. 19:46:35 Bounce them off the moon for extra swag. 20:00:48 And synching nodes 20:03:36 Send plowsof  20:05:02 Althea network is worth looking into, they seem to be doing real usable infrastructure as opposed to Helium's useless toys 20:05:28 but yes, we can do packet radio too if needed 20:06:32 probably we should get more HAM radio folks into Monero 20:07:07 a lot of them are already experts at off-grid living, run solar+battery operated radio relays, etc 20:09:09 but I like the notion of Althea's community owned 4G networks. LTE mesh networking, pretty much ideal. 20:10:08 still would want some satellite assistance, for intercontinental comms 20:12:26 But you need KYC for HAM, except if you ignore the law of course. 20:13:30 Isnt it licensed? 20:13:33 (You have to pass tests then you get assigned a callsign (linked to you) 20:13:52 so yes, it's KYC/licensed 20:14:10 yes that's true 20:14:46 and if you ignore the law and operate an unlicensed transmitter powerful enough to have a useful range, you'll have unwelcome visitors come to shut you down 20:15:13 hyc: yep. exactly :/ 20:15:18 there are some unlicensed radio bands still, for short range comms (1 mile or so? something like that) 20:15:48 walky talkies, FRS radios, etc use them 20:16:05 Yeah, more than a mile. 20:16:06 Using some frequencies I don't remember 20:16:06 Like these doomsday communicators I saw a while ago (forgot links) 20:16:56 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9qWJNcTHWI 20:17:02 you can also get pretty decent range with wifi if using narrow beam point-to-point antennas 20:17:52 oh, that uses LoRaWAN 20:18:22 low energy, low bandwidth. good for SMSs I guess. 20:19:49 we funded these guys, but their Lorawan project went nowhere https://twitter.com/Locha_io 20:19:58 maybe they exit scammed, I don't recall the details 20:23:13 that armachat looks like a nice device to have anyway, for dire emergencies 20:23:25 but it won't keep the monero network running 20:23:27 they have updated version https://hackaday.io/project/182611-armachat-picomputer-fusion-with-raspberry-pico 20:24:46 Non, for Monero, you need way better (can't even work on HAM even if you have a license) as the allocated frequency are quite narrow, you might be able to use a 9600 bauds modem legaly. 20:25:51 yeah. so LTE mesh or point-to-point 802.11 wifi 20:26:09 maybe Elon's Starlink will still work ;) 20:27:38 or we send microSD cards around, strapped to pigeons' legs 20:29:30 Interesting, I bookmarked the links :) 20:29:30 I am afarid we can't sync nodes from radio tho. Hopefully we have Starlink or renting a satellite like BlockStream is doing 20:32:45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DumgHz56IjI&t=21s 20:33:20 @hyc Was it this guy working on Locha https://twitter.com/willcl_ark ? 20:33:22 That kind of tech could work. 20:33:22 But we would need designated nodes. to prevent people using all the bandwidth syncing 20:34:40 chch3003[m]: it was Randy Brito, but I dunno who else worked with him https://twitter.com/randybrito/status/1219236455823921153 22:49:52 Anyone notice wavweb constantly connects and leaves? 22:58:34 Yes 23:09:32 Kick 23:09:38 Em